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Everything posted by Richoshist

  1. I buy my subscriptions 6 months at a time. I'm down for the SWTOR til August baby.
  2. And body type 4 for females isn't NEAR fat enough. I mean, have you been to KFC down south lately? There needs to be a body type 5 for people who want to play a real plumper.
  3. When you have to tell people you're a pro, you're just a wanna-be, son.
  4. lolo yeah guise bring friends is the solution to beating other players!!!!!1111
  5. Last 2 games I've been in: 1) I have the ball. On the top ledge, past the first firepit. I see a sorc standing there, presumably waiting for me to pass it to them. As I pass it they jump down and run away. Pass incomplete. 2) I have the ball. I'm at the final firepit. 2 teammates are just on the other side of the firepit before they go down the ramp. I throw it across the fire to them. They both run down the ramp before it gets there. Pass incomplete. Both times in /ops I see "what the he|| happened? You just cost us a goal." I guess I'll just take it and score myself next time.
  6. People that say "BY GUM WE'RE TAKING LEFT AND RIGHT AND HOLDING THEM" are not the people I want trying to lead WZs. If you're thinking tactically you want to hit the target where the enemy is weakest. As you run up toward mid you can watch where the enemy is going. If 5 guys rush east you know mid and west are light. If 5 guys rush west you know mid and east are light. And when their whole team rushes mid, both sides are light. With the OPs tactics, if you're hitting a well-defended target the odds are 50-50 at best you're going to beat them and cap the node. If the numbers are in your favor the odds go up substantially. I generally run toward mid at the start. If their whole team is running to mid as well I slide out the back door and attack right (they will always stop at mid and protect the cap point long enough for you to get away as long as you don't hurpa-derp into melee range). If mid is light I smash it and take it. If your team is very strong you can pretty much exert your will on your opponents. But if you're working with a PuG, most times you have to take what the enemy gives you and exploit it. And it's perfectly fine to send a few pawns to a heavily-contested node and let them get slaughtered sometimes; it holds their players there while your other teams cap lightly-defended targets.
  7. O u so crazy. I'd likely destroy you on my guardian or my sentinel.
  8. For some reason in the current and 1.2 gearsets they decided to give us the stupidest looking helms in the galaxy. I'm using my level 40 PvP chest currently, and will likely be doing so for the foreseeable future.
  9. They also eliminated our cooldown reducer. Net result is a pretty big nerf for focus spec. It sucks.
  10. New proposition: ALL PVP GEAR IN 1.2 HAS A RANKED WZ RATING REQUIREMENT ON IT. YOU MUST HAVE A RANKING OF XX TO PURCHASE THIS GEAR!!! The new PvP gear has zero mods in it. All the 1.2 PvP mods are available for WZ commendations and have no rating requirements. There ya go "progression" people. Happy now?
  11. I love these guys who compare PvE progression to PvP progression. PvE: Needs progression because they fight mobs with increasingly higher stats. PvP: Not the case. PvE: Gets his big mighty lightsaber/blaster and shiny gear to fight PvE mobs and so PvPers don't care when he shows up in a PvP environment with his gear because usually he gets robo-smashed by those with PvP gear due to expertise. Or best-case scenario its a fair fight, so meh. Don't bother comparing PvE to PvP, it's apples to oranges.
  12. OP, all I have to say is this: damage isn't everything. If you have 2 guys trying to cap a node and 2 more standing right next to him watching then you deserve to lose. -Wipe out most of them -1 guy caps -the remaining fan out and crowd control people running in -profit This involves teamwork and coordination, not "LOL TRACERMISSILE....TRACERMISSILE....TRACERMISSILE...LOLO I R GUD DEE PEE ESS" This is what separates good players from guys that do 500,000 damage in a losing WZ. This reminds me of a joke: What do you call a guy with 1,000,000 damage, 500,000 healing, and 14 medals in a losing Warzone? A LOSER. TLDR: the game is fine, you're doing it wrong.
  13. OK Luciela, I'll reply: I agree that arena has revealed who some of the best players in the world are. I also believe that because these people are in a format where the best are competing against the best, it has increased the skill of talented players. And I have never had an issue with arena being incorporated in, provided arena wasn't the sole source of the best PvP gear in the game. This is what you suggested. Have you seen the threads on the PvP forums crying their hearts out that the rated WZ gear will be available to all who play and none of it will have a rating req? According to them entire PvP guilds are quitting, subs are dropping, the game is dying, all because Bioware made the decision to allow all PvPers the ability to grind out the gear and compete on equal footing. I believe that if you incorporate arena into swtor without providing incentive other than titles, rank, and WZ commendations, the vast majority of the PvP crowd will choose the path of least resistance for their gear and not play in the arena. I'm talking 98% of people will do this. And the vast minority will wind up competing with each other for the top spots. And while those 2% of players will indeed become better, I don't know that it will be worth Bioware's time to invest for the return they'll be getting. The only reason most play WoW arena is because it is the path of least resistance to the gear. As of now you need to join a premade to get into a rated BG group. If you have bad gear or are a stinky player in general there is no way you're getting in to a good one. Rated BGs are more time intensive than arenas; you can play a dozen arena matches in an hour if ques are popping and you're running double DPS. You might get 3 rated BGs done in an hour. People get on a 2's team and run arena til they hit their conquest point cap and they're done. If they offered the same rewards for non-rated BGs, or let them solo que for rated BGs and had pug vs pug separated from premade vs premade, those people wouldn't bother with arena at all. As I said, I agree with you that arena would increase the skill level of players who actually played it. I think a great many people who arena in WoW do it only for the rewards; they grind out the conquest gear so they can go back to unrated BGs and smash people they outgear and feel good about themselves, because that 1200 rating is staring them in the face like a flashlight in a movie theatre and they need to feel good about something.
  14. Another thing that strikes me funny about people like the OP is, if there WERE rankings for gear I bet 80% of them would come to the forums and qq because the rankings would be set too high for them to get the weapons. "Waa waa you set the bar too high! I'm a super awesome PvPer and if I can't get to 2500 then it's way too high because I'm like the best player I know! I'm always in WZs telling everyone else how bad they are so you know I'm good!" If playing for pride isn't enough, maybe you should go play a game that favors imbalanced competition. The last time I played "the game that we won't name here but it has arena and rated BGs", anyone could obtain the best gear regardless of rank. All they had to do is win X number of matches. It didn't matter if their rating was 10 or 2000. The ONLY exception to the rule was a better weapon at 2200. There was another set of armor at 2200 as well but those stats were IDENTICAL to the set that had no rating req attached to it. It only looked different. Bioware's system is similar to the one most people are comparing it to. You can play unrated WZs for one set of gear and rated WZs for another. The only real differences are 1) they eliminated the ONE piece of gear that had a rating req, and 2) they are allowing people to solo que, which has been a hotly-debated topic in "the game we won't name here." With the system Bioware is proposing, everyone wins. The casuals get a grind for their gear and the chance to PvP on equal footing with everyone else. The "hardcores" get to advance up a ladder and display their ranking for the world to see. The "hardcores" will have something to play for right up until they reach #1, and then they'll have to keep playing to defend that spot. The casuals will log on, play, grind, and about the time they get all their gear there will be a new grind for them, and even for the ones that get all their gear early they'll likely still stay subbed even if they're not logging in because they actually have money and will pay for it. I highly, HIGHLY doubt that the guys who play 2500+ in arena/rated BGs are the ones coming to this forum and complaining, because those guys are already fighting people who are equally geared. Gear discrepancy is not an issue with those people. The only people who are complaining about this system are the also-rans, the #2's, the guys who were pretty good at sports in high school but couldn't cut it in college. The people who were abused as children and are looking to take their anger out on someone weaker. Bioware's system is about as good a compromise as you'll find anywhere. And if these people who can't stand the fact that they aren't unique snowflakes because of their gear can't handle that, then maybe this isn't the game for them. They are likely the ones to leave for greener grass anyway.
  15. As long as they balance the classes, I'll take care of the rest.
  16. If this wasn't Star Wars I'd be like "holy crap what a great idea for a story! I'll steal this and write about a kid that is force sensitive and learns to use the Force only to turn evil and topple the government and set up an Empire with a wrinkled old dude! And then he'll have a son who will save the day!!" The only real difference to the movies is in about half the scenes there'd be a fat bounty hunter saying "tracer missile.....tracer missile......tracer missile.....tracer missile...."
  17. Warding Call as a base and Enure as a "heal" would do a lot.
  18. I don't know about sentinels, but I know shadows are difficult for me as a guardian, particularly shadow tanks. My attacks get resisted A LOT.
  19. I agree, clickable nameplates would be very nice for all classes. Make this happen please.
  20. Wow dude, I think I might be right with ya. My first console was called Telstar and it had about 5 variations of Pong. Followed by Atari 2600. At OP: I won't go as far as say that the game is perfect. The targeting styles in this game (both tab and clicking) are really bad. Lots of bugs and glitches we had to play through. That said, I agree that the classes are balanced pretty well, and the PvP is fun, and that this is a really good game. And it looks like the developer team is working on fixing things and balancing the game even further. I think they are going in the right direction and I'm enjoying myself as well. Happy gaming-
  21. If you're trying to max out Force Sweep crits and want accuracy you can use the Battlemaster War Leaders Implants instead of the Vindicator ones. You'll gain accuracy and endurance. You'll lose surge and about 10 strength for each one. Crit is a non-factor since Force Sweeps auto crit. You'll increase surge with mods (adept enhancement 24 is available in the champion smuggler gloves..surge+power+endurance). And for focus spec, champ earpiece>BM earpiece, and champ belt>bm belt. I'm not fully geared out to where I want to be yet, but my max crit is 6800, and I regularly hit 5K.
  22. I really, really, REALLY doubt that you will out damage me in your immortal build. That said, if Smash/Force Sweep gets nerfed it will neuter the whole spec. There are 4 talents dedicated to making Force Sweep hit as hard as it does, with little else for the remaining attacks. You'd have to buff 3-4 other abilities A LOT to make the tree viable if Force Sweep was nerfed. Damage-wise we are comparable to other DPS specs, at least in PvP. Check the damage boards; good Focus/Ragers will be near the top. So will the other classes specs when good players are playing them. Burst-wise we're good. We cannot roflstomp an equally geared player. We obliterate under-geared players, true, but then again what spec doesn't? And truth be told, Focus/Rage specs are a little on the squishy side. So no, I don't think we need a nerf.
  23. Switching forms is useful depending on what you're doing. Personally I use Shii-cho when I'm on offense, i.e. attacking a node. The extra damage helps burst people down quicker. On the other hand, when I'm defending a node I switch to Soresu and use Guard on a teammate. It is more important for us to stay alive and keep attackers from capping than it is for me to have "LOL BIG NUMBERS," even though I've seen force sweeps hit for over 5K in Soresu form. Also while leveling, I've found Soresu+healer (Doc) to be more effective in killing elite mobs. Guard can be huge, particularly if you're teamed with a healer. Don't be afraid to use both forms and switch it up depending on what you're doing.
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