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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. so, as i play my assassin, operative, sniper and mara i notice one thing every time these classes are about.



    1: they are as hard as hell to kill(even in dps spec)

    2: they have obsene control and jugg both control and mobility(even in dps spec)

    3: always have the most medals and kills.

    4: always have few deaths...


    but this is all fine.... what is not fine is this...


    They always top damage and dps, even when comparing them to full dps classes that lack the defence skills.


    they can chain crit for 3k and burst crit for 5 to 7k(7k needs to be setup, on avg its 4.5 to 5k) powertechs being the worse for this since you cant counter it like you can with juggs, but then in the thick of battle you can get two jugs aoe spam for 5>7k pretty much taking anyone in the area to 20% health.



    no since when has it become fair to allow tanks even dps spec tanks to keep that kinda mobility and utility and still out burst pure dps? i mean it that is ok please buff my assassin.. im sure i would love to be able to hit 5k+ while keeping all my tools.


    You just named 3 counter classes to a DPS PT (excluding Operatives, those guys are pretty boned right now).


    I'm judging by your lack of grammar this is an elaborate troll post. I hope at least, because if not I shall face palm and have a shot for you IRL sir.

  2. I have a nub question about PT hybrids. Ion Overload 2/2 makes Rocket Punch proc your Ion Cylinder. Does that work even if you're not using the Ion Cylinder stance? If not, why do people suggest speccing into it? Note that I'm assuming people generally run the fire DoT cylinder. Is that a bad assumption? Do you switch out in-combat?


    If you are in the Shield Tree running Ion it's a great talent. If you aren't Shield, don't worry about it.

  3. I had heard that the Pyro PT was set for a nerf, which TBH it really needed at the time.


    Now I'm at a loss, they are performing better than they were before and doing more sustained burst?


    I don't profess to know that much about the class, so can someone fill me in, were these nerfed or boosted in PVP? Even the most mediocre PT in PVP is now doing incredible damage, plus the tools that the class inherently has. What's more, the moves apply the same annoying slow effect that people hated in other classes.


    The "nerf" hurt our burst and sustainability in PvP


    We can still do amazing burst single target if we have 0 heat (And as mentioned damage still is high due to Expertise changes)

    We overheat very quickly in an active PvP environment (this is where the nerf hurts us as PPA Procs helped keep our heat down).


    So high damage, low survivability, horrible resource system. Kind of where we are at.


    Personally i'd like slightly lower damage, and the other two categories bumped up a bit.

  4. Don't take this as complete dismissal but I am weary of this spec, compared to deep pyro. Today I met a vanguard rolling in this spec, and decided to get test him out... The burst of TD seems way too much for the comparative advantage of having a sure railshot crit (that doesn't hit as hard as deep pyro crit) in the 1v1s (If you can call GY camping that)


    the TD burst + 2 railshot could pretty much get him from 100% to about 40% before all your goodies kick in. Again this PT vs PT so its extremely biased towards that, given that HO (which I take it is the main reason u went down to AP) is completely useless against another PT.


    I can see this build been useful in huttball, but for the other warzones, Im a tiny bit weary....


    I posted a pretty long write up a few weeks back on this build and same thing I said in there, You'll lose to a full Pyro. No way around it.


    But you look at this build to have (compared to AP) more Mobile DPS while allowing for HO to provide for "kiting" or to advance to a point quicker. It is not, and will never be, a top PvP DPS Spec 1v1. That was never the point of that hybrid.

  5. Are you using augmented gear (chest, head, gloves, legs, boots) or did you keep the pve/pvp set bonus?


    If augmented, what augments would you recommend? Aim or Power?


    I used aim, just to get a little more crit out of it (since stacking power kills crit rating).


    I'm using BM Eliminators Set , with one piece of augmented gear. (I have a full augmented set ready for War Hero gear though).

  6. Well, even if I am losing damage using rakata over bm gear, I still gained an overall buff from expertise (from 10.7% to 17%) while my damage mitigation still stayed the same.


    if anything, I should have been topping out regularly at 5.6k+ or so. And I know I have faced some very undergeared players.


    Could try replacing all your Rakata mods with BM armoring/ mods /enhacnements and see? (Since the set bonus is tied to the gear with Tier 1 you can do that just fine)


    I know just in the Eliminator PvP Gear I can get a 5K most matches, but usually however around 4.5-4.7k on full BM Geared players.

  7. Hi exphryl


    Which piece of the new War Hero Gear would you recommend to get first? The weapon or the set pieces?




    I'm a creature of habit so I got the Weapon first.


    Next item is the Boots (Power/Surge/Expertise), than the rest of the set.


    Eventually I'll have to buy multiple pairs of Boots so I can get that beautiful enhancement...

  8. I didn't think of it like that. So I looked at the build that you posted in your sig, and you think that getting Thermal Detonator is better than getting more Aim, because Rail Shot doesn't proc as much?


    In PvP that's what I currently feel since patch to keep potential burst constantly high. (For the same Heat a Flame Burst Crit + CGC is still around 2K Less than a TD Crit)

  9. Here is a build that I made that focuses on making Rail Shot and Flame Burst stronger, instead of going all the way up the Pyrotech tree.




    I mainly use Flame Burst and Rail Shot, so I thought that this would be best.

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


    I don't understand why you would take 6% Flame burst, instead of 6% Aim which buffs all your abilities.


    For PvE a Non-TD build actually works fairly well (least from my parses). For PvP though not being able to get Rail Shots Consecutively, I'd feel a lot weaker WITHOUT TD. (On another note, i swear it's critting a lot more lately for some reason.)

  10. Love how no one comments on this thread, and only the threads where they get to complain about how bad they are now.


    To add on to this, and I hate to be harsh, but a lot of people are complaining because being a mediocre healer in this game was very easy to do pre 1.2, and there were A LOT of mediocre/poor healers on my server. With these changes there is definitely going to be a... purging... of healers who really didn't know what they were doing to begin with. I'm guessing that this population makes up 80% of the complaints on this board.


    As a DPS, from my experience with Patch healers are still a force in Warzones.


    People I think are upset they can't tank multiple DPS anymore, while healing their teammates, you know, because that was balanced and all.


    Merc Healers for me feel as if they took the biggest hit, still a pain but if I fumble my rotation I can still down them where as prepatch if I didn't get lucky crits it was near impossible.


    When we run our Premade our Healers (one a sorc, another a merc, and an operative at times) still do, like you said, pretty much the same results. They just need to have more personal awareness now where pre-patch they didn't need it.

  11. Figure start something to show/share UIs you set up (incase somebody else sees something they like).


    I have separate ones set up for PvP and PvE.


    Here is what I use in PvP



    Screenshot: http://www.exphryl.com/swtor/exphryl_pvp_ui_1.jpg


    Download File: http://www.exphryl.com/swtor/Exphryl%20PvP.xml


    I like hotbar opacity pretty low (30%) so adjust as you see fit.


    Note: Files should be placed in (or pulled from)


  12. I feel this was one of his worse thought out articles touching on nothing really but opinionated views on 1.2 (Not to mention it's a small sample in each category)


    I like Taugrim, but he should stick to guides (Which are well written).


    He has a habit on the other side, of arguing his point even if it clearly makes no sense till he's blue in the face.

  13. This is definately not true.


    If you're a Assault Spec'd Vanguard then Combat Technician is better DPS.


    You get a faster CD on your increase crit buff and also increase your HIB dmg by 8%


    If you get Eliminators the only buff you get is -1 ammo cost on HIB which is junk in comparison.


    Most people use the Crit buff with a Relic, and since Relics are on a 2 Minute cooldown our 2PC Bonus for PvE Combat Tech is worthless...

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