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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. Induction talent in-game right now reads "Increases the critical strike damage dealt by Maul by 30%. In addition, Thrash and Voltaic Slash have a 100% chance to grant Induction WHILE SURGING CHARGE IS ACTIVE reducing the Force cost of your next Shock by 25%. Stacks up to 2 times."


    Was it always like this? Because the Surging Charge part is missing on TORHead.


    Is this a ninja nerf, or am I having a brainfart? Kinda puts a big fat X on the good old 27/14/0 build.

  2. not so much anything... the only problem i see is people refusing to learn how to play the class. like iv stated b4 dont start off with leap in case of a knockback.


    Sooo, when you PvP people just stand there and watch you approach without doing anything to slow you down or damage you in any way? You sure they weren't just AFK?


    If you try approaching my Sorcerer or BH without blowing charge, you might make it to melee range before you die. I wouldn't bet me last shilling on it though...

  3. Thanks, I'm intrigued by Force Camouflage tho :D is it any good?


    It's exactly as it sounds. 4 seconds of being invisible with a 30% boost.


    Against a total zombie that will forget about you the second you vanish, it'll save your life. Though 4 seconds later you'll pop out of stealth, and quite likely immediately get popped by someone else.


    Against an attentive opponent that expects it, it'll do no good. First time I used it in PvP, it was against a BH, who immediately dumped a Stealth Scan on top of me.


    Personally I too am leaning towards Juggernaut. Though admittedly they just can't do the kind of damage a Marauder is capable of. Mara is much more fun to level, but in PvP it's just frustrating.

  4. so don't complain about that because Marauder/Sentinel has way more survability.




    Armor is the same = Medium.


    By going into cover they gain a 20% ranged defense, which is nothing to sneeze at. If they go behind physical cover, as long as they don't peek out they have 100% reduction on normal attacks. That's huge. They have defensive cooldowns, such as shield probe, evasion and ballistic shield. They have quite a few defensive talents - Ballistic Dampeners, etc.


    I would say against most opponents, a sniper is at least as survivable as a Mara.


    Not to mention 20 second CC immunity on 60 second cooldown called Entrench. That, by itself, is arguably THE best ability in the whole darn game, when coupled with the fact that while in cover they cannot be interrupted.

  5. I haven't seen a Sorc solo a level-2 heroic 4 mission.


    You can cherrypick scenarions, rare ones, where a Marauder is better. I can do it too. There's quite a few Heroic 4s that I did on my Sin in a fraction of time it takes a 4-man group to do it. I just stealthed to the boss and killed him. Done. Less than 5 mins, including travel. So what? Does that mean Sin is the best class in the game? :rolleyes:


    On average, a Sorc can do things no other class in the game can. Bubbles, heals, high damage, virtually bottomless resource and insane CC.

  6. There's really no "best" way to level an Assassin. They all suck, compared to most other classes.


    Simply put, other classes (ALL of them!) get their healer companion a lot sooner than you. And leveling without a healer companion you will take a ton of downtime, regardless of what spec you use. You CAN sort of counter that by gearing out the ship droid. But he does virtually zero DPS, not worth it. You'll level very safely, and insanely slowly.


    If you go DPS and make a companion tank for you, it goes OK, but no matter how much you gear them they will still take considerable damage as you level up. Resulting in tons of downtime once again.


    Or you can go tank and make the pet DPS. But in this case you'll end up taking more damage, as kills will be much slower, since companion DPS is much lower than yours (when you are specced DPS).


    In other words, until you get your healing companion, leveling an Assassin really sucks no matter how you do it. At least in my experience. Possibly the slowest char I leveled so far.




    I'll give you one good piece of leveling advice - you have stealth, USE IT!


    All those grinding bonuses of "kill 40 sand people", ignore them. Just stealth to the quest/NPC, do it, turn in. Move on to next quest. Instead of spending 20 mins grinding through a cave to reach the end and kill the boss, just stealth there and drop him. It'll be a lot less boring.


    Make use of space combat dailies, they give quite decent XP for 5-7 mins the mission takes, without any travel time. PvP I don't recommend beyond level 25 - the 10k or so XP you get after 15 min match is a lot less than you can make soloing.

  7. It doesn't even scale with CHARACTER level. It scales with SKILL level. As in, between 24-28 your charge heals for 146 or so (if I remember right). At 24, it's a lot. By 28 it was peanuts.


    Now, maybe for now at 50 it is OK. What happens when 2-3 more tiers of gear get added, and average HP gets to 25-30k?


    I don't know why developers keep repeating the same stupid mistakes every single time. Over and over. Blizzard did it - Eviscerate damage being static, regardless of weapon equipped or stats. Huge problem when game came out when it was too strong, huge problem 2 years later when gear scaled past it. FunCom did it, NCSoft did it. Everyone does it. LEARN, PEOPLE! :(

  8. I have no problems taking down groups of mobs. rip through one group, charge another, repeat until almost dead, take a break and heal up.


    Have you ever stopped and looked at how other classes solo the same content? It's a real eye-opener.


    When you finish a pull, and you're taking a break and healing up, other classes end an identical pull with 90% health and pull the next one, and next one, and next one. And just keep on going. You seriously need to see what a good Sorcerer can do when he's not being lazy and utilizes all of his abilities. Most pulls finish with him and pet at 100%, and ready for the next one.

  9. OP,


    In general I agree.


    However, with some classes it is OBVIOUS. I don't need a combat log to know that Sorcerers have by FAR the easiest resource management of ANY class in the game. By a HUGE margin. It NEEDS fixing. I don't think anyone anywhere is going to argue that the current 500-600 force pool they get is in any way fair.


    Let me give you an example. Their heaviest ability (massive AoE) costs 100 Force. That's their heaviest ability. The BULK of their abilities are 30 Force, some as high as 45 Force. Now, what is 100 Force in a pool of 600? 1/6th, or 17%. And what is 30 Force in a pool of 600? 5%.


    Now, take an Assassin, which is the second Inquisitor class. Their pool is 100, 110 if Deception (their +10 Force talent is fairly deep in the tree, while for Sorcerers it's lowest tier in Lightning). Same spells. Take Force Lightning, costs 30 Force, and assume both can spam it (Sins can't, but whatever, assume they can). For a Sin, you can do it 3-4 times, and you're out of Force. As a Sorc, you can do it 20+ times before you are out of Force. And Sin version does not do more damage than Sorc, in fact it's the exact opposite. How is that fair?!


    So, in general, I agree with you. However, with some classes it is painfully obvious that they need some heavy-handed nerfing. Sorcerers and Arsenal Mercs are prime examples.

  10. It would be convenient, yes, but like the guy above says not gamebreaking.


    Unlike in "The Game That Shall Not Be Named", Assassins don't really get many abilities that require stealth. And out of those many become usable out of stealth (Spike, Blackout), depending on your spec.


    I don't really think stealth bar is needed. It would be a nice option to have, but probably not needed.

  11. OP,


    Yes, absolutely. Currently Mercs are as overplayed as Sorcerers were at launch. My guess is, everyone who made a Sorc also made a Merc alt.


    Also many people expect a nerf to Arsenal's damage. Currently it's far too much. I doubt there's a class out there that can out-DPS a Merc at level 20.

  12. Reroll Empire. Honestly I think it might be the easiest way to get Bioware to do something or at least SAY something about that issue. So far mum's the word.


    I know everyone is saying reroll Republic, but let's face it, that is not happening. And even if it did, what it does is just dragging out the inevitable and predictable conclusion.

  13. Honestly? No, I don't think so. Mostly because the engine can't handle it.


    I don't have a top-end PC, but it's quite decent. Runs BF3 near maxed at 1080p, minus FBAO. But when I go to Imperial Fleet and see 40-60 people on my screen, the game slows down so much it is unplayable. I doubt the game could handle 40v40 Alterac Valley-like warzone right now, never mind full-blown world PvP.

  14. I find it hilarious when "beginning of WoW" is considered "old school". I don't even want to know what that makes me, when I can clearly remember pre-UO times.


    And to answer the question - yes, absolutely.


    To give you a WoW example - there were videos of naked level 60 rogues, using level 1 gray quality (lowest, junk item) items and killing fully geared level 60 warriors. That called for an obvious nerf.


    Another example - when WoW came out there was no diminishing returns on CC at all. Warlock spell Fear had no cooldown, sent you running for 12 seconds, didn't break on damage. In other words, if a warlock cast that on you, and your trinket was on cooldown, that was it. You would die never getting back control of your character. Again, this led to obvious nerfs - fear breaking on damage, having diminishing returns, etc.


    Eventually full blown diminishing returns system was added. And much later different abilities from different classes were merged into same category.


    In retrospect, SWTOR PvP out of the box is SIGNIFICANTLY better than WoW PvP was a year after release. Those who say otherwise just don't remember. To give you an example - a year after release, Fall 2005, a "Hunter review patch" was released. It added ******* Wrath. What it did was give the pet huge damage boost, and make it immune to all CC for 30 seconds. In other words, a mage 5 levels above me attacks my hunter? I hit ******* Wrath. And keep doing what I'm doing. In about 20-30 seconds, I would get a message saying I got a PvP kill. There was NOTHING a clothie could do, nothing at all. Eventually they nerfed damage and duration, but for 3-5 months Hunters pretty much rocked everyone below plate.


    Bioware, SO FAR, has avoided this kind of crap. I just hope they can keep it up.


    EDIT: What the deuce? I can't say ******* Wrath?! What's wrong with that?! Fourteen million players played a game rated T where ******* Wrath is not censored. You fellows need to buy some new panties, ones that are not quite so tight, I think they're cutting off the circulation to your brain.

  15. Yep. Mirrors are not really mirrors, and in many cases different animations lead to problems. For example, I played a Powertech and switched to Vanguard, and their animations are impossibly slow and clunky by comparison.


    This game is going to take months, possibly years to fix so that it is even close to being balanced between factions. I thought they made some pretty awful design choices when they decided to just copy-paste classes. But what I didn't realize is that they didn't really copy-paste, they actually messed around with stats and animations and made it unbalanced to boot.

  16. It is a stat, that is used to differentiate between pvp gear and pve gear.


    Pvp gear should not be used for pve, therefor the stats are worse but gets expertise for pvp.


    Pve gear should not be used for pvp, better stats overall, but without expertise still inferior to pvp gear.


    And why is there a need to differentiate between PvP gear and PvE gear on PvP servers where one can encounter PvP while doing PvE? Can you explain that obvious contradiction?


    For example, a group in PvE gear is killing a world boss. A group in PvP gear rolls in and stomps them, essentially with gear alone. 0 Exp vs 500+ Exp, guess who wins? See the problem?


    Gear is gear. No matter how you got it. If they're worried about people raiding for good gear and then using it in PvP, maybe they should...gee, I dunno...make raiding harder instead of a total faceroll? :rolleyes:

  17. Its main purpose is to allow the people who leveled quick and farmed points off of lowbies in 1-50 WZs and later in Ilum bug to gain and keep a huge and unfair advantage. There's really no other reason for it.


    As a mechanic, PvP stat is flawed at the core. It was a huge mistake when Blizzard did it. It's still a huge mistake the way Bioware did it (and I feel they did it wrong, at least Blizzard version didn't buff the damage, only the survival). It'll still be a huge mistake the next time someone else copies it without thinking into their next MMO.

  18. Just re-roll. In the amount of time you have sat around and waiting for a BW response you could have had a decently leveled Republic character by now.


    Most people are not willing to reroll at square one on a new server. Why new server? Because for many of us, all slots are already taken. 8 slots, 8 ACs, all Empire. No room for anything else.


    Plus I already put over a month into my chars. I am self-sufficient, I have chars with most useful professions crafting stuff for each other, I probably have a couple of million credits cumulatively between them. Why would I leave it all behind now, after all this effort?


    The only way I would consider switching is if I can take chars with me, or if I get a HUUUUGE XP bonus. And by HUUUUGE I mean HUUUUUUUUUUUUGEEEE! So big that I would be able to level from 1-50 by doing class quest chain alone. If they make that happen? Sure, I'll reroll on another server.


    Benefits would include no need for BW to mess around with my chars. And I would get to see the story and the locations on Republic side. And the population would balance out a bit. And I wouldn't lose my Empire chars.


    But see, this is too logical. If they implemented that, TODAY, it would actually save the game. Thus it cannot be allowed. Instead, we'll wait until Republic is even more of a ghost town than it already is before acting, and then we can say it's all players' fault for not wanting to gimp themselves.

  19. This does not solve the problems at 50. Currently bolster works fine for everything before 50.


    Yep. And at 50 it breaks down. Why? Expertise. Remove it, and all problems go away. And you can once again have a single bracket and level 50s don't have to wait for hours in queue.


    And the people who object to this most strongly? Dudes who have 500+ Expertise and love farming fresh 50s. :D

  20. ONE SPEC of Mercs is a turret.


    Another spec of Mercs, like Pyro, it actually quite mobile.


    The reason why everyone says "Mercs are a turret" is because everyone plays Arsenal. And everyone plays Arsenal because it is OVERPOWERED and needs a pretty bad nerf. When Tracer non-crit hits for as much as other abilities that can't be spammed crit for, plus applies one of the best debuffs in the game and a buff to the Merc, that's a problem.


    Mercs do need to be nerfed. Not much, but they do. That's just the way it is.


    Having said that, what I think we need is a combat log at this point. When we can CLEARLY show that a Merc can out-DPS most other classes under most conditions, even you will have to admit there's a problem


    So many in my guild are rolling mercs now because of the faceroll play. I told them to forget it. It's too late now, the nerf hammers are swinging! Careful what you wish for. Coz once the nerfing starts, it never stops. ;)


    This is another indicator of an overpowered class. A few days ago I was on Tatooine with my alt. And I look at /who. And out of 72 or so people, 36 or so are Mercs. I then move on to Alderaan, and out of 50-something, 30-something are again Mercs. Coincidence? Just like at launch you could replace Merc with Sorc and see identical picture? People roll strong, effective, easy to play classes. They don't roll complex, hard to play classes like Snipers.

  21. I haven't used Khem since level 18, I switched to ship droid. And I still used him just fine to deal with Zash at 30. With properly timed interrupts, stun and knockback, as well as some serious line-of-sight play, you can easily do it at 30. No matter how badly Khem is geared. Mine was still wearing level 16-18 greens, no hat, no implants, no nothing.


    Though I do get what you're saying. The game kind of throws you a curve ball.


    Having said that, other classes often have it worse. One class for example is forced to fight two enemies (I think one is strong and one is elite) with no companion at all. In a tiny little room with not enough space to do much but do or die.

  22. My only QQ about Sorcerers is that they have a huge force pool they don't have to manage.


    BH has 100 heat. Attacks cost from 16-25 heat. Go over 40 heat, and your cooling slows down significantly. Overheat, and you're down to using basic attack for a looong time.


    Sin has 100 energy. Attacks eat 25-45 energy each, and it doesn't exactly regen fast, so you have to plan ahead and make heavy use of procs to conserve it.


    Warriors have 0 rage. Need to build it with Charge, Saber Throw, whatever, before you can do a thing. It keeps trying to go down to zero, and you have to keep generating it. Pain in the rear.


    Sorcerers? 500-600 Force. Abilities cost 30-45 Force. Most expensive is Force Storm, which is a huge slowing/stunning AoE at 100 Force.


    Need I say more?


    Sin casts Shock? 45% of his energy pool GONE. Sorc casts the same Shock? 45 energy out of 600 gone. See the problem?


    Fix that, and I have no problems with this class. Right now though, it is BY FAR the easiest class to play in the game. Even easier than Arsenal Mercs.

  23. Quick question - and NO SPOILERS PLEASE!


    How early do you think it is possible tp get Talos? At what level? Assuming starting with Quesh you only do class missions.


    I will probably be soloing it, and I'm decent. So far, I did every boss on the first try, so skill probably won't be a factor, just levels.

  24. OK, some food for thought here, thanks folks.


    One thing I'm thinking right now is that I should just keep on leveling. Some classes and some builds don't really come into their own at the same level. It's possible the classes I'm struggling with just bloomed a little earlier with their respective builds. I mean, on my Merc I felt complete and happy by 32, while my Operative was shaky until 36.


    I'll just keep at it. I do enjoy the class. I just hope when the Merc nerf comes, it just whacks them and we don't get caught with a backswing.

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