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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. Regardless the day he joined, if they offer a 5 day early game access without any further information he's on his toes to stand up for it as a scam.


    Everyone payed the same amount of money for the early game access, there was no information or conditions comming along with it.


    I don't have access either but I don't really care, still feel a bit "assaulted" especially with the lack of support by the customer service, forum devs and phone assistant which are inexistent.



    What part of "Up to" do you people not understand...? Christ almighty.



  2. GG


    worst EGA ever

    unfair system


    LOL, first come first serve is "unfair"


    You sound like my 8-year niece who complained at Disney World last week that it was "unfair that people with fast passes got to jump the line". Nevermind that we had just used two fast passes in a row an hour earlier for a different ride.


    tl;dr Grow up.

  3. Everyone who pre-order july pretty much get in today so giving them a 7 day head start.


    July - 7 days

    August - 6 days

    September - 5 days

    October - 4 days

    November - 3 days

    December - 2 days


    Anyone else think this?


    I myself sign up in december :( misreading thinking that everyone will get a 5-7 day headstart. Didn't notice Up to 5-7 days :(


    They have already said that the July pre-orders were a massive spike and that afterwards the pre-orders leveled out. This means that the first day (or day and a half) of invites are going to represent a smaller period of time than the later waves of invites.

  4. This has to be the worst idea ever....letting people in waves join the game? Didn't we do server stress testing in the beta about 3 weeks ago? I'm still amazed at how this is being handled


    Because letting everyone in at once and having servers crash left and right is obviously a better alternative? :rolleyes:


    Seriously, some of you people in these forums need to use your heads and stop being so impatient/selfish.

  5. Beg to differ, there is a separate charge for Pre-order and it has been charged to my card as a pre-order fee. It is not taken from the total cost of the games. It is a separate charge, it has a seperate SKU code. The cost of the game has yet to be charged to the my card.


    You're wrong.


    From my pre-order confirmation email.


    Product SKU: 71199

    Product Name: STAR WARS: The Old Republic Digital Deluxe Edition (Pre-Ordered)

    Anticipated Released Date: Targeting Holiday 2011

    Qty Ordered: 1

    Amount: $74.99



    Product SKU: 71185

    Product Name: Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order Fee

    Qty Ordered: 1

    Amount: $5.00

    Digital Rights: XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX


    The digital deluxe edition was $79.99.


    What is it with people in these forums and their complete lack of any ability to read?

  6. I frankly am quite frustrated with this process. I purchased my game, via the origin/EA store and using my registered account which I will play with, on July 21st. However, I did not read the "fine print" (aka I didn't scroll to the bottom of my pre-order receipt email) so I did not know I had to take the extra step of applying it to my account. After all, I bought the game through my account to begin with.


    The result is I did not know I had to apply it until November 4 when a friend mentioned it to me. So, I essentially paid $5 (pre-order fee beyond the game purchase itself) for the privilege of being frustrated. I emailed Customer Support regarding this including all pertinent details such as order number date and email address it was registered to and basically got a "sorry we're not going to do anything" reply.


    To be blunt, I'm half a step away from demanding a refund on the pre-order fee, and seriously doubt I will ever again pre-order anything from EA/Origin due to their lackluster response to this issue.


    The process for entering your code at swtor.com was in the emails you received when you pre-ordered your game.


    As for your "demand' for you pre-order fee, the "fee" is $5 of the total of the game. You are not being charged extra.


    Where is a facepalm emote? :rolleyes:

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