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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. It's most likely that their tooltip file (bunch of keyword-text mapping file) is updated and by mistake


    Doesn't feel like a mistake. When it happened last patch, we thought it could be just accidental - tooltips from an internal build or something. But now it's two patches in a row with these changes, and changes are all headed in the same direction - killing hybrid specs.


    Seems to me there's no mistake here. Looks like their tooltips are updated ahead of the actual patch making it on PTR. But I fully expect to see all this stuff in the next patch's notes.

  2. The major problem this class has is that people want to play it like its bulletproof...ie wading into the fray without regard.


    So what DO you do when the enemy team stubbornly refuses to spread out?


    At least classes with ranged attacks can do some damage. A Powertech works best in 10m range, but can still shoot missiles and autoshots (which proc cylinder DoTs/slows) and other stuff from 30m away, and do respectable damage. What can YOU do, as a Maraauder, short of wading into fray? Got any 30m DPS abilities, do ya?


    Unfortunately we squish if you play that way, but if you pick your targets and lurk around the edges of the action you'll do well. Don't expect an easy go of it by any means but at the same time if you play smart you'll find yourself melting faces with a little practice and diligence.


    Yeah. It's called a jackal gameplay. And it is 100% reliant on the team being bad, leaving stragglers all over the place. If they don't give you easy targets, you'll have to charge in and die, probably before you manage to take anyone out. Or you can just run around the perimeter doing whopping zero DPS.


    Then later... you get full Champ/Battlemaster gear: The Tables Turn. Pay backs a Bit$#.


    And then a little later, everyone gets full Champ/Battlemaster gear too, and suddenly you're back to square one.

  3. Apples and oranges.


    To me, EVE was never really a game. It was never really FUN. Yeah, on occasion you got to do some interesting stuff, maybe even get my heart rate up once in a while. But fun? No. EVE was always somewhere between work and hobby for me. It never felt like a GAME.


    SWTOR does what SWTOR does - nice story driven single player leveling experience in an MMO setting. One you can easily solo from 1-50 without ever talking to another human being. In other words, SWTOR is the best single player MMO ever made. Yes, it's an oxymoron, but in this case it is totally true.


    If it's not what you are looking for in a game, then it's not. And it's not going to magically change in the next 6 months, or even next 6 years. They took the same tired old paradigm popularized by WoW, and went with it. And that's not going to change. Make your peace with it, or move on. If nothing else, EVE should have taught you that the game will never be what you want it to be, it'll always be what the developers think it should be (see Monoclegate and space barbies).

  4. Fix the reason why people quit the warzone, instead of punishing people for quitting.


    If all you do is punish people for quitting, without fixing the reason they want to quit, all it will do is make them AFK. That is exactly what happens in every MMO that has a deserter debuff.


    That is all. OP, grow a brain. Thank you.


    P.S. When someone leaves, there's a chance, however slight, that they will be replaced by someone good who is willing to fight. When people AFK, there's ZERO chance of that happening, it is simply a -1 player to your team. And there's NO WAY to stop people from AFKing. Not without a complete overhaul of PvP system and how points/valor/XP is awarded. And that's not happening for 2-3 years, going by WoW experience.

  5. OP,


    Sorcerers MUST be nerfed. If nothing else, their ridiculous linearly regenerating 500+ force pool needs to be nerfed. NO OTHER CLASS in the game has it as easy as Sorcerers when it comes to resource management.


    Accept it. Anyone with more than 1/8 of a brain can see it as blatantly unfair to all other classes. The more you talk and pretend and rationalize, the more obvious it becomes to the rest of us.

  6. As I was playing yesterday I noticed that wither was not giving me any additional stacks of Harnessed Darkness, I wonder if they will address this as a known issue, or if it is working as intended and the tool-tip is just plain wrong.


    After today's tooltip change on Raze, I think it's safe to assume the ability is not working as intended, but the tooltip is correct. Just have to wait for the fix.

  7. OP,


    First, I wouldn't worry about it just yet. The next target seems to be Assassins. In case you don't read Sin forums, the last two patches the tooltips on Sin abilities keep changing. Each change effectively kills a hybrid spec. Changes are along the lines of specific abilities requiring a specific stance (or cylinder, in PT lingo) to function.


    While the abilities themselves haven't changed, they still work the same, tooltips have. And they keep changing them more each patch. When the patch comes that makes abilities work like tooltips say, Sin hybrid specs will be finished. Totally annihilated. Nothing less than full 31-pointers will work.


    Second, as a Powertech, I DO worry about the upcoming nerf. And it IS coming. Maybe not any time soon, but it is. Let's face it, Carolina Parakeet is popular. After seeing the preview of that is coming for Assassins, I'd say it is a very safe bet that Parakeet will be annihilated as well. Probably along the lines of Prototype Particle Accelerator requiring you to use the Combustible Gas Cylinder to function. A change like that would make the Parakeet extinct. And that's EXACTLY what they did with the tooltip for Raze talent of Sins today.


    So, easy nerf targets? You betcha! But probably not the way you think.

  8. I'm doing Darkness with Talos. Killing is slower, but I'm pretty sure I can't die any more. Nothing short of a tactical nuclear strike will do me in.


    And while it's slower, it's not SLOOOOOW. You'll still level fine without pulling your hair. As long as you don't have a Marauder with Quinn grinding next to you. Watching him drop 10 in the time it takes you to kill 5 will make you cry.

  9. Like the title says why the hell did I roll a marauder when dps Juggs are better in almost every way and are simpler to play.


    I was playing my Sith Sorcerer. I got Ashara Zavros companion. She's a Marauder. She looked like she was having way too much fun, hopping around and swinging glowsticks. So I made one.

  10. Yeah, I just saw that, was going to post about it. These are DEFINITELY intentional changes that are coming.


    Last patch, they changed Induction tooltip to require Surging Charge. Now Raze tooltip requires Lightning Charge. Abilities still work the same, for now, but it is definitely looking less and less like a bug.


    Looks like they're actively trying to wreck hybrid specs of any kind.


    What I find funny though, is that they seem to be targeting Assassins only. I mean, Powertechs have a Shieldtech/Pyro build VERY similar to the Sin Darkness/Madness build. Very, VERY similar. But Assassin talent tooltips are being changed, without anything appearing in patch notes by the way, while Powertech tooltips aren't changing.

  11. They don't seem to respond to this kind of stuff. I mean, if you created a thread about the lightsaber color crystal, you might get not one but several responses. But classes being generally broken? Nah, no response needed.


    Last time I've seen a response to something of this nature was on Marauder forums, but their Ataru form is broken. That is, it doesn't proc on boss-sized targets. The issue affects the Mara PvE rather strongly, so they posted that they're looking into fixing it. But since none of these things wreck Assassins in PvE, my feeling is BW just doesn't give a toss at this point in time.


    I mean, look at the thread about our passive ability, Assassin Training, not working properly. Supposed to give +25% Shock base damage, but doesn't. People tested it vs Sorcerer, and had the same results. Thread has been up for a while, many pages. Dev response? Nil.


    EDIT: Some people spotted that Raze tooltip changed this patch as well. It says it now requires Lightning Charge to proc Raze. I would say it's DEFINITELY not a bug now, but rather a free preview of some serious hybrid-killing changes.

  12. Spike is intended for Darkness spec Assassins. Usable out of stealth, it is an interrupt, clutch CC or cheese (knock them face-first into a pool of acid after Force Pull).


    Just like Crushing Darkness is for Assassins that spec Madness (up to Raze at least). Otherwise 2 second cast makes it impractical to use.


    Let's face it, making certain spells only useful for certain specs is the only way to prevent this class from requiring 60+ keybinds to play properly.

  13. looking at the two specs i dont see how its THAT big of a difference.


    it looks like claws of decay and raze with deathfield vs wither and harnessed darkness.


    Raze allows Crushing Darkness to be cast FREE and instant, and resets its cooldown, which is a huge DPS boost. And finally, Haunted Dreams allows you to instantly take one player out of the equation for up to 8 seconds, or force him to burn a trinket.


    That's AMAZING compared to a loss of Harnessed Darkness and Wither. I mean, let's face it, Wither damage even with 3 points next to Harnessed Darkness is just pathetic. Utility is there, definitely, but the loss of DPS is just too much. When/if Wither starts to proc Harnessed Darkness like tooltip says, things might change though. But I doubt it. Too many good things in that hybrid.


    EDIT: Although...you do bring up an interesting point. Do Harnessed Shadows+Wither outweigh Death Field and Raze?


    Harnessed Shadows IS nice. But prone to CC. All too often I start casting my 3x HD Force Lightning, and eat a knockback or some other CC. Half the time it's not even intended for me. But bye bye goes the 3-stack. Though in a 1v1 you should be able to get it off no problem, just Spike before using Force Lightning and you're golden.


    Wither? Damage doesn't impress me. 30% slow is nice, but not stunning, with 50% I'd take it in a heartbeat. The 5% damage reduction? Again, nice. Not thrilling, but nice.


    Question is, how does that compare to instant Crushing Darkness, which is a 30% proc chance off melee crits, likelihood of which is increased 9% by Force crits, which are guaranteed from Shock with Energize, which is a 50% proc off Thrash?


    I mean, first you have Thrash. 50% chance of Energize.

    When Energize procs, you Shock. 100% chance of crit.

    Crit procs Exploitive Strikes, +9% chance of crit.

    Then you do some melee strikes and hope they crit, and hope one of the crits has a 1 in 3 chance to give you Raze.


    That's a LOT of "if"s. What if your Thrash doesn't proc Energize? I had chains of 4-6 Thrashes without Energize. And that's just one example. Where Wither is guaranteed. Press a button, off it goes. Shock, you get HD.


    Madness seems to be very, VERY proc-dependent. Get a lucky string, and you blow things up. Get a string of bad luck, and you could be hitting for a whole lot less than 31 Darkness.


    I'll admit I have a soft spot for Haunted Dreams, since the time I played my Sorcerer.


    Tsk. What I wouldn't give for a combat log...C'mon Bioware!

  14. Not so much buff as fix.


    You know that Assassin Training passive we get? The one that's supposed to increase Shock base damage 25%? I hear it doesn't work. Apparently some people tested same level Shock of Sorcerer and Sin, and both do the same damage.


    It's stuff like that that needs to be looked at before we can talk buffs or other things. Right now what we need is BUGfixes.

  15. I'm sorry to whoever you people are saying Darkness in PVP does no damage.


    You either don't understand how to play it, or you're wearing tanking gear which I guess means you don't understand how to play it.


    With that in mind, can anyone link a decent video of Darkness PvP? Or better yet, Darkness/Madness hybrid PvP? All I see lately is Deception, Deception, Deception. Sick of it. It's almost as bad as Rage Jugg and Marauder videos.


    I see a lot of folks saying a lot of stuff, without actually SAYING a lot of stuff. L2P doesn't help anyone, while "do this, this and this" with concrete examples does.

  16. Tooltip got changed last patch (1.1). Nobody knows why. Bioware hasn't said anything about it.


    Some people feel that this change is coming, and Wither will affect Harnessed Darkness.

    Others feel the change of the tooltip is just a bug, and no such change is happening.


    We don't KNOW, with any kind of certainty, one way or the other. Just have to wait and see. Currently it is one of many, many, MANY Assassin skills that doesn't work right.


    Also, it wasn't the only tooltip change. Induction talent in Deception tree also had a tooltip change, now it says it requires Surging Charge to work. But it still works without it. Again, your guess is as good as mine. Either it's just a messed up tooltip, or it's an upcoming change that didn't quite make it yet.


    Tooltips DO get messed up. On my Powertech, the taunt tooltip makes no friggin' sense, it says "Fires a missile at taunting enemies and nearby enemies to attack for 6 seconds." Does that make any sense? Fires missile at taunting enemies? Nearby enemies attack the missile? What?! Someone was doing some hard stuff, writing these tooltips, that's for sure.

  17. I dont have a problem with mauraders 1v1, spec into sweltering heat and kite them.


    Crappy Marauders. Sorry.


    As Annihilation spec. Their main DoT (rupture) will have a slow on it. Their charge has no minimum range, and 10 second cooldown. Their slow lasts 12 seconds and has no cooldown. Once he leaps to you once, and uses his slow, that's it. You're not shaking him off.


    As Carnage spec. Their Deadly Throw (10m range) has a root on it. Their Ravage (channeled high damage) has a root on it. The tree has some other stuff as well, but I forget, I mostly play Anni. They still have the 12 second slow with no cooldown, that's for all specs.


    As Rage spec, they get a second charge on 15 sec cooldown. Force Crush has a slow on it, from 60% down.


    Any Mara spec has access to Predation, which increases movement speed 50% for 10 seconds. It does require 30 Fury, but that doesn't take long. And Mara can always pop Frenzy and get a full 30 Fury stack instantly at any time. With Anni spec, Predation movement boost goes to 80%. That is, he's running almost as fast as a person riding a speeder. For 10 seconds. Yeah, kite THAT. If he doesn't pop Frenzy for the first Predation, he can do them back to back. That's 20 seconds of 50-80% movement boost. Oh, and did I mention Predation increases defense by 10%? Yeah, a delightful bonus.


    Mara is the only class in the game that when played well cannot be kited. At least I don't know any class that can pull it off.

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