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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. Bioware can't fix it.


    Back in vanilla Warcraft, the Alliance heavily outnumbered that of the Horde. Then BC dropped and the Horde had a "pretty" race so people moved over.


    Had nothing to do with pretty. Had everything to do with PALLIES!


    Pre-TBC? Pallies only Alliance. Post-TBC? Pallies on Horde side too. Blam. Everyone goes Horde, since they had better PvP racials.


    As for SWTOR, Bioware needs to add STRONG INCENTIVES to roll Republic. Such as a HUGE boost to leveling speed. I would reroll Republic. I would. Today. Totally. Just give me +500% XP boost, so I can go 1-50 just by doing class quests. And I'll do it in a heartbeat. Boom. Problem solved!

  2. Come to port nowhere, get rolled by one of our premades. Were looking for some competition in PvP, its currently lacking.


    That's right! Take pride in rolling over PuGs with your premade! Well done. And then log off, get all your mates together, form a posse and go to the playground to beat up some preschoolers. Really show those little munchkins who's boss! :rolleyes:

  3. Can't reroll.


    On the server I'm on, I used up all the char slots with Empire chars. One of each AC. Each is too high level (lowest is 25 I believe) to delete now.


    If I switch to another server - no legacy levels, they're server-specific. I have to start at absolute zero. And I don't feel like it.


    Most importantly, I don't like the slow and unimpressive and clunky animations so many Republic classes have.


    And many Empire players are in the same boat.


    Having said all that, if Bioware gave the underdog faction a serious buff, like +500% XP gain, I would reroll. Players can't solve PvP, but Bioware can. All they have to do is add STRONG INCENTIVES to level Republic.

  4. Pro tip: Surging Charge and Lightning Charge are terrible. Use Dark Charge no matter what spec you are.


    The talents that improve surging charge aren't even worth getting even if you go all the way up the deception tree.


    Problem is, Dark Charge comes with a hefty 5% damage loss. I really want it to be like Powertech Ion Cylinder - no downside to it at all.

  5. I've been encountering more and more players who seem to think that it's okay to ninja somebody else's objectives .... ***. Today I was battling a mob when another player took advantage - ran right by me and destroyed the target I was after - seriously that is f'ed up and cheap........:mad:


    Put them on ignore. Just the other day on Taris I find a chest with 4 guards. While I'm killing them, right on top of the chest, a guy runs up and loots it. Nice man. Just put him on ignore. It's really all you can do. Some people are just little ****s.

  6. Does anyone no exactly why empire is so much more packed then republic anyway? I would think people would be going nutty to play a jedi after the movies.


    Nicer classes, nicer animations.


    Compare Bounty Hunter and its mirror, the Trooper. Bounty Hunter has Death from Above - flies up using a jetpack and bombards people below with missiles. Looks cool as hell. Trooper fires a few shots from his launcher and a few explosions happen. Not nearly as cool.


    Now take Sith Sorcerer and Jedi Sage. Sorcerer shoots lightning. Sage throws pebbles. Guess which one most people want to play?


    Bioware did it all to themselves. And we TOLD them, in summer, during BETA, that t his was going to happen.

  7. Well, it's hardly surprising... I mean, they copied it from WoW and that's exactly what happened there. Ever been in Alterac Valley? Horde on one side of Field of Strife, Alliance on the other side. Taking potshots at each other. Occasionally a melee gets bored or suicidal and rushes in and gets butchered. Deja vu anyone?
  8. It's loose-loose case for them, but if I would be among the management, I'd definitely vote for a roll back!


    How is it a lose-lose for them? People exploited the heck out of a bug in a patch. In any sane world, any benefits from the exploiting would be taken away, and in a just world exploiters would be banned. Though I understand why the latter would never happen, it would mean banning most of level 50 Imp chars on every server.


    Are the exploiters going to be pissed if it happens? Of course. But who cares? They exploited a known bug, they should be happy they're not getting banned for it.


    As it is, EXPLOITERS are happy, and everyone else is pissed. How is that a good decision?

  9. BioWare and a lot of players have debated "population" problems a lot but thanks to all the videos we saw today there is undenyable proof that this game can't survive. Empire dominates 90% of the population and even if BioWare offers massive rewards for people to play Republic characters it still won't be enough.


    I disagree. Depends on how MASSIVE the rewards would be.


    Personally I would settle for 5x the leveling speed. Just a flat 5x XP modifier from all sources. Compared to current 2x when rested.


    I don't mind rerolling, I can understand them not wanting to let me just switch sides on existing character because infrastructure for such a move isn't there yet. But I'll not be leveling 1-50 at a normal pace with a class I already leveled once just for the story's sake.


    Give me a 5x modifier, and I'll reroll. Heck, even a 10x modifier wouldn't be out of place, it should just be optional, like a consummable. So that if you want to go slow and do all the quests, you still can.


    EDIT: With 10x XP consummable, you could theoretically level JUST by doing your class quests. Which would be ideal - you get the story, and still sink some time, without boring side quests.


    Another incentive would be for a week after hitting level 50, you get 3x more valor. Again as a consummable. Not only would you level quick, level 50 in approximately 2-3 days played, but also gear up quick when you get there.


    With incentives like that, I can totally see the game population evening out in 3 months or less. Because let me tell you, Imps are getting sick and tired of Imp on Imp violence in Huttball.

  10. The thing is, I didn't like Dragon Age 2, but that's because like so many others I was expecting Dragon Age 2, not...whatever it was we got.


    And frankly SWTOR isn't as much of a disaster as I thought it was going to be. It still could be, but it already held up better than I expected.


    I think Mass Effect 3 will be the make-it-or-break-it for Bioware. If it is a worthy end to the trilogy, all will be forgotten. If it is crap with severe consolitis, it'll just be another nail. But since no coffin stays closed with just 3 nails, they have plenty of leeway yet.

  11. OP.


    Too far, man, too far. So they screwed up with the patch, and arguably the game. Dragon Age 2 was also not everybody's cup of tea. But no more Bioware products? That's too much.


    I mean, if Mass Effect 3 is to Mass Effect 2 what Mass Effect 2 was to Mass Effect 1, meaning seriously dumbed down, I will give it some serious thought. But until then? Nah.

  12. Mostly true. But omits a few things though. Like gear obtained from it being trivial - it was honor pieces. Considering that Cata introduced crafting patterns for gear with PvP stats on it that made grinding those honor pieces pointless. Also if memory serves, some folks got banned for it.


    Most importantly though, when people were exploiting Tol Barad, nobody was being spawn-camped with 20:1 odds. And telling people on the forum how to get out of Tol Barad while being spawn camped didn't get you a warning.


    And finally, Tol Barad only did this every 4 hrs or so. It wasn't a 24/7 wholesale slaughter. And on many servers the Alliance refused to play ball, and left it in Horde hands, and without the win there was no huge honor bonus for anyone! That is, if it was Horde controlled, and Horde kept it, no huge payout!


    There's no comparison between TB and Ilum. None at all. You are comparing a firecracker to a 200 megaton nuke.

  13. you tear your own jugulars out and embarrass yourselves across the entire online gaming community


    It's not THAT bad.


    I see it as that Simpsons episode with the Fighting Hellfish and their treasure, where Mr. Burns says to Abe Simpson "Can't you go for 30 seconds without embarrassing yourself?" And two seconds later Abe's suspenders give away, dropping his pants, and he asks "How long was that?"


    That's basically SWTOR. People expected the suspenders to give way sooner or later. Granted, in this case suspenders shot up and went through the roof while the pants burned a hole through the floor, but that's another story.

  14. Nope sandbox is dead.

    Has been dead since wow.

    Still will be dead.


    Sandbox isn't dead. It's just not in vogue right now. And for some reason too many people think that sandbox == PvP looting. Which it doesn't. Even UO did not reach its max 250k subs in 2003 until AFTER they introduced Trammel.

  15. At this point not sure what increasing the price of pvp gear is good for.


    It's for pissing people like me off. I had a bunch of alts, quite a few of them with close to 1k points. I just buy things when I get close to 1k, and start filling it up again. Didn't do it before the patch, since nobody said anything. Now I'm pissed. This stuff needs to be in patch notes, it's not the kind of stuff you can just do and hope nobody notices.


    Seriously, this patch should be in MMO Design 101 class as an excellent example of how to alienate the maximum number of customers with minimum of effort.

  16. Travel early on is drag in any game.


    Remember vanilla WOW, where you only got a mount at 40? As in, 40 levels of running WITHOUT sprint? Yeah.


    What got me in SWTOR I think is all the instancing. Especially unnecessary ones, like leaving the ship and jogging across empty hangars and stairways and stations. Pointless, just an obvious time sink, not even anything interesting to look at, no possibility of PvP, etc.


    I mean, take WoW and the boat from Menethil to Theramore. You had to run to the dock, wait for the boat, hop on, wait for travel/loading screen, get off, run across the docks again. Boring, right? Not really. You could fish, for example. You could encounter world PvP on the docks or on the boat itself. On my druid I often rode that boat and ganked Alliance who felt safe since both of those were Alliance ports. Heck, you could just sit on the docks and watch the sunset. Something you can't do in SWTOR because the damn sun never sets! (seriously, who dreamed that one up?)


    What's more, lack of class variety in SWTOR really gets to me. I have a ton of alts. Specifically, one of each Empire AC. Lowest one is 22. Most are in mid-high 30s. And I don't really LOVE any of them. They're all a little...bleh...a little vanilla. Lacking in personality.


    I'll use WoW again as an example. Try playing a mage in that game, and you feel ludicrously squishy, but also insanely powerful and highly mobile - blink, port, sprint, etc. Now take a druid - you can be a rogue, a tank and a healer all at once, and it takes a button push to switch roles. Amazing class, purely amazing. And the sense of freedom and fluidity of movement I got from playing it, I have yet to experience in any other GAME, not just any other MMO. Though from what I hear Blizz nerfed the hell out of that in Cata, I just wasn't there to see it.


    Quite a few other reasons why I'm not enjoying the game. Immersion for me just ain't there. Crafting is weak because companions do it, there was something to be said about your character becoming a master blacksmith and joining the Mithril Order and slaving away at the forge crafting things. As opposed to just hitting one button in SWTOR and items appearing in your inventory minutes later.


    I could go on, but what's the point. It is what it is, and it's not going to change. Take it for what it is, if you can. Personally I'm taking a few days off to think about it. In all honesty I might come back as early as this weekend out of sheer boredom. Or not. Time will tell.

  17. You need to add a few more rumors to the list. Given the number of people that took advantage, this "we are going to deal with them" is nothing more than wishful thinking.


    What do you THINK they're going to do? Huh? Ban a bunch of level 50s? Maybe as many as 30%? A day or two after introducing a 50-only bracket? Don't make me laugh.


    Are they going to roll back valor on level 50s specifically? Which ones? Ones who set foot in Ilum that day? Quite a few just did the daily and left without really exploiting, and spent the rest of the day in valid WZs. Think BW is going to sift through ALL that data and waste ALL these manhours of work on that?! Heck no!


    At worst, they will scapegoat a few people and that'll be the end of it.

  18. I think the second they realized what was happening on Ilum they should have shut down the servers and figured it out.




    Today's fiasco would have gone completely unnoticed if Ilum was simply locked out the minute the exploit was noticed. And it was noticed almost immediately as soon as servers came up.


    24 hrs, in which people are allowed to continue exploiting if they're already there, is an abysmal response time when it comes to MMOs. Massive exploits like this need to be locked down or rolled back immediately.


    OP, I'm sorry, but I disagree. Let me give you a WoW example. In one patch, there was a bug where popping your PvP trinket removed a major damage ability of just one class. Namely warlock. A warlock casts a very strong DoT on you, you trinket, it goes away. Affected 1 class. Actually one SPEC of one class. THIS was hotfixed in 24 hrs. And it was considered slow.

  19. WoW arenas changed this concept and much for the worse for competitive pvp.


    Actually no, WoW arenas did not change that. Once you got into 2200+ rating, oh heck, even 2000+ rating, everyone would be wearing the same gear. At worst, it would be previous season's gear, which is still virtually just as good, maybe 3-5% worse, which is easily compensated for with skill.


    In WoW arenas, everyone wore the same gear, and gear wasn't a factor. That's common mistake most people make.


    What WoW DID do was add a TIME SINK to get said gear. It takes a while to get it, arena points were capped every week, so no matter how many games you played, your points for the week were capped, based on your rating. And your rating largely depended on your skill, but mostly depended on your class combination. Unfortunately in WoW, it's Class>Gear>Skill. But since in Arenas everyone wore same gear, it's Class>Skill.


    But even so, note the difference between a TIME SINK, which is what WoW did, and GRIND, which is what SWTOR did. In WoW, you needed 10 matches a week. Which could be done in as little as 30 minutes. You needed 30 MINUTES A WEEK. And you got your max arena points for the week, and you geared up pretty fast.


    What SWTOR does is GRIND. The more you play, the more you grind, the more you exploit - the faster you gear up. In the end, gear won't matter in SWTOR either. Three months down the road, most people will be 50 and in best gear, even without exploiting. But you WILL grind for it.


    Not defending WoW, but it wasn't as bad as people say. Blizz made a lot of idiotic decisions, and their class balance was and still is among the worst. But they got quite a few things right.

  20. I believe the problem with these "Republic" players is that they refuse to coordinate, or use any brains.


    Morale is a significant factor many overlook.


    I'll give you an example of one experience in Darkfall. The guild is mostly in our guild city, doing chores, farming, building stuff. Then someone calls an alarm, we charge up to the walls, and see about 40 people, on horseback, in full armor and weaponry, riding up to the bridge in perfect formation. You know what we were thinking? "We're sooooo f***ed! And not the fun, slightly sticky kind."


    Ironically they weren't hostile, just freelancers we obviously couldn't afford, but the moral of the story is, when you see something like that coming your way, many people just toss up their hands and say "Why bother? We're f****ed anyway." If it came down to it we would have probably taken a third of them out. So what? They would still burn us to the ground and bag the ashes.


    That's how Republic feels in the face of overwhelming numerical superiority. Why bother? Imagine joining a Huttball match where your team has 6 people, and enemy 36. Sure you could maybe cap one, or maybe delay them so they can't 6-cap you, by some miracle. But most of you would be saying "Why bother?" Same here.

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