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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. Exphryl what is the verdict on relics. In this post i have seen you mention that you are running double bm and in another post mentioning that u are using the matrix cube.


    Double Power Relics is to swap out Relics when one is on cooldown since it won't activate the full timer on the next (only 30 secs). It's not really hard to drop combat to achieve this either. (Except on maybe Novare which is growing to be my favorite warzone)


    I'll cycle between BM Power and Champion Power (Or when I find it needed to spend comms on WH Power and BM Power, but the practice works for any DPS Relic so you could use a Power and than Crit Surge if you wanted too).

  2. I could be mistaken (Since I do not play a Merc). But isn't it a bit more devastating to be cleanses as a Merc since PTs have an ability that 100% procs a DoT on their main attack?
  3. The buff was to fix marks damage relative to other pure DD classes in endgame ops. It's a nice change, but it's only 5% across the board, it's nowhere near gamebreaking, ewspecially considering snipers have none of the massively powerful defensive CD which make maras (the other massive damage class) so dangerous.


    I find not being able to be interrupted and a cooldown to prevent Stuns very defensive.


    Perhaps you have a different view though.

  4. I did find that a bit odd when i read the notes.



    Snipers that play well easily can put out some of the most amazing damage in a Warzone. (I think it's the fact though it feels like most Snipers can NOT play their class properly....it's one of the few classes I can tell 100% when going up against if they have an idea on how to use their cooldowns etc compared to other classes)


    Oh well, Every class deserves their time in the sun as being the OP one in warzones though.

  5. I mean, ok, tanking is tanking, but if I wanted to go dps, would AP, Pyro, or a hybrid of the two work? Or a hybrid of the tank tree and AP or Pyro? I'm curious as to people's thoughts?


    Kind of a hard thing to say what is "Fun". I like Pyro, other's find AP more fun. Best thing I can say is pick a spec of both and try em out for a day.

  6. It's not apples vs. oranges it's 100 dps lost. That's just under 10 percent to weave in Rapid Shots more often then we already do.


    In PvE yes.


    In PvP it's not practical to weave in Rapid Shots in a lot of battles if you want to survive and/or kill the opponent.


    You than can make the claim well AP has HO and Pyro has nothing similar. Or damage reduction while Stunned.


    While it's great to compare single abilities and look just at DPS, there is much more to the trees you actually have to consider.


    It's basically saying "We want all these tools, and the same damage as Pyro while we are at it"

  7. It's a hard thing to compare, the passive venting is very nice and something I'm sure any Pyro would want.


    I think in this case, while I hate to use this terminology, this is an Apples vs Orange scenario.


    In PvP having better resource management to continue doing damage far exceeds a burst build that overheats in a lot of situations.


    I also feel if they gave Pyro great heat venting, it would be a big issue with the spec.

  8. Hi All,


    I'm unsure of which Battlemaster set to pick for my Advance Prototype BH.

    The tech one seems like it should be the one to go with?


    Um, one nice thing about AP is you can really use any set. I know a lot of AP people that just use Augmented gear for the stat increase.




    Combat Tech would be more use over Eliminator if you are looking at 4pc.

  9. Yes Eliminator>Combat Tech for full Pyrotech. Even with the PPA nerf you still rely on RS procs for burst. There may no longer be the lucky consecutive proc chains but almost every kill is going to have 1 or 2 RS's in there.


    You simply cannot ignore RS because of its relatively low downtime & raw damage.




    And considering Rocket Punch doesn't hit much harder (very little for me) than the Flameburst/CGC Tick attack you should only be using it to proc Rail Shot. (or at least have a good chance). The RP crit bonus is nice for AP/Shield but for Pyro it's pretty lackluster

  10. Just wanted to add I've been seeing some people on my server running 31 AP with Ion Cell. i still can not wrap my ahead around the purpose of this build.


    It seems they overheat fast then become a free kill.


    Not sure if I'm missing something in the spec here that people that do run Ion with that could enlighten me. (Wouldn't it make more sense to get rid of Immolate and just get the Shield > Ammo back in Shield?)

  11. So my question to you then since you've played many specs. Is 7/3/31 better overall for DPS ouput then 5/5/31?


    Give or take, really. Both have their merits. Obviously with 7/3/31 your Railshots will hit a bit harder. (Fully buffed in my pvp eliminator gear my top end RS damage is 2010 on the tooltip) so it's nice.


    When I got my WH Weapon I went back to it because hey, I like big numbers so wanted to see what I could manage. :) The 6% Crit in the 5/5 is pretty nice. The only thing to be somewhat worried about if you are noticing lack of crits on a lot of attacks in the 7/3 is you are giving up about 9% crit on some abilities which is pretty substantial.


    I think as AIM and other stats get higher with Gear though that becomes less of an issue as you are slowly buildling that crit up (even if it's a small amount).

  12. I am sitting at 1597 Aim with only the War Hero BP(augmented) and the rest all BM(nonaugmented) gear. Granted I am a Biochem and running the Aim Stim too but shouldn't we all be. I'm guessing that after i have all the WH augmented gear and get the last few things like +10 data cron, and the Rakata Aim Stim, i should be able to break 1700 Aim. Now will this offset the +10 crit to fire effects your talking about, I'm not sure. I'm mainly doing it for increase RS and TD for the most burst possible. And currently this seems to be the best way to take down a good marauder, kill them before they get the chance to blow their cooldowns.


    Currently i'm sitting at 1709 (with inq buff) Aim, 1632 aim without Inq buff. (note: that's only with 3 WH pieces so far)


    Could be higher but I choose lower aim / higher power mods for some of my gear. (Where were these mods for us before 1.2? They are pretty awesome).


    The reusable Stim is the only reason i'm keeping Biochem around.

  13. you clearly need to learn when to use your cc breaker and learn what the resolve bar is and how and when to use it.


    Great advice.


    I totally enjoy the no cooldown CC Break where anytime I get CC'd I can pop it.


    You sir are a scholar and a genius.

  14. In general with 1.2, it's more useful to save your Stun for Ravage over Undying Rage. They'll do more damage in that 3 sec attack then you could ever hope for with their immunity. (I naturally assume Maras are Carnage now for Gore with the root. Our guild maras love it over Anni and it wrecks pretty much anybody that doesn't cancel it out. Doesn't help their other attacks still hit pretty damn hard)


    I usually stun before the last tick so I get a free shot or two on them before the stun goes off.


    Lesser of two evils I guess :)

  15. Exphryl...first off are you the same that was on Shatterbone in Rift?


    Now for your TD builds are you using mostly combat - tech or eliminator bonus? I didn't see it mentioned. Not being war-hero yet I'm just using the RP crit multiplier.


    Yes Sir. Sexy Warrior in Zombie Goasts :) And I'm using Eliminator Bonus as Pyro.


    Who is this btw?


    Would it be worth it to lose thermal detonator to try to squeeze in steely resolve ( 9% aim)? Also Ive never really asked this before but I find that I hav eno heat problems and barely have to use vent heat at all. I This might be because I moved the two pts from Rapid venting ( vent heat cd) to gyroscopic alignment jets( auto vents 8 heat when stun, slow, KBed) I was wondering if the fact that I do not run into heat problems often means that I am doing something wrong and not getting the most out of my skills.


    I wanted to retouch on this quote. I re did a 31 Point Pyro Build with Gyroscopic and I'm seeing similar results to what Hardened did. I guess previously with how PPA Worked I never noticed the ability going off, but now it actually seems to be a bit of a great way to conserve some heat since it can be a bit difficult at times. Definitely thinking keeping the points out of Vent Heat and continuing it in this talent.


    Ex, I'm leaning toward continuing to use Eliminator gear for my War Hero set. I noticed, however, that in one of your videos it shows your crafted piece as the Combat Tech chest. Any reason why Combat Tech and not Eliminator?


    I like Blue over Green. That's it.


    The only default Combat Tech thing I purchased is the Gun just due to having a Surge Enhancement to begin with, the rest of the armor is Eliminator (Although i'll eventually replacing that Enhancement with the one from another set of Boots, but for now it's a bigger increase than the eliminator as is)


    I'm still a bit iffiy on the Implants, they really don't make me all that excited based on their stats. I may actually just stick with the BM Power Surge even once I get the rest of my gear. We'll shall see.

  16. Voidstar, Imp vs. republic, we fight for 2 minutes, every single imp except 1 leaves. We get the warning that WZ is shutting down because of not enough people. Imps win the WZ.


    What's up with that Bioware?


    Your server's timer for Warzone Shutdown magically works?



  17. 4 ravages... LOL, that assuming you can get 4 warriors all in melee range at the same time with an idiotic target who doesn't knockback (or AOE knockback all of them) or stun any of them to interrupt this very obvious animated CHANNELED attack



    that's almost the same as a 30m instant ability LOL


    1 Force Chokes, 3 Ravage.



  18. I have a pyro pt, I dont enjoy playing it because it's a fun or challenging class because it's neither. I play it occasionally because it's a complete faceroll class, and I've been saying this about 2months after the game went live.


    The class is completely broken, Bioware added more burst to the most bursty class.

    When stacked in 2's with teamspeak This class will global almost anyone.

    When stacked in 3's which my guild does occasionally, we **** their entire team?


    Thing is only one person needs to use flameburst on the called out focus target, the other 2 can skip the gobals on flamburst and straight railshot and never really generate heat, because of the 100% flamburst combustable gas talent. While we do that we stack thermal dets on a different target..


    So what you are saying is, a DPS class, 3 of them, using voice comms, to target another player, makes that player die fast.


    Got it.

  19. I've had 3, 7 Warrior Teams (Oddly the 8th on each was a Sniper/Gunslinger) and 1 full 8 Warrior Team I went up against.


    They lost each match because lets face it, no heals means you'll lose most of the time.


    However I have renewed hate for the fact Roots aren't on Resolve due to charge after charge after charge going on in these fights...

  20. it's a good idea, I would even be happy if I could trade BM in for ANY Warhero gear.


    but I gave up aiming for WH (alot of it is a downgrade, I think only 3-4 pieces of super commando is even worth it).

    but let's not over state the grind required to get BM, I got 2 sets in 1 week and that was with a lot of losing, and the difference between BM and WH is minimal at best.


    what I want is duel spec/dual equipment set up.


    So I'm a bit confused, based just off of Comms, Pre-Patch, it was 74000 Comms needed to get a Full BM Set. Now it's 87K Comms to get a full War Hero Set (if you had no BM Pieces).


    I say that's a very small increase to getting the next tier of gear....

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