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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. Not a push persae but they do have an ae knockback that works on weak/normal mobs. The speed comes from the 5th tier talent called jet charge.


    Powertechs do NOT get a knockback. Or a push. Of ANY kind. EVER. You are confusing a Powertech with a Mercenary. And Mercenaries do not get a jump or charge of any kind. Ever. You must have had a Mercenary Powertech, probably with a 31/31/31 build.


    And the reason a PT can hold aggro relatively well with autoshot is because of Cylinder procs, which add extra effects to shots.


    Another reason PT has an easier time tanking is because their tanking stance has NO downside, whatsoever. Jugg downside is you generate less rage in Soresu. Sin downside is they do 5% less damage while in Dark Charge stance. But PT Ion Cylinder has zero downside to it. Which I find pretty unfair.

  2. *EDIT* And no, it was not "Lag" or "Delay". I pressed the button, while he was STILL STUNNED by the time I was at his side, and it just went "NO CANNOTDENY, THAT'S BAD. HE MUST SCORE AND YOU MUST LOSE" so it instead chose to launch him into the goal line. My latency was still at 4 healthy bars with 100 or so ms.


    He was out of sync with the server. This happens all the time to all other classes as well.


    Sometimes as Operative I would knock someone down, try to follow up with an attack, but it would fail and say out of range. Then, they would come out of CC and move, and re-sync with the server and appear elsewhere. Same thing happens with other abilities as well.


    It's a game problem, between engine and server and client. It's not lag or delay, it's a sync issue.

  3. Most find too much benefit from the Immortal Tree, it just seems to work better in PvP for Juggs...


    Yeah, 30-32 are such gamechanger levels as Immortal spec, almost impossible to give up.

    Force Choke no longer channeled - Check.

    Melee range 4 sec stun - Check.

    Stun of charge - Check.


    Add to that the knockback/knockdown they get at 26, and levels 26-32 are the most exciting thing ever on a Jugg.

  4. Wither never procced HD nor was it intended to. It's a recent tooltip change that mistakenly made it over from test. Stop spreading misinformation.


    Did they say it was an unintended tooltip change? Because a few tooltips changed. The Induction talent description in Deception tree changed as well. It still works the same as it always did, but the tooltip says it requires Surging Charge.


    The thing is, I don't think Bioware said anything about this, one way or the other.


    There's two schools of thought on this right now:


    1. The tooltips changed on purpose or accidentally, but they do reflect the upcoming changes.

    2. The tooltips changed as a bug, and no such changes are coming.


    At this point, until Bioware develops those communication skills, all we can do is guess. It can go either way, I think. If tooltips revert back next patch, we'll know. If not, we'll just have to wait and see.

  5. Also how about they have to run around with some title indicating they flee once the other team scores 1 point in huttball?


    Seriously, anyone else tired of that


    I would agree to this. But the title has to be "My Team Was A Bunch of Killfarming Baboons". Because that's why most people quit Warzones.


    Lately, I started to quit them myself. Even before a cap, or before first explosive is planted. I've gotten pretty amazing at it, 92% accuracy so far.


    Take Void Star. Doors open. My ENTIRE team goes to the left door. The ENTIRE enemy team goes to the right door. My team stands there, looking around all confused. The enemy team spreads my liquified remains all over the other door and plant a charge. These days, when I see the entire team head for just one door, I don't wait for inevitable altert, I just leave.



    Now take Alderaan. Speeders land. My buddy and I say "We got East, everyone else go West or Middle". What happens? My buddy and I jump down and head East. So does the rest of the team. Nobody goes mid, nobody goes West. When that happens, you KNOW the match is a loss. You don't need to wait to see how many turrets the enemy caps.


    Now take Huttball. Match starts. Two teammates don't make it to the middle because they died in a fire. One more runs into the pit of acid and starts shooting at the enemy. He gets two shots off before the acid gets him. He is level 42, by the way. True story, this was last night. The rest of the team, most of them Operatives, stealth up and go to the sides to farm kills. Enemy team simply walks down the middle, completely unopposed.


    Now, you want to PUNISH me for leaving these morons? Sure. Go ahead. Instead of leaving, I'll just AFK. Do some light reading, chat with the guild, maybe do some crafting.

  6. Ok so most marauders complain that we´re underpowered and some says the opposite.

    You who think that marauders are fine, what are you doing? Do you have full pvp gear?

    Are there some secret skill combination you use?


    Can someone explain WHY you think we´re not underpowered while the majority says we are?


    First off, you need to realize that 90% of everything you read on this forum is crap. Total crap. There's tons of misinformation, outright lies, etc., etc.


    Second, people in this game are pathetic at recognizing whether they're fighting someone who is skilled, or someone who doesn't know their rear end from a hole in the ground. Last night, there was a 49 Jugg in a WZ with me, and I repeatedly butchered him without dropping below 50% health. And my Marauder is in mid-30s right now. I could easily come to the forum and claim Maras are just fine. Except I realize with cold, dead certainty that he had absolutely no brains at all, he was one step removed from being AFK. But most people on this forum immediately assume they win because they're oh-so-awesomesauce and the class is just fine.


    Third, I find people who say Marauders are fine are also the guys running around with 600+ Expertise, usually with a pocket healer or a really good group. And honestly, ANY class is great in this scenario. I often see videos, and it is 50v50. But one (usually the guy doing the video) has 17k+ HP, and the guy being killed is often as low as 12k. I mean, it's hardly a contest.


    Teamwork also strongly impacts how you view the class. Just last night, I was doing PuG WZs. And one match, I had a decent team. That is, tank that actually taunted and shielded healer. Healer that actually healed, even healed me once or twice. And I felt like an unstoppable cuisinart of death playing my Marauder. It didn't really matter what class they were, I annihilated them.


    The very next match, my team was morons. And I'm only saying morons because the forum will edit out anything stronger. And I had a miserable time. Enemy team was coordinated. The moment I showed my face, it was melted off, usually from range. If I tried to attack anyone, I was quickly CCd and dropped like a bag of potatoes. I pop Force Camo, they pop Stealth Scan. I pop Cloak of Pain, they CC me for 6+ seconds, it falls off. Etc., etc. Absolutely miserable.


    Fourth, you have people who only PvE, and most of that is just doing quests. In that regard, I too feel Marauder is just fine. In fact, it's probably the fastest leveling class in the game, or possibly tied with a Sorcerer.


    Just something to keep in mind as you read the replies.

  7. I also feel that some abilities for Mara come way too late. Like the execute saber throw? What is it, 46? I mean, come on! Other classes get theirs by 18 (Sniper), 32 (Sin), 34 (Pyro spec BH), etc., etc. Nobody else but warriors gets their execute at 46. That's just silly.


    Other classes also have more leeway with these abilities - they are in execute range when enemy is below 30%. Ours is below 20%. Why? Just doesn't seem fair.


    Not really important in the long run, but it's always been a pet peeve of mine.

  8. It's not so much as Darkness being flat out overpowered as opposed to the fact that you pretty much die instantly if you're not in Dark Charge so it really doesn't matter if you do more DPS in another spec because you're still dead.


    For me it's this, pretty much.


    I'm playing a Marauder, who is also melee. But he's got Medium armor, not light. And arguably some of the best defensive cooldowns in the game, at least on par with the ones Sin has. And they complain about being squishy. But Sin has Light armor. Who thought that brilliant, I can't begin to guess.


    Darkness is OK though. That's the build I've been playing both leveling and PvP, and so far it's good. Damage is laughable, relatively speaking, but you stay up a lot longer.

  9. what a moron go back and read it again.. it has 3 charges yes... it uses one charge per sweeping slash which mean 5 targets geta bleed. i know this because iv tried it and constantly do it in big groups... but hey if your narrow mind doesnt want to accept this then be my guest dont do it and then go on forums complaing we suck or w/e it is you do


    Have you tested it? I mean genuinely TESTED if it indeed works the way you say it does?


    Go pull 2 mobs, pop Deadly Saber and do two Sweeping Strikes.


    By your logic, both mobs should have 2 DoT on them now, for a total of 4. Do they?


    Because when I test it, I have a max of 2 DoTs spread across two mobs. And it is the mob CLOSEST to me, not necessarily that one that I'm targeting, that gets these 2 DoTs. Basically, whichever mob gets hit by the Sweeping Strike first, since it requires no target to work, that's the one that gets the bleed. The rest get nothing.


    Go test it. I'll wait right here for your apology.

  10. proof? because every time i try it says "cannot be done while stealthed" or a very similar message, dont quite me on the message. but i know for an Op its true, i just tried it


    Have you tried using Infiltrate instead of Stealth?

  11. I agree with Atemus. Dark charge with force focus delivers best results for me.


    What are the benefits of using a Force focus instead of shield?


    I know shields in PvP are nowhere near as good as PvE, but still. Also, would you take a point in Dark Ward with it? Makes that talent pretty useless.

  12. Why is kick and pommel strike not usable in pvp?


    EVERY class has these abilities. NONE work in PvP.


    sorcs can use their full range of OP crowd control.


    Inquisitors get Tumult. Which...drumroll please...doesn't work in PvP!

    Bounty Hunters get Shoulder Slam. Which...drumroll again...doesn't work in PvP!

    IAs get Eviscerate, which...can you guess yet...DOESN'T WORK IN PVP!


    God people... :mad:

  13. I'm gonna do my Sin:



    Force Speed

    Force Slow

    Saber Strike






    Force Lightning







    Mind Control

    Mass Mind Control


    Force Cloak

    Force Shroud

    Mind Trap



    Unbreakable Will (trinket)


    And that's not including spells that are not practical to cast with my build, like:

    Crushing Darkness


    And that's not including talents I have:

    Dark Ward

    Force Pull



    By max level, I will also have, at the minimum:


    Overcharge Saber


    Including Seethe, I have 30+ abilities hotkeyed on my Sin. I have WAAAY less on my Mara.

  14. We really are fine. I have stood still in pvp, not even fought back, only used defensive CDs (undying rage, saber ward, cloak of pain, camo, obfuscate....) and just spammed /tap to impatiently tap my foot at the person attacking me. I'm trying to get 50 /taps off before they kill me. I've gotten close. We can stay up OK on our own.


    In general I agree, but I find it's way too easy to strip Cloak of Pain off a Mara. It should have a 15 sec duration, not 6. Total would still be 30 sec.


    When CC lasts 8 seconds, all too often you pop Cloak, they CC you and just /tap there until your cloak falls off. Heck, I've done it to Maras myself on my Sin. It's easy to do, and totally negates such an important skill (since it can be talented to grant other bonuses).


    For a geared 50, the guy is SHOCKINGLY ill informed.


    He actually thinks vast majority of classes in the game has a knockback? 37.5% have none at all. Another 12.5% has it only single target and on 1 min cooldown. Which makes for 50% of all classes. That's hardly vast majority.


    He has some good points, but most of it is just whining. Don't want to get knocked off the bridges in Huttball? Don't go to the bridges! lol It's that simple. Have stealth cross over and wait, run into the pit, pass to them, have them cap. Or wait until the enemy is sticks his head out and charge them up. L2P issue, it seems.


    I could go on, but really it's not worth dissecting 30 mins of that.

  16. I'm sure there has been a few hundred threads about this


    Yes, hundreds of not-too-bright individuals demanding an idiotic addition to the game are being ignored by the Devs. Way to go, Devs!


    In case you missed the memo, all that the deserter debuff will do is make people AFK instead of leave the game. That is all. You'll still lose, badly. Only instead of a few people ragequitting and possibly being replaced by decent players, you'll have them sit there taking up room and doing absolutely nothing, crafting or chatting with friends.


    Way to go, man! Brilliant idea!

  17. Complexity of rotations, I think people are blowing things out of proportion.


    Yes, it's more complex than Arsenal Merc. Pretty much everything is more complex than those guys.


    But comparing my Sin's rotation to my Marauder's, I'd say Sin's is more complex. For one, I have to keep Dark Ward up, or I get squishy. Then, I have to watch for Energize procs from Thrash, which buffs Shock. Then, I have to watch Raze procs from melee crits and use Crushing Darkness. Etc., etc. It's just as complex and proc-dependent.


    Plus, as a Sin there's the added complexity of having to use taunts in PvP. Yes, even DPS spec Sin can and should use taunts. That's two extra keybinds right there. Plus Sin has a ton more CC, utility and the rest - keybinds, keybinds, keybinds. I have about 30% more keybinds on my Sin than I do on my Mara.


    So, I don't know. My feeling is that Mara is not all that complex. Yeah, you have to watch one or two procs. Big whoop.

  18. Andronikos is good, but he has long gaps between a lot of his shots and I don't like running down mobs that aggro to him.


    Yeah, all too often I see Andronikos do his long cast Power Shot against an enemy with a sliver health left, where a single autoshot would do it. Really ineffective. I too prefer Ashara.


    Though since I got Talos, I find it hard to give him up. Going from pull to pull with 100% health with my brain totally switched off is nice sometimes.

  19. Building 3 stacks of HD is a waste of time. It pretty much only happens when after a Shock the guy gets taken down to Assassinate range, because you should always FL immediately after a Shock. It's good for a LOL moment when you fry someone for 7000 damage with FL but that's about all it's good for. Even with one stack, that FL would've done 5000 damage anyway and that's usually plenty of damage to kill someone.


    Yeah, that's how it works now. But on live server, tooltip now says that Shock AND Witcher will proc Harnessed Darkness. It still doesn't, but the tooltip changed, so odds are the ability will eventually be patched up too.


    Considering Shock is on 6 sec CD and Wither on 7.5 sec, Harnessed Darkness could be quite godly.


    Though we'll probably have to wait a few months at least for the change. It's not in the notes for upcoming patch, so it'll be next major patch probably. And since they've been doing one a month so far, it could be a while. Hybrid Darkness/Madness is better now anyway - way more damage, with hardly any loss in survivability.

  20. Don't discount full Darkness either, especially when they finally fix Harnessed Darkness to do what the tooltip says - that is proc from Wither. With a 3 stack of HD, your lightning becomes uninterruptible, does 75% more damage and heals you for 12% of your HP over its duration.


    Currently gettnig the 3 HD stack is hard, because it is only proccing from Shock, and Shock is on 9 sec CD, though CD can be reset with Thrash (50% chance). But when it is fixed and also procs from Wither...ooooh, baby!


    So while I wouldn't recommend going 31 Darkness now, it's actually quite decent. But here and now, I'd go Darkness/Madness hybrid. Darkness up to shock/pull/spike out of stealth+armor, and Madness up to Raze and possibly instant Whirlwind.


    People sneeze at instant Whirlwind, but that's because their head is up their backside for warmth. That instant WW can turn a 3v1 into a 1v1, when coupled with Mind Trap. Or it can force someone to pop the trinket, you vanish, and re-open on them. It's really priceless when used right. Can't tell you how many times 2 people tried to cross the fire in Huttball and neither one made it - Mind Trap, Whirlwind.

  21. As for the CC, I think sorcerers can use it instantly whereas it has a cast time for assassins, so even in PVP an assassin has a disadvantage there.


    Actually it's 2 seconds for both. There's a talent in Madness tree, which both have, that makes it instant. A Sorcerer is just much more likely to take the talent since Madness tree is much more useful for them. Though a hybrid darkness/madness Sin can have it too.


    I hope you're right about the nerf. Though to be honest I'd prefer they just buff other classes.


    Oh, I could be wrong. But right now, Sorcerers are just too damn easy to play and do very well with. No thought or skill required. Also the only class that requires absolutely zero resource management. You start with 500-600 force, and with half-decent spec doing things like casting lightning actually regenerates it faster.


    Unless they want to keep Sorcerers as a total nooblet class that even a complete moron can pick up and do well with, I don't see how they can leave them the way they are.


    And based on how heavy-handedly they slapped down Operatives on the test server, my money is on a big, fat nerf. And it ain't gonna be pretty. I just hope they confine it to Sorcerers and don't nerf the everlasting peepee out of Sins in the process.

  22. Ok, so it's down to either powertech, marauder, or juggernaut. Which is the best against each other? And do powertechs really get beaten by marauder and juggernaut?


    Marauder with all cooldowns up will probably spank a Powertech. At least in my experience. Marauders have arguably the best defensive cooldowns in the game. But without cooldowns? Marauder is toast. I mean, it's not even funny. While Powertech without cooldowns is still reasonably well off.


    Can't speak for Juggernaut, mine isn't high enough level.




    I am also surprised nobody mentioned Assassin. They're just as durable, have quite a few good defensive cooldowns, can vanish into stealth and re-open, have quite decent CC and utility. Though they're really hard to play well. As Darkness Sin, I have more buttons that need to be pushed in combat than pretty much any other class, including Marauder, and more procs to watch. With my current spec, I have to watch for 3 procs, to optimize DPS.

  23. DPS: Sorcerer prevails. Why? Because they are ranged and don't have to constantly move around when the boss does AoE/knockbacks, or when it switches targets or moves around in general so they can backstab.


    In PVE? Yes, absolutely.


    In PvP? It depends. Against anyone with half-decent interrupts, I would rather play a Sin than a Sorc. Ever try fighting a Mara or a PT with their 6 second CD interrupt? Yeah, it's not great.


    AoE: Sorcerer prevails. Why? Because they have really good AoE abilities like force storm when all the assassin has is lacerate, which even when you put talent points into improving it is utter garbage.


    Definitely true, no arguments here.


    Utility / CC: Sorcerer prevails. Why? Sorcerer has fun things like force grip, in addition to a CC ability that works in combat against anything, whereas the assassin has a similar one except it doesn't work against droids, and doesn't work in combat.


    PvE? Yes. Most certainly.


    PvP? Debatable. The Sin version of Whirlwind lasts 8 seconds, vs Sorc 1 min. So in PvE it's obviously better to be a Sorc. But in PvP, both are 8 sec. The Sin CC that works from stealth and out of combat is handy as well to keep people from capping in PvP. So as a Sin you have a choice of 2 CCs with 8 sec duration, where a Sorc only gets one.


    Then, Sin gets Spike, which with Darkness spec can be used out of stealth. Real handy. And where Sorc has a pull that works only on friendlies, a Sin has a pull that works on enemies, again as Darkness spec, I think those two pretty much cancel out.


    I really wouldn't bother rolling an assassin; you've already got the best class in the game at 50.


    Until the nerf. Which, based on the amount of whining on the forums, is coming soon.

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