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Everything posted by CrazyOldMystic

  1. Your missing my point Dracofish, what I am talking about is war, what you are talking about is skirmishes. The trooper story line did not end up being a full blown war story until the final missions on Corellia, and even then it was mostly talk. They talk about a full blown armor division taking part in your mission, but you never see it, except for one glimpse during one cut scene. When you look at the sacking of the temple on Coruscant, that was a full blown war/battle. Can you honestly point to any part of this game coming close to that? With it being Republic vrs Empire. At any rate its one players point of view. Though I will be keeping my eye out for that yavin warzone, and seeing what they do with it.
  2. I came back to scratch my star wars itch. I was highly disappointed with story. Once again I found myself fighting wait for it... droids. The only section that peeked my interest was when I was killing flesh and blood republic troops. I dislike the alliance story line, you are the ruler of the galaxy, because to be frank to me it is dumb. More over companion collection just made me want to kill myself when I was doing it. Frankly I am tired of games trying to bring the good side and the evil side together in some sort of retarded alliance. What did I like about the factions in the original game? On the sith side I got to torture people, I got to slam someones parents together in mid air, and brake their necks at the same time. I got to shock a slave anytime the option came up. Mostly went on a vengeance murder killing spree. Very relaxing after a bad day at work. Serving the Empire was always fun to me. Did the good guy thing in swg for years, so swtor started to become my bad guy game before it become pg. Now let us talk about after, what I just described pretty much completely disappeared, the game has gone full time pg rating. So yes I do not wish to be the ruler of the galaxy, I wish to be a deadly sith warrior rampaging across the galaxy, and slaughtering flesh and blood republic forces. Last but not least many will not want to admit this, but despite the trailers prior to the launch of this game. The Empire and the Republic have NOT gone to full scale war mode, by way of the player involved. The Illum pvp zone was scrapped. A warzone was put into was cross faction. Mini arenas were added. No incentive for world pvp. Not to mention opposing faction guilds could not declare war on each other. Even worse a large number of fps/ops had nothing to do with republic vrs empire. I have always felt the players got short changed on this in the game. GSF was ruined for most by excessive range of gunships. Hell even the Empire story at the end of the original game has fighting one of your own, not the republic. I do not know if that last part ever changed. I think the closset a player could ever come to feeling the immersive actions of empire vrs republic was the Balmorra missions on both sides. Anyways ones players thoughts on factions and the alliance.
  3. Andryah please read the posts on this thread, you might learn something, and try to pay attention to whats going on in game. You might learn why I am making this thread. Elitestartrooper I know exactly what you are saying. Even wow is going the route of companions/ make everything easy. Last I heard they turned there pvp gear into a random drop from a box too. So they say they dont want to do a mmorpg. Then are they not charging people 15 bucks under false pretenses for a sub? I am far from a legal expect. People paying that sub are paying it for a mmorpg and content from that type of game. Further under false pretenses are they not obliged to change the info about there game from mmorpg to single player rpg. We both know what would happen if they came out and said that.If they had there game relabeled on sites as single player rpg. Me I am seeing what this end of January update brings and if it pulls this game back from the brink. Ive been in this game off and on for years. I cant ever recall seeing it this bad or people this well....... pissed.
  4. This is what I am saying and so is the other player.... They are charging money in the equivalent of this is a mmorpg, but they are giving us content equivalent to a poorly made single player rpg. What is really sad right now is I came from swg, loved it, and I knew where it had problems. Damn I would give anything to have swtor back to the way it was at launch. At least classes back then were interesting. They had combat hero ability, commandos nuked, sentinels were glass nukes, shadows/operatives were what they were supposed to be, sages/sorcs were the same, and the only class that was out of wack was the guardian. Even better we had choice on our specs. At least then it was a mmorpg.
  5. I could not have described the fundamental problem with swtor right now better myself If they want to make it kotor 3 then do so, drop the sub permanently, and change its description to a single player rpg. If they want to make it a mmorpg then do so, and drop this story binge, until you get the game back in focus.
  6. Your right I did not count uprisings as I think they are a bad idea story wise. Even more so I have not seen a single group anywhere trying to get together for uprisings. Yes the old group content is there but easily done with a companion. As for gear, the mods you can craft are tier one, and anything you craft that can not move mods around is useless. As it is unwise to spend credits to augment non custom/mod gear, that will become obsolete just as soon as new gear arrives in the game. CXP is really not a point in the favor of devs. Like I said this post is based on what I am seeing and hearing from people in game not on the forums. They are pissed to put it mildly. I could see someone saying its not a mmorpg in the traditional sense. The thing is what is the point? gear grind and a new story at the end of every year? To me that just sounds bland as all get out. Not to mention what will be left of the population? I am not saying the game needs a reboot. What I am saying is this new gear coming out at the end of January had better be alt friendly at this point if they want people to come back. They need to bring back the old companion abilities and old companion system. Right now companions are way overclocked. If they were simply to just nerf them, they would be bland very bland. The old set up gave many companions a fun and unique ability. They need to make Horeics tough again with real custom armor/weapons as rewards. They really need to add some new fps/operations. On the pvp end well what needs to be said on that has been said a million times over but still goes ignored. Right now where the game is going, they need to stop calling this a mmorpg, because by the traditional sense especially the new chapters it is not.
  7. The amount of mind changing on this command system by people in game is amazing. Me I wasnt going to try to grind it, I knew someday I would max it out, but it did matter to me. Mainly because Developers and gaming companies seem to be out of touch. One big name does something, the rest copy it like sheep. Hence why something like this happens I /shrug and play for some fun. Where is the fun if everyone leaves? Then someone mentioned this game is no longer a mmorpg, and that it is them phasing it into kotor three, but with a sub attached. Reminded me just the other day, how I was remembering how obsolete ships are now. What is a mmorpg? Group content- Swtor no longer has this on a large scale other then fps and operations that have been done a million times over. PvP content- Other then a really bad holding hands warzone, a new huttball, and endless class balances not really happening. People are taking the command system rather hard. Meaningful crafting- Nope does not have this at all anymore. The only crafters that can make stuff of worth are old players who have the original custom schematics. Exploration- Nope too many exhaustion zones, and too many little boxes called planets. Classes- Yea its got that but again no new class in over four years now. Again goes back to operations and fps that have been done a million times, same thing could be said of classes. Story- Its got a sub par fan boy story but thats about it. After the original story its been touch and go, and defiantly geared to soothing egos of fan clubs. Travel in groups to do content- Nope you can now instant travel anywhere. Travel was never the problem in this game it was the endless long long long loading screens. Difficult content that requires group- Nope heroics can now be soloed with a companion that has high enough influence. Also the rewards are garbage, with no custom weapons/armor that can use mods. In short can you really say this game is still a mmorpg? You can argue all the points you want but please do me the favor of thinking about it. This is not its dead thread, this is not its going to die thread, this is a can we at least agree to get this game back to a mmorpg? Its gotten so bad in game that players are actually complaining about the bit system for the upcoming gear. I am not talking forums here I am talking in game.
  8. I cant feel mercy here for the playerbase, I really cant... I was one of many who told players before the Revan expansion that story was a waste of resources and it was better that time and resources should be spent on fixing the game. All we got in response was the fan club attacking like a pack of hell hounds for the devs. I was one of many who were upset at the removal of 8vrs 8 ranked. Again fan club was there in about one second flat attacking like a pack of hounds for the devs. Despite a large portion of the pvp population leaving over it. Atleast that is what the rumors on the forums claimed. I have no first hand knowledge on that last part. Again myself and many others posted many threads about the obvious problem of mass gunships in gsf. Again players using the gunships were attacking anyone who mentioned this simple truth. GSF is now deader then a door nob. Blame the devs if you want but a large portion of this is the fan club always posting the same garbage. Bioware is story story is life. They can do no wrong they are doing the right things. Yadda yadda yadda same old bs. Drowning out anyone who makes valid and logical points. Is this game dying? Hell if I know. Will this be the last mmorpg, for wannabe prophets they hope so, me I doubt it. The next gen mmos will require a mind, something I have, but these devs now and days lack. All these devs know how to do is run numbers. They cant see beyond numbers, and this is why they fail. At least it appears that way. Do I care if the game is dying? At this point I post to improve the game but I am really here only for my friends and the fact that it is star wars. It really doesn't matter. If it dies they will probably make a VR mmorpg based on star wars. Can the game be saved? Yes but they need to chuck this eternal throne story and get back to Empire vrs Republic. After that there is a whole list of things that need fixed in this game. A list pvpers, pvers, and others have posted for many years yet it goes ignored. This is the opinion of one player.
  9. I understand you are looking for sources on a specific blaster rifle, but I am going to expand on that to give you a better view of things in the game by way of weapons. Things in this game as far as weapons have gone from ok to worse. When the game first launched, players who understood the game, were happy about custom armor and weapons. In fact we repeatably asked that all weapons and armor in the game be made custom. The devs went to adaptive gear instead, then added a appearance tab. In there defense players including myself asked for such a tab. What followed was the over kill. To force people use teh appearance tab, they got rid of just about every type of custom armor/weapons from heroics and fps/operations. This has resulted in making it difficult to custom blaster rifles. Not only did they cut back on weapon selection, since no one in there right mind is going use a non mod weapon, but they left very little by way of choice. Even worse weapons can not be used in the appearance tab. Up top of that the ap tab glitches allot during cinematic cut scenes. Good luck with your hunt but I would not hold my breath.
  10. I noted it will be difficult to get the best gear, valor for pvp, and low chances of drop in pve. I am pleased with the valor on pvp gear coming back. One of the issues that arose by making gear sets so easy to obtain was, that you the developers could not keep up with the demand. So this also gives me the feeling that this gear will be some of the best looking gear to visit the game in a long long long time. On said note... One of the best pvp sets of all time for troopers was the Battle master, champion, and centurion gear. It had a old republic look to it, but it also had the trooper look to it at the same time. The second was warhero, which you may not know developers, is still very popular among troopers. Both sets in custom form were sold in schematic form to armormechs at the time. Both sets had a valor requirement to them, so I think its a good strong step in the right direction again. Back to my main point here, I request that you allow us to buy the schematics of these new armor sets, along with schematics of there weapons. I also request you add schematics for conqueror pvp sets, and conqueror weapons. Along with Obroan weapons. The conqueror armor set for trooper was unique and well put together. The weapon was even more one the best trooper blaster rifles to ever see the game. The Obroan blaster rifle was another well put together piece of art to see the game. Lastly if you were to adhere to this request, you should put a valor requirement for these schematics, that you can only buy them with credits. If your character is valor rank 70 or higher. Once added they should never be taken out of the game. Players are shell shocked these days. Not just swtor but other mmorpgs. Mainly because items are being put into games so quickly, and then removed so quickly its not even funny. Please developers do not kick me in the balls and take these gear sets mentioned along with the weapons for the cartel market. Something else that is making players shell shocked. This final request will give troopers and other classes another reason to raise there valor via pvp. If you were to add even more older sets and weapons that were removed from the game. Then attach a valor requirement it would make even more of a incentive to pvp. Essentially you slow down the gear burn through. So not only do players get some great weapons and armor back. You help yourself out at the same time. They wont just be grinding for gear, but they will also be on the valor hunt for these schematics.
  11. Cant say I have but from time to time chat has gone wonky on me, mainly when I am going in out from desktop to game.
  12. Been messing with a end game vanguard. Something I noticed upon reaching 70 tank spec they lack any real teeth. Though a tank spec should not be mega dps, a tank spec should have enough damage to get the other team to attack said player. I would recommend Flak Shell be given a major damage increase, or at the least be able to aoe knock players back. Not stun them, not root them, not snare them, just a knock back. Its on a decently long cool down. Note talking the tank spec only. The other ability I would consider increasing damage on is the Explosive surge. I know there is a ability you can spec to already increase its damage, but it still feels like it needs a punch. I will look at the details on the tank spec when I got some free time. To make sure what I am asking for here is not overkill, and that I am not overlooking something important.
  13. I like every suggestion here, especially since it would allow the 8 vrs 8 warzones to be made ranked again. The only one I have a problem with is the "A majority vote can end a warzone before time e.g. a surrender button" Too many rookies would use that on mass. Far too many who think they know pvp would use that on mass. The nature of pvp is you do not know the outcome until the last half the battle. People would be using that button at the beginning and the middle all day long.
  14. I disagree Ill suffer though a arena if I am in the mood, but for the most part I despise arenas with a passion. Oddessa the only way I do that wz is if I am with some close old friends. Otherwise as soon as I get in before the match even starts I am out of there. Odessen is a political correctness warzone designed to force the knights of the fallen empire story on people, and to get people to hold hands and work together despite what faction they belong to. Put arenas in there own separate q, leave warzones for the real pvpers, and drop Odessen . I have no problem with your suggestion. Otherwise I do not want to get penalized for my preference. Then again it depends on the day of the q, sometimes the thing is always qing up arenas, other times never. For the record I do know what your talking about with people giving up too easy. I was on a toon started a match with two friends, we had four people tops, and the other team had six people which quickly turned into eight. It was the coast warzone. Instead of giving up we fought to the bitter end, and it was not until the end that we had a full team of eight. The end was not so bitter as we thought it would be as we won. If our team was not determined that could have easily turned into a loss. The idea is not wrong per say. I truly hate Odessen for trying to force something on players, much like arenas. They have been pushing arenas on players to cover up the removal of warzones from ranked screwup for a long time now.
  15. Well this was never a whining thread. I made the post to point out facts about the status of commandos/mercs. A I got tired of seeing thread after thread complaining about electro net, even though the ability has not changed at all, and is exactly the same as it always has been. Yes people assume. Yes the devs will not listen to feedback and I can expect a overkill of arsenal/gunnery dps by way of nerf. What follows after that is healers are op ever single thread, because there will be no nuke class out there to balance the field. As is it takes about three average gear mercs/dps to take down a decent operative healer. In voidstar where time is a factor you had better up that to six. I know the devs dont care, I was here when they got rid of 8 people in a group qing up. Now to do that you have to jump through all kinds of hoops, and that again has only hurt pvp. Moving warzones out of rank to replace them with arenas? We all saw the result of that bone head move. They still wont concede it was a bad idea. Sorry about the ran this time just making a point, that yea I understand how people are, and how the devs are. In the end a discussion is two people talking. I could have held my ground and just shouted at the other person, but what would that have accomplished? How would that be a actual discussion?
  16. I have seen allot of threads over I am quitting because of the gearing system. Now keep in mind I do not always see the latest, but I do try to keep up on changes on a game I am playing. Stop hitting the panic button and learn....
  17. I am not ashamed of being a commando nor am I apologizing for my class. What I am doing is recognizing that the poster has legitimate points. I never like being the overlords class. why? I know what comes next a overkill nerf that leaves your class utterly destroyed. As for position your points are correct, however the new huttball map does not allow for this. No matter how hard you try your going to be right smack dab in the middle of the action. Your points are something newer commandos/mercs should listen to. Our class everything is dependent on timing and positioning. These overkill buffs have just let us break that rule a little bit. On the vanguard you get two maybe three stuns right now. I think three if you spec something. The cryo grenade sometimes does what it is supposed to and sometimes not. With a operative you hear that knife sound stun, and then stun again. Ive learned over the years the best thing to do with someone constantly stunning you is to use concussive round on them. Yes in low level pvp everything is much more powerful. Example my hammer shot on a alt of mine hits like a ton of bricks in low level pvp.
  18. I could see what your saying about the operative, its not the first time I have heard that, but what most players including myself see is getting stunned allot by an operative. This puts the operative class on target board. As for the commando yes currently you could say it has 3 lives now and the kiting is true. Like I have said they remove the buff to heals and the extra shield I think the class will be fine. They nerf our damage the mercs/commandos are going to have real problems.
  19. I warned you guys this removal of full auot/unload was not going to end well months ago. Everyone was just lining up to say I was stupid. Now abilities ,for stat monkeys that should jump off a cliff, are not just stats. Abilities are a extension of the immersion of the game. Every time you remove something like full auto, and then have the vanguard use a blaster, while being melee. It does not make a player feel immersed in the star wars universe instead it makes them feel like what the hell? This has been going on for years now with the vanguard. As I have said in another thread vanguards are not really ranged tanks, they arnt really melee tanks, and they arnt really troopers either. My word for the current status of vanguards purgatory.
  20. I agree, but to be honest all it has done is put a bulls eye on mercs/commandos. As soon as a wz starts you get about four to five glowy sticks shoved up your arse. Me ill be messing with the vanguard, even though three some years later it is still in purgatory. Not really a ranged tank, not really a melee tank, and not really a trooper. The operative/scoundrel and assassin/shadow has always been a number one problem in pvp in this game. They designed both those classes around lots of stealth, and lots of crowd control. Both areas have taken a hit over the years but operative/scoundrels still seem to be overpowering in heals and can still roll for easy wins in normal huttball. On that end I have no idea how to even fix that issue. Its much larger then most people realize, as it involved two advance classes. I get what your saying about the operative. The one time I lost it over a operative was when they were so mega buffed, that a entire team focusing the operative in question could not kill said operative. He just stood there spamming heals despite us interrupting him. This was a long long long time ago. I just hope this thread does some good and get players to realize what is actually going on with the merc/commando.
  21. Nah we need something like this http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Cloak_of_Hate
  22. This whole thread is ignorant silly post. No mmorpgs are not dead, yes you will not see too many of them in the future for now. What you will see new ideas and new approaches to mmorpgs aside from the ancient theme park only or sand box only approach with multiple abilities. Keep in mind at core that style has lasted for years. Someone somewhere will move beyond that and make a big hit on the gaming market. To say its done never to be a hit again is foolish. Sorry op your not a prophet. In the end resources, money, and greed will decide how long before a new approach is applied.
  23. I do not disagree that the healing and the secondary shield is too much. LIke the Jawa above me said they are probably going to miss the target and nail the dps. Arsenal/gunnery damage on grav rounds/tracer missile is no where near where it used to be. They nerf that again and we might as well be shooting spitballs at operative/scoundrel healers. What I find sad is most of these complaint threads on mercs/commandos are all complaining not about the healing/secondary shield but electro net. That thing has not changed in forever and has been there forever. Not since launch but still a long time. Goes to show have these guys do not even bother to find out what they are talking about.
  24. Truthfully a heal buff on some spec choices and a secondary shield with reflect. Other then that commandos/mercs are exactly the same way they always have been. Except we are missing four abilities between the two adv classes. Electro net still has the same cool down, our damage is still the same, so aside from the over kill in extra heals and a secondary shield. What exactly are you guys complaining about? Other then making bs threads which right now number around what is it 7 threads in the pvp section complaining about mercs/commandos. Do you even realize what has actually changed on this class?
  25. I started another vanguard to see the changes for myself some of it good, some of it bad, and it still feels like you are missing the mark developers. The good so far.... 1. Flak Shell is a one hundred percent trooper ability. I love it. The bad so far.... 1. Transpose umm you guys have this ability written up as a Jedi ability. Not sure if you realize it or not but Benign means gentle or kindly. Troopers are not gentle or kind. 2. Way too many Ion abilities still. You still believe by making more and more Ion abilities people will use them. Guess what mine are far at the end of my tool bar never to be used hopefully. So this brings me back to full auto. Instead of your Ion abilities being blue waves, electric pulses, and more blue waves. I would change the animation to something more trooper like. Specifically turn Ion pulse into a big blue blaster bolt that fires once like the operative rifle overload ability. Ion wave and Ion storm should be set to the exact animation I mention above except in there case, you shoot multiple bolts in full auto form. 3. Artillery Blitzz its a cool ability, reminds me of disrupters in star wars forces of corruption, but it seems out of place. Recommend you replace with mortar volley. The specs. I really think this game could use a change up from what is known. To be plain I believe vanguards/powertechs tanking spec should be a 30 meter range. Well the other two specs should be 10 meter range. This would allow you to control the damage and change the game up in a major way. Keep in mind my exparince with Assassins/shadows is limited. If you would need a force user 30 meter tanking spec, I would use the Assassins/shadows. This would change the scope of warzones in a big way. Nuking players in seconds would cease. As long range tanking would be taking place. Essentially it would slow the pace of pvp by a large portion. As for pve I ca not think of any reason why this would harm raid groups. I plan on taking a hard look at vanguard over a long period of time. I hope I will return to this post to put more thoughts down, however that is life permitting.
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