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  1. You know, it's rather fascinating that you, in my other thread, wrote long emotional "essays" on your own experiences from the past and how they affect your appeals to the developers here but want to for some reason call out "emotion based appeals" from other people. You called me a hypocrite and that I had no idea what I was talking about. I repeatedly told you I don't think this would be a good idea if it does indeed go the way you all fear it will. Go read my post again if it pleases you, friend. You can see that you try to call me out for "spinning" this even though that is what you're doing right now, in this post. The only thing I've bashed you for is how you're incapable of looking outside the box you've put yourself in, refusing to see any other perspective than "this is ability pruning we're all doomed", even though in reality we really don't know what's going on with this, and I repeat myself yet again, disaster of a testing phase. Combat Styles COULD BE a good idea if they were to present it as they vaguely explained it on their stream, but as of yet we have not seen any of that and as such I'm not going to draw any conclusions from this unexpectedly poor test. I literally have no material to debate with, be it for or against. This is exactly why I made a whole thread about calming down, geez. EDIT: Actually thinking about it, this post definitely makes me a hypocrite. I just told someone not to bother with people who refuse to try to see this any other way, and yet here I am. Welp.
  2. Ir's always nice to have a more clear view of what this was supposed to be, isn't it? I still think this particular testing phase is a disaster, but I will reserve my opinion on the actual changes until we have at least a little more meat on there to bite into.
  3. Just out of curiousity, does this apply to the opposite side of the aisle too? i.e. "I beg you, don't take away my abilities"? I better get out before I get sent an essay on that quote.
  4. Just give up, my man. Some of these people will not even think about trying to see things another way. Trust me, I've tried as well. You'll save yourself a lot of frustration and sanity just by letting them do whatever they want.
  5. Sigh I explicitly said we should avoid this kind of mentality. Saber Throw isn't an ability that has been removed. Did you check the spoiler in the official Jedi Guardian thread? Yes, it's a choice between two other abilities and yes, it's not great to have to choose between Saber Throw or the other two. But you do realize that none of these changes are set in stone at this point? You can provide constructive criticism without acting like the end is near and that the sky is falling. If having a knee jerk reaction to a post asking you to be more reasonable and calm down isn't overreacting, I don't know what is, But hey, if you want to be all doom and gloom and have your blood boil for the coming months until December hits, be my guest. Let's just argue senselessly with each other even when the overall consensus is "This is bad" because we can't agree on varying perspectives on why it is bad.
  6. Alright friend, some real talk for a second okay? You are the one who writes long multi-paragraph posts about how you know better, whether it is experience, game design (apparently modding a game gives you sufficient experience), and know me well enough from a couple posts to tell that my knowledge is inferior. That's great, but you're still overreacting to something we've barely seen anything about. Blow your horn as much as you want, all I wanted was for you to cool your jets a little before claiming we're doomed by history repeating itself (it's game from what, 2011?) but all you want to do is write about how this testing phase is the downfall of all things holy about this game, and it is the final straw. I played this game since it first came out too. I love Star Wars and I love(d) BioWare games, KOTOR in particular. And this next part I say with all due respect - your long posts are exhausting to read through and I just don't want to do it anymore. Make of that what you will, friend. Have a good day and don't stress yourself out too much.
  7. You absolutely hit the nail on the head with this post. Thank you for that.
  8. I didn't say it was a good idea, I said it was too early to tell if it's a good idea or not. It IS overreacting because you literally do not know if this is a subpar change or not yet. I would also like to clarify that I did not call anybody a drama queen, that was another poster. And I did not agree with that part because there's no need to create an environment where we're making fun of each other for having different opinions. I am not making fun of you or anyone else when I say that you are overreacting. I'm telling you to calm down. There's a lot of "you need to understand" in your reply, but I think you need to understand that you're overanalyzing and thinking way too hard about something that ultimately we don't know about. Whatever happened in World of Warcraft sucks, whatever the heck this test phase was supposed to be also sucks, that much is true. We can talk game design and production all day but no matter what, right now we simply do not have enough material to draw a definite conclusion on what exactly is changing. Your outrage is warranted if this keeps going down the path you ultimately believe it will, but right now it serves no purpose other than to vent about what has happened in the past. Absolutely. As I mentioned earlier, it is a disaster. You're not wrong about the first part, and that's why this is what I consider a flawed test. This is not ready for testing, it seems extremely rushed and not particularly well thought through or executed. The problem is that these complaints are made with the assumption that this is by definition 100% how the final product will end up like - and while that is not just very unlikely, it is an extreme stance to take due to the limited nature of the test. So, as I've said many times now - the testing phase right now sucks, but there's no need to expect the absolute worst case scenario from this.
  9. This. One hundred percent this. We need to relax a bit, we've barely seen anything but a mess of a test phase and barely anything from the Guardian combat style. I made a post about this.
  10. Right, it's hard to form an opinion on the Guardian as it is right now. I feel like they should've waited with this testing phase until August instead, because then they might've had something more for us to actually test, you know? EDIT: I don't want to segregate this into "us vs them" because the only reason they are so worried is because they've experienced something terrible happening in another game before moving to this one, and this apparently shows hints of what made them leave it in the first one. So like you, I understand their frustration and concerns but it's just too early to go full ******* about it.
  11. Just wanted to start off this post by saying I'm 100% understanding of the concerns regarding missing abilities right now. I am. But this is turning into a mob mentality faster than quick. Please remember that this is very likely nowhere near how the actual systems will work (based on their "status" thread, and how everything is subject to radical change). It's a super early test for some Guardian paths between the disciplines. I also want you to keep in mind that it seems this test was not thought out/planned properly/rushed through to the test server. There's plenty of evidence of this, such as the very primitive way of getting to the testing area/content, the many bugs present (companions with no stats and 30k HP, mounts being useless...) and overall confusion on what the heck is going on, despite having read the threads regarding the testing phase. It's great to voice your concerns, but there have been some absolutely ridiculous posts on here from some people, ranging from "they're changing OUR classes!", "I will never play again if this happens", "YOU'RE DESTROYING YOUR OWN GAME IN A DISGRACE" - at this point you might as well ask to see the manager too. The test itself was kind of a disaster, that much is true. But let's reserve our opinions until we get into the meat of things where we can finally say "Wow, they really did remove our abilities" or "Oh, there they are" because at this point, we truly don't know. Let's calm down a little, shall we? And if down the line it turns out that they really did break everything, go nuts.
  12. I've been thinking about it this way too since the announcement of combat styles. I don't think it will work that way though. But I kinda hope it will...
  13. This is my favorite part, since you get the passive bonus for Enure (Through Peace) but it was replaced by Saber Reflect!
  14. Agreed, but some thought it was gone forever so I just wanted to clarify it!
  15. That or our patience, but your version works too! EDIT: Ah, beat me to it...
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