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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. I also share Ciphers opinion on this.


    Why would I make it harder for me to log in to the game for no benefit? I've never been hacked and go to great lengths to keep my computer clean of such garbage as an overall practice. Proper firewalls and simple security steps all but eliminate these types of problems a keygen fob prevents. I figure, at best, someday, ill have a problem with the keygen that will keep me out of my account for however long it takes Biowares inept CS dept at this point to clear it up. Simply not worth it. If I someday get hacked it wont even change my mind, as I would look at it as an overall security problem.


    Buying a keyfob thing like this is really for the lazy or the types of people that dont really care or understand if their computer is overrun with viruses and the such, yet still want to play. I prefer to keep my overall computer clean and free of such things instead of putting additional layers of security on top of my what already should be secure computer.


    Its not for me, but hey, if you want it, more power to you. Just my opinion.


    Famous last words. It's funny how the people who post stuff like this are always the ones crying when their account is compromised.


    And before you reply with that "Bioware should have better security" garbage you need to understand something- security is only as good as it's weakest link and in the case of MMOs that is almost always the user.


    I am hyper-vigilant about security when it comes to my devices but I also see no reason not to use a free authenticator to give my account that extra layer of security and you would have to be a fool to think otherwise.

  2. That's how they work. As soon as you configure your account to require a certain authenticator to log you in, it... well, requires you to use that authenticator to log you in. That's the whole point, and these types of authentication systems always work this way.

    That's not entirely true. RSA SecureID allows you to have multiple devices/dongles attached to a single account.


    I used to manage the RSA tokens for my group at my old job- I had multiple tokens assigned to my account so I could keep a keyfob at work, at home and a software key on my Blackberry.

  3. If EA can't offer adequate account security without external devices and extra expense, they don't deserve our custom.


    (and yes, there are many ways to increase security without requiring external devices: A second password, for example: The trick is the second password is never requested in it's entirety. Instead, two or three random characters from within the password are required, making it impossible for keyloggers to capture the entire password in a single login session).


    An external security key is simply both an inconvenience and an unnecessary extra expense.


    What you are suggesting is the exact same thing as the authenticator except that your second token is still fixed which defeats the purpose. Any keylogger would eventually identify all the characters of your fixed second password. :rolleyes:


    The point of 2-factor authentication is that the second pass-phrase is randomized and only used for a short window (ie 60 seconds).

  4. I tried and it works. But external HDD RPM is important , i you have HDD with slow RPM you might want to run it on your local HDD instead cuz of performans issues , it direclty effects your load times for example and its annoying.


    The speed of the data connection trumps the HD spindle speed.


    I wouldn't bother trying to play from an external drive with anything slower than USB 3.0, preferably eSATA

  5. It is the same way with The Republic.


    As a dark sided Jedi, you can not use Blue / Green crystals unless you obtain a weapon with them already in it and change the other mods out.


    Is that confirmed true?


    When I hit Light 1 on my Inquisitor I could no longer use my lightsaber because the crystal was restricted to Light.


    Of course I thought my entire saber was restricted and spent 16 DK badges for a "light" saber before I realized that it was just the crystal that was keeping me from using the saber. :rolleyes:

  6. Nothing is foolproof.


    Make something idiotproof and someone will come out with a better idiot. All that is needed is 1 extra conformation to prevent a misclick from causing you to lose hundreds of hours of work. Extra dev time and/or customer service time should not be used protecting people from their own stupidity.


    To delete the wrong character you have to do both of the following.


    1 While not paying attention to what character has been selected you have to click on the delete button.


    2. While typing in the word delete, you have to not pay attention to the gigantic picture of the character that you are getting rid of in the background.


    If someone can get that far, most of them will still not pay any attention on the next step either. Telling those people to suck it up and learn from their mistake will save much more time than putting in a idiot detection system.


    Edit to add.... Mind you, I have had my share of idiot moments. After staying up way too late I have done the following:


    Clicked on the wrong item causing me to spend almost all my money. I earned it back.


    Spent a bunch of commendations for a bunch of decent level 20 pvp gear for my assassin...... while on my sniper.


    Deleted a lvl 23 character on the wrong server that had the same name as the character I meant to get rid of.


    I did not bother customer service with those things because it was nothing wrong with the game that caused those things to happen. It was me being stupid and making choices when I was really tired when I should have just put it off for the morning when I was awake.


    This post should be added to the official FAQ.

  7. It's still easy to delete the character. You could be in a hurry and click the wrong character and not realise it. Having the player type in the FULL name of the character and then delete stops this from happening.


    If you're in too much of a hurry to see that a character that you don't want to delete is STARING AT YOU when you type in "delete" then you deserve to wait a week or so for a restoration.

  8. Took me 5 minutes jumping next to the end sandcrawler while a jedi friend force pushed me.


    I also got him up using my concussive push (trooper).


    That's how I did it. A Inquisitor buddy knocked me up on the crawler and I then grappled him up.

  9. Yesterday I finished up all my datacrons except for Hoth. I knocked out:







    Balmorra (needed 3)

    Nar Shadda

    Tatooine (needed 3)


    Belsavis (needed 2)


    I already had Hutta, Taris and Dromund Kaas complete as well as my +10 datacron from fleet.


    FAPDegren has the best video guides, hands down, for the Empire datacrons


  10. Instead of giving only transfers to the new servers for Australia, allow to 1 or 2 FREE transfer to ANY server, since my 2 lvl's 50 imps are getting dust in Kai-kan cos it's EMPTY.


    Because it's more important to get people playing on servers that are regional to them first.


    Just opening up server transfers willy-nilly isn't going to solve any population problems- in fact it will make them much worse.


    Lower population servers will become even worse as people transfer to high pop servers. Then those higher pop servers will start having queues.

  11. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I just wanted to point out that even if PA liked SWTOR they wouldn't admit it. Just like the comic & article they made bashing Mass Effect 1 but, ME1 was a crappy game right?


    You are a liar.




    I quit playing the Star Wars Beta months ago because I didn’t want to spoil the game for myself. I think that statement alone says a lot about the sort of MMO Star Wars is. Now that the game has launched Kara and I have jumped back in and we’re having a great time. We have not experienced any of the long queue times or crazy lag that so many people seem to be complaining about. I understand that there are plenty of people having technical issues with the game but I can’t speak to that.


    I’m playing a different class than I did in the beta and so I’m getting a brand new experience. I’m just amazed at the quality of the class specific story-lines. The mission objectives and dialog choices really help you develop a character and not just an avatar. I mentioned this when I talked about the Beta a while ago and to me it really is the defining difference between SW:TOR and other MMO’s. While playing last night with Scott he explained that his bounty hunter was all about completing her contracts and getting credits. She didn’t let her feelings get in the way of the job. He was thinking about this before his character was even level 10. I’d be very surprised if he had any idea what sort of “person” his Troll Shaman was in WOW.


    Kara is playing a Sith Inquisitor. A couple nights ago she was complaining that being bad was difficult and she was struggling with some of the dialog options. Last night she was volunteering to help torture people and was actually pissed when we accidentally gained light side points. Bioware has always done an incredible job of putting you in your character’s shoes and making you care about them. The fact that they have managed to transfer that into the MMO space is a *********** triumph in my opinion.


    -Gabe out

  12. I had the same thing with my BH- go talk to a guy at the fleet. No dialog, just a popup window awarding me some XP...


    Penny Arcade has always made fun of EA. Take a look in their archive from previous years. There's atleast 4-6 comics on how much PA hates EA. PA hates EA because EA didn't produce their POS PA video game. So of course they're going to hate on anything EA makes or produces.


    All the proof is in PA's archive....


    All the dribble you posted is completely irrelevant. :rolleyes:

  13. If you aren't aware, on most servers Republic is the underdog.


    And a new race is much more interesting than another class combo with an already existing race.


    Not to mention that the current exclusive races for the Republic are simply the choice between a blind-human and a green human, whereas the Empire's races are much more alien looking, and more diversity in appearance customization.


    You mean the empire's choice of a blue human or a gray human? :rolleyes:

  14. After I posted this thread, someone in the CS forums told me how to see last logged in


    Apparently, the arrow on the left side of the top tabs (any tab), if you left click it, there is a drop down to change that tab to something else. Last logged in is an option. So I just changed Rank to last logged in ans was able to see it.


    Kind of tricky if you ask me, I always thought those arrows were sorting arrows, which the right side arrow is. Left arrow is a drop down menu.


    Still need a Log though!


    Ahh, thanks for the tip.


    And of course the last played field doesn't sort properly... :rolleyes:

  15. As another GM it would be nice to have more guild logging in addition to:


    - last logged in

    - longer officer note field

    - longer member note field

    - ability to invite to party/raid in guild window


    Dahhh herp derp thats why you have officers, a website and you can (in the guild window) see when people were last online.


    Why does there always have to be someone who feels the need to come into the suggestion forum and crap all over suggestions that have no negative impact on them?


    Oh yea, because it's the internet and people think they can act like a-holes because there are no repercussions.


    Grow up troll.

  16. Which is exactly the config 95% of ppl will not pay for.

    Plus your temperatures are probably shooting to 100° with that anyway so You will fry the laptop in few months of swtor playing.


    My laptop was ~$1200 and only has a business class card. But don't let that stop you from making a complete fool out of yourself. :rolleyes:

  17. No laptop will run SWTOR fine.


    Wrong... :rolleyes:


    Lenovo T420s

    i7 2620M @ 2.7GHz

    8GB DDR3

    nVidia NVS 4200M

    160GB Intel X-25M SSD


    At 1600x900 with all settings on low except Character LoD on High I'm in the 20s in the open areas of fleet and go as high as 60fps. Movement is completely smooth, no jitters or hitching.


    I normally play in windowed mode at 1280x768 since I do a lot of alt-tabbing and then I'm in the 50s.


    This laptop is roughly $1200 US.

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