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Everything posted by CrazyOldMystic

  1. Note I am not talking about fixing bugs If you want to remove content or nerf it the answer is no. Thanks to that same thought process the czerka compound was completely nerfed into oblivion on Tatooine, which made the whole mission line feel stupid and pointless. Thanks to that same thought my powertech and my vanguard no longer have full auto/unload. I would rather they fix bugs and problems with the game, then water down previous content.
  2. I was here at launch. So I got serious bones to pick with the devs on many issues. If I think they are wrong I may or may not voice that depending on what it is. Reading your op, it sounds like your making a good deal of assumptions. As for changing the way gear is, I do believe that is a mistake. When command level/xp came out it was a mess. No clear info everything thrown into chaos. Now you have players who have maxed there mains and alts with command level, and you want to say too bad, we are going to change it again. Add new item level sure go ahead, but keep the way we get gear the same. For me as long as there are weeklies giving command xp I dont see a problem, and I dont see a need for change on this. As for Malgus I am sorry but the Knights of the fallen empire was just grinding the knife in every time you did something. For starters they made Zukull npcs look better than anything the players could get there hands on at the time for thier faction. The taunting of faction switch on Iokath which was not possibe. Then to add more cheese to the mix you started going down the path, that the player was a god. Even worse several of those chapters were clearly force users only. You beat the dead horse beyond dead when you kept bringing the Emperor back. Revan expansion was just more cheese. The only good part out of that mess was the mandalorian chapters. Now Malgus, Empire vrs Republic that sounds like fun to me. Sith killing Jedi good times. As for pvp. You can say and complain about what you will. What killed it was the day the devs moved ranked out of warzones into arenas only. That was the first death nail. The second was removing faction on faction pvp. Now swtor pvp is nothing but a joke. No point what soever even doing it. Until they applied the second death nail pvp was what I did.
  3. I believe it snared and hit like a ton of bricks but it did not root. People did not start screaming op until it rooted a player in place and then that player got hit by a ton of bricks. I was doing weeklies on my Sith Jugg for command xp and some credits. I noticed something. Two possible solutions to replace the Jedi acrobatic ravage animation with the Sith warrior Aegis animation from the immortal tree. It is very similar to the classic animation. The Sith pretty much subdues the target with vicious overhead blows, while keeping both feet firmly on the ground, which is what you would expect from a sith. The other possible solution. Is to bring back the classic animation but speed up its time to the same time as Aegis from immortal.
  4. Let me be clear these two players tried everything, from quick travel, to relog, to exiting the game fully and then logging back in, and of course, stuck. Now I don't know why individuals seem to have there heads up there but there seems to be an unusual amount of new players to the game. As everyone knows newer players are worth more than older ones. So ignore it dont ignore it the choice is yours but something like this can do a lot of harm. Its real simple. Someone asks a friend how is swtor, I never played it. The friend responds its buggy and sucks I got perma stuck at level 6. I trust I made my point.
  5. Some of these ideas are decent but the only one I am not a fan of is changing guts cool down. Right now I can use it whenever I want, and the only time ammo becomes an issue is if I am up against a real pve boss. What I would not give to have my full auto back.
  6. Catania Nal Hutta in the palace where players go for their story missions. The table on the right side as you walk in with a chair pushed in and a chair knocked down, where two npcs are arguing. One player got stuck there last night and right now another player who was completely new to the game got stuck there. They tried /stuck, they tried relogging, and the new player tried exiting the game entirely and then logging back in to no avail. This is a really really dumb way to tick off completely new players to the game. Suggest you make this a priority fix.
  7. Truth be told that was not the only animation they messed with, they forced a change on the player in the area of the sith jugg sunder armor ability. If you do tank you lose the old sunder armor animation, which if timed right could make it look like you were taking off someone's skull with your lightsaber. People say ravage had to be changed. I say it was fine with the original animation " if it aint broke dont fix it" You just had to be precise about your timing. I think what got the ball rolling was when some cray babies turned the ability into something beyond op when it rooted someone in place. This is when the devs started messing with it. Though I can not confirm this, there is also a rumor they changed the siths ability to turn vette into your personal sex slave. Apparently, you could do that at launch. I can not confirm this last part because I just couldn't do that to vette.
  8. Eric one of the biggest complaints about the vanguard from day one was its lack of explosives and blaster bolts. Note I am not talking about stat wars. I am talking about what people feel a trooper should be, in my opinion, I think the tactical item slot may solve that long term issue in swtor. 1. The first tactical item for tactics should be drastically increasing direct target damage of assault plastique while maintaining the current area damage, or on the flip side drastically increasing the area damage, but lowering the direct target damage. 2. The second tactical item that could be fun is gut, increasing its rate of bleed, or increasing its amount of damage of bleed. Though that might be more balance and less tactical. A possible tactical is when an enemy is gutted one out of 4 guts it pushes that enemy back 10 meters. One out of four is to avoid abuse. 3. This one is not so much advanced class but rather important to a trooper. A tactical ability that drastically increases the rate of fire of hammer shot. As for set bonuses no offense to anyone with this term, but ill leave that to the stat monkeys. A few notes personally I would love to get my 30 meter full auto back on my vanguards. The second is cell burst. Its still bugged. Even if you have three full charges on it, and have the set bonus proced on it, it will still at times hit the target and do zero damage. One last personal note let my vanguard fully join the Empire hehehehe. I know not going to happen but I can dream.
  9. Your tactical abilities idea. The commando could use one to enhance hail of bolts damage to the point where it becomes a primary damage dealer kind of like your sorc example. Vanguard could use a couple. One for enhancing sticky grenade/assault plastique. One to enhance hammer shot. One to enhance gut.
  10. Pvp gear is, well things have changed. From players who play the game, their concern with the new gear, is the fact that the item level on it is so low. So the grind to them seems pointless. New gear new grind, whats new? I dont see the gripe here I really dont. Blostering the hell out of people makes pvp even more pointless then it was before. It was the loudmouths on the forums that pushed for the eradication of faction on faction, thinking it would solve the q problem. Yet the balancing on the q end seems to be heavily off based on the moaning threads about it. End result well you now have a pissed off portion of the pvp community, because we can no longer faction on faction with rewards in warzones. Thanks for that bs by the way. The q is still a mess. Nothing achieved. My point is I think you guys are jumping the gun. Your asking the devs to create separate gear for pvpers only, which will be exploited by the pve bads, and then the pve community will be screaming for someone's head. Someone want to tell me how the devs gets out of this mess without a mega problem? Without having to blow all there resources on one solution. Seems to me the only thing I would change is up the item level on this new gear. In pvp you always have to work to become a player killing machine. If you dont have to work for it, it will taste like ash. Also some of you clearly need to watch the stream on the new gear. Its not one path only to get it. In any case if you think its unfair then make three warzones won get the special mat, that currently is planned to be reserved for operations. The three wins will add up to about the same time as a opp. Problem solved. I just dont think creating a whole new class of gear again is the solution. Not to mention you completely screw over everyone that has done the work on the command rank. The opinion of one player. I wont be checking back just wanted to post some thoughts on this from the point of view of one player.
  11. I can respect where you're coming from. I was at launch, with my troopers. Only to see a whole of a lot of abilities taken away from my commando and vanguard in the name of the stat monkeys, because they deemed them not efficient enough for those advanced classes. Despite the fact that I have used those same abilities to kill more players then I care to count. So I get the why upset a portion of the population argument. My pure guess at this point is they do not have enough resources to do all that you propose. Hence the one way or other way arguments. Although if I could paint imperial symbols on my battlemaster armor for my troopers, and join the Empire completely. I would do that in a heartbeat.
  12. Well, I for one never enjoyed the storyline, as I have never had an ego so big, that I must be at the center of the universe on my characters. Could have I enjoyed the storyline? Sure. Every mission was the same, you are the one, fight droids, and the end. The only chapters I really enjoyed were the mandalorian ones. The alliance was poorly constructed from day one. First problem it followed the idea that sith and Jedi should work together to create a better future in a game called star wars. I think the feeling is please let me vomit. The second problem is many of those companions were locked behind some rather dumb and boring gates. The third problem was the star fortress set up was rather sloppy in my opinion. Lastly, as I already stated you were "the one" The only reason I returned is that they are at last bringing the story back to the Empire vrs Republic with you fighting for your faction, instead of ruling over the galaxy. Frankly, they go back to you are the one ruling over the galaxy at some point I am gone again. I doubt I would be the only one. Part the problem is other than the original swtor storyline, not a whole lot has been done with Empire vrs Republic. To make matters worse the entire game was launched on the idea of Empire vrs Republic. To compound this error, despite what some white knight forum posters may say, the pvpers I have run into in-game despise this mixed faction bs in pvp. To point if the Alliance goes boom, all I can say is good riddance, and please give me a skip button for that content on my alts. Yea this is my opinion. One thing I do know what is said on the forums does not mean a damn thing. Only a few people post, and in no way shape or form make up what the players who actually play the game feel about the game. Neither does these gaming/fan websites.
  13. Well don't remove any more abilities from my vanguard or commando. Unless its that cheat shield. I would like to see blitz returned, stock strike, and I like my plasma/fire grenade. Leave it alone. You kids always looking to wreck what was. Before someone gets the bright idea, leave my explosive round, and mortar volley alone. I miss charged bolts. So much ruined because people want generic ranged dps.
  14. I returned because this game is at last getting back to Empire vrs Republic. My ego is not so big that my characters must be the center of the universe in a game. As a trooper when this game launched I went that route to fight Imps, as portrayed in your trailers of return, and hope. Upon my return, I find certain things still out of place. My first suggestion is get rid of mixed faction pvp. The people I have run into in game since my return do not enjoy mixed faction pvp. To me it makes pvp utterly pointless. All it is now is a stat monkey's game. If you want this game to recover in some form. I would suggest you get rid of it. I would also suggest on the pvp end, you make the 8 vrs 8 faction warzones the ranked warzones. Arenas are too easily exploited by current class balances. To be frank your arenas never really were enjoyable. The 8 vrs 8 faction warzones I always enjoyed those. My second suggestion is returning the trooper to its base design in some form. This means getting rid of Echoing Deterrence and Propulsion Round. Increasing the primary shield damage reduction to 45 percent, with its long cooldown this cannot be exploited. The next move is giving back the commando stock strike, but increasing its damage. This will allow players to get at commandos but give commandos something to hit them over the hid with that has some serious damage. I would recommend blitz level damage but without the 30 meter knockback. I would also suggest that you give the 30 meter full auto and mortar volley back to the vanguard. Right now the vanguard is a boring class until you get to level 50. You completely took the fun out of that class by removing full auto and mortar volley from the vanguard. My last suggestion, I know you have QOL changes planned based on your last stream. I can not stress this point enough. Ensure they do not involve removing any abilities from the trooper class in the name of QOL. The afore mentioned suggestions are the only ability changes I would make as far as removing and adding abilities. To the crowd that will complain over longer q, the qs problems was never faction on faction. To those who will complain about my trooper suggestion. I have been a trooper since launch. The commando is a tactical nuke damage wise, you can not give it survival this high end at the same time. I would rather lose some survival then lose some damage. The vanguard change is a must for both immersion and having fun with that class. Almost forgot to mention do something about the rail guns already in gsf. There is a reason why that q remains dead. A bomber can be easily taken out by a strike fighter with ion cannons. A gunship with rail guns sits off at 12k meters doing enormous amounts of damage to enemy ships.
  15. Yea what you just said is essentially what every powertech playing the game is doing right now. Despite what forum posters are saying. They are switching to merc/commando or boosting one. So I hope the devs take up some of my suggestions or at the very least decide what to do with powertech/vanguard.
  16. Yes I know how to tank on a vanguard/powertech I did it in warzones with more then a few healers, and yes I stayed very close to there location. The class has two other specs not just tanking. You said it your self the classes rotation right now is boring. 20 meters in pvp can make a huge difference, and on how the class feels. Ive also been open in this thread to a couple possibilities, one they bring back the abilities they remove, this would make me thrilled beyond words. Two make the class melee with melee weapons, minus lightsabers. Yes they already have the animations programmed into the game there is various trooper melee npcs out there. Three roll it back to 20 meters with all the old abilities, but lower the full auto/unload, death from above/mortar volley, and missile blast/mortar round to 20 meters. Three is the most unlikely to happen. As for the merc/commando Ive done a pretty good job separating the powertech/vanguard from the merc/commando. The classes are tied together however, when it comes to how people feel about them. Veterans who play Jedi/sith, note not talking about RL war veterans here but gamers, play the class just fine. This adds up to about 2 percent of the Jedi/sith population. The rest are on a power trip/ego so yes they rage when they get killed by a trooper/bounty hunter. This is why I tied the two together during that one statement.
  17. PorsaLindahl I apologize if I went too far, when it comes to these classes I have been playing them since day one. Force users were always a fad at the time. My point, I really enjoy the bh/trooper classes. Its just the vanguard/powertech to me it feels as though the devs constantly leaves them in purgatory. No insult intended here, but if you want check out old vanguard/powertech threads. People have been screaming about what I just posted for a long time now, but they never did anything about it. I do recognize your points. I can also say that the amount of people that would just be thrilled to be able to dual wield melee on a powertech/vanguard would be allot. Devs in the less then 1 percent chance you are reading this. People want our immersive abilities back, just read the reply's to this thread. On the merc/commando I still refuse to use that reflective shield thingy they gave us. Somebody really wasn't thinking on that one. EDIT: LordFell the thing is vanguard/powertech when they first entered the game were designed around 20 meter range, with two abilities that could reach 30 meter range. The problem is people do not like losing to troopers and bounty hunters. I could tell you stories of the rage over blitz when a commando would use it on someone. Even though blitz at the time had a decently long cool down. So the brilliant solution to the devs was nock em down to 10 meters. Then they removed all the abilities I named. Then they did another useless rework. Now its in not what I would call enjoyable state. This is just my opinion.
  18. PorsaLindahl that is your opinion. The people I speak of have allot of experience with star wars mmorpgs. Running classes bland for sake of no channel abilities and less abilities is not immersive, and therefore is not enjoyable. If people want plain and simple then look for a game that has at tops four abilities. Yes they are supposed to be in your face but they carry blaster rifles and blasters for a reason. Keep them in your face? Ok np then give them melee weapons, that are not lightsabers. Either way works for me. Right now there not that good. Yes I agree I miss those abilities every time I log in. People always seemed to have a hate for mortar volley, me I always enjoyed it. My goal is to get some flavor back to the vanguard powertech, and let me mess with people on my merc/commando. They expect you to stay range, and thats what was so great about the uppercut with your jets and stockstrike. It was the last thing they would expect you to do. It added flavor to the play style. Flamethrower, well lighting someone a player on fire and watching them panic is also fun. Note this is not about op if the devs choose to take up these suggestions I leave the numbers in there hands.
  19. A couple people I know were talking the other night and the way they described this spec is boring, and they are right. Here is a few suggestions. -Make the classes 20 meter range - Bring back full auto/unload but at 20 meter range -Bring back Death from above/mortar volley but at 20 meter range - Bring back the old flame thrower for the bh instead of this one second little fire animation flame burst garbage. One - Bring back mortar round and missile blast also, another fun ability that was removed from these classes. word for that ability boring. The old flame thrower on the bh was way more fun. Damage of 20 meter range for every ability should be decided by devs, as 20 meter range tanking was a overpowering aspect when it was possible. Merc/commando These classes are not for the fan clubs, they are for a very specific breed of player. -Bring back Rocket Punch/stock strike -Bring back Flamethrower/pulse cannon These abilities when used by a pro player were very useful. To a stat monkey on the forums, they would not appear so but to a player hat plays the game they are very useful, and immersive. So its taken me some time to get a handle on all the new stuff. The above suggestions would add allot enjoyment to bounty hunters and troopers. For those who love stats not so much as they couldn't find fun in anything unless its overpowering. I strongly suggest going forward with this game you never change the gearing system from here on out. You most defiantly never raise the command xp level cap or levels. I also strongly suggest regardless of the story you write, you keep the contraband supplies coming. As I am very pleased to see allot of old custom gear coming out of the military, science, and other crates you turn in. Change the gear mods/gear in the cxp system, not going to say you wont need to do that at some point. Stick to the system. From veterans I know like myself that play this game right now, the one thing that drives us nuts. Is you keep changing the gearing system on us. Given the time that must be invested for level 300 command xp, I strongly suggest you do not change it again. At some point someones going to make a case to increase the command xp level. Please ignore it. I would like to be able to keep new players around. Despite all the talk this game is dead. I have seen allot of new players to the game in the last couple of weeks.
  20. The mob right now is claiming the mercenary is overpowering. For once they are slightly right. Responsive safeguard as an ability needs to be removed. This is something I never ever suggest for any class, because I do not like to see the classes watered down. Please listen to this suggestion. The merc/commando are nukes thats there job to nuke enemies with overwhelming dps. Responsive safeguard is way way too much power to the merc/commando along with thier dps. I played this class for years, and I just re leveled one from the ground up. My suggestion is keep the merc/commando dps where its at but remove this ability. This responsive safeguard for a ranged heavy dps class is just completely unwise and unbalancing. We need our heavy dps to be able to handle healers, we do not need responsive safeguards. On the Vanguard/powertech end. *puts face in hands and shakes head* Just bad all around. You turned pyrotech into a instant burst of a little flame here and there minus one ability. Suggest you look up the word pyro. I dont care about numbers in the area of damage, tanking, or whatever. This class is the worse in the game right now, and insanely clunky. Many of us have said it before, and Ill say it again. If you want this adv class to have a 10 meter range then make it melee with dual vibroblades. If you want it to be range then crank its range back up to 20 meters, and add some freaking timed flame animations for pyro. Right now its a gigantic mess. Whoever came up with the replacement for death from above ability on powertech toss out the nearest airlock would you please. A pack that magically shows up on your back firing missiles, then magically rescinds itself, and magically disappears. Really? Death from above was a 1000 times better.
  21. I was a big fan of swg. No not everything that happened there was soe, but allot of it was lucas arts dragging there feet, but that is a story for another time. People always gather like a mob and say this must be the reason, but few actually dig or think to find out the facts. Swtor could be salvaged, and could make its mark, but only if EA/Bioware are truly interested in making a great game. If this is just money to them, then swtor will die eventually of its wounds. Which is which no one can say, as none of us are there with the inside scoop as it were. I would like to see swtor salvaged, but even that has problems because of the player base. On the one hand you have the mmorpg player base wanting to improve the game as a mmorpg, on the other hand you have the Revan/kotor fan club who wants nothing but story. More then that they want god mode solo play. Either direction you go at this point, given this games history is going to seriously piss off one of those player bases. From my point of view. I would add all the old abilities that have been removed from classes, watering the classes down was one of the worse things to happen to this game. No one ever complained about the abilities or animations at launch. Something many of us told them on day one make all weapons/armor custom. The appearance tab glitches way too much. Bring back the old companion system, the new companion system makes companions overpowered especially if you max one. Not to mention the current companion system ruined some fun companions. AKA Blizz. A jawa with a big *** missile launcher that was so much fun to watch. Get the game fixed to solve the day one problems of lag and long loading screens. Just accomplishing those three items would go a long way to making this game a mmorpg again. I am a swg guy but I would rather not see swtor die. Frankly swg was solid with flaws, swtor was a disaster on so many levels, and seen some improvements over the years. I am for fix swtor. Throwing in the towel? Who knows what the result will be. My guess is something even worse, and a even bigger money grab then swtor.
  22. Well thats just it, guilds can not do anything to improve the game. Its theme park so much so, that guilds can not even declare war on each other. Honestly its probably too late for that mechanic now. Most defiantly not when the game launched. I watched from pvp point of view as both end game pve, and pvp were utterly destroyed. Whats left is a fragment of what was. Other games are doing things better, and biowares rep is not helping things. Apparently there is a hack/exploit that allows fresh members that join guilds to gain complete access to guild banks, even if they are properly locked down. There famous response to this is, its your fault. This goes to show there real level of care for the population. Though swtor is not as bad as wow, which decimated the number of class customization, it does come close. At heart you have to look at what makes a mmorpg successful. Two mmos, which I will not name due to peoples strong feelings, hit the nail on the head. The one in classic generated a 10 mill subscriber base. Kept aspects it had a evolving end game pvp/pve end game content. Customization of weapon choice, class, with extensive immersion. So much so a pet would attack you if you did not keep it happy. The other Lacked in evolving/growing end game pvp/pve, but was strong on class customization, and immersion. Swtor at launch lacked customization, had good starting pvp/pve end game, but never evolved it/built on it properly. It had solid immersion in the area of individual class stories, but did not keep that aspect up. When you look at it from that perspective thats really where the problem lays. Although I already said this in another way in this thread.
  23. To be fair bombers were never the problem if people bothered to read the weapon types. A strike fighter armed with blasters, and Ion Cannons can make short work of a bomber. As opposed to a gunship that sits out there at extreme range destroying pilots. My friends from swg and myself tried multiple times to get involved fully in gsf, but in the end we gave up, because something always happened. As soon as we started winning in our mixture of fighters, and myself a bomber pilot, the other side like clock work would bring out a full team of wait for it gunships.
  24. The game in its current state is not too good. Put aside all the greedy I wants and look at the whole picture. This game is not a sandbox, it is a theme park through and through. Could it work ? Yes Problem the ops and flashpoints to me at least started to feel generic by Shadows of Revan expansion. I have said this before several times, the pve end needs to be spiced up into something not predictable. Predictable being kill enemy npcs kill main boss with one shot one kill mechanics the end. Keep in mind I am not a big time pve guy. Another major flaw in the pve area was lack of new flashpoints/ops for the pve crowd. Lastly the constant changing of what direction the devs wanted to take with end game pve content. All bad moves. Pvp good old fashion evil, I could go on for hours on that end, so ill just keep it simple. Killing 8vrs 8 ranked to bring arenas bad move. Killing the illum faction vrs faction pvp area, instead of fixing it another bad move, bringing in mixed faction pvp bad move making pvp pointless. Nothing but a numbers game. More huttball really bad move. The last major problem unending stun lock wars. Knocking someone down not a problem, being knocked back not a problem, being stunned in place big problem. When it happens on a continued basis players tend to give up and leave. Theme park rely's heavily upon end game pvp, and end game pve. So break it out down simply those mistakes need to be corrected. Then comes the question what is the extent of the dev teams resources? No one knows therefore this all hypothetical on what the devs can fix. Oh and op I do not know where you thought expansions were a good idea for this game. The first year of releases and after they should have been fixing bugs, loading times, game stability issues, and host of issues. Instead they decided to roll out expansions to grab peoples money. If they had just fixed the game instead of expansion assembly line who knows what this game would have been like. Dont get me started on the decision not to make all armor/weapons custom, and constantly remove class abilities , and remove gear from the game. It was like oh no we got problems, ok just push forward it will fix itself, and act like a big time mmorpg by removing content from the game. Dont even get me started on how they turned one of the best animations in the game, sith ravage, into a jedi move. Sorry starting to preach. Anyways the points of view one player. I think this game is too far gone. Ill enjoy it while its here. With battlefront two coming out, and the watering down of the trooper class, I got rid of all my troopers/bhs. There was just no point to them anymore. Bland as hell now and battlefront two does the job better in those areas of star wars. How long before another star wars game comes out and does the force user job better then swtor? I do not know what the future holds but obviously swtor needs work.
  25. I was a huge fan of star wars galaxies. No this is not that argument lower your blood pressure lol. You always have people with their pet peeve theories. The grind was not too bad. You just took it one section at a time. What hurt this game in classic was the enormous amount of bugs, and terrible load times. Also the fact that the majority of players felt like a bucket of cold water had been thrown in their faces. We saw the trailers, and that is what we expected in the game. It is not what we received on day one. Instead you had the Jedi guardians being the weakest class in the game, looks that were for all tense and purposes alien to star wars players, no armor from the cinematic were in the game, the space rail was generic to the core, and up top of all this bugs/load time. This was a huge hit on a person trying to enjoy a star wars mmorpg. Even the trooper specific trailer they were showing all this trooper armor and weapons, you get in game and your trooper looks like ****. The first words out of your mouth are what the hell. Then you think ok the hope trailer armor has to be somewhere, by Alderaan realized it was no where in the game. Lets not talk about the biggest story mistake of this games history. Killing Darth Malgus, now that guy would have made a amazing emperor for the sith Empire. Of course a major blow to the original kotor fan base of the choices being made having no real effect on your story, except for the Imperial agent, but even then not too big of a change. So here is the thing what would be the point. You would be back to flashpoints, dailies, and ops that have been run a thousand times over if not more. Given the lack of sand box in this game, thats not a good thing. I loved swg like I said but I also know it had serious flaws in the area of long term pve end game group content, and lack of end game pvp content. While at the same time it is and was number one in the area of star wars immersion. So you guys need to take a step back and remember clearly what the classic swtor game was like. Oh man the Jedi Consular armor back then ROFL. One of the few good things was you could split your points between multiple talent trees, that was a good thing. Think about it and I am sure you will remember for those of us that were there. I understand the lure of it all. Somedays I wish for official swg again, other days I realize what I wish for is my youth/free time, and freshness of it all.
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