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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. With how easy it is to avoid flame thrower, be kind of nice if it worked like Force Lightning, but with a lower % damage to hitting other targets (To keep some AOE-Ability).


    But at the very least you won't have to worry about latency and other still coding ruining a perfectly flamethrower on a target.


    Obviously would never happen but still. Would add a bit more to Single Target DPS in PvP for the spec.

  2. I know this has been discussed alot and i don't intend to start it all over, but will the ridiciolous rs-nerf for pyros make it into 1.2?


    I haven't seen any information or patchnotes lately, so does anyone know what we will get tomorow?




    Unless some drastic change over night, which won't happen.

  3. There is NO question. Champion gear IS better than Recruit. In fact, the devs said that the new Recruit will fall between Centurion and Champion.




    The only difference with patch is Recruit helps *Fresh 50s* (Or ones that currently have no Expertise) Compete appropriately while making it quicker to attain the new BM Pieces.

  4. my biggest problem with 1.2 is that bioware put the class changes on PTS, and then asked for feedback regarding whether or not they were good changes.


    a ton of evidence was presented that proved biowares changes to be completely ridiculous, yet the devs never posted a response to any of it, and those changes are being forced to live.


    if bioware doesnt want to test their game, thats fine. but when the players DO test it, and find it to be improperly implemented, the devs need to listen, communicate, and work to make things right


    That's my biggest issue.


    Why test things if feedback goes ignored?

  5. PvP is gonna be more geared based then skill based then it is even now. The current champion gear will actually have less expertise on it then the new recruit gear will. PvP is gonna turn into who has more expertise just like wow is with resiliance. They are basically taking PvP and making it 100% about gear.


    That would make sense, minus the fact they are making the gear beyond easy for ANYBODY to get and with no valor requirement =/

  6. Thanks for allthe advice bro. =) i do have a **** ton of extra comms on my main lol.. i might go ahead and stock up on adrenals lol.


    One more question you said stock 1k WZ comms.. not Merc comms though? so the BM gear only costs WZ comms now right?


    Yeah. WZ Comms only. (Unless I missed a recent patch note change)

  7. X hey its Mirra (hello rest of you)


    I got a few questions before 1.2


    1- I got BM elliminator set now on my main. Is it worth it to get the Augs you have from Agent gear(i need to know what ones if so) and replace them now before it's to late. I want to do the max damage i can from RS, FB, IM. ( my newbness was stackin crit aim and surge in that order lol) ><


    I wouldn't worry about it since it'll only last for about a week and then you'll need to throw in the original BM Mods/Enhancements back in to the gear. Unless you just want to have some super high damage for a week yeah, go ahead. Logically I wouldn't though at this stage in the game.


    (Obviously tentative on patch being next week)

    2- I have a fresh 50 on another server. Is it worth it to spend the 1k 1k (merc/WZ comms) now or just wait out for 1.2 and get the gear?


    Personally, I would start buying up adrenals like crazy. With them raising in price and getting less comms per match might as well stock up now.


    I would also make sure you keep 1k WZ Comms banked for patch though to headstart your BM Gear.


    The new recruit gear cost about 320K Credits Total and you'll get 600 or so Expertise off it which will last you great until you farm the full BM



    3- with all the changes going into 1.2 for us PT's is it worth it to still go pyro? (I prob will still go pyro reguard) Or do i need to try and nab another set now?


    Again, with 1.2 coming right around the corner unless you have spare BM Comms on your main I wouldn't worry about trying to pick up the Combat Tech set. I'll personally be staying Pyro, or an AP/Pyro Hybrid.


    It's very hard for me to give up a snare on a very strong hitting attack we use all the time in PvP, just my opinion.

  8. Errr ... ever gap-close with Grapple? Jet Boost? Electro Dart? Ever shoot around a corner?


    Grapple: 45 Seconds

    Jet Boost: Shield Tree Only

    Electro Dart: preference, I prefer not to waste a stun on an enemy to gap close unless they are near death.

    Corner: I don't have magic bullets that bend space and time and wrap around corners. I need to be actively chasing. However, I shall suggest such bullets on the suggestion forum. i feel it would be a great addition.


    But at the end of the day, we aren't Operatives. Those guys get screwed on gap closers so always something to be optimistic about :)


    PS: Sniper isn't Hard to play. No class is. Most classes just require common sense which is where people lack.

  9. I'm telling you. as someone who has been trying all trees, all specs for months now. AP doesn't need more. It's alot closer to balanced pre-1.2 than you think, you just haven't a clue how to work it.


    After 1.2 not only is it a good tree to use, but it's going to be lolzy to have an uninterruptable PFT firing off with HO up. Sure, you can get stunned and it's still lost, but even that's a gift because they wasted a stun on what is your icing-on-the-cake ability.


    After 1.2 not only can you keep up and catch up with classes 90% of the time with your PBoots and HO, but now we'll have a 50% snare added to our blade... I don't know how to explain this to you guys... A good AP is going to wreck any other class.


    Obligatory as somebody who has been trying all three trees for months also (Since apparently that is pertinent to a person like yourself). It's obvious to anybody with eyes, that AP needs assistance.


    Why is it when ever somebody that is gung-ho about AP is questioned, it's followed with "You just don't know how to use the spec". This is neither helpful nor useful to the discussion.


    I'll throw one out there too, you play the other specs so poorly that you are convinced AP is fine because you can play that spec moderately.


    See how constructive it was? It wasn't...

  10. AP/Tactics is a good spec to use, i love it. I was pyro/assault until very recently and i can say pretty confidently that AP/Tactics is fine. What people seem to forget is that pyro is squishy rdps and ap is tanky melee dps. you lose burst/damage and gain survivability and mobility enhancements.


    The tradeoffs are fine for what you get, its just a different playstyle. I lost on avg about 150k+ worth of damage per wz switching from pyro to ap and in return i can hold off upto 4 people for a decent amount of time instead of getting bursted down fast.


    I like it, it works for me because i make it work, yes pyro is more damage but damage doesnt always win wz, staying alive however does win wz.


    Honestly, due to Energy Shield cooldown in Pyro, I'd say Pyro actually has better survivability than AP. (And if you consider 20% Reduction on Stun awesome, you are still stunned taking a lot of damage and not able to put out the burst needed to overcome it)


    H.O is good to get out of roots and make a vain attempt at getting away, but it's only a temporary solution to survival in a battle.


    So I'm a bit confused how you can hold off 4 people for a decent amount of time =/


    AP needs some talent defensive cooldowns or passives added. That i'm guessing was on a post-it in a trashcan of one of the developers though.


    Jet charge is also much faster to prevent a cap at 30m.


    The stealth scan is actually a stun when specced for PvP to foil Scoundrel and operative opening and avoids the biggest opening burst in the game.


    Not denying Assassin's ammount of utility in Darkness, but trying to claim its SO superior to PT in that field is worse than shooting yourself in the foot, its ripping it off with a chainsaw.


    Stealth Scan is a root, not a stun when spec'd in to it.


    I'm all for comparisons, but at least get the talents correct =/

  12. you're a noob and no amount of points will help :o


    Look at http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZfcMMbMbZcMfRsMko.1 though.


    Don't under estimate Backlash.


    On my Operative, killing sorcs is normally like a hot knife going thru butter, 3 shots if squishy, some last 4 if lucky, except Sorcs that talent that blind.


    Bust the shield (which normally happens on the opener from stealth) and you're blinded/mez/stunned for 3s, and if you use cc breaker, you're still stunned, dont know if its a bug, but it works a lot better than it is prolly intended, thank god not many use it.


    I"m actually trying to level as many different characters as I can so I can kill you with every class :)


    Back on topic. Does spreading the points around like that hurt the damage output?

  13. I was also using incendiary missile and thermal detonator for the extra damage, and the incendiary to get the DOT started so i could use rail shot at the beginning.


    though that does basically start me at 40 heat and i guess its all downhill from there.


    Gearwise, doing dailies atm to get the 49 purple mods on this character. so not the best.


    Only use IM with Thermal Override. It's to costly to use on it's on and it's pathetic damage. I would also skip TD for now unless you are using Explosive Fuel and other cooldowns. In general I wouldn't recommend putting it in to any "rotation" until you get enough gear to really up the damage of it.

  14. I think you need a gear check


    He's struggling with heat =/


    To the OP.


    Currently do this


    Flame Burst > Rail Shot > Rocket Punch.


    If you did not get a PPA Proc, rapid shot once, then throw a Flame burst.


    Try to weave in Rapid Shots between Flame Bursts and other abilities to keep your heat around 50ish. If you go over use Vent heat but then stay around that value. You'll be able to consistently use your abilities and keep good dps on the Elite.


    Also in this case, keep Mako pretty well geared to as you'll take a good beating.

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