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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. I went Darkness (tank) spec. Pushing 40 now. Still no problems at all.


    What I did was use Vette until 17-18 until I got my ship with the droid. Being Cybertech I geared the droid and used him. You kill a bit slower, but you really can't die.


    At 36 drop what you're doing and do your class quests until you get a true healer companion. I won't spoil anything, but it's easily doable. Possibly even as low as 35. I mean I did it at 36 without breaking a sweat or using consummables, so 35 might be OK too. Any lower would be pushing it though.


    And from there on, you pretty much switch to godmode, finish most fights with 99% health. Again, leveling is still a bit slower, but you really, REALLY can't die.


    Or you can go Deception spec, and die all the time. Personally I don't think the class is very well though out in regards to Deception - melee class with light armor? Are you nuts, BW?!


    Bottom line, I leveled slower than my Marauder of the same level by 15 hrs. Slower than Pyro Powertech by 9 hrs. But I think it would have been worse as Deception. There's some fights that are relatively difficult if you're very squishy. The boss at the end of Alderaan, for example. From what I hear a lot of Deception assassins had trouble with that one, while I wiped the floor with him as Darkness spec on the first try without even dropping below 30% health.

  2. each person pays and plays how they wish


    Sorry mate, but no.


    When you are soloing out somewhere in the world, you can do whatever you want. You can run around naked with Gault, smearing yourself with green jell-o and yelling "I'm a hamster!" It's your money.


    But when you sign up for a warzone, you are part of a TEAM. When you don't do a thing to help your team win, that's just unethical. Because for the most part, people do want to win.

  3. Currently Darkness spec, but most likely will end up Darkness/Madness hybrid.


    Which level 40 Commendations PvP set should I be getting? I'll be using it to keep on leveling, obviously, but I also do a fair bit of PvP.



  4. Sometimes it doesn't work. Rare, but it happens. And it gets bugged too, from time to time.


    Like I'm standing still, I pull the guy, and instead of being pulled to me, he gets pulled to about 10m in front of me. And yes, sometimes it just doesn't work, even against empty resolve bar. I think it has something to do with jumping/movement and the animation itself, because Force Pull on my Sin is a lot more reliable. It doesn't have a fancy animation, and feels more responsive.

  5. Number of reasons.


    1. They have a talent which increases shield strength, it's in Lightning tree (Tier 2 or 3, can't remember).


    2. They were being protected by a tank, using Guard. They take 5% less damage, and 50% of what they do take goes to the tank. When Sorc is bubbled, it's REALLY hard to see the Guard bubble, because both are blue and same diameter.


    3. You were taunted. All class tanks have two taunts - one single target and one AoE. What it does is for 6 seconds unless you are attacking the guy who taunted you, you do 30% less damage.


    It could have been any of these factors, or it could have been ALL of these together.


    And remember, Sorcerers are not OP. They are just the easiest class to play, easiest to be successful with, most played class in the game, etc., etc. But NOT OP! :rolleyes:


    EDIT: Sounds like you guys missed something. Either a tank around the corner guarding, or something. Three people should drop the shield in a second or two.

  6. OK, don't get mad, but does anyone else feel like Powertech is a little too...bland?


    I've been playing my Assassin lately. Tank spec, same as my Powertech. And I can't help but feel like my Sin brings a whole lot more to the table. I just feel like I have more tools to deal with more situations, compared to PT.


    Both can Guard, both can taunt. Both have pull, PT by default, Sin with 1 talent point. Both have the 4 sec stun.


    But Sin gets an AoE knockback on 20 sec CD, sprint that talented is 20 sec CD AND breaks roots/snares when used. Slow that is ranged and on-demand, with a 12 sec CD (but 6 sec duration). Whirlwind, which can be made instant with a hybrid spec (Sin requivalent of Carolina Parakeet). From stealth, Sin can also sap. At 42, Sin gets Spike, a 2 sec knockdown on 30 sec CD, which talented is usable out of stealth. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but you get the idea.


    Defensive cooldowns I feel are better on the Sin too. Force Shroud on 60 sec CD (45 talented) is basically 3 (5 talented) seconds of 100% immunity to force/tech attacks, and removes any removable effects. Which wrecks DoT classes. Also, since knockbacks are force/tech attacks, Shroud makes you immune to them as well. Haven't had a clean test yet, but I think that's how it works.


    And when push comes to shove, there's the handy little vanishing spell too. Which allows you to drop combat but stay near, invaluable when you need to buy a few more seconds to keep the enemy from capping.


    I just spent about 90 mins switching from Sin to PT and back again, they're same level now, same gear, so I can easily compare and constrast.


    I just can't help but feel like PT is just a truncated version of the Sin. Am I missing something here? The only thing I really miss on the Sin is Jet Jump.


    Anyway, I'm getting pretty bummed out about the PT right now. Anyone feel the same way? Feels to me like PT is missing at least one more ability, possibly two - one CC and one offensive.

  7. Something where on death and release you lose your gear. its either destroyed or dropped.

    Only in OWPvP and only PvP gear.


    Sure. I totally support it.


    It'll kill the game deader than a cannonball doing 900 meters per second to the back of the head. But why not?

  8. OP,


    I'm not 50 yet, but I can tell you based on my experience in a similar situation in other games what worked best for me.


    Instead of going for kills or objectives or whatever you did 10-40, accept the fact that you'll not be taking anyone down, and almost everyone can take you down. Change your mentality, at least temporarily to what I like to call "The Lil' Bastid" mode.


    Become as annoying as you possibly can. If you see someone going for a turret, you KNOW you can't stop him if you fight. But what you CAN do is stop him from capping. Wait until he's almost capped, and sap him. He probably won't trinket, so do it again when it wears off. The whole time you're shouting for help, which might actually come...once in a blue moon...when pigs fly and bankers are not screwing people.


    Then, when his resolve is full, again give him a chance to almost cap, and hit him with something, preferably a DoT. He'll attack, and you do your best to run away. Not kill him, just run away. If he turns for the objective, use something like Force Pull->Spike. Use vanish. Use whatever you can.


    In other words, be a nuisance. In Huttball, pull/push people into acid/fire. You can't beat them with your DPS and their Expertise, but fire and acid don't care what they're wearing.


    After a while doing this, you'll develop a fan club. A group of people who will drop everything, and I do mean everything, including the ball, JUST to chase you down and kill you the moment they see you. Make people hate you, with the intensity of a thousand suns. Not because you are a great killer or because you cap, but because you are too annoying to be allowed to breathe.


    This does wonderful things for your team. Spec Darkness, pop all of your defensive cooldowns and jump into the pit. While your 2-3 man fanclub is chasing you around the pit, it gives your team a chance to do some good. You will not get most medals, your damage will be pathetic, but your team will very likely win.


    Conversely, spec Darkness, pick a healer, and try to keep him alive as long as you can. Use your taunts, use your defenses. Works wonders when it comes to medals.

  9. Yep. I kinda bought into the whole "Marauders are the hardest class to play" thing they have going on their forum. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's definitely not easy. But when it comes to sheer volume of buttons and procs, I think Assassin beats a Mara hands down.
  10. OP,


    I think it has to do with the nature of the planet.


    Before Taris, you're on Alderaan. Which sucks. It sucks horribly. Levels 31-33, where you leave Tatooine and do Alderaan class quests are slow for everyone. It's horribly designed. It's only natural that Taris feels great by comparison.


    Taris is much nicer in layout (roughly circular), and as you move around it finishing quests it just flows quite nicely. It's my favourite planet to level on so far. Tatooine is a close second, but Tat was shaped more like a tree with branches, while Taris is more like a ball.


    I've taken four chars through Taris already, and it is just a nice place to level. It kinda goes downhill from there though, Hoth I didn't like at all - everything gets too spaced out and empty.

  11. OP,


    The REALLY interesting thing about deserter threads is that nobody seems to care WHY people are leaving.


    Consider this scenario:


    Your PUG, with half the players in it under level 20, get matched to a premade in high 40s. What chance do you have? NONE. None whatsofreakingever! And instead of being good sports and quickly doing a 6-0 and leaving, they farm your team for 15 mins.


    Now, in a scenario like this, can you REALLY blame people when they choose to leave? Think about it. You have a low chance of winning, because a bunch of level 11s decided they wanted to PeeVeePee, and then you get matched to a well-geared, teamplaying premade to boot, your chances drop below freezing point. So what's the point in staying for 15 mins?


    Now, my CRAAAAAAZY suggestion is, instead of PUNISHING people for leaving such a scenario, why not prevent these scenarios from happening? I mean, is it too much to ask that a team with an average l level of 45 NOT be matched up to a team with an average level of 15? I mean, am I the only nutjob here that thinks like that?

  12. Nobody really did this. The game's been out for a month. Almost nobody playing an Op right now did so because it was the "flavor of the month".


    Oh please. It takes about 30 hrs /played to get to 36 and get Hidden/Jarring Strike. As soon as people spent a little time getting hit by it, a ton rerolled. It was totally a FOTM thing. My server went from Operatives being as rare as Snipers to almost a third of players in low level zones being Operatives.


    And guess what? After nerf was announced on PTR, that immediately dropped off and now we have a ton of Mercs instead.


    Not FOTM my big behind... :rolleyes:

  13. You are correct that some are definitely easier to play. (Trcer missle/Grav Round ;). However, some people like simple.chars and some like complicated. So while painful if you have ended up with a complicated lvl 50 and would prefer a simple one. It really has to stay this way.


    That's fine, as long as easy classes are segregated from hard classes in their own separate WZs. But when you throw them all together into one WZ, it's unfair at the core.


    Picture this in an FPS scenario. One player gets an M249, with infra-red sights and a bipod. Another player gets a single shot musket. Guess who's going to win most of the time? Yeah, the musketeer, if he's really good and lucky, will make an account of himself, but if the machinegunner is not a complete dunce it'll be over before it begins.


    Same with these classes. A Tracer-spamming Merc has a LOT less to worry about than Marauder in melee. He can look around, weigh his options, form and execute strategies, etc. He doesn't need to constantly pay attention to over a dozen abilities, procs and cooldowns like Marauder, JUST to do his job. This is monumentally unfair.


    I don't mind hard to play classes. I really don't. But ALL classes must be hard to DO WELL with! Problem with SWTOR is, some classes allow bad/mediocre players of certain classes to get results as good or better than good/excellent players can get with a lot more work from more complex classes. That ain't balanced.

  14. In general, I agree.


    However, some things are OBVIOUS. Self-evident.


    Look at Sorcerers. Look at their 600 energy pool with linear renegeration.


    Now, look at Sins. Look at their 110 energy pool with linear regeneration. Their abilities cost exactly the same amount of energy.


    Now, look at Bounty Hunters. Their 100 heat pool has non-linear regeneration, go over 40 and it slows, go over 80 and it's a crawl, top if off and you're useless.


    Now tell me, isn't it MUCH harder to manage a non-linear regen pool of 100 than a linear regen pool of 600? How can anyone with more than half a brain NOT see this as a problem? And then people wonder why Sorcerers are probably the most played class in the game?

  15. the 11-49 bracket is also a huge source of QQ topics.

    a level 40 pwning a level 20 what did you expect !?


    Level 50 bracket isn't much better.


    New 50: ZOMG, I'm so squishy.

    No-life 9000+ Expertise exploiter: I feel fine, L2P.


    What we really need is combat log. We will not be able to put most arguments to rest until then. That's why I think these forums are in such awful shape. It's all conjecture and observations, there's no concrete data available.

  16. OP,


    I appreciate your views. But even you have to admit many classes are considerably easier to play than many others, and are just as effective, or even more effective. That, to me, is poor balance.


    Why does a Bounty Hunter have to constantly manage his finicky heat bar with non-linear regeneration when a Sorcerer gets a 600 bar of force with linear regen? Do I need to explain to you how skill and attention required to manage these two systems is utterly different?

  17. Also the engine is pretty weak. It can handle 8v8 Ok, but 16v16 because of companions will likely bring it to its knees. Plus companion AI is rather dumb, it does more harm than good half the time.


    Personally I think companions were a mistake to begin with. Some classes get very useful companions very early. Like Bounty Hunters. They can be Tank/DPS/Heals, and they get a healer/DPS companion very early. Allowing them to do everything. By comparison, an Assassin can only be tank/DPS, then need heals, but they only get their healer companion around level 40. Some companions are OK, like Mako, but some are stronger like Quinn. Mako's CC is channeled, Quinn's is not, making him VASTLY superior in solo PvE.


    You also get what, 6-8 companions? But most classes are FORCED to use one. If you use anything else, you are gimping yourself. So what's the point in having 5+ others?


    Bottom line - companions were an awful, awful idea. It may work in a single player RPG, but it does not work in an MMO.

  18. In a nutshell - when all else is equal, everyone should have an equal chance of winning against everyone else.


    That is, take player 1 with class A, and player 2 with class B. If they are of similar skill level, and fought a thousand duels, their win/loss should be at 50/50. That, to me, is balance. Player skill should be more important than class, level or gear.


    This is usually how it works in FPS games. Where a bullet in the head is a bullet in the head is a bullet in the head. And no matter how leet you are or what gear you have or what level you are, you are still dead. Good example being Battlefield 3. You can be level 50 with all guns, scopes and attachments unlocked. And a level 1 can still blow you away reliably. If he's better than you, he'll blow you away most of the time. You can be an Assault kit and he can be an Engineer, and it still won't matter. That, to me, is balance.


    Unfortunately in a game like SWTOR, or WoW, or Aion, etc., this is simply not the case.

    -A level 1 cannot do anything to a 50. Hell, a bunch of level 30s still can't do anything to a 50.

    -A new 50 cannot really do anything to a fully decked out 50 either, due to the idiocy of Expertise.

    -Even with both at the same level and with the same gear, some classes are just stronger. Rock-paper-scissors-mushrooms-shotgun.

    -And only then, if ALL of the above are equal (equal level, equal gear, same class), does it come down to player skill.


    In other words, I feel balance in this game is butt-backwards. Like in most other MMOs.


    The thing that is easiest to obtain - level, overshadows everything.

    The thing that is second easiest to obtain - gear, it's just a grind, overshadows all but level.

    The thing that is random - class, overshadows the rest.

    And only then player skill becomes a deciding factor.


    All that aside, my view on SWTOR classes is as follows:


    - Sorcerers, grossly OP and need to be nerfed. But NOT the way you think. The way their force works needs to be reworked. They must be given a much smaller energy pool, so they are forced to choose what to use when, like every other class. Also they must be given a free autoattack. Currently I don't believe they can be fixed by simply nerfing some abilities.


    -Mercs, damage with Arsenal needs to be toned down. As simple as that. They whine all the time about how fragile they are, despite Powertechs not having their CC (Concussive Missile, default knockback and possible talented knockback) and having identical defenses outside of tank spec which loses a ton of DPS.


    -Marauders need some quality of life improvements, as do the Assassins, and maybe one CC or short CC immunity added.


    -Assassins need their bugs fixed. One of the bugguest classes in the game where three abilities I know of don't work like the tooltip says they should. Once that is fixed, we can talk balance.


    -Juggs need help in PvE, specifically tanking. But in PvP they do OK-ish. Tweaks here and there.


    -Snipers need to be more streamlined, because they've been consistently the least played class in the game. And lately I don't see them in warzones at all.

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