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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. This has been asked many times weeks ago when people were starting out. General consensus seems to be "working as intended".


    If it gave you 7% HP each time you vented heat, it would be bordering on overpowered. As it is, it is comparable to other class talents. For example, when a Darkness (tanking spec) Assassin uses Overcharge Saber (2 min CD, same as Vent Heat), he gets 10% HP back. Same thing.


    Yes, the talent is mostly useless. That's how I feel anyway. Especially so deep in the tree. But then, consider the Shieldtech 31 pointer - it's junk.

  2. Vanguard is a Powertech mirror, right?


    I don't know, they always seem weak to me. Aside from a ranged 4 sec stun they don't really have any CC, not until Carbonize at 42, and even that is 2.5 seconds duration (i.e. useless).


    And 1-2 abilities? Powertechs don't have any spammable ones, aside from Flame Burst, which doesn't do much damage and generates a ton of heat.


    Maybe you're confusing Vanguard/Powertech with Commando/Mercenary?

  3. I felt my mara was lacking, however I just hit 40 and it felt like the game changed. The level 40 PVP talents -really- assist in making me feel godly. I die alot less, inflict alot more damage, and am a ball carrying machine. (due to undying rage at 38)


    So does every other class in the game.


    Getting Acid Blade as Operative? Godly.

    Heatseekers as Merc? Godly.

    Etc, etc.

    If you also have a full set of 40 PvP gear already sitting in the bank waiting for you to hit 40, the change is quite insane too.

  4. I actually like it.


    Ideally, I would like a threshold slider. That is, you can choose the percentage of the team that can be on your ignore list. That is, if you set threshold to 50%, and only 25% of the team is on your ignore list, you still go in. But if it's over 50%, it skips you and invites the next person.


    The reason I KNOW, with 100% certainty, that this will NEVER be implemented? Because then AFKers/trolls/morons will have nobody to play with and quit. And since they are the bulk of the game's population, Bioware will never allow it.

  5. Sorcs having way to much Damage, Utility, and escape mechanisms. Reduce Force Lightning by 20%, increase the Knockback to 1 minute and reduce the Shield absorb by 50%.


    What they need to do is nerf how Force works for Sorcerers. The reason they can do all of the above is that they have a HUGE pool of force to work with. Nerf that, and the rest will fall into place. Right now it's just too easy to do whatever needs doing on demand, while other classes need to manage heat/rage/etc.


    Powertech Pyrotechs are a freaking beast, they need to reduce their damage by a small percentage and reduce their Survivablity by a ton.


    I'm sorry, but 100% disagree.


    First, tell me, where does PT survivability come from, when they're Pyro? They have ONE defensive cooldown, reduces damage 25% for 12 seconds, on 2 min cooldown. Mercs have the same one, by the way. That's it. Hitpoints, armor, the rest is equivalent to Juggernauts and Mercs. The "insane survivability" is a myth. Unless they Shieldtech, it's slightly better, but with the way defenses work in PvP right now, they gain some survival and lose most of their DPS.


    I honestly have zero problems with Powertechs right now. And personally I feel they need something ADDED to them to make them less bland and more useful. Pull on 45 sec CD is not enough utility. I feel Jet Jump from Shieldtech should become a base skill for all Powertechs.


    And yes, I have a Powertech. And no, it's not my main, nor the highest level char I have. That would be Sorcerer...duh! :p


    Jugg Rage spec need a huge nerf to Obliterate and Smash.


    Again disagree. Rage spec, both Mara and Jugg, is a 1-trick pony. JUGG SMASH! Beyond that, they're useless.


    Basically you need to reduce all the classes to the same powerlevel of an Assasin, maurader, or Sniper and you will have a blanced game.


    OK, now I'm starting to suspect you're talking out of your hiney. I mean no disrespect. Marauder does INSANE DPS when played right. As Annihilation Mara, I pop Berserk with all my DoTs going? You'll melt in 5 seconds flat.


    Sniper? Against heavy armor, they're not so hot. Against light and medium? They shred people when you have nothing to hide behind.


    Some of the stuff you're spot on. Others I feel you just want nerfed because you don't know anything about them, and thus don't know how to counter them.

  6. Personally im using Ashara Zavros atm, very happy with her killing capabilities, got her 2 pretty sweet lightsabers (for my lvl) and shes tearing **** up np. Not sure how she compares to Andronikos, but im not dissapointed with her, quite the opposite :)


    Yep, getting Ashara prompted me to go and make a Marauder. She just looked like she was having too much fun.

  7. Honestly, I talk to people on my server about the stuff on the forums and most of them arent even aware of it.


    Most of them dont know that every guy on the forums thinks they should just unsub now.


    TBH most of the people on my server dont know about maintenance until the warning comes up.


    the forums are the loud minority.


    I agree. But a loud minority trying to improve the game.


    You know the difference? People on the forum will tell you why they'll be quitting months down the road. People on the server will just quietly quit and leave you wondering what you did wrong.


    Personally, as someone running a business, if I had to choose one I would always go with former rather than latter. Knowing what you did wrong is the only way you can fix it.

  8. They couldnt deal with new players because the servers were jacked and the game wasnt playable.


    Again, no. They had a relatively low expectation of how many players they would get. I can't give you the exact number, I just don't remember. Instead, they got way more players, and the numbers just kept on growing.


    Yes, servers were TOTALLY f***ed. I'm not denying that. From technical standpoint, the first YEAR of WoW was a nightmare. If you tried to raid on a Tuesday you were a moron, half the time we would end up being teleported from the instance to some random spot over Hillsbrad..about 10,000 feet in the air, and plummet to our deaths...still about 100 feet up, preventing us from rezzing without taking a 25% penalty.


    It WAS a total mess. But it was a total mess because people kept coming in, because in spite of all that the vanilla version of the game, for its time, was AMAZING.

  9. so, WoW was an instant success one month after release?


    I think not!


    Actually, if you do some research, yes, yes it was. A month after release WoW subs were going UP, not down.


    They even temporarily pulled the game out of the stores a month or so after release, if I remember right, because they simply couldn't deal with the influx of new players.

  10. I remember yesterday everyone said the game would be dead today.


    Still truckin'.


    Now the consensus is Monday.


    That's because people who canceled are still able to log in, play and post.


    Cant we all just accept that the game, regardless of its mediocrity, will be successful?


    Define success? 250k subs? 550k? Even a million? This game could have been bigger than WoW, but due to ineptitude, sheer pig-headedness and inability to see what is plainly in front of them, it'll end up mediocre at best.

  11. I agree. And I said so months ago in beta. And a lot since then. Also I feel shifting crafting from character to companions further hurt immersion. And "scan" harvesting was lazy too. Weather is also distinctly lacking. A little rain on Dromund Kaas is all I saw of it so far.


    But I also feel that right now there are MONUMENTALLY more important things to worry about than this. Yes, it kills the immersion, but right now there's so many things that are killing the whole game that it's not worth worrying about. Like having bad breath when you are having your head chopped off - in a few seconds, nobody is going to care, least of all you.

  12. They expanded the servers or something, that's why there's more space now...


    Pirates of the Burning Sea did that too. They even changed the definition of light, medium and heavy. As in, how many people was light, how many medium and how many heavy. All in order to make it look like the game was fine. Guess what? It wasn't. It was dead in 3 months, F2P in a while, and still dead today. I'm thinking that Penny Arcade comic was right on the money.

  13. Short version? Most people suck in PvP.


    Long version:


    Arenas are a highly controlled environment. I'm talking WoW perspective here. Some abilities (really long CD ones) are disabled, some consummables are disabled, etc. This reduces the possibility of one player using the best, most expensive consummables and winning on that alone.


    Gear isn't a factor - halfway through Season 2 in WoW everyone wore more or less the same gear. The "real PvPerz" like to win by having a huge gear advantage. Which is nullified in Arena.


    Nobody to blame - most "leet PvPerz" like to toss blame on their teammates. But when in a 2v2 (or, god forbid, 1v1) arena, or even 3v3 or even 5v5, it's really hard to blame anyone because your own ineptitude often stands out pretty glaringly.


    Add all of these together, and that's why people hate arenas. It's much easier to piggyback on other people and stroke your own ego as you stomp lesser geared, lower level people while using best consummables possible.

  14. I have been dual-leveling an assassin and a marauder.


    Doing the same thing myself. Right now both exact same level.


    kite at about 10 meters so they can't force charge (just kite and shock).


    This will not work with Annihilation spec Mara. With Close Combat, charge has no minimum range and 10.5 sec CD. Against a Rage noob you might succeed, but Anni or Carnage will catch you every time.


    Plus their slow is 12 sec duration with no CD, while yours is 6 sec duration with 12 sec CD. In other words, if he wants to get on top of you and stay on top of you, if he's any good he'll do it no problem. You have Force Sprint, he has Predation, which effectively cancel out - Force Sprint is 150% for 2 sec, but countered with charge, and Predation lasts 10 seconds with a 80% speed boost (again as Anni spec).


    It is much easier to be a better player with an assassin. You simply have to follow a rotation that consists of about 5 abilities, then use about another 5 "oh shi*" abilities. With the marauder you have to know and be able to instantly call up about 15 hotkeys while also trying to stay on a moving target and be prepared to change the plan at any moment.


    Not only that, but the resource management is a pain. As Assassin, you have energy which is constantly trying to stay topped out. As Marauder, you have rage which is constantly trying to bottom out. All too often I find I NEED to use an ability, and have no rage to use it, and I will not get any rage unless I use a rage builder which will eat a GCD, or I get lucky and a hit/proc will give me some (which never happens when you need it most).


    Half the time as Mara I feel I'm fighting my class as much as the enemy.


    EDIT: But Mara absolutely ROCKS for questing. Spec max damage, whip out Quinn (healer companion), are you SHRED mobs so fast it's quite ridiculous. Elites literally melt in front of your eyes. Short of Sorcerer, I've yet to see a class that can do that.


    And Assassin vs Mara thing in PvP? Sin wins hands down if he has Force Cloak. Wait for Mara to pop all his CDs and vanish. Come back 12 seconds later and rip him in half like a cheap book. Without defensive CDs, Marauders are not even glass cannons, they're monomolecule glass cannons.

  15. I'm using the ship droid, the R2V8 or whatever his name is.


    I'm Cybertech, so I made him the armor pieces (parts, motor, core, sensor, etc) he needed, and he actually does OK. He's no Quinn or Mako, not by a long shot, but he's not a pushover either, since unlike those two he's wearing heavy armor and shield.


    Leveling is a little bit slower than using DPS companion like Revel or Khem, but downtime is quite low/nonexistent.


    Having said that, as tank spec I often still use Khem in DPS stance with taunts shut off. I tank, he does DPS. Revel is good too, but sometimes I feel his "windup" like Power Shot is too slow and often overkill - Khem seems better.


    Don't have any other ones on my Sin yet, so can't comment. I do recommend gearing out the ship droid, I was pleasantly surprised with how effective he was.

  16. Boost XP on underdog faction so much, using a reusable consummable, that it is possible to level doing class quests alone. Hear me out.


    First, it has to be a reusable consummable, to make it optional. Some people want a full experience. They are welcome to it. But someone rerolling a mirror class from Empire main does NOT want to repeat same things over and over. Hence the huge XP boost with a consummable.


    Second, you don't really want someone ending up with max level char without any background to it. But leveling through class quests you get the whole story experience, minus boring and grindy side-quests many people skip anyway.


    Do this, and I immediately reroll Republic. Without it, there's absolutely zero chance. It doesn't matter how much you buff valor or other things.


    Just please do it QUICK. Tempus fugit.





    Anything you do, no matter how awful, can't possibly be worse than what is happening right now - Republic either quitting or switching Empire en masse. Give it another 3-4 weeks before you get moving and you'll have no game left, it'll be wall-to-wall Huttball, even more than there is now.

  18. That's actually the reason a few people I know quit the game yesterday. Not because of Ilum, not because of all the other crap. But because Bioware did this, didn't put it in patch notes and didn't even deign to address this since then. Intentional? Bug? If intentional, why stealth nerf without patch notes? You screwed a lot of people you know.
  19. Tatooine. Actually had a quite decent 2v2. I died, but not before doing so much damage that my buddy mopped up with ease.


    But since then, it's usually level 50 ganking lowbies and nothing else. Haven't had anything even remotely approaching quality world PvP since then.

  20. Ruin a PvE game for PvP? Not likely tohappen.


    Why ruin?


    Look, I already leveled a class A on Empire. On Republic, leveling that same class A again, with EXACT same abilities, is going to be boring. There's absolutely zero incentive for me to do it.


    Yes, there's the story. WHICH I DON'T LIKE! That's why I made Empire characters IN THE FIRST PLACE! Story of Republic is NOT a selling point for me. Again, zero incentive for me to make a Republic char right now.


    What they should do is give ALL Republic chars a consummable, reusable one, that increases XP by 500%. Want to use it? Go ahead. Don't want to, and want to enjoy the story? Go ahead and do that, nobody's stopping you.


    What this WOULD do is allow me to easily have a high level Republic char, and balance out PvP. And this can be done in JUST A FEW HOURS. It's the same system that mailed out all those preorder items. Just create a new item to give XP, and mail it out to all Republics. A few hours of work, at most, and the faction balance will begin to even out. I GUARANTEE it.


    Will they do it? Probably not. Too logical, too easy. Better to wait until balance ***** to 99-1, and THEN try to do something about it. It'll be a tad late by then, but hey, if Bioware won't sabotage their own product, who will do it for them? Blizzard is slacking off. They could have torpedoed this thing with Diablo 3 release right about now.

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