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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. I just did this encounter and had the problem with the "dead" padawan continuing to heal Kellian.


    As suggested I dragged him across to the other end of the bridge and dispatched him quickly, even with Mako. I'm a level 31 Shield Tech PT.

  2. Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.


    LOL, you cancelled your sub because slicing isn't as stupidly profitable as it was originally.

  3. So I was questing on Alderaan, minding my own business, when a guildie came on vent and was telling me about how he was having trouble killing a pair of Jedi for his class quest so I offered to help.


    He flew out to Alderaan, picked me up and we rode in his ship out to the middle of nowhere out in space. We docked with the Jedi's ship, went in and destroyed those Republic scum.


    That was freaking ******!

  4. sub·scrip·tion/səbˈskripSHən/



    1) The action of making or agreeing to make an advance payment in order to receive or participate in something.

    2) An arrangement by which access is granted to an online service.


    Yes. By signing up for a subscription you are billed automatically at the intervals you chose being 1-month, 3-months or 6-months.

  5. Look, I'm just going to lay this one out. I suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and this game is pretty much forcing me to quit. There are so many decisions you can make, which I love, but because there's no way to "reload", I'm constantly forced to Delete my character and Restart him from scratch, over one lousy decision.


    The problem is that many decisions you make are marks specifically as being Light or Dark, but not necessarily are Good or Evil. Similarly, many decisions don't show their true ramifications until much, much later.


    I'm asking -- no, PLEADING, BioWare -- to please add a "New Game+" feature to this game!


    Either at any point after completing all of your Class-Quests in the game, allow us the option of restarting the Story from the very beginning. If you want, strip us of our Light and Dark alignment, just to make sure players aren't trying to "farm" Light or Dark choices from the starting area.


    This way, I can continue playing this wonderful game, with the peace of mind knowing "I can do it better next time".





    If you don't suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, then I envy you. I'm not just here "whining", it literally drove me to tears earlier when I couldn't even enjoy a video-game without my OCD-tendencies from ruining my experience. This may seem like a minor suggestion to most of you, but for those of us who suffer from OCD, it would really mean a lot.


    Maybe you shouldn't be playing if this aggravates your OCD that much... It sucks but why make yourself miserable? This game is about making decisions.

  6. There are also scientific errors in Star Wars as well, that a more "hard" sci-fi story probably wouldn't have made. For instance, in the movies, you hear them talking about jumping to light speed. First of all, it is not possible for any object with mass to travel at "c". (c is the variable used in physics denoting the speed of light. Only massless particles such as photons can travel at c).


    I was watching "Empire Strikes Back" a while back and heard an imperial commander say "they jumped to light speed, they are probably at the other side of the galaxy by now." Hardly. Even if you could travel at "c", it would still take you 4 years to get from earth to our nearest star. A mere blip in the size of the galaxy. If you wanted to travel across our galaxy, it would take you roughly 100,000 years at "c".


    But there's another problem. Einstein's relativity tells us that time is not universal, but only relative to your reference frame. The faster you move, the slower time ticks for YOU relative to someone outside looking in. So, if you accelerated to 90% the speed of "c" and went to our nearest star and back, it would take you 10 years YOUR time. But when you got back to earth everyone you know will be long dead and thousands of years would have passed. Yes, you would have essentially traveled forward in time. This is not disputable, it has been proven mathematically and by countless experiments since 1905. Physicists didn't want to believe it for years, but the data is plenty. You will find this info in any introductory physics class or in any physics text book, btw.


    My point is, physics would limit what happens in Star Wars dramatically. So if you are told by a Jedi council member that you better hurry and get to Tython, by the time you get there, it will be thousands of years later to THEM, but maybe only a couple of years to YOU.


    Obviously, physics puts a dent in making it feasible for a civilization to control a whole galaxy. The only way around the "light speed" barrier would be to find a short-cut, like a wormhole. But that's another story that could go for many pages in this thread.


    You assume that our limited understand of physics, that has only been studied for few hundred years is as, knowledgable as accurate as a galaxy where it has been studied for 100s of 1,000s of years...


    tl;dr Trying to apply our physics to a fantasy world is silly.

  7. I'm tired of the q's during mid day and I'm interested in rerolling on a fresh server. Any news on when the new servers will be out? As it stands during peak time, ALL the west coast servers have a Q (that are pvp based).


    Also, if no new servers are incoming... then does anyone know the newest west coast pvp server? :p


    There are plenty of Light and Standard servers available right now... :rolleyes:

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