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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. Or how to turn a game engine huge constraint into a selling argument ...........

    (animations are fantastic I admit, but even though, this engine detail turns that quote into some fishy stuff...)


    Personally I think it's pretty cool when I activate an ability on my Juggernaut that is three saber swings that each individual swing of the animation is applying its own damage.

  2. BTW- as for why BioWare chose the HeroEngine...


    What elements of the backend design-- of the production process; which ones are they using HeroEngine for and which ones had they done more in-house?


    Neil: My understanding is that the production process is largely intact from HeroEngine. There's some upgraded features that we've added and some upgraded features that they've added but by-and-large it's the same thing. The whole concept of doing your development online in real time with your entire team logged in to the same development server remains intact.


    That is really why they licensed it. That's the thing that makes this so special.



  3. Is there anyone in this thread (or forum) who has actually worked with the HeroEngine?


    Or maybe the version that BioWare is working with?




    Didn't think so.


    Just more FUD spread about by no-nothings who just love to ***** and moan. :rolleyes:

  4. Plus other things like crafting being made useless due to not enough money in the economy, people can't buy things and if you craft you won't get your speeder. The money flow issue was raised repeatedly in beta and they should have worked on it. This is just one design example, but there are many unfortunately. It could be fixed by a 15 to 20% increase in monetary loot. They should have fixed that already. Mark my words, they *will* increase monetary flow by 15-25%, I am happy to put a bet on it if anyone will take me up. My guess is it will be in 1.10. But it should have been sorted already, and this has spoiled my 1-50 journey first time around as crafting/economy is broken.


    LOL, "omg a two week old game has no economy yet". Are you freaking kidding me? The economy is player created, it takes time to grow organically. :rolleyes:


    As for there not being enough money, are you even playing this game? :rolleyes:

  5. For 9 months over the course of the ever-mutating beta testing program beta testers have voiced their concerns pertaining to a multitude of game issues ranging from bugs to a lack of features in the GTN to a horrible UI and one that was in need of dire change. Chat bubbles, combat logs, and even macros (although macros weren't as rampantly requested) have been chronically requested since beta.


    Lo, here we are, and NONE of that feedback has been implemented or even acknowledged. It has been nearly 2 weeks since this game was released, and there is still no communication from Bioware regarding some of the major issues that players are faced with. Yes, I have read the Dev tracker, and all of the CMs are addressing issues regarding queues (look what happened to them when players began leaving), the Ilum ban, or digital download problems. NO real issues that universally face the community are being addressed.



    Well, there's a reason why every good company listens to feedback: a happy customer is one with longevity.





    Going to sleep, don't bother flaming me as I will not be reading it.


    You don't seem to understand what the word acknowledge means because they HAVE acknowledged everything you mentioned...


    Acknowledgement is not the same as "fix immediately". :rolleyes:

  6. i know that one of them was cuz i was just playing with one hand while i was eating a sammich and hit an asteroid.


    otherwise i died on the last one available (WHICH IS EXACTLY THE DAMN SAME AS A PREVIOUS ONE) primarily cuz i was just put to sleep by the rest of them and didnt even consider dying.






    had to do it.


    You need two hands to play the space missions? If you're using two hands to control your mouse you're DIW. :rolleyes:

  7. I just wanted to say I admire you for posting this. So very, very few ever post when something is too hard, sadly most just move on to a game that let's them feel good about themselves and have fun.


    Hopefully this gets adjusted, because if you are having so much trouble that you are willing to take the abuse from the "gifted" kids here, then it IS too hard or at least needs some hints in the beginning description.


    If the majority of players already find the space missions too easy why should the missions be dumbed down further because a handful of people find it hard?



  8. Really? What is wrong with Spanky. You know how many Spanky, Spaanky, Spankie, Spankyy named characters there are in EVERY MMO... I have had the name spanky for over 15 years, and just recently Bioware tells me I have to change it? How dumb is this. I am already having horrible time w/ ANY type of CS I request, and now this? I received an Email stating something along the line of it being a Vulgar name... I have seen a million times worse.


    You had to change your name because someone reported it.

  9. Currently the Digital customers who payed extra only got a speeder and a crystal out the deal the rest is pretty much junk


    The crystal has nothing to do with the CE or DDE. The crystal was given to anyone that pre-ordered the game, regardless of the version they bought. Hence it being called pre-order crystal.


    Did you honestly expect the knick-knacks included in the DDE to be anything but junk, aside from the STAP? It's not like we weren't told up front what they were...

  10. Thanks again bioware.Yesterday i had 4 crashes while i was playing.Today while i pressed quit the game crashed again i saw a blue screen and my ssd died.I sent it back to the store.

    So this is the game u were creating so many f years.My ssd died because of the continuous crashes of your game.

    I never had a problem with crashes in any game since i bought the ssd and now with your brilliant crashing game we can burn everything we like.Thanks again

    I want my money back


    Your SSD did NOT die due the game client crashing. Please have a basic understanding of how computers work before you make such ridiculous statements. :rolleyes:

  11. So all the companies out there that manages other clases A MMorpg are wrong for doing separate maintenance times depending of the time zones and bioware and ea are doing right, just as fine as they did with Warhammer online or the glorious apb.

    Dont you see that this is will affect to you in the future.


    All those other companies had to build up to it too. No company in their right mind is going to hire an overseas staff without knowing it's going to be worth it.


    Bioware said they are going to do it. Get over it and move on, this incessant complaining is pointless.

  12. How does other games manage perfect stability without weekly maintenance and what downtime they have is at the very most (major content patches) less than half of what this game is scheduling for routine maintenance then?


    What are you talking about, every MMO has weekly downtimes and maintenance... :rolleyes:

  13. All you people quoting me and and you still didn't read, just interested in complaining (and taddling to the CSRs).




    None of you have any comprehension what it takes, or how to support, network and server infrastructures that are on an entirely different continent. It takes time for those procedures to be put into place. :rolleyes:

  14. All you euros that are complaining need to learn to read...




    We are aiming for this weekly maintenance period to take place in an off-peak time for both North American and European players.


    They are working on making your maintenance down times off-peak, that just takes time with you being a quarter way around the world.



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