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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. While I agree with removing Expertise, stop and think, what would people do then?


    I mean, currently they're grinding valor and commendations like good little hamsters in the wheel. And forking over $15/mo while doing it. Take away Expertise, and what incentive is there to farm PvP gear? Because let's face it, fun goes out of PvP rather quickly when it's 24/7 Huttball for majority of the game's population.


    At this stage, they NEED people grinding away at the wheel, so they have time to patch things up and add some more content to keep people quitting from boredom.

  2. OP,


    Bolstering for low numbers just won't work. Blizzard tried it with Wintegrasp, and it didn't work. Having 10 people fight 40, the 10 people bolstered to HIGH HEAVEN still lose, because they can't be everywhere at once.


    What they need to do is foster a healthy population balance. NOT punish people who chose "wrong", because let's face it, many people picked their side due to role playing or aesthetic reasons. They shouldn't be punished for rolling Empire just because they love Darth Maul.


    What they could do at this stage is:


    1. Allow faction transfer - unidirectional and permanent.


    2. Give underdog faction HUGE bonuses. I'm talking +500% XP gain from all sources, +200% valor gain, etc.


    Picture yourself as a new player, staring at the Republic and Empire icons. Under Republic it would say "Choose this side, and level 5x faster, and receive 2x as many valor points!" Why WOULDN'T you go Republic? Heck, I would reroll from scratch with bonuses like these and ding 50 with 2 days /played.


    3. Lock Empire faction on servers where people don't already have Empire chars, until it balances out.


    This one is a bit controversial, and I probably wouldn't do it given a chance. Honey works better than vinegar.

  3. IDEA: Create a Que for Iliium... If there is only 20 Republics on Ilium then thee should only be 20 Imperials able to come in.


    Well this will cause Imps to rage because now they can't join Ilium when they want, but at least it will keep some balance on the planet. Maybe it will cause some Imps to switch factions.


    This would keep the bulk of Imps from completing their dailies. And it would allow the bulk of Repubs to complete their dailies. Which would lead to a lot of Imps quitting. Which, in theory, would solve the problem. And create another - ghost town servers.


    Look, I'll make it simple. Someone who spent 10-14 days /played time leveling to 50 and getting geared isn't just going to reroll Republic and start at level 1. Though funnily enough, you CAN apparently mail money to opposing faction in this game. I haven't tried it myself, but I hear it's the case.


    Anywho, if they want faction balance, they NEED to cap the creation of new chars until things balance out. It's not perfect, Aion did this and it didn't work, but it's better than doing nothing at all - which is what they've been doing up to now.


    Then they need to give people an incentive to go Republic if they already have Empire chars. Look, I have a 36 Operative. There's no way in holy hell I would reroll a Scoundrel. But if they allowed me to trade in my 36 Operative for 36 Scoundrel, I might just do it.


    And finally, they NEED to fix animation lengths and ability response. If you compare how spells look and feel between factions, all too often Republic versions are slower/clunkier. Which is one of many reasons why so many avoid Republic on PvP servers.


    Problem with all this? TIME. All of these should have been done ages ago, when they were first reported, BACK IN BETA.

  4. We worked hard to get the tag and perks that go along with it. Now anyone that likes to glitch/exploit can get it today..


    It's not really "work", and it's not really "hard". It's a long, tedious and boring grind - yes, I'll give you that much.


    And ultimately it is meaningless. Think three or four MMOs back, think of your titles or achievements or whatever in that game. Do they still have any meaning to you at all NOW?


    Yes, it sucks that Bioware did what they did. What sucks worse is the way they handled the public relations. And what sucks worst of all is that they did it the day before subs renew. And they will pay for it, quite rightly too. But it's just a game, and the title is just another digital carrot at the end of a long, repetitive grind. It's not based on skill or anything of that nature, it's just a grind.

  5. ...we list some ideas as players for devs to read and get input from?


    You mean like we did on beta forums? Yeah, fat lot of good came from that.


    I have a saved screenie of a huge post on beta forums, saying "unless you want Empire to outnumber Republic 2:1. do this..." followed by pages of suggestions. And here we are, 6 months later, with Empire outnumbering Republic 2:1, and nothing done to stop it.

  6. Bioware knows for sure. But they aren't telling. If they did, they would have to admit that 50% of the player base plays Sorc/Sage (my own highest level char is a Sorc), which begs the question why class balance is so awesome.


    Personally, I think Sniper/Gunslinger are the least played classes.


    Followed by Powertech/Vanguard. Don't quote me on Powertech/Vanguard, but each time I do a "/who" there's usually tons of Mercenaries/Commandos but not these guys.

  7. I did warzones today too. And I still want a rollback. When this kind of things happens, on such ludicrous scale, it's ALWAYS a good idea to do a rollback. Otherwise things have long-term ramifications.


    I'll give you an excellent example - Darkfall. On release day, there were quite a few high level mobs that were bugged. Some guilds exploited the heck out of that, and made SO MUCH GOLD and looted so many quality weapons and armor, more than non-exploiting guilds would make in a month or more. As a result, they could afford to buy and build things normal guilds couldn't, and it affected the game balance for months.


    It's the same here. If people could accomplish in a few hours that would normally take days or weeks, there should be a rollback. If it were an isolated issue, I'd be fine with it. But when most level 50s on every server did it, it's not an isolated issue.

  8. I'm inclined to agree.


    Server I'm on went from 20 min queue at primetime, to Full, to Heavy, and right now it's Standard. Tomorrow, it'll probably be Light.


    I've seen this happen in Pirates of the Burning Sea, exact same thing. So I ended up cancelling pre-emptively. Hey, if I'm wrong and all this gets fixed and blows over, I''ll come back. Maybe. But right now based on what I see the game is starting to circle the bowl, and today's "patch" didn't help.

  9. Cancel this thread if you must..but I want all who are cancelling to not ge screwed. Remember to remove any credit cards or pay pal accounts so they don't "accidentally" bill you!


    Meh, you can just call your credit card company and have them reverse the charges. Depending on which bank BW/EA use, it might actually hurt. There's usually fees associated with chargebacks.

  10. It's laughable, It's some kind of cosmic joke.


    Dude, you don't get it. THE JOKE IS ON US! lol


    I mean, here we are, 15 years later, STILL PAYING to watch yet another company repeat yet the same mistakes. :D

  11. Healing medals went bye bye, yes. At least the medpack ones. Also getting 5k in single hit is problematic for many classes now since you can't stack buffs and stims. So I think it's safe to say the days of getting 13 medals for being a tank with Biochem are gone.
  12. In principle, I give you two hairy thumbs up!


    In practice, it still will NOT work. As someone above said, Aion tried this. As soon as one faction went over 51%, it got locked until the other faction caught up.


    World PvP was still broken. Because just having a 50% pop split doesnt mean you have a 50% skill split, 50% playtime split, 50% grouping split, etc., etc. You know, all those other factors that affect the overall outcome of PvP much more than sheer numbers.


    Ill just say it for the cheap seats - world PvP never worked. Ever. In any game.


    UO, didnt work.

    EVE, also didnt work, most of the game is controlled by huge power bloc alliances.

    Darkfall, Mortal, WoW, you name it.


    In the REAL WORLD, world PvP doesnt work either.

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