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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. Exphyrl, the orange pvp armors that you crafted...do they give you set bonus? and what kind of mats they require?


    I haven't worried about the PvP Set bonus for a long time so I'm used to not having that crit. I'd rather take the neat 100 AIM / 60 END from the augments. So for now the BM Set bonus does not transfer.


    The mats were cheap, something stupid small like 6 Ciridium, 10 Zal Alloy, 8 Durasteel, 4 Thermoplas Flux (Servers down now so i can't check for sure)


    Than once I get the real War Hero gear I'm already set with good armor to put it in :)


    What about 4/12/25 spec (to get more Quell) to stop casts?


    I've never been a fan of that build as I've seen it thrown around. Pyro is not a control build. It's a build built around high damage and crappy survivability. Get as much output as you can before you have to respawn.


    In theory the shorter cooldown on Quell seems beneficial. But if you get focused you will lack some of the better tools to take down that opponent. I only take that ability in the AP/Pyro build I roll with. Full pyro should be as many damaging attacks as possible.


    With the expertise changes healers are a lot more manageable to kill so you really don't need to interrupt anything. (Other than a Sorc's Innervate).

  2. AP is more "effective" than it was before. That is the ONLY comparison that is accurate, which is comparing it to itself pre 1.2.

    Other than that, Pyro and any Tank spec (Ironfist or Not) are extremely effective. It takes the same amount of skill to play ANY PT spec. Anyone who tells you otherwise is delusional and/or clueless.


    The funny part of his/her post is the fact they are discussing removing abilities from the AP "Rotation" dumbing down the playstyle even more of that spec.


    Pot Meet Kettle ?

  3. Guys, I still dont understand.


    So now after every railshot i have to count 6 secs in my head and save my rocket punch for that? in other words, i should only be using rocket punch to proc PPA when 6 secs is up in my head?


    And I find that using railshot as early as u can (before detonator) to get proc on cooldown as soon possible give me better burst. railshot>detonator>rocket punch>railshot?


    Reason I keep RS after Detonator at the start is to maximize the burst since the hit and explosion will be so close.


    RP only hits harder, for me at least today, than FB if it crits (Which it will than do more damage than the FB+CGC Tick Combo) so I save it quite a bit to guarantee a proc, well, at least for the most part proc PPA.

  4. This plus the 1.2 changes opened up some new possiblities, which would really focus on RS damage


    2/21/18 - I am not sure if it's damage will come close to either Deep AP or Deep Pyro.


    However it does make the most out of the RS PPA procs.


    Your basic Rotation would be


    RB - RP - RS (proc) - FB - RS (proc) one of them would be a guaranteed crit, and you get free RP's to offset the loss of the PPA of RS.


    I'm a big fan of AP/Pyro Hybrids but the only one I feel is worthwhile with patch is


    0/24/17: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/powertech#0-7fc6ee92-cdc2if


    That way you can get a bit of the benefits of both trees.

  5. I'm sorry but this WZ is just lolz...you have this GIANT map and you end up sitting in a small hut covering a console so that the other team can't use it from like 20m away. Not only that, it's just force storms and Mara's and Juggs using smash. Reminds me...oh yeah Ilum.


    I like the concept of the map.


    However I've yet to be in a game where a team came back after NOT getting 2 of the points first.


    Seems to be a very one sided match in that sense.


    Anyone geared gets hit for 5-6k over 3 seconds, go cry somewhere else honestly, pathetic.


    Perhaps you are playing your mara wrong if your full length ravage while carnage spec'd is only doign 6k over 3 seconds.


    I suggest you equip some gear, perhaps a weapon to see better results.

  6. Are you going to go right for eliminator WH or CT?


    I'll be going for Eliminator.


    For the thread these are my current stats with Moddable Bracers/Belt (for 0 expertise on those) and the rest remodded PVP Gear




    As you can see I'm running without a set bonus currently since that doesn't transfer from the BM armoring, haven't noticed much difference.



    It's fine the way it is.


    Being able to do 10K+ Damage in the lenght of a Ravage without being able to INterrupt it while Rooted is clearly balanced and OK.

  7. Useless skill now, range is **** in pve and pvp and the damage has been reduced (at least as a VG) by a **** ton, can't even come close to killing normal mobs with it let alone do any significant damage in pvp (hitting for 300ish per round)


    The damage does not feel like it's in line with it's description, particularly on an ability with such a long cooldown.


    Anyway /shrug thanks for finally fixing our animation as a trooper and nerfing it into uselessness before even getting to utilize it.


    oh well.


    it hits for more times. 6 I believe.


    Granted it feels weaker in general overall but meh.

  8. Did you put in BM equivalent power/surge enhancements or did you rip ones from new BM gear?


    Couldn't find any BM gear that had Power or Surge. Usually was one or the other (Surge being on some Defense gear of Juggs).


    I had everything saves for Enhancements before patch, I can see new 50s not being able to do that set up though as it'll require farming PvE gear now.

  9. Uhm, you're post reads as if you tried to RE the actual schamatic item...


    Just for clarification: You have to learn the schematic (by rightclicking without "RE mode"), then craft green augments and RE those augments until you eventually learn the blue schematic. Unless you're lucky you need to RE multiple augments.


    No, I can not RE the crafted Augments learned from the schematic....


    Well aware you can't RE schematics themselves...

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