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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. Pre 1.2 we would just swap out of crit mods for surge+power, given BM now has a big expertise rating its not so simple to just switch them out, so im curious as to what everyone is doing/planning to do now.


    I still swapped out Enhancements for Power/Surge. :) You only take a 3% Expertise loss which isn't really big in the grand scheme of things. Your gains far outweight what you lost right now. IMO.

  2. I'm running into problems with not wanting to flame burst to save the proc but needing the target to be on fire.


    Also running into alot of famine situations still. the increased % on FB and RP isnt really noticeable.


    Yeah. *HAVING* to use IM First is making my opening a bit clumsy as I'm so used to Flame bursting (when I know PPA isn't on cooldown that is).


    I waste a lot of procs cause of that right now. heh

  3. Can you still strip out good mods from champion gear in 1.2 and put them in your battlemaster gear for an improvement?


    If so what are you using, the imperial agent mods?


    Don't know. I'd assume so, I have no champion gear to test.


    I did just save all the enhancements I had from before 1.2 Hit (So my gear would update) which is what I used.


    Healers really got boned this patch so you do NOT need back to back PPA Procs to beat em, they die very very quickly now...

  4. Now that I have some time to sit down I will type a bit more in depth outlook on this. I'll continue to update this thread within this coming week as more testing is applied and new things changed or learned.


    Current Gear Setup And Spec - Added 4/26/2012

    I am going to keep this updated as best I can. Since there is no Armory this is a good, alternative:




    Full Match Videos:

    Started recording full matches for a bit. Staying away from "compilation" videos for now so you can see all the nitty gritty of Pyro now. The great burst, and some of the heat issues the build suffers. Giving you an overall idea of how it plays.


    - Added 4/26/2012





    Pyro Specs Tested /Used Today:


    5/5/31: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMZMcZfhMbdGGMs.1

    7/3/31: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMbZ0cZfhMbdGGMs.1

    8/8/25: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMhZMsMZfhMbdGhM.1

    8/5/28: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMhZMcZfhMbdGhMc.1



    Thermal Detonator vs Non-TD Builds

    I am removing this section. I am 100% In favor of TD Builds again. :) They are providing the best overall damage with current heat changes for me in Warzones.


    Modding and Gear


    Current Stats: http://www.exphryl.com/warhero_crafted_new_stats.jpg


    I started the day in regular BM Gear. I changed everything back before 1.2 so the new stats would upgrade appropriately. Being mildly disappointed at the amount of accuracy I went and gave it a shot.


    Half a game later as I left the Warzone, I remodded the Enhancements with the Power/Surge ones I had left over from old IA Champion gear.


    Unfortunately I can not see how this is attainable other then checking your GTN. It isn't practical now for new 50s. On the plus side the new War Hero gear has Power/Surge but that again, isn't a practical solution for most people.


    I did however opt for more 38 Endurance / 18 Power / 48 Surge over the 23 End ones. It was amazing how much endurance I lost with the "upgrade" and It just didn't feel right PvP'n with 16K buffed (give or take) HP. So I stretched out as much as I could to get up to a little over 17K. I am also using Moddable Bracers and Belts with PvE Parts.


    If you notice from the gear it's the new War Hero gear, crafted. I was able to on an alt Crit every piece for Augment slots. For the time being each augment slot is filled with the "new" Reflex Augment. (13 End/18 AIM I think they were off the top of my head). Trying to proc the Epic version but no luck yet. Either or that in each of the 5 pieces for me, outweighed the set bonus of 15% Crit on Rail Shot. I always believe consistent damage is better than chance damage so it's a preference. Figure out what works best for you. (On the plus side once I get the WH Gear officially, I'll have Augmented versions to just transfer that armoring over)

    General Rotation and Heat Management


    To not downplay it, the PPA change hurts Heat greatly in PvP. The few PvE Flashpoints I did today I had 0 heat problems on a boss since I could easily weave in rapid shots between attacks. However, lets not fool ourselves, there are more then enough times where we have no option for rapid shots when fighting an opponent and we need to desperately kill them before they kill us.


    As such in a Warzone where we are not crushing the other team I do overheat more than I'd like. I still manage to kill whoever it is I want at that expense and in a lot of cases my demise right after, but taking out critical targets helps my team push more. In a Premade though I have a bit more flexibility as we focus targets and don't have to go all out myself all the time. In those cases heat isn't an issue.


    Sitting at 0 Heat, my general rotation; considering cooldowns are available (This is obviously up for tweaking as I get more playtime in) :


    Thermal Over-Ride > Incendiary Missle > Thermal Detonater > Rail Shot > Rocket Punch > Rail Shot (If PPA) > Flame Burst > Rapid Shots.


    The reason I Rocket Punch before FLame Bursting (Which I normally didn't due to how RS resets CGC Proc) is due to it having a higher chance to proc a PPA. The earlier I get that on cool-down the better.


    If this is a consistent battle I just reset the rotation on the next target. However, I'll never use IM again. It's to heat costly if Thermal Override isn't up. it's depressing really since it's damage is pathetic and it only used to not was a PPA proc initially. But in a group battle that is continuous it causes to much overheating and I'd much rather "miss" a potential PPA than overheat and be SOL.


    Overall Thoughts On Pyro:


    Generally speaking, I am very pleased with the way the class still continues to play. Survivability is still an issue which i don't think will ever be adjusted though.


    Overall damage, with the Re modding didn't change much. I consistently get 4.5k Rail Shot Crits with the occasional 5k+. You still have more than enough burst potential to bring down a player of your choosing which I like as healers, even nerfed the way they were with the expertise change, can be a pain to kill. (I'm looking at you 3 TA Operatives).


    However, one nice thing about how the BM Gear changed is everybody has these high accuracy enhancements hindering their gear so for now, MOST players are doing a lot less damage than they should so you can actually stay alive fairly long. This will change once remodding comes in to play for the masses so enjoy it now.


    Pyro vs AP Preference:


    The following is purely my opinion on the playstyle of the specs, and why I choose Pyro over AP (since there will be a lot of AP Threads popping up for sure)


    I started the day with AP, since it got the brunt of the changes. I did have a BM Combat Tech set available to use to keep things consistent with other players using this build. I am familiar with the build and play-style just the same as I am with Pyro. If anything this patch made AP play-style easier to manage with the additional snares.


    A few games in though some things were still glaringly obvious as to why I do not particularly like AP.


    - Updated Flame Thrower was a nice addition, with the snare and easier to build stacks. But this ability, in PvP still suffers from the poor net-code this game has. A stunned target yes, it's very easy to hit them with a full duration which is significant damage. However, even with the snare, sometimes the player right in front of you is not being hit by the ability.


    -In general I feel as if the ability is still easily avoided and is still to reliant on Stuns and immobilized opponents to get the maximum benefit. Perhaps if there was a root of some sort added in to the tree it would make more sense with current talents. Personally I'd like to see the snare added to RB be baseline, and specing up to the "new snare talent" added a 2sec root to the ability (Well, not a spammable root, but some type of ability on cooldown that roots. Similar to Operatives that are concealment that can spec in to it).


    -I don't want to give the wrong impression, AP can do decent burst. There isn't enough control over that burst though which I find a personal dislike in the tree.


    Anyways. That's about it in general for everything. Like I said i'll add, take away, update etc this post as the week progresses for people.

  5. I was under the impression that you could unlock legacy perks with either legacy lvl or simply buy them with credits.


    However, with legacy lvl 28 I still have to pay (allot) for everything?

    What did I miss?


    Yeah having the same problem. They specifically stated it was one or the other multiple times and now....it's not that.


    GG Bioware

  6. With CC you can out DPS them by a large margin. With HO you can kite them. If they blow their CC breaker early on your AE stun you can hit them with the 4s stun when they get low and burst them before they can use the 99% damage reduction. With your fast move speed you should be able to kite them and circle strafe.



    You do not go in to use RB or RP against a mara (unless stunned) and actually only use RP for burst after a PFT. You should only use RB against a stealther anyway, it's a wasted GCD otherwise.


    If you can pull them before they leap it's also a big advantage to deny them some resources and prevent a free hit.


    Basically IP/FBX5 while kiting with HO/HtL, AE stun, relics and adrenals and battle awareness, PFT/PG, CG/electrocute, RP/SS, Immolate/FP. If they don't break the AE stun save your 4s stun for their 99% DR. If they break the first stun your RP/SS + immolate/FP combo should kill them before they get to use their 99%DR.


    Will all your CD running PFT + immolate + RP can hit over 14k damage. 12-13k will be normal.


    This seems like an entirely best case scenario and generally getting lucky with the crits and the Mara not paying attention to using his Undying Rage. Nor the mara in your example snaring you after H.O ends.


    The problem presents itself then, now what? You've exhausted all your resources and just medded up. You get jumped by a player that actually has skill. You become more of a free kill than ever now....


    (At least from when I PvP pretty much every single Warzone I kill somebody and even before I'm back to full i'm battling somebody else. I do have enough tools however in Pyro to come out on top for long periods of time before a demise. Tools being snares and massive burst. Even without PPA Procs a Pyro burst is still very high)

  7. I am not entirely sold on Hybrid Optimization being entirely ruined.


    Even now in Today's game I run 7% Expertise LESS than a full BM Geared player.


    However I have more health, more overall damage with higher main stat, and a better set bonus (Note: I haven't fully looked over the full stat itemization to see if Expertise being added as just it). But I can see running 4-5% less again if the PvE gear continues to juts be statted better.


    Dunno. Have to do a bunch of tests tomorrow.

  8. Doesn't look like it's going to happen now. There is a sticky post from the devs on the PTS forum. Rakata/Columi/Tion etc are staying the same. Only think changing with BM is expertise is getting bumped up a bit.


    Yes, however, to get the new stats you need to have the original TYPE of mod that was in there. Here are some links to help make sure you have the rights mods. (As some have same stats but are different types). Not saying that's what you said but just so people understand how this asinine upgrade system they added for the gear works.








    I did the same thing as posted earlier and spent way to much money fixing everything. Thank god I saved every enhancement for some strange reason =/

  9. The OP is nothing at all like Taugrims build, unless you think everyone using all three trees are the same lol.

    Look at where he spent his talent points, they are ZERO alike.


    ^This. People seem to think High Shield + Some Tactics + Assault = IF....


    As far as the build goes, it looks to be a bit more "DPS Tank" rather than a "Control Tank" which for some people works out better.


    The only thing I see which seems odd is there wasn't a snare talent taken. Albeit Ion's snare doesn't last long, it's better than nothing.


    Either way, the 922k IS an impressive number (especially not in voidstar), even if it didn't amount to many kills, because he forced healers to focus on HIS targets...he controlled much of the fight with 922k damage. Obviously his team wasn't able to capitalize on his damage, hence the loss, but it sure as hell wasn't the guy with 922k damage that didn't do his share.


    Focus Healers.

    Healers Focus Themselves to stay alive.

    Everybody else dies around them from not getting heals.


    It's a simple concept people fail to understand as they beat on DPS getting healed without switching....


    Than again, I tend to spend most of my warzones picking out healers or priority targets rather then focusing on a high overall damage done....I like winning.

  11. Totally off the wall.


    But I personally like to use Two Piece Combat Medic and Two Piece Combat Tech when I spec AP. Having the longer energy shield, even just a few seconds, is pretty amazing. Longer Carbonize is obvious.


    Like the above poster said, the 4 PC is "nice" but kind of Meh. Rather stay alive longer to do more damage then rely on a "chance" of a crit.


    Same for my use of PvE Combat Tech for the Damage bonus over BM Elim for Pyro. Although I'm forced to use that 15% crit bonus with patch :(

  12. I do get mildly confused on the "I'm AP I always beat Mara/Sents" I read.


    One of the benefits Pyro has is you can kite them. AP, especially now, gives you 0 luxury in that (As H.O is all that's available to keep any range for a small amount of time).


    So you just stand there and let the terrible ones beat on you and hope you out dps them?


    Not trying to sound like an ***, just a bit confused on the strategy being used here as AP.

  13. Just looking for Clarification.


    I believe originally a bit ago 8man queuing wasn't going to be turned on immediately for 1.2. (like i'm talking I read that a few weeks back but haven't seen mention since)


    Is that still the case for "Pre-season" or will we get 8 man queues tomorrow?

  14. How do you feel about your spec and what do you think you will change with 1.2 as either PvP or PVE.

    I know Carolina Parakeet is dead and i really dont think 4/12/12 will be a new viable spec.... <.< So lets talk hybrid specs and 31pt specs!




    For pyro most likely have to go back to 31 Point since TD is a filler now.


    The only Hybrid I will run is 24 AP/17 Pyro.


    (I dislike what is considered PT Tanking in PvP so I stay away from those builds as much as I can anymore)

  15. Seems like this needs to be in the Jugg forum.


    It's been obvious for...well...ever. Jugg's have the single highest damaging ability in the game. So a thread on "highest number" while good in theory, is useless....

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