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Everything posted by Richoshist

  1. I was in a Novare Coast the other day. My team was down 100%-6%. We came back and won. The other team was mad. I was happy. The End.
  2. So you're calling for buffs to a class that you barely made it to 50 with? Maybe you should learn to play it before you make comments calling for buffs to specs you barely play.
  3. Translation: "I played Tank Shadow/Sin for 6 months because it was OP. Since you're nerfing Tank Shadow/Sin you need to buff the other trees so I can continue to be OP, because I like being OP." Balancing classes doesn't work that way. Sorry, you have to eat the nerf. The only difference between your chosen AC/spec and most of the rest of us is, we had to eat ours when 1.2 was released.
  4. No one likes nerfs. So I can understand when tank/sins come out of the word to defend their class/spec. I'd do the same if I had to defend my class. But the simple fact of the matter is, there are a few ACs that need some fine-tuning to bring them in line with the rest. And tank/sins are one of those ACs with a spec that is on the good side of balanced atm. They were good before 1.2, and they got better by virtue of most other ACs getting nerfed.
  5. In a Vig spec I believe you want Vindicator gear. I haven't seen what the optimal War Hero gear setup is as of yet. The real question is, what are you doing in your Vig spec? Are you using Soresu and primarily tanking damage while guarding healers? If so, you may want the War Leader gear. If you are in Shien form and doing DPS you'll want Vindicator gear. Personally I switch back and forth between forms a lot, depending on whether my healer needs help or not. But I'm DPS first and foremost. Soresu form doesn't hurt your damage too much anyway. I run pretty much all Vindicator gear. The power/surge implants look like a must-have. I also took the crit/surge earpiece. And the power/surge relic is also a must-have for DPS. And I took the Vindicator belt. Everything else is moddable. Keep in mind, the BM gear is ridiculously cheap. Don't worry about making mistakes with BM gear. The War Hero gear is the set you don't want to mess up on, it takes forever to grind that stuff out.
  6. I find it hilarious that someone inferring they are a 2K+ WoW player is complaining about getting rolled by a FOTM class. Everyone knows that 95% of 2K+ WoW players all rolled new FOTM classes (unless they were a mage already) each season so they could reach 2K. Using my deductive reasoning, I'm willing to bet that the OP already rolled his FOTM class and is getting roflstomped by other FOTM classes. Which is hilarious.
  7. It's a good game. But server transfers must be implemented ASAP. The game is fun, but it's not fun if there's no one else to play with. And unfortunately many people have left the game, stranding a lot of people who don't want to play on dead or dying servers. Wound in the Force is in pretty rough shape and it's not the worst of the lot by far. The people that are left need to be able to migrate to populated areas. Honestly, if my choice is between re-rolling on a populated server and abandoning the guys I've spent 6 months building, or quitting, I'll quit. -WZ ques pop faster with more populated servers -LFG tools work better with more populated servers -Economy is better with more populated servers Take care of the server transfers and it may go along way to stop the bleeding. As I've said, the game itself is fun and I enjoy it. The MANAGEMENT of the game has been lacking: -it started out buggy as the day is long (no credit for WZ wins 1/3 of the time, wth was THAT all about?) -Ilum: what a humiliating failure THAT was for whoever pulled the trigger on it. -no server transfer option (and I believe this has cost them more subscriptions than anything else) -targeting in this game is HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE and needs to be fixed ASAP. -the Bioware modified version of the Hero engine: not good. What's good about the game? Leveling: FUN WZs: FUN Flashpoints: FUN Ops: FUN PvP: Very balanced pre 1.2. Currently still fairly balanced with a few ACs on the good side of balance that could use a little tweaking but not a lot. Does SWTOR really need ranked WZs? Many would say yes, I don't really think so but I'll likely still participate in them. The WZs are entertaining IMO. The lack of World PvP is stinky; hopefully they'll resurrect Ilum in the near future and make it fun this time. PvE: 3 modes for operations so most can experience the end game. Normal and hard mode flashpoints. Daily quests. Datacrons. World Events. And they've already patched in new content in 1.2 just a few months after launch. I have no real complaints about the PvE content in this game (although targeting is an issue and needs to be looked at.) It's a good game. Just: 1) Stop the bleeding and get server xfers going ASAP 2) Fix the targeting 3) Tweak a few AC's in PvP to tighten up the balance 4) Keep throwing out new content every 4-6 months Take care of these issues and the game will keep a steady population, and may even begin to increase some. I don't know if SWTOR will ever see 1.7 million again, but hopefully they'll keep a million or so. They needed 500,000 for the game to turn a profit I read. Other things they could do: -Appearance customization (hairstyles, scars, tattoos) -Dual spec -Wardrobe options
  8. I agree to a certain extent. Another contributing factor is a lack of server transfers, stranding people who would like to play on a dead server. If the choice is re-roll vs unsub, I know I'd take unsub.
  9. This game WAS fairly balanced pre 1.2. The game isn't AS balanced now, with Sintanks/mauraders/pyrotechs and op/scoundrel healers coming out on the good side of the balance equation. This is common sense. The only people disputing this are the average players playing these classes pre 1.2 who are all of a sudden "really good" now. There are people I never even noticed in WZs pre-1.2 that are the dominant forces now. How did it happen? Their classes escaped the nerf bat for some reason. Now sage healers get royal beatdowns and operatives tank damage like no one else. I don't come down on Bioware too hard for this; they've done OK for balance thus far and I keep expecting them to tweak a few things to balance them out again. But anyone who plays a significant amount of PvP knows who the OP classes are. Taugrim's blog post is common sense. Just check out all the re-rollers and see what they're making. It's ALSO no surprise that players in full recruit gear get roflstomped by players in war hero gear. It was this way in WoW, Rift, and now SWTOR. This is part of the "natural order" of things in many MMOs. Guy with 13,000HP gets destroyed by guy with 17,000HP. Common sense. I'm a guy with 17,000HP (18,400 with buffs). What do I do to guys in full recruit gear? SMASHSMASHSMASH dead. And for those that think SWTOR PvP isn't a grindfest. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Their original design for WZs in 1.2 was "grind your butt off in non-rated WZs or play ranked WZs and get your gear quicker." And then right before 1.2 went live they pulled ranked WZs, leaving the players with 1 option for gear upgrades. Once again, Taugrim saying SWTOR is a grindfest in 1.2 is common sense. At least Rift had free character transfers available, which imo produced a very volatile realm situation. One day your server would have lots of people, then the next day everyone had moved to another shard because "this server doesn't have enough defiants." But at least people weren't stuck on a dead world. This game is bleeding out bad. They are losing tons of subscriptions, and it doesn't take a nuclear physicist to figure that out. 20 minute WZ ques will force a PvPer to unsub faster than anything, and if you can't get your main character to a place where ques pop around the 5 minute mark or better most will go to a game where they will. Some will re-roll, most will stop playing. And sadly, many already have. I've already been through 2 PvP guilds who had 50 plus active players that have dwindled down to 2 or 3. They're playing Tera/D3 or the GW2 beta until it goes live.
  10. Couple things: 1) This is a band-aid on a gaping wound. A work-around, not a solution. Targeting should be fixed. 2) Targeting on your mouse wheel vs using tab and tilde is about the same thing. 3) Mouse wheel is currently set to zoom in/zoom out, and I like to keep it there because they still haven't found a way to keep my zoom settings fixed and I continually have to adjust them, which is YET ANOTHER stupid issue that Bioware should be fixing.
  11. In SWTOR, the initial grind from 1 to 50 was fun. Immersive story, cool abilities, companions, etc. It also allowed you to solo your way through most of it, or tackle all of the leveling content in small groups. For those who solo or play in small groups with friends this is ideal. At end game (for SWTOR and most other MMOs), the only way to progress your character is to find a group of 10-50 players and play with them, and endure all that grouping with a lot of players entails: People not showing up on time People showing up unprepared People under-performing, preventing you from advancing People with different personalities you may or may not agree with Being required to sit at your PC at a certain time on a certain day like a job instead of a game I've done the raiding thing. It's fun to down a boss for the first time. It's always fun to get loot. But it is NOT fun to treat the game like a job, and be forced to interact with people I may or may not like simply to get loot that I'd use to do what I actually WANT to do, which is compete against other players with small groups of friends and like-minded individuals. In short, if you force me to do PvE content in order to be competitive in PvP I'll unsub, quit, and never look back.
  12. Tab targeting is absolutely terrible in this game, as is click-targeting. It's one of the reasons this game is in such serious decline. Most of the really good players in the game have already left because of the dismal state of PvP in general, and they're not likely to come back. If BW can't fix a basic function like targeting, what hope is there for anything else? A decent targeting system doesn't turn bad players into great ones. A targeting system is SUPPOSED to be intuitive and function correctly.
  13. Vig guardian here. I use Doc. I mow through mobs and I never have to stop. When I use any other companion pet I either have to heal them or me after a few pulls. Sure I'm the only DPS but since I don't have to worry about healing I move quicker than I would with double dps, or dps/tank, simply because I have to stop every so often to top them off. I wouldn't mind using another pet but anything but Doc is annoying.
  14. And what do you know, there was a reason for every one of them. And there is more balancing that needs to be done. There aren't any ACs that need to be nerfed into the ground, but survivability and damage needs to be brought in line for a few. Bioware made some significant changes last patch and, as was predicted in several thread on the forums, some classes are in need of further adjustment. Those that don't see that are living in denial.
  15. Marauders do a lot of damage and have more (and better) defensive cooldowns. They need to be balanced. This isn't rocket surgery.
  16. The answer is no. Marauder/Sents are too strong atm. They need to have their damage brought back in line with other classes. Same goes for Pyrotech. Bringing them back in line =/= nerfing them to the ground. It means the average players will play them averagely and the good ones will still be good, but not unbeatable.
  17. Whaaaat. This is a load of BS. Force Push should knock them back in the direction you're facing.
  18. I love the changes. GO BIOWARE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
  19. A month or so ago I got matched up against 4 of my guildmates. They not only targeted me but told the other 4 players on their team to target Richoshist from their guild. I died 13 times in that Huttball. The game ended with the scored tied 1-1. I killed their ball carrier just before he reached the goal, held on to it until there was about 30 seconds left, then passed the ball to another teammate as my health was getting low, who ran away from the mob as time ran out. We won. I did more than my share of poking fun at my teammates. But the people that were the most butt-hurt about it was the people on the other side who weren't in my guild. It is awesome when people call you a baddie when they lose to you.
  20. The Force is with us. Now push hard for a talent that brings the CD on Force Sweep back down to 9 seconds.
  21. Sent is better for solo PvP play. Jugg (in either dps or tank spec) is better for group play. You don't need to be in defensive spec to switch to Soresu and guard yet still do big burst. This is not to say that sent is bad in group play, they have solid dps/interrupts and some nice group utility. But when the game is on the line and your healer is in trouble, who do you want with you?
  22. I can't help but think they're going to have to implement server transfers in the not-too-terribly-distant future. With luck that will solve your problem for ya.
  23. This comment is ridiculous. If they didn't intend for us to swap mods, why did they make all the PvP gear partially mod-able in the first place?
  24. Asheron's Call-3yrs WoW-6yrs Rift-7 monhts I like SWTOR. I like that the classes are fairly well balanced and that PvP will be based on skill, not gear. I don't like the targeting in this game, and Ilum was a complete joke and is actually better now than it was before. I feel like the developers are making strides in the right direction. It's a good game.
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