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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. I see tons of operatives being played on my server.


    Though the class admittedly isn't for everyone. After playing a Carolina Parakeet spec Powertech, I cannot make myself play the Operative. The amount of utility and mobility that I lose, I just can't live with.

  2. Actually GW1 pvp was a total blast.


    You pick 7 (or 8?) skills from a pool of HUNDREDS of skills, and there is no cost to change which skills you are using. Its a pretty interesting system, where you can experiment and REALLY customize your character and playstyle. I.E. the mage class had dozens of really cool skill builds, instead of the 2-3 viable "cookie-cutter" specs that we are forced to use with a talent system like SWTOR.


    But...but...but we have Advanced Classes! That are set in stone and that you have to choose without knowing much about the game at level 10! It's brilliant! And the story! Good god man, the story! Yeah, the one most people skip by hitting space because who needs another NPC's sob story which always boils down to "I'm too lazy/it's too dangerous to do/get X, you do it!" The amount of creative writing it took to come up with these! :D


    Throw TSW in and that would be a miracle 3 for 3.


    Do not, repeat, DO NOT get TSW on release! I beg of you! Give it at least 1-3 weeks and see what a wreck it's going to be. Yes, it could somehow end up being good. But based on FunCom's two latest MMOs, it's not a safe bet. Save your money.

  3. I've seen this happen, but I believe it's because of resolve. When charging someone with white resolve, the root doesn't seem to go off sometimes. Also some classes I believe have ways of becoming immune to force leap stun, because if I remember correctly force leap isn't actually a FORCE attack, I think it's kinetic melee or something like that? Happens to me quite often on my Marauder.
  4. It keeps things interesting. If gear had more of an impact, a level 49 would be untouchable for a level 10. Or at least more so than currently.


    Also there ARE items with expertise below 50. I believe weapons, at the very least, have some expertise on them. Don't know what level, I think 38-42 or thereabouts and up. Not much, but they have some.

  5. Didn't know about it... I'd rather act more strongly on that...


    Kill him..talks to me that way again...get him while he's sleeping...or poison his meat, see how he likes that... :D


    I do hope you realize it is a losing battle. No matter what you do, no matter what you say, no matter how much you punish people, they will STILL leave some matches. I value my sanity more than some pixels. Piss me off enough, and it's Alt+F4 and that's that. Penalty or no penalty.

  6. What you're saying is that every class should play the same way? That everyone should have the same abilities and the same mechanics? I sure hope you're not saying that - and I actually don't think you are.


    Not same, but equivalent!


    We do not. Neither same, nor equivalent. Some people, like Marauders, have to work their butts off. This isn't just ME saying this. BIOWARE said this as well. I can find you a quote if you like, of them saying that Marauder rotation is one of the messiest or more complex in the whole damn game.

  7. 1363 max hit. That's OP! If you can get 12 of those at the same time and I was AFK you would kill me.


    Max TICK, not max hit!


    Ability is 3 sec channel (shorter, depending on Alacrity) and ticks 4 times. Highest tick was 1363, and ticks occur less than 1 second apart.


    Costs 30 force. Average Sorc has 500 minimum, usually 600 force. You can cast 20 of these, without factoring in force regeneration, before you need to worry about running out of resources. Show me ANY other class that can cast 20 of something, that does this much single target damage, and can be cast 20 times without resource concerns, WITHOUT factoring in the regen.


    Speaking of regen rate, Sorcerers have some neat talents. Like Sith Efficacy. Every time your Force Lightning does damage, you gain 1% of your force back. That is, you get back 4% with a single FL cast. And 4% of 600 is what? 24 force. With that one talent, each time you spend 30 force to spam Force Lightning, you get 24 force back if you are not interrupted. In other words, the net cost of this ability is 6 force. Out of a pool of 600. Or...drumroll please...1%.


    Show me ANY other ability, of ANY other class, that does that much damage, is spammable, AND costs only 1% of your resource pool if allowed to complete successfully. Please, show me. And don't say Kinetic Throw or I'll hit you with my shoe.


    But that's just fine, right? :rolleyes:

  8. CC is fine. As it happens, it's necessary.


    What needs to be looked at is the resolve. Or it needs to be scrapped and replaced with diminishing returns system.


    Currently there's too many roots and slows that are unaffected by resolve, nor give resolve, and totally wreck melee classes.

  9. As a Commando...can easily be kited (Assassin, Powertech, Jugg).


    How the heck do you kite an Assassin?


    If Darkness spec:

    Wither is 30% slow, 10m range, 15 sec duration, 7 sec cooldown.

    Force Slow is 50%, 10m range, 6 sec duration, 12 sec cooldown.

    Force Speed is 150% speed, removes all roots/slows, 2 sec duration, 20 sec cooldown.

    Force Pull is a pull, 30m range, 45 sec cooldown.


    If Deception, Force Slow becomes 12 sec duration, 6 sec cooldown. i.e. 100% uptime, but you lose Wither and Pull. Don't know about Madness, but I believe Terror is a 2 sec root with 9 sec CD and 30m range?


    As a Powertech:

    If Shieldtech or hybrid spec (21+ in Shieldtech) you have Jet Charge, 30m range, 15 sec CD, roots for 3 seconds. Possible 40% speed boost for 4 seconds after charge.

    If level 22+, Grapple, 30m range, 45 sec cooldown (down to 35 sec with 7 points in AP tree).

    If AP spec, Hydraulic Overrides - 40% speed boost, immune to knockbacks/roots/slows for 8 seconds, plus passive 15% movement speed boost.

    Etc., etc.

    Regardless of spec, slow as a proc off a cylinder.


    No idea how you manage to kite either of those 2 classes, to be honest.

  10. Just as there is healing and dmg one to =)))




    Duo whit my girl healing


    Pocket healers rule!


    You get 4 out of 11 medals for pressing Guard once. And using Taunt every 30-45 seconds.

    She gets 3 in total for working her butt off.


    And that is what we at Bioware call "balance".

  11. What does this have to do with anything? If you want to run around doing this, go right ahead. Just because one ability is "spam:able" and "does damage" does not mean it's in any way "overpowered".


    Agreed! Totally! Nobody is arguing otherwise.


    What people ARE saying is, in the interests of BALANCE and FAIRNESS, all other classes should also have an ability like that.


    ALL classes have a DPS spec. Then, to be balanced and fair, ALL classes should have a spammable ability that does comparable damage. Most classes do not. That's a problem.


    It just means that you can spam that ability and do ... well, decent, damage with it - if you have a terrible adversary and a decent team yourself.


    Again, true. But some classes are NOT given this as an option. Take my Marauder. I cannot do that kind of damage with one key. Even with two keys I still can't. I need 4-5 for that kind of damage. I need, at the very least, the rage builders (2 abilities, one with medium cooldown), I need the Deadly Saber bleed, I need Rupture bleed. That's 4. Preferably I should also have Annihilate. I also have to work (KPM, keypresses per minute) much more to achieve the same effect as a Sorcerer or Merc doing with a fraction of my KPM.


    Fair? No, it's not. The end result is the same - X DPS. But the amount of work needed is disproportionate.


    Let me give you a real world example. We are each given an identical room to clean. I get a Swiffer broom, you get a toothbrush. Who will finish first, and with a lot less work? See the problem now?


    I just fail to see the validity of your point, since one ability that does decent damage does not equate it to being "omglolzgood!1one" when coupled with other abilities. It just means that you can do decent damage with it.


    The point, once again for those in the cheap seats, is that two classes in the game are given very strong, spammable DPS abilities with 30m range. Other classes do not. That is neither balanced, nor fair. Which is what the video shows.


    Want to change people's minds? Do a similar video. Bind 1 ability to 1 key. Pick any class but Merc/Comm or Sorc/Sage. See how well you do. Even with a good team. And even against complete noobs. Maybe then you'll see what the problem is.


    I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but this stuff was OBVIOUS. This isn't rocket surgery. Add to that the obvious problem of the Sorc/Sage 500-600 resource pool, and the problem is only exacerbated.

  12. Alterac Valley in WoW was horrible for afker's they would wander off to some random point in the map and sit there. Vote kick worked most of the time when people weren't enganged in combat themselves. it's hard to cast a vote out when your attention is placed somewhere else like the task at hand.


    Actually no, it didn't work.


    I was part of a dedicated back-capping team. Basically if Alliance took Iceblood Tower, my team and I would kill them and restore the tower. We'd also recap Iceblood Graveyard as soon as Alliance passed it, choking off their reinforcements. 90% win rate, doing that.


    But guess what? With "Report AFK" feature being added, my guys and I at IB Tower would very often get marked as AFK, just because we "weren't helping". And we constantly had to drop everything and run and find someone to attack so we wouldn't be kicked. The whole thing was idiotic.


    That's one example where us playing the game NOT the way some other member of the team wanted us to resulted in a potential kick.


    Want me to give you an example of what WILL happen in SWTOR?


    You're in Huttball. Your team is winning 5-0. There's still 8 mins left on the clock. You don't feel like killfarming the poor lowbie team for another 8 mins, so you grab the ball and start carrying it across. Before you reach the end, you get votekicked! Why? Because other people in the match wanted to killfarm for 8 mins to squeeze out a few more medals.


    In this example, you, doing PRECISELY what the game was designed for - capping the ball - WILL be kicked out in favour of essentially exploiting the situation - shooting fish in a barrel. And they won't even have the option to quit, because by then there'll be a deserter penalty. So they'll have a choice - suffer 8 mins or be locked out of queue for 15 (since this is what WoW did, I assume Bioware will rip that off too).


    To say it will be abused is not possible in most cases if you get people playing the game then it's not really afk, you can't really do anythign about the guy who wastes his time /following someone to occasionally get into combat and continiue to do so the entire match.


    That's why the votekick system is meaningless. Suppose I'm a rat who AFKs in games. I can be semi-AFK. As soon as I get flagged as potential AFK, I just unstealth and get killed. Blam, back to normal. What are you going to do? AFK vote me 20 times a game? Pretty soon you'll get bored of it.


    Oh, but what about my reputation? Guess what? Bioware already said cross-server queues ARE coming! Not in 1.2, but they are coming. So who cares?! Anonymity FTW!

  13. Giving players power is BAD!


    On another note though, how could the game tell the difference between someone AFK, and someone bored to tears guarding one of the side nodes in Alderaan?


    I still feel that the easiest solution against AFKers, is to pull the ennemy on to them :p


    That's an EXCELLENT question. And I'll tell you the super-secret awesome-sauce answer that game developers of old possessed, but which was lost around late 90s.




    Shhhh! Don't tell anyone.


    You see, in a game that is FUN, you don't need to worry about being able to tell the difference between someone guarding a turret, or being AFK because he's bored. Because he wouldn't be bored! He'd be having fun!


    And you wouldn't need a medal system that rewards one class and totally screws over another that worked just as hard (or harder), because rewards wouldn't be needed at all! Because the game would be FUN to play and you wouldn't need the carrot of gear to make you stay and do the mind-numbingly boring grind! And there wouldn't BE a mind-numbingly boring grind, because the game would be designed to be FUN, not a grindfest.


    Etc., etc.

  14. but u can cover without a hotkey on a bar


    Cover - 1st ability.

    Snipe - 2nd ability.


    Bind them however you like, it will take the sniper TWO abilities to do what you want. And it still won't work, because like I said the sniper will be energy-starved very quickly.


    Sage in the video?


    Kinetic Throw - 1st ability.


    That is all. Q.E.D.

  15. I would vote yet to kick an AFK person out. I would never kick someone for lack of equipment or skill.


    That's admirable.


    But suppose you're playing, and you're busy carrying the ball or whatever. And a vote kick request pops up, claiming someone is AFK. What are you going to do? Stop, drop everything and go look where the guy is on the map and whether he's moving or doing something? Meanwhile you get killed and enemy scores? I don't think so.


    So your choices will boil down to blindly say yes or no. If you say yes, and the guy wasn't AFK, you come off like a d**k. If you vote no, and the guy IS AFK, you still come off as a d**k.


    Another example, Civil War. A guy is in stealth by the turret, with 2 medals. He's not moving, just sitting there. Kick? How would you vote? Maybe those 2 medals are from killing a stealthy who tried to cap, and he's actually doing a good job of guarding. Or he could really be AFK and those 2 medals are 1k and 3k defender medals. See the problem?


    I've never ever seen a vote kick system that wasn't badly borked.

  16. No.


    What you don't get is the OP is claiming that with just one button a sorc/sage is OP. Yet he's using a vid/ss with subpar numbers as his proof (LOL). I added further that his OP claim would even further be more laughable if you'd watch him try his "OP" kind binding setup in a 1v1.


    A BH spaming TM would decimate him in ~20seconds if you wanna compare a 1 skill match up.


    Hahahaha! Don't avoid the question! :D


    What ONE button would you choose, as Mara, Operative and Assassin, to beat a Sorcerer like that in a 1v1! Put your money where your mouth was.


    And why are you avoiding the question? Because you KNOW, perfectly well, that like I said, NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME (except Mercs) can do those numbers, even in an identical scenario, with just ONE button on their toolbar.


    You KNOW this. And yet you keep on arguing that everything is hunky dory. Let me guess? Sorc or Merc main?

  17. Short answer: YES.




    Long Answer:


    Look, it's going to be quite simple. The group will look at the rest of the team. If one team member is level 10, I would say there's a 90% chance SOMEONE will initiate the vote kick. Because, frankly, there's no way it can get any worse. Worst case scenario, they trade this level 10 for another level 10. Best case scenario, they kick this level 10 and get a level 49. After this change, being the lowest level player in a warzone will be a dicey proposition. Don't believe me? Wait and see.


    Second, people WILL initiate votekick for things they don't like seeing other players do. For things they perceive as cheap. For example, Sniper camping up top in Huttball and not going for the ball? Cheap! Votekick! And the majority of the team WILL vote yes.


    Why will they vote yes? Because just like casting MVP votes (it costs you nothing to click one button, but your teammate gets extra comms/valor, and yet 40-80% don't do it!), people can't be bothered to investigate if the kick request has any merit. Most will just assume that if someone bothered to initiate a kick, that there's a good reason.


    To give you an example, I was playing a game with votekick, I think it was a first person shooter. And someone initiated a vote kick, citing "AFK" as the reason. And the guy being voted off immediately convoed "I'm HERE!", and guess what? Kicked anyway! lol


    It's just human nature. And votekick is a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE idea! Not only WILL it be abused, it will be HORRIBLY abused.

  18. To me, it's not worth the 2 talent points. But that's a personal decision.


    If I feel I need the snare for this particular fight, I'll put a 50% one that lasts 12 seconds. Yes, it'll cost me 2 rage. Instead of it permanently costing me 2 talent points to put a 30% slow on a target for 6 seconds with Ruptute.


    If Seeping Wound was 50%, or lasted 12-15 seconds, sure. I'd say it's absolutely worth it. Or, heck, if it was just a 1 talent point, I'd say it's worth it. But as it is, 2 points for a 30% that lasts 6 seconds? No way.


    As for Deadly Throw + Vicious Throw, they really need either to knock down the rage cost on Deadly Throw OR buff the damage it does. Its damage is pathetic. The debuff is nice, but the rage cost is steep. I still use it against classes I KNOW will heal, even passively, but it's pricey.

  19. It be funny to watch a half dead, blind, quadriplegic Operative/Mara/Sin eat his face off he tried the same key bindings in a 1v1.


    Can they do it with just one button on their hotbar? What button would you choose for:

    1. Mara

    2. Sin

    3. Operative


    Think well before you answer.

    Remember, Mara by default has no rage.

    Remember that Sin can only Thrash about 5 times before energy gives out, and he can't use stealth, that would require a second button.

    Etc., etc.


    See the problem yet? None of the classes you mentioned, with ONE button on their hotbar, would be able to kill this Sorc 1v1. That's the ultimate irony of this video that you just don't get.

  20. "Guy gets carried by team, hardly gets targeted and claims his class is OP.


    More thrilling news at 11. "


    Problem is, and this is exactly what the video shows, is that he can pull that kind of damage with 1 button and hardly any movement. Yes he gets carried. Yes the enemy it atrocious.


    But can a Mara pull that kind of numbers with 1 button? Nope.

    Can a PT? Again, nope, not a single button they can spam can give those numbers or even close. Sure he can hit Flame Burst 4-6 times before overheat puts a stop to that, and then 20 seconds of cooloff before he can do it again.


    What people are complaining about is that Mercs and Sorcs can spam one button, over and over, and get quite decent results. When NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME can do the same. Either nerf them, or buff others. Otherwise it's just not fair.


    Which is the whole point of the video.

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