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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. Just something to throw out there for people who want to maximize everything. At least to my opinion what is the most benefit.


    I'm slowly putting aside Ranked Warzone comes to buy a second BM Eliminator set.



    On the dummy with current gear I'm finding myself parsing higher with the 15% Crit rather than the 8% damage. Maybe because RS doesn't go off as much a crit is more noticeable, Not sure, but so far it's consistent being higher. (1500 over 5 Minutes is relatively easier, I seem to be around 1400 with the Combat Tech)


    So my theory is buying another Eliminator Set and since the set bonus is NOT tied to the armoring, getting all the lovely PvE Mod stats in it and just going to town with a 15% Crit bonus.


    I figure this will take me about a week and about 400K to move all mods over but when I do i'll let you know how it turns out.


    (Which works out since I've already spent 1, 100k respec so at least that will reset by than also)

  2. To keep things similar, in a 3 Min Fight:




    (I use MOX Eesktop Parser, don't see any way to export data nicely with it so just took a screenshot of the popout window)


    Using 5/5/31.


    DPS: 1423.4


    The other aspect is, i'm in entire PVP Gear. (Or in the chest piece case, remodded PvP Gear). I also fumbled a bit as I tried to fit unload in at times. Not really sold on it, channeling abilities feel way to clunky right now.


    I'm tempted to purchase a second BM Set and throw nothing but PvE Mods in to it. I feel teh 15% Crit raised in value a bit with RS being on a "longer" cooldown


    Overall though I'm wondering if going back to an 8/5/28 Build might be best for PvE. TD /AP is negligble as the burst isn't THAT important in that environment. (I hardly used it in that short little parse)

  3. Thoughts on Combust vs Intimidation? Does combust even work in PvP? I don't see a debuff icon on people i FB or RS?


    Also Prototype Cylinders? Isn't the 2% crit on our tech attacks worth it? That's CGC dot, FB, RP, TD, IM right? All our main damage except RS?


    Gyroscoplic Alignment Jets vs Infrared Sensors? GAJ helps with heat management in pvp in 1.2? Thoughts?


    Combust should work in PvP. As far as Intimidation, it's a Damage Talent and highly worth it.


    I don't value crit really that much, at least that low of an amount. Never been a fan. I'd rather up the damage of my attacks.


    As for GAJ vs IS, it's always been a preference of people playing. I like IS for the shorter cooldown on stealth detection, as well as passive stealth detection. GAJ does help a bit with heat, but I found it didn't vent enough over the course of a fight to really be worth the 2 points.

  4. For me:


    Helm, Legs, Chest, Boots, Gloves: Power/Surge Mods replacing Expertise Enhacnements.

    Main Hand: I replaced the Power crystal with an Expertise Crystal

    Belt/Bracers: Armoring in both is Reflex Armoring 25. The Modis Nimble Mod 25A (aim/endurance/crit/expertise).


    I have BM Implants, Earpiece, Offhand.


    I sit at 78.5% Surge and 20% Expertise.


    It's a welcomed damage increase in the warzones


    do any pyros use Ion gas cylinder? and what build is the one you would recommend for that.


    THANK YOU FOR YOUR INPUT! (sorry if my questions sound stupid, i am a noobie)


    If they do, poke and laugh at them. With the change to PPA being tied to CGC, running anything BUT CGC is basically like jumping out of a plane without a parachute.


    Pyro is a damage spec, all it's talents are built on Damage (Minus say, Energy Rebounder if you choose to take it). The goal of this spec is to kill people, plain and simple.


    As far as survivability goes, as you get geared up and can kill people faster, your survivability goes up greatly. I know, that sounds weird. But it's what the spec offers. I know, if I see a player, 99% of the time I"ll be able to kill them before they kill me so to me, that is good survivability.


    In group battles, well, pocket healer is welcomed especially with the Time To Kill (TTK) Being so short from the expertise changes.

  6. It's about the same for me... I was a glass cannon pre-1.2 and I still am post-patch. Just less frequent RS procs.


    Full BM armor, MH and Earpiece with 2 x Rakata implants and the Champion OH.


    I'm interested to know if people have put back in their Power/Surge enhancements after receiving the upgraded BM gear, and whether the lack of the extra expertise in the new BM enhancements has made a difference.


    Yes, old Power Surge work wonders.

    I still sit around 20% Expertise. (not really that big of a loss)

  7. Even though my BM gear had the same mods/enhancements it did not convert to the updated + expertise version in 1.2 (even though the dev notes said it would).


    Is there any recourse here?


    Yeah, for our sets (since we have the same). Some of the Enhancements were the same stats but actually different. I believe for example Finesse and Initiative were both crit/accuracy/endurance. Same stats, but for sake of gear entirely different. Made no sense.


    Should've just had a vendor that said "Trade in this BM piece with 58 Mods and get This BM Piece in return" Problem solved.


    Hidden strike was bugged before patch 1.2, if you would open with AB / Hidden strike and instantly vanish and hidden strike again your hidden strike would hit twice, that's right twice. So you would hit hidden strike a total of 3 times.



    I actually never noticed it double hit the second time.


    Learn something new everyday.

  9. I have been Iron Fist pretty much since hitting 50. Last night I was still a threat to kill 1 person when i was being 2v1'd, and competently surviving 3v1's until help arrived. And I'm still using Champ gear with surge mods.


    I think that our AoE is better since it actually goes off quickly and rattles a bunch of hits off quickly.


    Nothing in the IF was really adjusted with patch. The only thing you'll see is the different expertise changes on the gear itself.


    It would be great if you, exphryl, and others who are very familiar with deep Pyro and deep AP, would give it a try to compare it to your own dps with the respective builds. I know like my 1256 using deep pyro may be alot less than someone else's output in Pyro. I would like to see its performance with someone who has much better stats, and much lower stats.

    Like with any new build, not giving it enough time, may lead to the wrong conclusion. I just dont want to only rely on my own perception in pvp and quickly dismiss it. If there is some merit to it based on others saying so, it will push me to stick to it for a while to really gauge its performance.


    Once I get done fiddling with Full Pyro i'll revisit these Hybrids (Which I loved before patch mind you so should like it just as much). So should have something nicely written up to add to this by mid week to add.


    In the meantime look forward to see how the rest of your tests pan out.


    Also found your comment on 0/31/10 Interesting. I think heat might be pretty bad although you have a lot of burst potential.

  11. Pyro's burst is based on 6 seconds of major damage = RS/RP/RS/FB = 6 seconds



    I would like to add when talking about Pyro burst. You need to take the TD explosion in to account if you time it correctly with that first RS. It's a good 3k-5K damage added on.

  12. We are a melee class that has to run around in a mostly ranged class game with all 3 tree's as DPS. We damn sure better be the best 1v1 class with the highest dps output. But that kind of logic is beyond you I'm sure.


    Tactics/AP Vanguards/Pyro are melee.


    Can those specs get the survivability and damage of Maras too?

  13. Ravage is a melee channeled ability, the only one in the game - making it the hardest ability to execute correctly in the game.


    In addition to that, the big numbers you are seeing are usually from Carnage marauders - due to their gore 100% armor penetration. This is a buff they have for 4.5 seconds (it's mentioned as 6 seconds but gore itself is on the GCD, so it leaves 4.5 seconds).


    Basically, the marauder needs to gore you, then he has a 4.5 second window to perform a 3 second melee channeled attack - if he manages to do that, you will, and should, pay a heavy price.


    It is extremely easy to avoid this attack combination, just knock the the marauder back the second he gores you (you can easily tell who is a carnage marauder by looking at the ataru form buff) and that's it, he can't perform the extreme damage ravage on you. Or, obviously, just wait till he starts his ravage rotation and then knock him back.


    Don't have a knockback?


    You're either:


    a marauder\sentinel - you have obfuscate (pacify) - completely negates the damage from this ability.

    scoundrel - flash grenade

    powertech - you got an additional stun on a short CD...


    This is in addition to the stun each class gets and the numerous defensive CDs available to all of the classes.


    Honestly, assassin harnessed darkness force lightning can do 8k easily over the same period of time, and is on a 10m to 30m range (if you have recklessness on) and on a much shorter cooldown (not to mention it's on a freaking tank spec).


    I've played a few WZs with this spec, usually i get a full 100% AP ravage once or twice a match if I'm lucky - I guess I'm playing against smarter players...


    Learn to adapt.


    So wastes stuns on a Damaging attack, rather than hold stuns on the immunity shield.


    Seems to be a lose lose.

  14. I'm still tryin to Crit craft the GD war Hero gear ><


    I used my Operative since Ensign temple has built in Armormech Crit.


    I haven't purchased the Ship Droid parts yet so I'm sure he'ls a good substitute if you have the gifts to raise his affection up

  15. I play non-RS spec, but by looking at talents just 1 question comes to mind, if its for burst.


    why choose -free RS- over 30% dmg increase on flame burst, seeing its the highest dmg of your rotation, a 30% increase seems good?


    I've no idea, just wondered :)


    Since AP/Pyro hybrids run CGC, it misses out on the passive heat removal HEGC has. Having PPA with these builds is critical to keeping your Heat as low as possible and very easily maintainable so you can keep a good uptime on DPS.

  16. Just curious. So you found the expertise on belt/bracer wasn't worth it? What about relic?


    (I have crited rakata belt/bracer/relic)


    I couldn't live with the low endurance they put us at. I took a slight loss on expertise to get more main stat and endurance. (The amount of expertise I lost from those two and the enhancements were negligable).


    I am running dual BM Relics though to not dip too low where previously I used a Matrix cube. Still figuring out what I'm more comfortable with in this new system.


    People are hitting like trucks for all classes (Sorry Sorcs, you missed the OP Damage bus), so do not want to take TOO much damage reduction away.

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