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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. Sorry for not being clear enough, i'm pretty bad at explaining.


    My point is that if the game has a subscription, you should have access to all the content, even the expansion packs.



    That explains it pretty well.


    If SWTOR will follow WoW's way of charging for everything, i'll stop subscribing :/


    All MMOs charge for expansions. Even Guild Wars and that didn't have a monthly fee.

  2. I would like to ask if this game will be a real subscription based MMO, where you only have to pay 15 bucks a month, and then you have access to ALL the content, or are they going to follow the abomination that is WoW, who are litterally taking money every way they can?


    So, in your opinion what is a "real subscription based MMO" if SWTOR and WoW are not?

  3. Any guild that is requiring their members to go Biochem for raiding, when the players can just as easily buy the same quality medpacs, needs to pull their heads out of their butts.


    If these guilds were really interested in fostering a healthy community within their guild they would have a small handful of players with Biochem who can just craft the 1-use medpacs for their guildmates (with the mats being farmed or bought off the GTN with guild funds) instead of forcing specific crafting skills on their players with the illusion of being leet.

  4. It's called "Appearance." SWG did this and a lot of people liked it and apparently Blizzard was against it. A lot of armor in the game gets nicer as you progress through the levels and they plan on putting "Match Color to Chest Piece" back in the game once it has been tested some more so if you play trooper you're not running around with rainbow colored armor pieces.


    That sounds a lot like WoW's Transmogrification that was added in the last big patch.

  5. So I am trying to login into the game today and what do I find out? I am locked out, because EU refuses to process my Credit Card, just because I am from the RED ZONE, i.e. not from the supported SWTOR launch country. They even block Paypal attempts to pay for a sub!


    So I used my perfectly valid Credit Card in a third party site to purchase the game card.


    Let me ask you this, dear EAware, if my CE edition money was good for you and I already redeemed my game code, why should this bull continue even AFTER I went through hell to get my hands on the game?


    Can you cut out this Red Zone crap already and not make our lives more complicated for no apparent reason?


    Where did you buy your CE from? Was it from EA?

  6. I would've rather them implementing it properly or not at all when the game came out. That is what I was implying...


    They aren't implementing Legacy rewards until March.


    So you would have preferred to get 1 or 2, maybe even 3, characters to level cap without earning any legacy points on them?


    Then, come March, you would complain that you are at a disadvantage with the legacy system because newer players have an easier time leveling it up and you already have three toons who weren't able to contribute to it. :rolleyes:


    You are obviously one of those players/people who are only happy if they are complaining about something.

  7. This would actually be pretty complex to implement from a logistical and technical standpoint. I wouldn't hold your breath, but it would be cool.


    Not really, I can make a Human Sith or a Human Jedi. There are 4 possible combinations of saber stances for that race alone.


    And let's be honest, all the races are built with the same skeletal structure.

  8. The voice chat has sucked in every PC game I've played that included it. Even Blizzard put it in WoW a few years ago and I have never seen anyone use it. Ever.


    You can rent a 10-person Ventrilo server for $2/month. I host a Mumble/Murmur server for my guild on my home connection for free.

  9. Hmm, a very basic and essential feature, yet it hasn't been implemented yet?

    Guess I have to wait, and leave my mouse buttons useless for the time being..

    Not speccing healer on this game without mouseover skills.


    For operations and pvp? I agree it would be helpful because having switch targets via mouse is a bit clunky. Just clicking on a person can be tough at times with the way the targeting works.


    But there is no need for mouseover in 4-person flashpoints/heroic quests. F1-F4 like a boss. :p

  10. I do not like the new "powers not greying out" thing. When an ability is close to being done with it's cooldown it's too hard to tell. I am wasting too much time in fights clicking on a power that is almost, but not quite, active. Of course the ones that are just halfway there are easy to spot but when that line gets real close to the bottom it's next to impossible to tell it's not ready yet, especially in the heat of battle. Not sure the best way to do it, but my best suggestion would be to put little counters (i.e. in seconds) in the corners of them or something. Or just go back to them being completely grey until they are ready. Thank you.


    Agreed. When a cooldown is in it's last seconds it's hard to tell when it's truly done or not.


    Please bring back the grayed out icons.

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