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Everything posted by Richoshist

  1. Gear dependent =/= underpowered sarge. It just means that undergeared nubs playing a ranged class can rack up woo-hoo-big-numbers by standing in the back and spamming attacks on people unnoticed. Melee doesn't get that opportunity. When they are not tank specced, guardians do fine DPS but have worse survivability than sentinels. Their viability comes from the ability to protect others while still doing good burst. Non tank specced guardians are pretty squishy.
  2. I agree with most of these guys that 2 should be at a node for most scenarios. A good tank can defend solo though.
  3. 1) Does other team have tanks? Shoot them 2) Does other team have heals? Ignore them 3) Does other team ignore me? Yep 4) FORCE LIGHTNING BROOOOOO!!!!! 6) ??????? 5) PROFIT
  4. It's a learning process. Interrupts will save your life in both PvP and PvE. At 50 you'll be able to keep a healer from getting any casts off if you get the interrupt thing down. Your group will love you for it.
  5. From a PvE perspective, if you want to DPS or tank you only have one choice, and I hear they both do fine in a raid setting. From a PvP perspective, Sentinel is better 1v1 or solo. Lots of defensive cooldowns, 6 second interrupt, good damage. You CAN NOT leave a Sentinel on a healer or the healer will die. They also bring decent utility in the form of a mortal strike, a group speed buff, and a good group damage buff, but Guardian's group utility is better. Guardian is better for team play. Taunts and Guard, free AoE snare (if talented), Force Push, Guardian Leap, all good team utility. Add to this good DPS, and if talented for it, good burst. You can solo PvP and do well, but Sentinel will outshine it in this area. Group PvP is where you rise to the top. That's my breakdown of the Jedi ACs.
  6. Back peddling in order to activate Force Leap? 500,000 damage because several healers are cross healing and no one is dying? Not my cup of tea.
  7. I watched about 5 minutes of your 7 minute video. I never saw you use your interrupt once. Not Once. You get it at level 18 and I saw it on your toolbar, always off cool down. Force Kick is your friend. Once you get high enough in Watchman spec you'll be able to lower the CD to 6 seconds. Get it. Use it. Learn it. Live it. Love it. Check out JT1 on youtube if you want to learn how to Sentinel PvP.
  8. Ominous makes a good point regarding starting WZs with less than 8 people. It's not fun starting with less than a full group. Bioware should be addressing this type of stuff first imo.
  9. Yes, and the minute they get everything handed to them they will get bored and unsub because "that game is too loleasylol."
  10. I agree that many people want to be carried and when they see people leaving they have to blame someone for the loss, and since it can't be themselves (because people like this never blame themselves for anything), the people that left are an easy target. Life isn't going to get better for these people once the penalty for leaving goes into effect. There are many who would rather have a 15 minute timeout than play with a bunch of 12K HP Rambos out there who charge in solo to a node and get crushed. There are many more who will tab over and surf while the game is going on or use bots to run around the wz, which is much worse than quitting. At least when someone quits another player joins; bots and afkers force the team to fight at a permanent disadvantage. In a 15 man BG like Arathi Basin you could fight a little outnumbered and win. In the 8 man WZs if you're 2 people down the probability of you losing is very high. There are a very few good, veteran PvPers complaining about the quitters. They are upset because even though the other team is ahead, they feel they can come back and win. It is very satisfying to win this way. It happens every so often because there ARE a lot of people that jump ship the moment the other team gains an advantage, leave, others come in, and we win. I can understand the veterans' point of view, but honestly I don't worry about people leaving when the game is close. The veteran PvPers know when the game is lost, and when there is still a chance to win; those are the guys who will stay, and those are the guys that will turn it around, not the nubs raging about quitters, or the nubs rage quitting. And lastly, there are games where your team is plainly outclassed. They have a 4-man team of battlemasters, and they wind up getting paired with another premade. I had this happen in a voidstar. I was in a premade and got paired with another premade. It was a roflstomp of epic proportions. The other team was mad...many of them ragequit. If you're not in a well-geared premade there is nothing you can do to win that game. I understand conceding that one and moving on to another where the odds are better. Once again, veteran players know when the battle is lost and when they have a chance to win. TLDR: 1) The "quitters" you are raging about are the ones that don't matter. 2) When the penalty for leaving goes live there will be no one to blame for the losses but yourselves. 3) The veteran players know what they're doing. When they start leaving it's because the game is all over but the farming.
  11. Agreed. I like the game, but tab targeting is terrible, and click targeting is terrible as well. I hope someone looks at these in the near future.
  12. Solution is real easy. Once you get to 50 re-roll. Don't want to re-roll? Search for Adantephist, he's got a guide for quickly gearing up once you hit 50. Gearing up at 50 isn't a blast, but it's something a player has to go through. There will always be a bit of a gap between fresh 50's and battlemasters. Do your best to minimize the gap and you'll be fine. You get Cent/Champ comms faster than ever now.
  13. I'd sacrifice all my medals for a win. As it stands I get between 8-12 medals a match just for trying to win. I know it isn't fair for others like healers who are doing the same thing but only getting 3-4. They could use some love in the medals department. And I have no problem with increased medals for capping objectives as well. "LOLO we lost but I got 15 medals!" Good for you. The medals are nothing more than pickle and lettuce on the sh*t sandwich you just ate. Chew slowly, you don't want to choke on it. <omnomnom>
  14. Sentinel: Better solo spec Guardian: Better team spec Sentinel is better for solo PvP. More self-oriented cooldowns, self heals through Watchman, good damage, shorter cooldown interrupt. This is not to say that they bring no team utility. They have the only mortal strike in the game, and they can also increase team damage and healing through their centering mechanic, as well as provide a group speed boost. They have a lot of tools to win in a 1v1 situation. Guardian is better for team play. Defensive specced has more defensive cooldowns at the expense of damage vs focus specs that can put out good burst but only have 1 defensive cooldown of note (Blade Ward), but all Guardians have Guard, Taunts, Guardian Leap, and Force Push, in addition to our AoE snare. Slowing groups of opponents in Voidstar, moving the ball quickly in Huttball, defending nodes in Civil War (particularly with a partner), all of these things a good Guardian does well in addition to putting out respectable damage. I won't bother talking about PvE because honestly either one can fill a DPS role effectively. Guardians do have the additional option to tank though. Both Sentinel and Guardian are good classes for PvP, it all depends on your style of play.
  15. Most of the people screaming for a vote kick would be surprised to find themselves being booted more often than not.
  16. Agreed. There is about as much stuff to do at end game as there is anywhere else. It is what I expected it to be at 50. I'm not disappointed in the amount of stuff to do, just the bugs in the game that are hopefully being worked on. I'm also disappointed in the sad state of Ilum, but hopefully they will be making changes to that as well.
  17. For sure. Why is it when I use Zealous Leap I'm never actually closer to the target after it's executed?
  18. As much as I've complained about some of the things in this game (Ilum, WZ wins, not counting toward PvP daily/weekly), I do have to hand it to Bioware. The classes are more balanced than WoW or Rift ever were. If an individual is a good player it doesn't matter what class he chooses, he'll do well.
  19. The biggest problem with your statement is that while you're killing one sh*tty sorc, there are 2 more standing on a ledge casting "LOL FORCE LIGHTNING BRO" on your @ss the whole time. It is very easy to be a mediocre ranged class: 1) Stay in the back/stand on a ledge 2) Wait for an enemy to engage someone else 3) Spam 1 attack, be it "LOL FORCE LIGHTNING BRO" or "TRACER MISSILE HERO" 4) Die eventually 5) Rinse and repeat til game ends 6) Pull skin while looking at your numbers It's harder to be a good ranged class; that involves thinking/moving/reacting/pressing more than one button.
  20. Why would someone quit a winning Warzone? You don't make any sense.
  21. Yeah, that's the correct attitude. Sounds like you've come a long way already. Just a few things to keep in mind: 1) When you're at a node defending with a partner, I suggest going Soresu form and putting guard on them, even though you're focus specced. When you're defending it's not about LOL BIG NUMBERS, it's about staying alive until your backup comes and preventing them from taking what you're defending. And in all reality, it doesn't hurt your damage THAT much. 2) Fight near the nodes, and try to keep it in your field of vision. 3) Use your taunts early and often. AoE taunt in a crowd is a good thing. And it's really annoying for the LOL BIG NUMBERS scrubs on the other team. 4) Use Force Push on bridges in Voidstar for a cheap kill. Use it to help out the ball carrier in Huttball. There is also the Force Leap-->Force Push-->Force Leap trick to advance the ball quickly when you're carrying it. 5) Guardian leap is a great tool. Use it to escape trouble, leap to a teammate on a ledge in Huttball, and it also heals you (PvP set bonus) AND protects the person you leaped to. Very little of what I told you makes for good video footage, but it makes the difference between winning and losing.
  22. My friend Kissimee put it best: "Don't suck, and I won't quit." Here is the link in a thread exactly like this one: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2259374#post2259374 Instead of being upset with people for leaving because you're losing, maybe you should get better, and then people won't want to leave.
  23. I also have Force Pushed someone across the line when it looked like I was Force Pushing them down into the pit. And right after I did it my friend on vent yells out "WHO'S THE IDIOT THAT PUSHED HIM ACROSS THE GOAL???" As the late Chis Farley once said, "whoopsa daisy."
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