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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. Yes peeps forget about taunting. As a PT BH i constant use my neural darts and no1 ever knows what happend. If they dont attack me and attack some 1else they dont do alot of damage. Also using dots with my blade is very nice. After that they complain that they cant capature a turret.


    I kinda wish duration/CD were longer/shorter. That 6 second taunt on 30 sec CD? Make it 12 seconds duration, or cut the CD. But hey, at least it's off GCD, something to be thankful for.

  2. Id love to see that list of 3 minute cooldowns you're whining about.


    My Juggernaut has 3 of those already.


    Saber Ward, defensive skill for all warriors, 3 min CD

    Endure Pain, Jugg-specific defensive skill, 3 min CD

    Invincible, Jugg-tank-spec-specific defensive skill, 3 min CD


    That's just on one class. And you're whining about a 60 sec CD? Jeez. Try those "tanky" classes you dislike so much and see what life is like when 90% of your tankiness comes from 3 min CDs that last a max of 12 seconds. :rolleyes:


    As for the rest of the whining about mitigation, if that didn't exist you'd wipe the floor with any class.


    And resolve? Same for everyone. Some classes have it worse. Operative's famous 3 second knockdown? THREE seconds. Gives full white resolve bar. Bam, one hit, immune to CC. Meanwhile a 4 sec stun from another class only gives 800/1000 resolve. Go figure.

  3. Entrench has its uses if you pop every cooldown again only really useful vs other imperial agents warriors/BH can still tear you a new without CC's. And if the decide to walk away LOL your left feeling like a fool with a massive cooldown.


    Let's do this backwards.


    Feeling like a tool with a massive cooldown? You think 60 seconds is massive? Try 3 mins that other classes deal with.


    He decides to walk away? Well, it's not like you have any roots with 35m range, or blind with 30m range...


    Warriors/BH tearing you a new one? How exactly. You are entrenched in cover. You cannot be interrupted, you cannot be CCd for 20 seconds. Meanwhile all of your CC works on them as per usual. For 20 seconds out of every 60, or 1/3rd of the time. It's mind-bogglingly huge.


    Agents? Yeah, OK. But everyone knows something is going to happen with that. Heck, possibly the buff stacking nerf in 1.1 will fix it.

  4. lol - you realize that Operatives/Scoung are the LEAST played class even now right?


    I don't believe that is the case. Snipers/Gunslingers seem much, much less played than Operatives/Scoundrels.

  5. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong...WRONG!


    Sorcerers need a nerf because unlike every other class they have a huge resource pool that regenerates linearly. NO OTHER AC IN THE WHOLE DARN GAME has that! A Sorcerer can cast what he wants, when he wants, without paying the slightest attention to the resource bar. THAT'S the problem!


    A Sorc is DPSing. A Sorc sees he needs to use a CC. Sorcerer presses the button, CC happens. He never even looks at his force bar.


    Now compare that to a Sith Warrior. Sith warrior is DPSing. Sith Warrior realizes he needs to do a CC or an interrupt. Whoops! No rage, because he mismanaged his resource. He dies.


    Compare that to a BH. A BH is DPSing. A BH realizes he has to CC. Whoops! He's overheated because he wasn't paying attention to his heat bar. He dies.


    Problem with Sorcerers is NOT the skills and the CCs and whatnot. First and foremost is that they can do whatever they want on demand without having to hold back. As a BH, I constantly hold back DPS to keep my cooling optimal. As a sniper I constantly hold back on DPS to keep energy regen optimal. As a Sith Warrior, I constantly have to hold back DPS to keep a few surplus rage for CC/interrupts. But as a Sorc, you can go balls-to-the-wall DPS and not worry about a thing.


    Nerf that, and you'll fix the class. Or buff all other classes, give everyone 600 heat, 600 energy, 600 rage, etc. Then we'll be even.

  6. In my humble opinion, win trading like that should be a bannable offense.


    But hey, what do you expect from a bunch of WoW players? From what I hear, that's the modus operandi for that new world PvP zone that was introduced with Cataclysm too. Just trade wins, so that everyone can do the dailies.


    That's what you get, basing PvP rewards around PvE. Shocking, I know. Who could have seen this coming? :rolleyes:

  7. What kills me, absolutely kills me, is how every developer keeps repeating the EXACT same mistakes every other developer has made in the past 15 years of MMOs. Every, single, bloody one! It's like these people ENJOY reinventing the wheel.
  8. I now have one of each Empire ACs, half in the 30s, the rest in the 20s and one still low level.


    Knowing what I know, I wouldn't have made an Operative. Yes, damage is great, stealth is great. But animations are clunky and energy management and Tactical Advantage really make it unenjoyable. Sniper isn't much better - cover system needs major fixing for responsiveness and bugs.


    If I had to pick one, yes, it would be a Sorcerer. Tons of utility, decent mobility, more than decent survival and fantastic damage. Best of all, ZERO resource management, unlike every other class in the game. Which I feel needs to be nerfed, or ALL other class resources buffed. Until that balancing happens, we will continue to see 5-8 Sorcerers per WZ.

  9. Yes but should other people have an advantage over me that have played 1/10th the hours?


    That's what "random" means. Some people get lucky. Some get unlucky.


    If you were told that you were guaranteed, beyond all doubt, that it would take you a minimum of 50 bags to get the full kit, would it make it better than knowing it could take under 10 or over 100?


    Yeah, it's not a nice system. But consider the alternative - hordes of no lifers max level and fully geared who quit for lack of things to do. Instead, with current system you get hordes of no lifers at max level still grinding gear like good little hamsters instead of quitting. Guess which one you pick if you are running a business in which you are supplying a product (content) at a MUUUUCH slower pace than your consumers will go through it?

  10. I get it, and for what it's worth I agree.


    But you have to realize, this is PADDING, a TIME SINK for the masses. Without it, with the kind of hours you play, you would have been fully decked out weeks ago. And then what? Probably quit out of boredom. Or worse, take it out on some poor lowbies who can't even scratch you.


    They INTENTIONALLY did it this way. Just like they intentionally drag out many quests, especially class ones. It made me chuckle when as an Inquisitor I had to go to Kaas, then the cave, the temple, back to the cave, back to to Kaas, then to the fleet, then back to Kaas and then back to the cave. NONE of it was really necessary. It was just time-killing travel to pad 15 mins worth of content so that it takes an hour instead.


    I doubt it'll change any time soon. And if it does, then commendation/valor gains will be severely nerfed. It's just the way it crumbles, cookie-wise.

  11. Assuming ball carrier and healer are already in the pack, I'd go with Sorcerer. A competent one.


    They just have too much utility (able to shield a group member for 3-4k damage every 4 seconds or less, that's HUGE!) and CC. Instant Whirlwind as Madness spec is just too good, coupled with ranged instant interrupt, ranged instant stun (compared to BH stun dart that has to slowly fly to the target before the stun occurs). And most important of all, it's the only AC in the game that doesn't need to worry about rage/energy/heat management - they get a huge pool of force and plenty of ways to regen it passively while they do what they normally do.


    Just can't go wrong with a Sorc, IMO.


    Don't get me wrong, Operatives are OP and all that, and a good Mara can slice and dice like a mad monkey, but they just don't bring to the TEAM as much as a decent Sorcerer can.

  12. I kinda like auto-spin. Makes all those ******* who think circle-strafing somehow equates to a skill look totally ridiculous.


    Circle strafing is not skill. Never was. Never will be.


    Jousting you could argue up or down, but with the forgiving range this game has, it's kind of a moot point anyway.


    Personally I like auto-facing. Makes combat a little less idiotic to look at, and allows you to focus on abilities and tactics rather than seeing who gets motion sickness from the spinning first - you or your opponent.

  13. I'm inclined to agree, though not for that precise reason.


    Let's face it, much of SWTOR class abilities are a direct ripoff from WoW. There's a nice picture floating around that shows Sith Juggernaut and WoW warrior having identical abilities all along the line.


    Problem is, WoW never had balanced PvP either. In fact I would say WoW is one of the worst balanced MMOs I've ever played. There's been glaring, GLARING class imbalances for YEARS. And there's been instances of overplayed, overrepresented, terribly overpowered classes getting BUFFS, while underplayed, underrepresented and generally weak classes got nerfs. That's one of the chief reasons I quit the garbage game back in the day. When rogue/mage/priest teams are 75% of 2400+ rated teams, and feral druids are 3.7%, yeah, let's nerf druids and buff rogues...that's classic Blizzard right there.


    So honestly, how can you expect good balance in SWTOR when they've ripped off one of the worst balanced MMOs to date? You can't.


    Then again, maybe a miracle will happen and they will hire someone who actually DOES PVP to look at class balance, instead of looking at metrics. But heck, even looking at metrics (as long as they look at actions-per-second as well as damage done, kills, deaths, etc.) they should be able to put two and two together. If a Marauder hitting 3829 buttons barely matches up to a Mercenary that hits 1 button every 1.5 seconds, it's not rocket surgery.

  14. If it's Force Push and 30m range on our saber throws... I'll be about as satisfied as I could ever possibly be. lol.


    It would be nice to have a ranged root without speccing for it. They can rip if off from WoW like everything else. Allow us to throw one saber at the enemy, rooting them for X seconds. Meanwhile we can't use any attack that requires 2 sabers for X seconds after we throw it.


    A ranged execute would be awful nice as well, also one that's usable at 30% HP, not 20%. Snipers and Sins both get a 30%, and we get 20?

  15. Personally I think they have two possible solutions.


    One is to tone down the overall damage, making fights last longer. So that this 4 sec stun, even followed by another, shorter stun, is not a be-all-end-all combo.


    Two is to make knockbacks and roots cost just as much resolve as stuns. Currently I believe a stun is 200 resolve a second, and knockbacks are 200 per knockback. In other words, you could eat 5 knockbacks back to back before you become immune. That's insane. Knockbacks should be at least 400 per knockback, or 50 per meter of knockback or something - the longer the knock, the more it costs. And if the knocbkack has a root on the end, the root's effect should count towards resolve as well.


    In other words, they still have an awful lot of balancing to do. The question now is - can they do it in time. Natives are getting restless, and if Bioware messes about for 6-12 months, it'll be a ghost town long before fixes come. And lest we forget, this year promises some significant competition, MMO and semi-MMO wise. So they don't exactly have a lot of time.

  16. What do you expect? It's the only class in the game that doesn't have to deal with a resource system. You get 500-600 force, more than enough to kill 2-3 people. And then you get talents that restore it when you do basic things like channel lightning (i.e. passive regen in combat).


    It's no wonder the class is overplayed. If this is changed (and it should be, it's just not fair to the others), you'll see a significant dropoff.

  17. Every single class in the game has the same issue.


    I trigger Unload on my BH, and nothing happens. I mean, animation plays, the progress bar shows, ability goes on cooldown. Just no damage. I roll into cover with my Sniper and press Ambush, cast bar appears, then disappears, no shot, no damage, ability on cooldown. Etc., etc.


    You're not alone. Hopefully BW will fit it eventually. They did say something that they're working in responsiveness of controls.

  18. Wrong. Eve-Online is king of the hill as being the longest most successful MMO to date. 2003 and still going. Impressive...


    With peak subs being 350k? Half of those subs paid for with PLEX, the ISK from which was made by AFK bot farming? Oh, yeah. Really successful. I'm sure Blizzard with the BILLIONS they made from WoW are green with envy... :rolleyes:

  19. Probably not, no. Not unless they made a LOT of changes to the Republic.


    Quite frankly, I want to ENJOY the look and feel of the class that I'm playing, and I have to like the story. Republic failed on all fronts.


    Take Sorcerer vs Sage. One shoots lightning, the other throws pebbles? Helloooo?! Jedi in brown robes vs cool Sith armors and masks? A friggin' Bounty Hunter with a friggin' jetpack and friggin' laser beam attached to his friggin' glove? Yeah, OK, the Trooper is also pretty impressive, but it's not quite the same.


    The story on the Republic side was so full of saccharine morality and so little-goodie-two-shoes it made my skin crawl. Companions were largely lackluster (mostly human, compare to BH companions - Gault, Blizz, etc!) at least for me. It just seemed...I don't know...infantile, in a Treasure Island kind of way.

  20. ...also brings in several features which WoW didn't For example, the archetype trinity is present in PvP as well as PvE unlike WoW where you seldom saw a tank unless he was running with a flag.


    Yes, the ability to guard/taunt a player doesn't exist in WoW, but then again it doesn't work too well in SWTOR either. Personally I feel as time goes by and people get geared, we'll all realize it is a flawed mechanic that will likely see major changes.

  21. Only time will tell. Most games live or die by the first 3 months. WoW, during and after the first 3 months, really took off. And it's still here and still king of the hill. Meanwhile AoC took a nose dive at the end of second month and never recovered and is now a F2P cesspool.


    Personally I feel SWTOR surpassed my expectations. But they were pretty low to begin with. PvP indeed was an afterthought, but it's not exactly unexpected in a game based around PvE mostly-single-player story.

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