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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. Problem is that not all players are using RP while playing, they just play ...

    so i want server named like [RPG]<server name>[PVP/PVE] You know what i mean


    I'm not sure what you are confused about.


    What you are calling "RPG" is what are referred to as "RP".


    RP = Roleplaying.

  2. Lets see maybe fix the fact that 70% of the playerbase with more than adequate system requirements could actually play the game. The fact that a simple patch is starting to cause ppls hardware to overheat. The fact the game was released to early. What could Bioware have done? hire decent game developers? The argument always is well look at other mmo's on release they had major bugs too, yea well the last time a decent mmo was released it was called world of warcraft and that was nearly a decade ago. with all the advances in technology in the time blizzard came onto the mmo scene other companies have learned nothing. i mean for gods sake my melle juggernaught has a 3 sec channeled melle ability, where was the boss at when they decided to add something like that into a melle role. idk the game is def not what i nor many were expecting and ill be honest ill be unsubbed if this game isnt in a playable state by mid feb.


    Since we're making up percentages, I have 15 people in my guild who have experienced no major issues with the game, at all. I guess that means that there are no problems with the game. :rolleyes:


    Also, the word you're looking for me "melee". Melle is a city in Belgium.

  3. I don't think anyone would complain with weekly patches like the majority of MMo's do at the launch. That is to be expected, but multiple down times is frustrating. And yes we have a right to be outraged by it.


    If you had been around for the launch of WoW, which you obviously weren't given your quoted billing history, you would have seen that the servers were all but unplayable for almost a month... :rolleyes:

  4. Guess what WoW did because of those issues.



    5/14/08 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    2/24/08 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    8/10/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    6/18/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    5/17/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    2/4/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    1/3/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    1/1/07 N/A One Day Credit


    12/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    11/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    10/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    9/7/06 N/A One Day Credit


    9/4/06 N/A One Day Credit


    8/4/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    8/2/06 N/A One Day Credit


    8/1/06 N/A One Day Credit


    7/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    5/30/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    5/28/06 N/A One Day Credit


    4/28/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    3/27/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    3/6/06 N/A Three Day Credit


    2/26/06 N/A One Day Credit


    1/26/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    11/25/05 $29.95 USD 60 Day GameCard


    11/24/05 N/A One Day Credit


    9/25/05 $29.95 USD 60 Day GameCard


    8/25/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    6/10/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    5/9/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


    5/4/05 N/A One Day Credit


    5/1/05 N/A Three Day Credit


    4/1/05 N/A Free Month


    3/22/05 N/A Ten Day Guest Pass



    (marked above as spoiler because it was spammy, no spoiler is inside)

    Notice something they did?


    And Oh wait... You mean they gave free time during the free month too? How amazing is that to all the people saying "OMG shut up your first month is free"


    LOL, your free month in 2005 was a year after the game was already released. That's hardly a valid comparison.


    Here is my re-imbursement history from when I bought the game in December of 2004, one year before you, right after the game launched at the end of November 04.





    3/25/05 N/A One Day Credit


    1/24/05 $29.95 USD 60 Day GameCard


    12/24/04 N/A Free Month





    The game was out for over a year before they started reimbursing any game time.


    Get a clue kid.

  5. Im talking about the chat bubble.

    Its really annoying when you stand next to people and all you can do is whisper or use the general .. EEEEven when you are standing next to them, jumping up and down to get their attention. Doesnt work!!!


    Of you could, you know, just whisper them... :rolleyes:


    For the record I want chat bubbles added (and have a setting to diable them) but saying that you can't talk to someone without them is preposterous.

  6. I don't know if coward is the right word. Maybe in some respects. Obi Wan was a type of coward for not finishing Vader, and for not just taking Luke and raising him himself. If he had done that Luke would have been far more capable. I think Yoda pretty much gave up though. Regardless, what they did at the end of episode III was really just a plot device used to make the beginning of episode IV make sense. One thing that doesn't make any sense to me is why they split up. Anakin had just become Vader, and had no power base to speak of really. If they had both gone after the Emperor together they may have stood a chance. Cut the head off the serpent so to speak. He had just established power, and the senate had yet to be dissolved, and he didn't really have an established heir. Bad tactical decision making for the sake of a poetic irony lol


    Obi-Wan took it personally when Anakin fell to the darkside, he saw it as a personal fault in the way he trained Anakin.


    As for Obi-wan and Yoda going into hiding, they went into exile. That's a bit different. Their only hope to preserve the jedi order was to get the two kids out of the reach of Vader and Palpatine and hope they would survive long enough to carry on the legacy eventually.

  7. That's 2010. I'm telling you at launch it was not broken.


    Actually that's 2010 and 2011 and it was broken on and off for years in-between. :rolleyes:


    But that's your argument, falling onto some flawed criteria that you introduced into the argument? I said that stealth has been broken for ages and you snarkily reply, "I don't know what game you were playing?"


    Then you go on to qualify your statement with "at launch".


    Tell me. What is worse, a gaming mechanic that is crucial to a specific class being broken when the game launches. Or it being broken 5 years later? :rolleyes:


    I can't wait to see what kind of nonsense you cook up in reply.

  8. IMHO the Mantis has the best interior layout of all the Empire ships, if not all the ships in the game. It's straight-forward and doesn't feel like a maze of hallways.


    It's shape is a little ungainly, like a giant wedge but the extended engines are pretty awesome.

  9. Actually, no. How come Blizzard and several other companies manage to have separate patch-times?


    Except they build up to that overtime. No company in their right mind would invest in overseas support until they know what they is successful enough to support it monentarily.

  10. To be honest, I'll never understand who thought it would be a good idea to put Smugglers as rep classes and BH as Imp. BH's work for whoever pays, hell the BH storyline even has them going after Imperials. Same with Smugglers. If they really wanted to keep those two classes, they shoulda made them unique and made them cross-faction. Since they already mirror classes, a proper Imp trooper being the mirror to the rep trooper would have been far more fun. As well, an SIS agent being the mirror to the Imp agent would have been fun as well.


    So it's not enough that the mirrored classes have identical abilities, you actually want them to be identical? Gee, that sounds exciting... :rolleyes:

  11. Your friend did a good job.


    Many of the videos out there give you no point of reference, good on your friend for opening his damn map to show where he is. You'd think that something so simple would be so obvious.

  12. I don't have to "respond" to your posts to read that mess.


    Or did you mean don't "read"? If that were the case than you should add "I use annoying fonts" in your thread titles so people will know to avoid them.

  13. You can see yourself in the right textures (if you have an ATI card) by changing the 'MitMap Detail Level' setting in your drivers to be high quality.


    If you dont have the setting in your drivers then get ATI Tray Tools. I can confirm that this works and you will see the correct textures.


    MitMap settings were removed from the Catalyst drivers ages ago.

  14. Since the high res textures still aren't enabled even though they claim to have fixed it with the last patch you can get a peak at your toon in high res.


    The developers did not claim to fix the textures in that last patch... :rolleyes:


    You are obviously referring to this:


    Graphics preferences in settings files are now consistent with actual settings in use.


    Which does NOT say that hi-res textures have been fixed.

  15. i play assassin and a rogue. the vanish in this game is... so buggy..it's...non existent in combat. the pet goes wild, the mobs brake it, etc. in wow at least i can vanish. and the vanish spell itself it's op. but that is another discussion.


    Stealth/vanish has been broken in WoW for ages...

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