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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. Prices indeed went up.


    And this is indeed is not in the patch notes.


    And this indeed pissed off an awful lot of people. I have a number of alts with 1000 points sitting around, and had I known that prices were going to double on some items, I would have spent it all. Now I'm just screwed. I did just as much work as the guy who cashed out yesterday, only he has 6 items and I have 3.


    But hey, as far as this patch goes, this is actually pretty minor. They managed to piss off the entire Republic, most old Battlemasters and a ton of other people with this patch, not to mention class balancing so far has been virtually nil.


    All in all, they did a very good job with this patch. Tomorrow servers that were heavy yesterday are going to be normal or light.

  2. Or...and this is going to sound crazy...remove gear as a factor and remove all brackets, and move up many abilities so they can be obtained at much lower level. Having to wait until 46 to get the execute ability when other classes get it at 18 is idiotic beyond words.
  3. Sorry nub, I dont exploit! I wanna earn my **** the right way.


    That's right! The right way - by doing hours of mindless grinding! :D


    I get what you're saying and I totally agree, but I still find it funny when people say "earn" as it applies to a game that first and foremost is supposed to be fun. Not a grind towards a digital carrot that will change to another carrot in the next major patch or expansion.

  4. A couple of possible solutions


    • Make some classes faction independant (Bounty Hunter and Smuggler)
    • Lock servers from having more characters from a faction if the balance is 3:1 or more.
    • Give the underdogged faction a free medal in PvP zones.


    Or just allow faction transfers free.


    Or if you have a Sith Warrior at level 40, allow us to make a Jedi at level 40 immediately, without the 1-40 grind.


    Any of these would go a long way towards fixing pop issues.

  5. I hate this because I sometimes get kicked from a WZ after a SLOW LOAD and it takes me out of my quest area that I was in and puts me back at the FLEET.


    Yeah, that bug cuts both ways. Sometimes it's a nice fast travel option, and sometimes it's a major PITA.

  6. Stole is a little harsh. I think I got more than my money's worth from this game. It's no Skyrim, true, but it's no Aion either.


    I'm not too unhappy, TBH. I'm not 50 yet, I'm not exploiting, and I have a ton of alts. So I have nothing riding on this one way or another.


    But even I am thinking about unsubbing defensively just in case. If tomorrow it turns out 50% of Republic players on my server either unsubbed or rerolled Empire, that means I have an endless vista of Huttball stretching before me. And that's just not something I want to see.


    But I'll wait until tonight to see if Bioware will pull its head from wherever its at.

  7. Ruining the game in one fell swoop has to be applauded really.


    See, this kind of stuff just kills me.


    I mean, look at it from a very personal, human angle. These are people who spent YEARS of their lives making this game. YEARS! And then, ONE DAY before the first billing cycle, they do THIS?!


    This isn't funny. It's tragic. It's like watching someone train their whole life to climb mount Everest only to slip and break their spine coming out of the car at the foot of the mountain.

  8. People would find any way, while sitting around at max level in a game with gear scaling beyond fresh level 50 characters, to dramatically outstat people who's only stats come from a static system intended to bolster them to fresh level 50 characters. You know... by doing pretty much anything at max level...


    Bottom line is - what do you want?


    Do you want COMPETITIVE and FAIR and FUN PvP? Or do you want to steamroll over someone because you spent 138 hours grinding gear and they haven't yet? That's the main question.


    Currently, it is overwhelmingly the latter. In order of importance, things are:


    Gear -> Class -> Skill


    What I want to see happening is,


    Skill -> Class, and Gear being not a factor at all.


    And I can't help but wonder about the people who object to this. Why, exactly? Maybe because without an overwhelming gear advantage you know deep down they're just scrubs?

  9. You were wrong before and you are wrong again. People who pvp a lot should not be punished just because you don't have the gear yet. Are you also going to advocate people being able to raid with greens?


    Who said anything about punished?


    I'd explain, but it probably won't do any good. Enjoy watching Bioware repeat all the same mistakes Blizzard made with their Resilience, in chronological order. I've seen it once, I'm not itching to see a remake. Well, maybe if they hired George Clooney for the remake...

  10. It is an unwritten rule of MMO development - you never, ever, EVER learn from the mistakes other companies made before you. EVER. As soon as someone suggests that this was done by company X and backfired, everyone in the room whips out their ritualistic daggers and the poor soul gets eviscerated on the spot.


    All they had to do was LISTEN to the fans, who ONLY spend most of their lives playing MMOs. I mean, I'm in my 30s and have only been playing games since pre-ZX Spectrum days. So what do I know? It's not like I've seen every mistake possible under the sun, right?


    I've seen UO implement Trammel. I've seen WoW implement Resilience. I've seen Darkfall and Mortal...get released...which was enough. I've seen EVE developers high-fiving eachother and pissing away an opportunity of a lifetime. You name it, I've seen it.


    And now it's Bioware's turn. Instead of looking at what was done RIGHT and what was done WRONG, they once again go back to square 1 and try to invent a wheel. One that's been invented and perfected in decades before them.

  11. You told the SWToR community that your PvP development team was the best team in the world.


    It is, unfortunately, true. :D


    That's why for years we've been getting MMOs with atrocious, horribly unbalanced PvP.

  12. Ilum won't be fun or successful until populations are reasonable. Incentivize both showing up to Ilum, and playing underpopulated classes. Reward players with multiple kinds of loot, buffs and fun.


    They could easily fix the population imbalance. All they have to do is:

    1) Increase character slots per server - I have one of each AC of Empire on the server I'm on, I can't roll Republic even if I wanted to without deleting a level 30+ Empire char, and that's just not happening.


    2) Increase the rate of all XP gain for underdog faction by 500%.


    3) Free set of orange gear every 10 levels.


    That is all. They do this? I'm off to play Republic.

  13. Alts are the lame, for people who cant endgame.


    I beg to differ. Last night I didn't feel like playing my main. So I fired up one of the alts, and with a full rest bonus took a nice chunk out of Taris and made a level and a half without even trying in record time.


    Alts are fantastic, especially when you rotate them so that you're never playing without a rest bonus. Leveling becomes even more of a breeze.

  14. Said it before, and I'll say it again - EXPERTISE HAS GOT TO GO!!


    I'm sorry, but the idea of a PvP stat was idiotic when it was introduced in other games (especially WoW). It broke a ton of stuff back then, it breaks a lot of stuff now.


    If Expertise was removed, we wouldn't need the bracket at all.


    EDIT: And another thing, now people who are JUST hitting 50 (which is about 80% of the population, as far as I can tell based on what I see in my guild) are being thrown into WZs with decked out level 50s. It's not quite as horrible as fighting a geared 50 when you're 20, but it's still bad enough. This "fix" ultimately fixed nothing.


    It just created another problem. One...drumroll please...once again IDENTICAL to the one people experience in WoW. Good job not learning a thing from watching Blizzard repeatedly blow its toes off with a shotgun, Bioware! Now you're doing it, and it's spectacular.

  15. Yup, a couple Empire were saying they got 50-60 Valor in a few hours. At this point, the only way to fix PvP is to revert ALL the valor people got to today.


    Can you imagine the uproar from all the "leet" people if they did though? :eek:


    Personally I'm sitting here and I don't know whether to laugh, cry or just shake my head in pure wonder.


    HOW in heaven't name could they mess up THIS much?! No matter than they do now, it's be a huge cryfest. Revert and rollback? Huge cryfest and cancellations. Leave as is, huge cryfest and cancellations.


    The billing cycle is TOMORROW! The timing...god...it couldn't POSSIBLY be any worse. I mean, I've seen developers shoot themselves in the foot before in a spectacular fashion, but this is just epic.

  16. OP,


    I totally agree. And the timing! THE TIMING! Couldn't POSSIBLY be worse. Billing cycle is practically here, for me it's tomorrow. How many Republic players will just turn around and CANCEL rather than reroll? This 1-10 imbalance today could be virtually 0-10 tomorrow. And then what? Rename the game to The Old Empire and remove all warzones but Huttball and turn Illum into a cafe?


    Seriously, this one is a real doozie, Bioware. Where were your testers looking, and what...how do I put this kindly...what cretin came up with the idea?

  17. Too many variables with one player frapsing. Need a parsed combat log or a damage meter and a large sample size.


    This, sadly.


    I see so many "we are fine, I did 200k damage at level 50!" posts when other classes can easily swing that in their teens that make me want to blow my brains out. A combat log would go a long way.

  18. To be fair, Assassins can do this too when tank spec.


    It's also a lot funnier, and more effective. Pull->Spike. Animation-wise you pull them to you and then shove them face-first into the fire or pool of acid. Even if they trinket, there's an animation where they get up, which gets them killed.

  19. What terrible force usage?


    As Madness spec, with Sith Efficacy, just channeling Force Lightning, which has no cooldown (with Madness talent), regens your force. Each TICK of Force Lightning damage regens 1% of your total force.


    What's more, if you get Subversion in second lowest tier in the Lightning tree, Lightning Strike increases your force regen by 10% for 10 seconds, stacks up to 3 times. Lightning Strike has no cooldown, and is instant cast with Wrath procs (from Madness tree).


    Also in the lowest tier of Lightning tree, there's a neat talent reducing costs of all spells by 9%, called Electric Induction.


    You can have ALL of these talents as a 31 Madness spec. And I have never, ever, EVER had any force issues in PvP in my Sorcerer. EVER. Compared to BH heat...there's no comparison.


    EDIT: And to answer your question, you really can't do anything with them, they need a nerf. And that's coming from someone whose highest level char is a Sorcerer.


    If you slap their Force Lightning with Quell, you will cripple them a little bit (for 4 seconds out of 8), but they still have plenty of things they can cast at you to make it hurt, and at 4 seconds they switch back to their usual rotation.


    But a decent Sorcerer will juke your Quell. That is, he'll start casting Force Lightning and immediately hit a movement key. Spell will cancel (though the initial damage WILL still proc Wrath, so they can cast it in your face instantly! yay!) and your Quell will hit empty air and they'll just melt your face off.


    You can try fancy stuff like running into 10m range and using the jet jump, or grapple or whatever, but considering Force Lightning slows you down 50% while it's frying your butt, even that is no easy feat, and that's assuming the Sorc doesn't see you doing it and decides to stop you with one of his many CCs.

  20. most of you are forgetting that this isnt 1on1 game, just like in wow, most of swtors 1on1 fights are rock paper scissors.


    I'll try to remember that next time an Operative jumps me out of stealth when I'm questing.


    many of you seem to want a char that heals,cant be cc:d, wins everyone 1on1.

    just doesnt work that way.


    Sure it does! It's called a Sorc/Sage, and it's right over there. :D

  21. Vanilla WoW Rogues...



    To be fair, those rogues posted videos of themselves, totally naked, using gray level 1 daggers, taking out endgame-geared warriors. And that was easily reproducible with 90% success rate by anyone. Yeah, on occasion you got a bad miss or resist, but for the most part it worked.


    So, your example? That's a good example of a thing that HAD to be nerfed.


    But then again, WoW PvP at launch was even worse than SWTOR, by a long shot. You guys remember that there was no such thing as diminishing returns on CC in WoW at launch? Warlock fear, no CD, didn't break on damage, no diminishing returns. Weee! Leet skillz.

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