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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. Watch my linked PvP vid above. 750k in a match, next closest person was around 250k. I'm a dirty fighting gunslinger and I go up against him all the time. If I put out 550k dmg a match, he'll put out 750k damage in the same match even if the game is a stale mate and he dies more than me.


    He has a lot of healing, and he has a team to help focus so he isn't using constant abilities which would contribute to overheating. Not to mention the damage of his abilities aren't overly impressive to what is capable out of a PT. (Not saying he's a bad player, just since we are talking about damage numbers here).


    And as stated, there *are* a lot of AOE abilities a PT has that contributes to high Damage Done on AOE-Star. So it's never, in my opinion, a good basis for pro or counter arguments on a class. (I've seen snipers and sorcs and even Maras 750K+. It just depends on how much stacking is being done on the other team).


    EDIT: also the video is Pre 1.2, so back to back PPA Procs with Railshot reducing Heat was possible.

  2. What implants are you guys going to be going with? WH wise

    Currently, for sake of this post I'm using


    2 BH Power /Surge Implants and the BM Earpiece. This nets me


    +235 Aim

    +231 Endurance

    +246 Expertise

    +88 Power

    +102 Surge

    +51 Crit

    +51 Accuracy.


    I'm feeling doing WH Earpiece / 1 implant (Bolt Blaster) and 1 Power Surge BM Implant


    +225 Aim

    +251 Endurance

    +258 Expertise

    +93 Power

    +104 Surge

    +69 Crit


    However, I may just do the earpiece and forgo the Implants to maximize my surge. Haven't fully decided yet.


    I really should type up a new thread for general Pyro guide stuff at this point I think :D

  3. Shredz,


    IGC AP builds have been around since pre-1.2.


    Technically, pretty much any build mentioned has been around since Beta =/ Just people add silly names to them now.


    At the very least I would feel a 12/28 would be a better "IGC AP" Build simply for the venting when being attacked.

  4. To the OP's credit, giving 3 of the 4 base classes (and by extension, 6 of the 8 advanced classes) an on-demand, instant-cast, low-cooldown 4 second stun was a really bad idea. 4 seconds is an ETERNITY in PvP to be standing there stunned, and there is nothing at all fun about facing a team of opponents who understand how to rotate stuns and let Resolve drain off before using their next stun so that there is never a good time to use a CC break.


    The stuns really should work more like how Knights/Warriors stun people: channeled with the ability to be interrupted. This isn't to say that all the stuns should be exactly like this (and Smugglers/Agents really do need the instant-cast 4s stun as an escape tool), but some thought should have been put into it.


    There really are too many stuns in this game, and the fact that an intelligent player can really exploit the resolve system to never give someone a "white bar" exacerbates the problem.


    I'd totally love my stun to buff my abilities too. 8K Rail Shots here I come!

  5. Please define "own terms".


    I think he means since most teams still fail to target the person doing massive burst, we can run around freely killing things hardly ever get attacked :)


    Oh, but on an important note, we should have stealth. Cause, why not? I'm sure being a BH somewhere has a gadget to give me some stealthiness.

  6. In a perfect world I'd love to have nothing but the lower aim and higher power version. At least in this tier of gear, even with all buffs to Aim, you'll have stronger attacks with the higher +Power on it.


    But I'll be relegated to the higher aim one though since that's what is in the War-Hero boots (and since I need the enhancement anyways it works out)

  7. - ]Nobody takes the talent that unsnares them, because the shield is on a 2 min cd and is the ONLY real defensive cd a PT has, so they use it for... defense.


    You forgot the part where it doesn't make you immune so you waste a cool down on something that gets reapplied automatically anyway by my classes :(


    If Degauss was Immunity to Roots/Snares it'd be worthwhile.

  8. I love huttball.


    Some classes are great at Ball Carrying, others are better at controlling mid. Some can kind of do both. (I personally try to avoid ball running unless there is no other option available).

  9. Quick question, why is blood thirst 'critical' for ranked warzones? Predation fine, but I don't think a 1% healing group buff is going to save someone if they're about to die.


    The damage increase of 15%


    Helps break turtles and pushes on points greatly when it's available.

  10. The truth is, "Hybrids" in this game have three ways that set themselves apart from marauders/snipers--stealth, guard/taunt, or healing (sometimes 2/3). Thus, in return marauders as a melee get strong defensive cooldowns (since they are always in the center), and snipers get the best kiting abilities in the game and are essentially the anti-melee. Both get group buffs.



    Predation is single handily one of the best group buffs in the game and will be critical in Ranked Warzones. ( not to mention Bloodthirst)


    Guess what class has that? Oh yeah, the one people say can only do DPS and bring nothing else to the warzone.

  11. Ranked Commendations? So you're getting the WH Eliminator set for PvE? Then you will loose the Setbonus because it is tied to the armor mod. You need to get a BM set so you can keep the bonus, and make sure you dont put Campaing gear armor mod or else it will overide it.


    Yeah, slight typo there. Meant to say "I'm putting aside Ranked Warzone comms, to focus on regular comms for a second bm set"



  12. Hrm, well I did a few movies of the Vanguard equivalent a while back ago that might be considered half-decent and it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. However, I think Storm is just too good for group PvP to pass up. IMO, Storm should be a baseline ability.


    Also, for some reason mortar volley hit harder when I ran this build over other builds. Not sure what's up with that. It's the best AoE build for Van/PT.


    Pulse Generator is bugged for Vanguards. The 5 stack affects both your AOE Plastique and Mortar Volley (At a cost of the snare not working...)


    Supposedly it's remnants of an early beta version of the talent that is still there. PT version works according to the tooltip.

  13. I am kind of trying to understand the design intent with healers here and having a hard time wrapping my head around it. No, I'm not saying Nerf Operative Healers, just mainly the comparison between Sorcs and Merc healers seem skewed very greatly.


    I don't play any of the above actively in PvP at 50 (Crafting Mules) so I am basing it on the healers I kill, and the ones we bring with our pre-made that keep me up.


    Why take a Sorc or Merc over an Operative Healer?


    Operatives have strong instant heals, mobility, and because of that need less baby sitting as they can kite and keep attackers off them for long periods of time while still healing up their team. They are also the hardest to kill for me (And this is coming from probably the highest burst class out there).


    Sorcs and Mercs, while don't get me wrong, can heal very well, I just feel like their survivability is so much lower and they have a harder time healing around them when being focused. Which, in an active group environment is quite a hindrance. As an attacker it's relatively easy to kill either of those two and I do not have to rely on lucky crits to achieve it.


    I just feel there is a strong disparity between OPs and the other two. I won't say if it's the fact OPs are too strong and need a "nerf", or the fact Sorcs/Mercs are too weak and need a buff.


    What am I missing here between these Healers as to why I am gaining an opinion like this?

  14. That I havent tried!


    Heh. It's fun. I have my guild buy stuff from my wastted 1 million credit droid all the time (stupid lack of slicing upgrades ftl) :(


    You just have to sit in the entry zone of the ship bay so they can enter, than you enter your ship last.

  15. I usually start with IR, activated for free, then crit boost plus deliver AP, then HIB, then IP and another HIB. All of this happens while closing on the target - and this is why I prefer Assault to Tactics. In the initial engagement, I almost exclusively go for the healer or for the highest DPS based on my experience with the opposition. Once in melee range you can either interrupt or stockstrike. If rooted, you can harpoon the enemy in.


    If you want to squeeze and extra GCD out of your Relics/Abilities, use AP and than hit your bonuses. The explosion takes whatever buff you have on so if you use it after you throw it, you'll still get the bonus damage/crit.

  16. At 50, the best played Gunslingers and Snipers I try to avoid in a full 1v1 scenario.


    The only catch is if I get the drop on them or I have some pillars or objects to properly line of sight them around. (The other snipers/gunslingers you can just tank since they normally won't kill you. You'll get used to who is what on your server after awhile)


    They have more than enough defenses, cooldowns, damage to destroy us (and other "melee" based classes). Their burst can easily rival ours.


    If you see them Hunker Down do yourself a favor and hide somewhere and wait it out or until they move.


    They are a great opponent to use Mortar Volley/DFA on though since you'll most likely be out of range rooted somewhere for awhile and need to get some damage out.

  17. I played all the ACs to at least 30s-40s. My PT was the 5th character I rolled. On one hand I wished I hadn't wasted my time with the first 4 characters, but on the other hand, it is was good that I had to really appreciate the PT character.

    From story, best animation, abilities, gear graphics hec even the spaceship is like a an assault tank.


    And our ship makes the best dueling zone out of all the ships! :)


    (PS: For those who still don't know you can have group members enter your ship and you can duel on it)

  18. At least on our server, Pubs have the luxury of getting Double Premade queues quite a bit. :)


    Kind of a benefit of a low pop Side I guess.


    Pugs for Pugs though, at least on DT, I think I lose 1 out of 20 against the Repubs. There are some great players there on that side that solo queue also, but 2-3 can't make up for 5 idiots.


    As far as not attacking healers, doesn't care what side you are. They could change marks to giant neon signs that say "ATTACK THIS GUY CASTING THESE HEALS" that blinks with a holodancer next to it and people still would be oblivious to that player and rather whack on a DPS whose heal doesn't drop.

  19. Very impressive burst and looks quite mobile, not sure why people voted it as being a terrible spec.


    Full melee Build, without all the melee defense bells and whistles =/


    Is kind of why it's bleh to me. (Unlike Pyro that has some ranged capabilities, AP *has* to be in melee for anything it wants)

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