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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. Should I keep it? If I should change it, how should I do it in an economic way? It seems that they put so much accuracy to devalue the Battlemaster set or something, because accuracy sounds absolutely useless in PvP.


    If you were Republic there is a Solution. (BM Eliminators Cannon on their side has a power/surge/expertise)


    However, seeing as you are Empire, it's a pretty ****** situation Bioware stuck our side in with the gear changes, as the only Surge enhancements is Endurance/Def/Surge on War Leader's? Boots.


    Best bet if you don't have old power/surge mods left over from the change out is to just tough it out till you can actively purchase War Hero pieces (Boots specifically) to re-outfit your gear.

  2. I'm wondering how Powertech dps compares to other dps classes like Merc and Sorcerers in all aspects of the game, solo, flashpoints and operations. I'd like to mainly dps but don't know if a dps PT is viable in endgame play. Thanks in advance, appreciate all responses.


    Basic heirarchy.


    Maras > Pyro Pts > Everybody Else.


    If you manage your heat well enough Pyro competes against top maras on most fights. Not to mention having high burst potential is pretty clutch on some fights as well.



  3. Is this good or bad for pvp right now, with the coming of rated WZ's etc... or is it just standard gear progression and part of their plan


    Dunno, I'm almost full WH after 3 weeks.


    It's not a hard thing to manage, just takes a bit of time. Either or full next tier of gear in under a month is pretty amazing.

  4. Simplicity defined:


    Energy Rebounder - PVP Talent


    Automated Defenses - PVE Talent




    If you were referring to my Sig, apparently I am bad at making sure this forum took in my changes when I modified it last time this was pointed out >_<


    Updated accordingly.

  5. You're neglecting that you got 16 bags from dailies/weeklies- bags that didn't take too much time to get so even casuals could generally get most of them- and those bags had an average 1 in four chance of dropping one. For the average person- that's 4 tokens a week, more than what's needed to get the costliest piece.


    So it's an increase in price, coupled with a decrease in comms you get from lost WZs, facing premades, etc..., and coupled with about three pieces every two weeks for dailies/weeklies.


    Not so small after all.


    I also didnt' get 140 Warzones Comms per win without even trying. So it's easier now IMO.

  6. I have Weapon, Helm, Gloves, Legs, Boots so far.


    It's 87000 Comms or so for the full set from scratch.


    Pre-Patch, just buying BM Comms it was about 73000 Comms.


    That's a SMALL increase for the next tier of gear.

  7. This thread was enlightening to me.


    I had zero idea a marauder did no damage without their defensive cooldowns. Clearly there must be some hidden ability modifer in there that creates this damage for them when they pop it. Next time our main guild mara gets a 7K+ Ravage crit on the third hit I'll be sure to ask him which defensive cooldown he used to achieve such a good number.

  8. Again, I said in my post I don't play BH but if you're after more utility maybe play a merc? Or is that too much logic too ask?


    You want a certain thing, play certain class.

    If I wanna spam tracer missle I will play mercenary.

    If I feel like knocking people out of my way I'll go with a jug or sorc.

    If I think Operatives are OP I'll play Operative, which I did, but then I found out how hard it is so I no longer consider it OP.


    I can easily tell you 90% of those thread are resolve-related issue and which class don't get buggy skills? Bunch of thread talks about how carnage Ravage can be interrupted/cancelled/bugged do you see me using them as example?


    No. Because I know for a fact it doesn't get bugged as people make it out to be. People always exaggerate on forums.


    "I don't play a PT but I know this ability never has any issues ever ever ever. Cause my best friend, Rob, he's a cool guy. He uses all the time. He pulls people through walls!".


    I really have no idea what point you actually try to make anymore in your posts in this thread, it seems to be just random thoughts jotted down without any coherence.

  9. Right. Sorry.


    Cuz Chaf flare doesn't count as utility. How useful can it be to flash out stealthing marauders?

    Cuz BH clearly doesnt have any knock backs like rocket punch. Nor any defensive CDs.


    Srsly I dont play BH and I know all these utilities. What level are you?

    And grapple don't work? That's weird. last time I checked it worked fine when a good BH timed his grapple right on my non-resolve period and pulled me into the fire.


    Maybe that only works for pros.


    Mercenaries do have a knockback. Powertechs do not have a Knockback.


    Lack of class Knowledge when trying to make a point, makes no point.


    PS: A simple search will load countless threads showing the bugginess with Harpoon/Grapple. But again, to much work for you to pull up.

  10. Dont get me started on listing all the utilities pyro has. Specing something always, always mean sacrificing other stuff. Play the damn class.



    Short Duration AOE Stun

    Grapple (Nullifed by resolve and other magical reasons we haven't quite figured out)

    Taunts (Which any DPS Spec for any tanks have)




    What else again Sir Expert of what a utility ability is?

  11. In WH gear. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/ and see what you come up with...All I can tell you is on my server I am seeing more and more people in WH gear.


    FYI: Sorcerer in full WH gear has +21k HP...


    This post asks about scaling, Marauders in WH gear are just going through me like a knife through butter!


    Because War hero gear is perfect and people won't be swapping out high endurance enhancements for lower endurance versions with better dps stats.

  12. That s very cool, thanks !


    I have found some nice sophistications power/surge post 1.2. (end 24, expertse 25, power 37 and 51 surge) from the medic canon BM.


    Yeah. That's one of the gripes us Imperials have. Republics HAVE a BM item you can buy that is expertise/power/surge. Empire does not, best surge we can manage is an End/Def/Surge on some Sith Warrior boots :(

  13. Sigh

    and how do you get that proc? goddamit you get it with that 10m ability that you have to cast. hence you get the proc at the same time when you apply the dot. hence you have NO GCD WASTED!


    The PPA Proc does not put Rail Shot on a "No-GCD" mode. It still costs a GCD. That is still time to cleanse between application of CGC Dot and than Rail Shotting. Granted, the person your fighting will have no idea they just made you use a weaker ability over a stronger ability due to the cleanse.


    Also, as fights progress that proc in PvP goes ways to helping out heat management. Eventually we'll overheat if we can't get substantial Railshots off. (I'm referring to a healer here were between heals and cleanses we will be doing multiple railshots in the course of a fight)


    i know math is the mandkinds weak. i think my hammer shot spits three bullets in 1.5s. the chance to have it applied with at least one of them is:

    (1-0.16)^3 > 0.6


    You seem to fail to understand basic fundamentals of percentages. At 16% per bullet again, it is not a guaranteed chance out of 100 Bullets, 16 will hit. You could theoretically go 1000 Bullets at 0 Hitting. Or 1000 Bullets 1000 Hitting. You don't know. Proc chance being per bullet leaves that up.


    i think you try to fool people here with your nonsense....

    you MUST stay within 10m to GET YOUR PROC! if you at higher range why do you even care about dots as you won't get any procs anyway?


    Because the player I'm fighting kited me out of the 10M range. You know, what good players should be doing. Which was my point. They get out of range, they cleanse, we are shut down. What are you having trouble understanding with this basic concept of our class?

  14. no! this is wrong. you are spamming ion pulse (vanguard version) anyway to get the proc which applies it every time. you aren't wasting any cd to keep a dot running!


    2K attack in 10m vs potential ranged 5K+ Crit.


    Yes. I call that a waste of a GCD if I get a PPA Proc


    beside of this it is neither practical nor realistic that a healer is perma cleaning your dots. this won't happen, neither in pugs nor in ranked. if he does BE HAPPY as it causes more harm than healing.


    Operative Healers can do it just fine and with amazing efficiency while keeping themselves at high health and healing others around them. Add in the places in Warzones where they can "Pillar" hump it becomes a much more frustrating endeavor trying to kill them.


    I'm sure you'll be seeing a boatload of these guys in Ranked anyways as they are, in my opinion, the only healer worth a damn in PvP. (Give or take the random guarded Mercenary)


    Also, cleansing creates a potential stalemate between the two classes which, in this wondeful team environment, a teammate has to come to help kill the other. (Which than it comes down to which teammate gets their faster)


    it is the same idiotic claim that the sents/maras seem to sustain currently. cleansing is NOT A COUNTER to their, neither to our damage. that's total bulls.hit!


    To annihiliation it is. To Carnage it is not.




    actually you are also wrong. yes you have only a 16% procc chance, but it is PER BULLET! your hammer shot will proc it with a probability of around 60%. beside of this you know that an assault specced player has 100% chance on ion pulse + an additional direct appliable burning dot.


    16% Chance. Using 10 bullets. That means you have 10 times at a 16% Chance. "Probable" != Actual. It's still 16% no matter how you slice it.




    It is. Especially if you are ranged and we can't get within 10m. Cleansing is not a counter for most of the people out there that want to Tank us. It's hilarious seeing sorcs stand in place while I destroy them.


    Dear other players: Move, Kite, Cleanse, Snare. Etc. Unless you ARE a melee class, DO NOT STAND N PLACE.


    I don't get why I have to argue with Pyros or Assaults on what does and does not hurt our class =/ It should be painfully obvious both the great aspects to the class, and the short comings.

  15. For people that ask about my gearing and how to start to achieve compareable (or better results). I am starting to keep an updated "Armory" of my character for you to view and see how the remodding I've been doing is working.


    Figure that's easier then always replying in detail to people :)


    I updated the original thread at the top with this link to my current spec i'm running and every gear piece/enhancement I have. I still have a bit of work to do on this front as I am now in Boot Purchase mode for my gear (forgoing my final purchase of Gloves for now). Hope to have every bit remodded to this within 3 weeks.

  16. 3. Nearly no utility outside of pure damage. In an objective based game this is a huge weakness,


    I see very little use in chaining Predations for Objectives, such as carrying the huttball or while snaring the other team in Voidstar (from another class) using it to get to the next door/console quickly. Nor do I see this in Novare in opening up an assault on the opposing teams Northern point.


    I see very little use in chaining Berserk for helping to break a turtle or take a point.


    Totally agree with you sir and your assessment of cons on how Marauders can have no effect on objectives.



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