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Everything posted by CrazyOldMystic

  1. My apologies for a late reply, been worn out of late. I understand what you are saying and I agree with the base point, however my post was from my experiences in gsf. I mastered a bomber after the nerfs on my original commando from launch. I also did some gsf with a friend from swg, what ultimately turned us both off to gsf was when ever the other teams started losing in dog fights with scouts and strike fighters they went to gunships. Then the match was over as our side and us would just get blown out of the sky out of no where. This being said I do not have numbers to post that says one thing or another. At any rate I respect your position and I agree with your original post and idea.
  2. I agree with the op 100 percent, however I do believe it will only help a little. The problem with gsf from the start has been the fact that gunships can shoot and kill players on the other side of the map. A ground pvp example would be if the sniper class could shoot another player on the other side of the warzone and get a kill. Now obviously that would be a balance issue. I do agree with the op.
  3. You know when they removed full auto, a Icon ability for trooper, from vanguard I heard the same stuff. At which point do you wake up and smell the morning coffee? Damage, healing, and tanking are not the only aspect of a mmorpg. Those abilities I was talking about had allot and I mean allot to do with how the classes felt, moved, and acted in game. My point ever so plain, if you hit me up close and personnel on my commando, retreat? With some dumb jet ability? I don't think so f that I am going to give it right back to you in your face. Since they removed those abilities now you either retreat or take it. Full auto on the vanguard hell that was damn essential to vanguard especially in pvp. Nothing like sending some fast moving pepper some ones way when they think they are safe from a vanguard or Powertech. This is how troopers and bounty hunters fight.
  4. I just returned a few days ago, and did the new missions, and a once through on the two new daily zones. Here is the thing if your going to have npcs constantly pulling and getting in the face of my troopers, then I want the ability to fight them and tell them to F off. Abilities that accomplished this in this type of engagement for commandos, stockstrike, pulse cannon, and , the heavy stock strike blitz. If I need to deal with some npcs murdering me at range on my vanguard, well hell I want full auto, explosive round, and mortar volley to tell them go f themselves. I am not even talking pvp here. Dont be an ass with your programming and rub our noses in the dirt with your npcs and for all tense and purposes and laugh at the player and say lol you dont have those abilities anymore to fight back with. For the at least 40th time GIVE US BACK OUR CROSS ABILITIES FOR TROOPER AND BOUNTYHUNTER!!!!!! Oh and the new pick up a extra spec system doesn't work that well and you cant use it in instances so pretty pointless when it comes this particular problem.
  5. Aug kits are not the problem. The problem is the game is both custom gear and non mod gear. No one in there right mind puts augs on non mod gear, which is why it makes no sense that the first two tiers of gear in end game right now, are not mod gear. The problem that is a issue is tacticals, which are spread all over creation, and have proven to create more of a imbalance in the game then ever before. Either way its a mess.
  6. I am no apologist for Bioware or EA, but this expansion was hardly the worse. Rise of the Hutt Cartel still tops the charts as the worst expansion of SWTOR. Again just to point out this is only phase one of this expansion, but the devs really did screw the pooch when they asked for feed back, and then ignored it. I played trooper as my first toon at launch. The amount of abilities I have lost to these brain dead stat people is far too many. Abilities that were iconic to the trooper, and how a trooper fights. So anger with the devs I got plenty of that. The new skill tree making me choose between cryo grenade and something else, or sticky grenade and something else. This was just a *** hole move by the devs again. I waiting to see what happens. Who knows maybe the devs might actually surprise me. Explosive round and full auto for my vanguard tasty. Stock strike for my commando, to bash up a force user with. /sigh I can dream cant I?
  7. Yea I just found this out too, seems silly to me, that warblade screamed Sith warrior. As well as the cut scene from leaving the Imperial dreadnought is no longer there either. I hope they did not water down anymore of the Sith Warrior story, as it was the best in the game. I do not know who keeps doing this at Bioware, but I swear someone is trying to sabotage there own game.
  8. Communication op are you joking? Where was the communication on why the Havoc squad armor was not fixed? Where was the communication when you gutted my trooper and bounty hunter of abilities? Where was the communication when people told you this time around, that they did not want ability pruning? You guys do not communicate you do regardless of what any player says.
  9. I am not one to give idle praise, and some things were defiantly done wrong, to force people into the CM. So many items removed its a list a very long list. Allot of Classic armormech schems were altered to force F2P to pick up unify colors. This being said Understand what classic swtor was. It was a complete disaster. The force user armors were not that good, except for the sith side, and the level 40 pvp sentinel armor. There was a complete lack of communication pre launch between player and dev. We all loged in thinking we would see what we saw in the original hope trailer and deceived trailer. Case and point the change on the hope trailer to include words of the force was dumb. Instead we were confronted with allot of bugs, and game that had very little sand box, and very long load screens. It was the worse combination of everything. That being said the one thing I felt, because a friend mentioned it to me during launch, was never fully capitalized on. It could have made swtor unique and better. Custom armor. Even today there trying to do away with that by moving bonuses to the shell instead of the armoring. Though I agree with the removal of gear from the companions. I completely disagree with them losing there default abilities, and not being able to customize and build up your droids with cybertech. Other people from launch I am sure have a much longer post they could post. My point is this game has come along way, allot of bad, but several improvements. Oh and the old sith ravage animation that thing was delicious. My suggestion is I would put on blinders to truth of what this game was.
  10. I see what your saying, because even logically I am not sure how this could work. I mean what a stealth ability for say a commando? Op. Although at the same time I would like to get stock strike back on my commando and full auto back on my vanguard. I would defiantly like to be able to use all of my commando abilities with a blaster rifle. Speaking of the system as a whole by the way, this time anyways.
  11. The op wasnt wrong. If you read the last dev post from yesterday. Its pretty clear they dont give a damn about player feedback and they are going to go ahead with ability removal. Also the post before that they drumbed down the saber throw and completely ignored the concern that it was iconic to the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior. In the post from yesterday they are going to reduce the impact and number of defensive abilities. Wait for it the same age old garbage from Wo*s dev team going to reduce the number of abilities by combing them. Now once you pull out the double talk and all the bs. It boils down to this make every class simple easy, and stupid. One question though someone in this thread claimed to use a different weapon type you had to completely swap to that adv class. I was not aware of this anyone got a link here?
  12. If I ever did see a kiss *** thread, pathetic. If a gaming dev does something right, ill support it. If a gaming dev does something wrong I wont. I will not under any circumstance trying to kiss *** Its probably mute. The fact that the devs haven't responded probably means there going to to whatever they plan to do, regardless of feedback. What a fracking surprise.
  13. Op you have no idea what your talking about. Mob mentality. GOOD! The last time they did this they absolutely wrecked the vanguard and powertech. I am not talking about numbers here, I am talking about straight up fun. They removed full auto, they removed grenades, they removed explosive round, and turned the mortar volley into something down right stupid. My commando lost stock strike, and lost pulse cannon. Two abilities I used in conjunction with my grenades and full auto to kill sith warriors at close range. The worse part was you couldn't even level a vanguard or powertech after fact until months later they added some quick repair work to the class, because they realized they screwed up. They didn't even have the guts to say it. If the players do not get them to not prune more abilities here and now, then every class is going to turn into a generic boring vanguard. Obviously, for the sake of less intelligent people, I do not mean the vanguard class.
  14. To the devs this is as bad if not worse then the time you took away full auto from powetechs and vanguards. Saber throw is a inconic sith/Jedi ability. I dont know if this was intentional or if this is because only some things are being shared, but if this is what your planning on doing to all classes. Do me a small favor stay away from the trooper. Ive already lost too many abilities on my commando and vanguard, and I dont want to lose anymore. Those that main a guardian or warrior are not going to be happy about this at all. The opinion of one player. As far as how the abilities felt, I can not comment on that, I main troopers and troopers. I do not have the exparince in the current guardian or warrior to be making a judgement on that end.
  15. To be clear we dont know yet if the Devs are going to follow through with this pub joining Empire or Empire joining pub storyline. As right now your just a snitch if you are going that direction, however, if they do go through with it. Then your suddenly going to have Imperial troopers. This is one angle, the other angle is Pierce. He is described as being an Imperial black ops trooper. He dresses like an Imperial trooper. My point is its not too far off the map for a agent to go that route. As for the Mekab armor unless they changed it and removed something else from the game. They're good at that. It does have imperial markings. If you apply the dye it looks just like the troopers on Korriban, however, it is missing the flap on the belt located at the center. The helmet does not have the antenna sticking out of the top of the helmet. Lastly to the point, the other player said about making collectors edition a digital purchase, I say why not? The devs gain money and the player gains the Imperial trooper armor. I wouldn't expect them to make it cheap to be clear.
  16. Quick question/request. Is there any chance those sensors in the Rakgoul tunnels, specifically on the roof got fixed? If not. May I suggest you speed up there respawn timer drastically? There are always too many people in those tunnels for that slow of a respawn time. Also since they spawn at random locations, it puts a downer on the event, when you trying to do it.
  17. Define iconic would be something as simple as throwing your lightsaber at a target, force push, force choke, leaping at your target with the force, but I think you get the idea. More on the point you asked about the stockstrike, in warfare with a gun you have a weapon called a bayonet (( last resort these days)), knifes, and soldiers trained for close mortal combat. The reason for this is at some point a enemy will close range with you, or you will run out of ammo. Now in a game such as swtor, that obviously takes a completely different form. I view that form as stockstrike. As for the animation, personally, I never had a problem with it. Frankly, I used it as a commando to great effect in pvp. As opposing players expected me to keep at range, and when I did not it caught them off guard. The result was stockstrike, cryo grenade, plasma grenade, and full auto on my commando. I believe this makes clear iconic.
  18. Well, you can mock a mistake as much as you want, as children do now and days, but the point remains valid. These abilities were iconic to the trooper, and they need to be returned to the trooper. As to allow both Commando and Vanguard to use these iconic abilities. Just try to tell me how Full auto is not iconic for a trooper? Try to support the idea that bashing an enemy with your weapon is not iconic? For that matter try to explain to me how sending an explosive round at your enemy is not iconic for a trooper?
  19. I am asking you pay me back for years of playing the game, and grant the request I now make. Please return Explosive round, Full auto, and stock strike to trooper abilities. So that both vanguard and commando can use them. The reason why is they are iconic to the trooper. It would be the same as if you told the sith marauder they could not have force choke, because they were not a sith juggernaut. In conjunction with the previous statement, it would be as if you told a Jedi Sentinel they could not have have force push, because they were not a Jedi Gaurdian. This is about immersion and enjoyment NOT numbers.
  20. This is too sad and funny at the same time. So let me see if I got this straight Bioware. You remove the commando stock strike ability known as blitz, because it sent the opponent flying backward. One guy, didnt even put them flat on there back, and it was only useable sometimes when you used cryo grenade. Years later you come out with a tact that does a cc on a heck of allot other players..... This is ok? Does the words you have no *********** clue what your doing meaning anything to you. You purge my troopers and bhs of abilities but you will put this in the game. Right......
  21. My conclusion which pointed out at the end of my statement was the opinion of one player, is based on a few things. I am still getting gear as a reward for level 75 that is NOT custom, as in I can not move the mods because its straight up stat gear. Players like myself have been asking for them to make all gear and weapons custom since launch. This has not been done, why I do not know. This leads me to, if it makes you feel good, speculate that they want to move the game away from custom gear. In my opinion would be a bad idea. I also stated I am not looking for them to come up with a new system. Just tweak it the way I pointed out. The tweaks does not hurt balance, do not make it harder or easier, and solve a few issues. At the core the gearing system remains the same.
  22. The new system has several flaws. First as pointed out with the new system augmentation becomes a problem. The only reason augmentation has lasted this long is, you spent a ton of resources or credits, got your custom gear auged out the end. Now not so much, now they risk turning augmentation into a problem with this system of theres. If there worried about people moving mods/enhancements around with the armoring. Then simply attach the bonous to all three mods. The armoring, the Enhancement, and the mod. Not the shell The second problem I have with it, and given the gear rewards ive seen, its clear they want to get rid of custom gear. They want to go to stat gear where we can not move mods around. A terrible idea given how insanely unreliable this games ap tab is in cut scenes. Also from the beginning custom gear was one of the smartest unique ideas this game ever did. I came from live swg, but quickly fell in love with the idea of custom gear. The third problem is it feels as though its an attempt to get pvpers to do ranked pvp. As thats where your going to find the best gear drops if you pvp. There moves on ranked have been one of the worst chapters in swtor pvp history. People like me have no time for arenas. So now if you want the better gear ranked it is. The more I mess around with this new gearing system the more it feels like a gigantic cattle prod up my ***. Lastly the randomness of it. Its just a fracking mess. No other words needed. To put something together I need propper pieces. A perfect example would be yesterday. I got a mod that was higher item level I put it. Guess what it was NOT a commando mod. Instead, it was a vanguard tanking mod. Emphasis on Endurance. Wiped out my crit stat and mastery stat to a much lower level. I mean wth is that? As for what direction they should go. The problem is as it always has been. On the one hand you have people who go way out of control with alts, demanding that things should be made easier. Then you have the people who bum rush the game end content at supersonic speeds and say is that it? So devs try to come up with creative solutions like this. Well, it needs to be tweaked. The old-style worked for me because guess what I have a life then star wars for fun I suggest you take step one and add the bonuses to the armoring, mod, and enhancement for each piece of gear not the shell. Two you have to recognize that for the decent size population of pvp we perfer warzones. Not huttball not arenas. We should have access to the higher end gear. I could go over why but the problems with arenas have been pointed out a thousand times over. Lastly, all reward gear should be custom with mods not stat gear that is useless. I have told you this a thousand times since launch developers, get it through your thick skulls. If it is not custom it can not be upgraded, if it can not be upgraded then it is a useless piece of **** to me. Not to put too fine on it, but why in all the world have you not made all weapons in game custom yet? This is way overdue. I am not saying this to be negative but the problems with your game are creeping up. To be honest I do not want to see any more new-fangled gearing systems in the game. If this is what you want ok. At least tweak it as suggested above so it IS useful. Not just a RNG mess, that it currently is. The thoughts of one player. For I have no flocks of sheep following me around.
  23. Nor should you give up this fight. I have also been asking for this for a very long long long long time. Hint Bioware.
  24. A necro of a few days longer then I would have liked, just wanted to put a few words in here. I hope they listen to you guys, I really do. They did the same thing to the troopers. When vanguard lost full auto, explosive round, and 30 meter mortar volley, that hurt. It was so bad that you could not even level a vanguard at the time. Things have gotten better, but even the loss of stock strike for the commando hurt, and still does. You used to be able to combine stock strike with plasma grenade, sticky grenade, and a close range of full auto or pulse cannon for a close range kill. This game at launch was a bucket of cold water in people's faces. What we saw in the trailers like deceieved and hope is what we thought we would be doing similar things in-game, Instead, it wasn't like that at all. Nor were any of the armors/weapons available in-game. Looking back now, knowing everything I know now, I would have been a lot more receptive to the game at launch. My ultimate point is I hope they listen to you, because that would mean hope that they would restore the trooper abilities I mentioned above. I agree too much removed, and replaced by less effective/enjoyable abilities.
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