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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. My question is - would it have killed them to let us know this stuff ahead of time?


    Look, they knew months ago what their preorder distribution looks like. If 50% of total preorders is from Jul 21-Aug 1, they could have easily said "NOBODY August and onwards is getting in until Thursday". How hard is what? I realize it's not a "set in stone thing" and that they want to "remain fluid", but really, how hard is that?!


    If they PLANNED for 4 waves, why not tell us about it? I woke up at 7am, saw the first wave didn't even get everyone from July 22nd. But I thought hey, maybe there's 10 more waves today? Had I known it was just 4, I'd have planned my day utterly differently, because there's no way in holy hell they'll finish July today.


    They could show some respect for their customers and provide some information on the front page instead of dribbling tidbits of it over on Twitter. That's just my take on this whole fiasco.

  2. Guys, only 4 waves today makes a lot of sense. Out of the people invited so far, not NEARLY everyone got to play yet. Many are stuck at school, work, etc., and will be for the next 3-7 hrs. When they all get home, all hell is going to break loose. If that period coincides with a 5th wave, the servers will explode. They have to make sure the servers will survive the primetime tonight, with what they already have. Depending on how it plays out, it could mean more/less waves tomorrow.
  3. Less than 2 hours between waves, while having a server outtage, not too shabby. :D


    Eh, at least now people have a rough timeframe, check back every 2 hrs or so. Now it remains to be seen if they are going to be consistent or not. Guess depends on how the servers hold up.


    I still maintain the whole scheme is silly anyway. People have work, school, appointments, what have you. I know two guys who got their emails but haven't logged in yet, nor will they be able to for the next 6 hrs or so, depending on traffic. But they'll ALL log in simultaneously at primetime tonight. Yeah, good luck keeping the servers up then, if you had to stagger the release like this. :rolleyes:

  4. Dude, you need to come up with a nice unique name that nobody in their right mind would think of. And you'll never have to deal with it being taken. Seriously, if you expected to get Hans Olo, or something as cheesy, of course you wouldn't get it.
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