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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. System specs:


    2600k @ 3.4GHz

    8GB Corsair Vengeance

    2x HD 6870s

    120GB Intel X-25M


    SWTOR is installed on the SSD with my OS.


    All from my ship:


    Fleet: 6 seconds

    Belsavis: 28 seconds

    Alderaan: 33 seconds

    Voss: 24 seconds


    My old Lenovo T410s had a slow 1.8" drive and it would take 4-5 minutes to load a planet. My new T420s has an Intel SSD and is more along the lines of my desktop.

  2. Not everyone is 50 yet or on at the same time, people have lives and jobs and wives so it's not always possible as of yet. We're actually planning on running full guild 50 flashpoint soon, it's the only way I'll ever see the content at this rate.


    We did directive 7 together with two 50's a 48 and 47 and couldn't get past interrogator because of a cloning mob bug...


    And it never occurred to you that the majority of your server is the same way. :rolleyes:

  3. I'm shocked people are accepting Illum as good? I've never before heard anyone support Illums current setup.


    There is a difference between saying that Illum is good and your assumptions that world PvP is what everyone wants in their end game. :rolleyes:

  4. anti-aliasing doesn't even work for my ATI card, it says in the tooltip it's not implemented, so when they added AA, they actually didn't. I still have to force it in the ati control panel.


    don't even get me started on the low resolution textures on characters. it's just apalling that it's gone so long and still not been fixed.


    That is not true at all. Enabling AA in game works fine, they have confirmed the tooltip text is incorrect.


    I see a distinct difference in the 3 AA settings in game when I play.

  5. Yeah... Please, Bioware, tell all the 3D modelers and texture makers and voice actors to drop what they are doing and start fixing the pixel shaders and 3D rendering pipelines. We really need better performance on the graphics engine core code, so why are you not telling the network coding team to get right on that?


    I mean, really, what is the difference between optimizing vertex rendering paths and optimizing network performance. They both use code don't they? So, they're exactly the same and the exact same people should be the very best people to fix the problem. In fact, why is your web team still not helping? HTML is code, so they should get right on those issues and fix them right up. Maybe they can get some help from the UI designers, because, after all, the FPS issue is part of the UI and they supposedly "design" UIs so they should be the ones to design a fix for the FPS issues. And since the FPS issues are seen in animations, crack the whip on those Animators, since obviously they're not doing their jobs. Get them on those FPS optimizations right now!


    Pardon me, I'm off to have a welder bake me some bread, because... you know... both use heat to get work done.


    What you did there? I see it.

  6. You sure it has anything to do with your vent key? This UI tends to lock up with or without ventrillo.


    It is directly related to having your push-to-talk button in Vent tied to a mouse button. For some reason when you push your bent button and simultaneously click on a button in the UI the mouse gets locked out from the UI.


    The two ways to fix it are:


    1) Ctrl-U twice

    2) Locate the UI button that you clicked when it happened (if it's in the actionbar the button will light up when you press your left-click button). Then simultaneously key up vent and click that specific UI button again.

  7. I put up a Mumble server on my home connection (25/25 FiOS) so one of my guildies didn't have to keep paying the Ventrilo bill, but everyone just kept using Vent.


    They both have their positives and negatives. Mumble seems to be a bit more of a hassle from an administrative standpoint- at least when you are running your own server.


    And for some reason you have to run ventrilo as an admin in order for it to work with this game.


    It's this way for every game under Windows 7...

  8. I will bet anyone here one million credits that there won't be new races in the Legacy System.


    If you think there will be, take one more of whatever you're on, give me three, and then we'll talk.


    New races are there to get you to buy the expansion, not something thrown into a patch for free.


    People are thinking there will new races with the Legacy System because BioWare has said that it's a possibility.

  9. Why wait to make an alt for the system? You gain Legacy levels even as you continue to do things at 50 and as you level with an alt as well. Once the system is in place its retroactive or so I understand. So not sure why some people think you can't make an alt before the system releases...


    It will be really disappointing if they release the legacy system and it give us access to new races but we don't get a one-time token to change an existing character's race.

  10. I'm not sure if it was before the forum wipe or not, but I recall an official response saying there were no plans at that time for a Win phone app.



    Call the Customer Service # .. option 1 (english) then 2 then 2 then 5 (think that was the key press sequence) .. person will answer (guy picked up in 5 seconds for me) and ask them to remove security key from account .. they will ask for verification information and security answers (2 of them) .. they will remove the key from your account and have you test .. they can then help you add it to your new phone ..


    I wasn't on the phone 10 minutes with mine.




    There is a currently a problem with their system where once an authenticator is removed from an account then another one can't be added to the account.

  11. On iMacs, WoW performs better in OS X than it does in Windows, but it's the opposite on a Mac Pro. Results vary with every game's peculiarities. Either way, I'm sure the Bioware devs are up to the challenge. People on these forums like to act like they're a bunch of indy developers working out of a garage, but I think they can handle it.


    Interestingly enough my wife's MacBook Pro (2.2GHz i7, HD 6750M) plays WoW just as well, if not better than my 2600k/HD 6870 desktop.

  12. Bioware,


    Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


    Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


    The main fallacy with arguments like this is that, for some reason, people like you think that the gear a player wears has anything to do with their skill.

  13. CPU doesn't have to be great, I'd go at least the 5 series. Crossfire 2 AMD cards running at about $150 a piece. Get at least 8 MB RAM. Get 2 hard drives at 250 GB each with RAID-0 settings. That should get you max on SWTOR at 1920 pixels. Shouldn't cost more than $1200 retail with monitor


    Recommending two $150 cards and RAID? LOL. Wow, such horrible advice.

  14. There are plenty of people here who have been using 12.1 for weeks now...


    In fact, up until today AMD was telling people to use the 12.1 preview drivers instead of 11.12...


    EDIT: The new 12.2 preview drivers make no mention of SWTOR either...

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