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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. Can you cleanse the dot ? Yes


    Can we reapply it automatically? Yes


    Does it make us waste a GCD on reapplying it instead of rail shotting? Yes (Note: This is the important part)

  2. how important is accuracy? seeing as how railshot is white dmg for some reason ( would think it would be yellow) I just completed a full BM set ( I started this character a bit late, )I will have enough comms tomorrow to buy the war hero boots. I was intending to buy the chest and blaster immediately afterwards. should I forgo my plans and just buy reveal pairs of boots first to use their enhancements in other pieces?


    I'd recommend getting augment slots first. (from the gear). An extra 110+ Aim is very nice :)


    As far as Accuracy, I stick around 95% right now. But realistically it's one of those stats you either need to go all out or you can forget about even having it. Once I can get to the point I can buy 5 more boots I'll have pretty much 0 accuracy again.

  3. Marauders don't have incredible burst. Can you point out what abilities a marauder has that does high burst?


    Gore + Ravage.

  4. Previously a tank could stack Taunts on a target and threat was *never* an issue.


    With EC and so many tank swaps you need to watch out for that occur it's not possible anymore so certain specs will start to show through a bit more often on the pulling threat mechanism


    As for why it feels like Pyro pulls a bit more threat, not sure. Always been that way.


    I know Melee and Range have different threat Modifiers (or so I read quite a few times) so the only thing I could think of is we are a melee with a ranged threat modifier (which is higher than regular melee)

  5. Good baseline to start off of:


    Surge: 75%

    Crit: 23-25% (Ranged)

    Rest Power.


    If you feel your crit is to low at 25%. To solve that, get more Power. How does that solve that? It doesn't. It makes your hits hit so much harder that you won't need the extra crit.




    With Agent/Smuggle Crit Buff I haven't broken 30% Crit on Ranged for a good two months.

  6. Just did two tests with different use of TSO, kept things same amount of GCDs and ensured a PPA Proc to get best case scenario


    TSO > IM > TD > Rail Shot > Rocket Punch = [color="Orange"]18 Heat before next GCD[/color]
    TSO > IM > TD > Rail Shot > Rocket Punch >PPA Rail Shot =[color="Orange"] 0 Heat before next Ability Available[/color].


    IM > TSO > Rail Shot > TD > Rocket Punch  = [color="Orange"]18 Heat before next GCD[/color]
    IM > TSO > Rail Shot > TD > Rocket Punch >PPA  Rail Shot =[color="Orange"] 0 Heat before next Ability Available[/color]. 


    So yeah......doesn't make a difference either way at the start.

  7. You should have seen what we could do pre-1.2 if you think the burst is crazy right now. : )




    Pop all Trinkets, get the rare: TD > Flame Burst > rail Shot > Flame Burst> Rail shot > Rocket punch > Railshot.


    The tears were glorious. Glorious I tell you.

  8. I ran an Energy Rebounder Tank build Pre 1.2. (Well, I also tanked in full pyro with Tank gear. Content allowed it).


    I honestly can not see that being the case in EC though.


    Things hit incredibly hard in there to where the times your Energy Shield is down with this build, you'll lose way to much mitigation and stress your healers endlessly.


    Perhaps with a full Campaign set it might be possible due to the massive increase in stats, but at the very least I wouldn't do this with Rakata.

  9. No, it is the single most powerful cd in the game, nothing comes even close, if you do not agree with that play a day of wz matches without using it. Try it, and you will agree with me.


    I can stun an Undying Rage'd Mara.


    I can't do **** against a Force Shrouded Sin.

  10. Operatives/Scoundrels can hit VERY hard and some of the better geared/experienced ones can kill you very easily.


    Here's the catch, based on my own experience against top OPs/Scoundrels on my server.


    If they catch me it's a fight for desperation to beat them.


    If by chance I catch them before they can open up I finish the fight with 70% HP.


    Take that as you will but to me, because of that, their burst from stealth is fine as it is.

  11. Spreadsheets and parses do not take into account human error. They are designed to help optimize rotations and builds. You will never be able to duplicate a perfect rotation in pvp, but it helps us identify the difference between a bad attack and a good one, and how much each attack can help you over a certain period of times. Your failure to grasp the basic concept of a parser or spreadsheet simply means you probably struggled with Algebra because x is not a real number. Calling me an idiot while completely ignoring the concept or the fact that I have been AP/Tactics biggest proponent recently and claiming spreadsheets are random numbers is both uninformed and a bit ignorant.



    While a bit off topic on an AP Build, I feel Parsers/Spreadsheets DO mean very little in PvP. In PvE you have a scripted environment where you know what a boss will do, when he'll do it, and what will happen. Thus from that you can build an approriate rotation and maximize the dps in your build.


    However, in a PvP environment two entirely different players, playing the same class, can play two entirely different ways where your rotation no longer works and you have to think on the fly. It's a simple concept of why Player A is > Player B. PvP Is more about reaction to the events around you and what the other player or players are doing than a set rotation.


    Don't let me give the wrong impression, In games at time i'll spend hours at a time on a target dummy parsing and re-parsing over and over to get a consistent result. But again that's more so in PvE..


    Assault pre-1.2 had a crazy infinite burst, now it is more inline with AP/Tactics. The only thing that was holding tactics back pre 1.2 was the massive spam fest to PFT/PG and the lack of a slow. They helped fix both of those, and being with 4.7 percent of optimal Pyro performance is really good. If you want real life examples, i have friends who top both pve and pvp charts as AP. On my server the only Pyro's who can out damage me in pvp are the ones that outgear me.


    Any class can top PvP Charts =/ Not a good basis for an argument. (I've seen some off the wall specs of some classes achieve that). The thing with AP is it has more AOE damage than Pyro does, so theoretically it SHOULD always out "Damage Done" a Pyro. I can count the amount of times I use FT as Pyro in a day on one hand. From that pretty much all my results are single target damage.


    Please stop confusing pre-1.2 Assault with current Assault.


    Results from Pre 1.2 and Current Assault/Pyro are pretty much the same. If anything from the Expertise change current 1.2 Assault out edges Pre 1.2 Assault/Pyro.


    The only change is you can't get the rare Rail Shot > Flame Burst > Rail Shot > Rocket PUnch > Rail Shot type combos anymore and it requires a bit more "finesse" to manage your Ammo/Heat. It also means at least for me, if I am attacking a high priority target I need to kill like a Healer I go in with most available resources where before the proc change I could be at Half capacity and still have enough to take down who I wanted.

  12. Basically keeping my three DoT's on an opponent at all times. While also spamming Rail Shot every chance I get to bypass his armor.


    Once one of them runs out, I'll reapply it. Faced a Sage in I think either full battlemasters or high end raid gear with my Pyro PT whos in a mix of recruit, and augmented crafted blue and purple crit gear. He eventually ran away seeing that he couldn't do any damage due to my DoT and Rail Shot dropping his health like a stone. At most he could only spam his weak heal due to me stopping his big heal every time.


    This was out on Tat while doing the Rakghoul quest.


    So what you are saying is, you are giving up an ability that can crit for 4k+ on a 15 second cooldown, for a dot that lasts 15 seconds that does less than half that...?


    While I use Non-TD builds at times, I'm just trying to rationale this particular build.

  13. Ex in what order have you been getting WH pieces?


    I went Boots first (For the power/surge expertise enhancements), than Blaster Pistol, than Helm, Then the Ear Piece (This allowed me to replace one of my non-expertise surge enhancements with an expertise one again since the ear piece has a mucho amount of surge).


    While I want the legs and gloves still so I can get augment slots, I'll most likely work on buying 5 more sets of Boots to flesh out my Mods and Enhancements in other pieces.

  14. I'm considering going full ST now...but how exactly did 1.2 "kill" Ironfist? Pretty sure it's Carolina Parakeet that you're thinking of.


    No GCD Heatblast is pretty amazing in terms of some quick "burst" for a Shield Tech. Granted the spec isn't about damage but you aren't entirely useless either.


    Not to mention much better heat management with that ability so you'll have more staying power.

  15. Someone has to make BioWare notice, if you havn't noticed I always sacrifice my personal rep for social benefit


    What's the social benefit?


    "Adding Marauders Exponentially increases"....


    It's just feeding in to the trolls that are out there that make 50 threads a day about classes like that.

  16. Powertech/Vanguards. "New Sustainable Burst"




    No. Just no.


    Burst is still very high, Sustainability is much lower than the was Pre-patch.


    I usually enjoy watching your videos, but this sounded much more of a QQ video than anything else.

  17. My guess is they will come in patch 1.3, ~3 months from now. No point in bringing them before we have cross-server queues. On my server at prime-time there are only ~20 people pvping (basically only 1 WZ running all the time and if you are unlucky and don't get chosen for it you must wait 15-20 min until it starts again), so it would be impossible to play ranked. I'm sure this is the issue on other servers as well.


    I honestly feel this is what it is. On a lot servers it will make no sense to have full ranked since it'll be the same team you'll probably be going up against 24/7. Give or take a few but there won't be any diversity in who you play so you'll either win all the time or lose all the time.

  18. I capped a node by myself against a lone enemy defender. It was really easy.


    I stunned him, he used his CC Breaker, then I mezzed him and capped the point while he hopelessly spun around in circles.


    I laughed pretty hard.


    I just go in and kill the lone defender, sometimes 2v1 (But I try to time it so they both die relatively at the same time. Easier when one is guarded).

  19. No, they're saying that if the reason you're moving away from the dual-wielder is "to get out of range of that nasty 3 sec channel that will hurt a lot", backpedaling is not the answer. Of course there's times and reasons where walking backwards is exactly what you want to do. "To escape ravage/master strike" isn't one of them.


    I do find with Ravage / Master Strike the final hit is near 10M though (Since I can still flameburst before taking another step back at the distance of the last hit is why I am basing it on that). so in a lot of cases, if they aren't Carnage Spec for the Root it can be a bit difficult to just run away. (Unless you start moving at the start of the cast).


    I think Ravage in itself isn't the issue, Carnage Ravage however is a bit incredible. Considering each hit can proc an extra attack and the final hit can hit like a truck it's a very devastating attack. Add in the times you can Gore and get Damage buff going it's pretty fun to watch what our main guild Mara can do.


    Note: i'm not saying nerf it. Just adding to the conversation.

  20. When you walk backwards you walk at half speed, when you strafe you run at full speed. But in all honesty is just something people pretending to be super elite pvp'ers like to accuse people of, like keyboard turning,




    There are a lot of times in Huttball where Backpeddling can be critical to placement when it comes to knockbacks compared to circling around and jumping mindlessly.


    A lot of people don't seem to understand that concept though since "Back peddling" has such a stigma for some strange reason...

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