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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. The level 40 speeders (and level 50) look way cooler. If you have the credits go for it. I haven't had any problems getting the money myself.


    I'm 45 and at 320k credits, I should have no issues buying the 110% training by the time I hit 50.


    At 40 I even bought a 55k speeder bike because it looked cooler.

  2. On my main server I had leveled a Sith Juggernaut to 17. After playing a Jedi Sentinel to around 14 I realized that I like the play style a lot more so I made a Sith Marauder. He's level 14 so far.


    I still have the Juggernaut if I eventually want to level another tank (main is a 45 Powertech).

  3. As far as I'm concerned no one should be needing any gear for their companion whatsoever if a real player needs it for their own character.


    An argument can be made that if you are in a Flashpoint/Heroic group and your companion is contributing than they should have a right to gear they need that drops.


    However, in the case of the OP (50+ pages ago), the companion did not contribute to the the boss kill thus they should not be getting any gear.

  4. The patch was delayed because they want us to pay for another month in order to see it. They won't get my money and they can keep their patch on PTR forever.


    The patch is being delayed for 1-2 days. Enough with the BS conspiracy theories. :rolleyes:

  5. When an operative comes and knocks me on my but, I do this, throw a dot on em, and its game over for the operative.


    Seriously. All this crying about how much damage Ops do when they attack from stealth but it's the only thing they've got. Once they are out of stealth they are completely boned and useless.

  6. (Control Panel>Accessability Options) to make sure it wasn't activated. It wasn't - but I decided to click the rest of the tabs anyway and make sure nothing else was enabled. There was an option under the General tab "Make a sound when turning a feature on or off" that was checked.


    check there.


    my cat likes to sleep on my keyboard and made it to where anytime I pressed anything like caps lock control num lock my pc beeped.


    It's this, the accessibility options.

  7. What is wrong with wanting it to be even more awesome? Why be such a curmudgeon?


    I'm with the OP. I'd LOVE to break out the old Thrustmaster. Even better, make a PvP space map so I can show everyone why I was able to down all 14 ships in the last wave on the first training mission of Tie Fighter! ;)


    I clearly said that I would like it to be more than it is in it's current form, how does that make me a curmudgeon? :rolleyes:

  8. - Higher cost than other games, because you are charged for 30 days an not one month, so in one year you pay 5 additional days after you payed 12x. Minor cost increase for each player, big bucks for Bioware.


    lolwut? No MMOs charge on a monthly basis, they are all by day.


    WoW 60-Day Game Card



    Rift 60-Day Game Card



    EQ1/EQ2/Planetside 30-Day Game Card



    LOTRO 60-Day Game Card



    AoC 60-Day Game Card



    Bad troll.


    BTW - If subs were on a monthly basis we'd be getting less for our money on shorter months like February.

  9. Here's an idea, add hi res textures back in, it might actually INCREASE performance, all the stories of beta testers running fine on high in beta to all of a sudden experience performance hits on lower rez textures? Hell, I saw a 40 fps increase forcing AA to 32x CSAA in my nvidia control panel...safe to say I was dumbfounded


    FWIW during both weekend betas I was in (October and November) I was pegged at 110fps with all graphical settings on high (and shadows disabled due to flickering bug).


    Now with the retail game I'm in the 60-70s...

  10. Got into Early Access on the 15th.


    On my original server:

    27 Mercenary

    12 Marauder

    3 Agent

    3 Inquisitor

    2-3 level 10s that I deleted.


    On the server we re-rolled on:

    41 Powertech

    17 Juggernaut

    14 Operative

    12 Assassin

    12 Sentinel

    4 Consular

    4-5 level 10s and deleted.

  11. Now if it's open world and you decide to take on an elite guarding a powerstation that has to be shut down and you're ahead of me in the quest, I am most likely going to ninja you're powerstation while you're fighting. It's ok though, BW has done a great job IMO of the respawn rate for interactable nodes in quests. The wait time is incredibly low and it doesn't bug me if you have to wait 10 seconds for it to respawn. Feel free to do the same thing to me when i'm taking on the next elite.


    There's no need to go whining in general chat, namecalling and whatnot, it's the internet, you can't see me in real life, so don't worry about it. All i'm going to do is type in trade chat "MANIACAL LAUGH!!!! MANIACAL LAUUUUGGGHHH!!!"


    If the other player were truly ahead of you on the quest than they wouldn't need the powerstation you are taking...


    And the sad thing is, if I tell you how I actually feel about you I will be the one who will get the CSR warning. :rolleyes:

  12. Are you trying to get into your ship from the Dromund Kaas spaceport (the correct way), or did you go back to the Imperial Fleet and try there (not the correct way).


    Good question. If you don't follow the correct order you can get bugged. During beta I played a BH and I was able to zone into my hangar without going into the instanced area first where I actually obtained my ship.

  13. Can you be more clear on what you're suggesting?


    It looks like you want some kind of custom sorting for the commendations. Who is to decide what is a "top" commendation?


    Maybe something more along the lines of being able to mark a commendation as "active" or "inactive" so the "active" ones show up on the top of the page?

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