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Everything posted by Zag_Stratos

  1. You do realize that East/West is essentially a different word for Left/Rigth or Grass/Snow Here's a graph for you... East - West Left - Right Grass - Snow A - B Joe - Jane Boy - Girl From top to bottom, notice how each terms basically mean the same thing...
  2. Hey at least you guys are looking like Gundam... I mean come on, if only we looked like a Samurai... We look like some idiot that put a casserole on top of our heads and pretended that it's a helmet...
  3. hummm, you guys should play Sentinels/Marauder and than comment on how overpowered we are. I am not saying we're not powerful but the amount of work, concentration and binds I have to use to get the same results as a BH spamming tracer missiles all day long is quite a huge gap. Go visit the Sentinel forums, read the guides and start imagining yourself using over 20 binds just to have a decent performance. If people think that using our 4 cooldowns is an instant win, they are completely wrong... Yes, one on one, we are the dominant breed but aside from that, it's not because our skills looks cool on paper that in the reality of things it's actually Tracer Missiles like easy mode for us. Seriously, I understand the concerns of many and all I can say is, roll one and let's see how you do. Only a handful of players are good enough to significantly make your day miserable. Most of the Sentinels and Marauders on my server are push overs, even in battlemaster gear. The class balance will mostly allow us to play a different spec, which is really good for you guys since our main spec actually heals our team.
  4. Transcendence is your friend You have the ball? - Use it! Converts 30 stacks of Centering to issue Transcendence to you and your party, increasing movement speed by 50% and melee and ranged defense by 10%. Lasts 10 seconds. That's usually more than enough to score! of course, if your team sucks bantha poo, that's another story but if you have a bit of support. Transcendence will do wonders!
  5. All we can really say is, hang in there man. It's not you! Our class starts hard and then dips into awful for a while. Once we hit L30+, life starts to shine. For now, you need to spec Watchman, that will give you a higher edge thanks to the burns and heals it provides. It's not much but it does a difference. If you stick with the class, learn the basics and keep trying to improve your strategies and tactic, once you hit L40, you'll quickly become the next big thing.
  6. I can just imagine the conversation they had... Designer "So boss! I've just finished designing the new armor, wanna have a look?" Boss "Naaa! I trust you Johnny, I know you'll make us proud!" Designer "Cool, I'll add the assets in-game! thanks for letting me be so creative!" Results? yeah...
  7. Good post, join Correllian Run Server and join us We need brains over skills
  8. Survival Guide tips. - Keep yourself geared with the best as possible. For leveling purposes, you don't have to change your gear at every level but nothing should be under 5 levels of your current. This will ensure that you can fight each encounter the game throws at you. Keep your companion geared as well. You don't have to get him/her all blues at every level. Same level greens will do. Of course, if you can get orange gear and just change the mods, that's cool too but it will be a bit more expensive. - Your annoying protocol droid is a good healer. While I wouldn't suggest him for the entire level process, he's good enough for boss encounters. Keep him geared... However, I didn't have any problem working with Kira and switching to Doc on Balmorra. - Start early to bind a few keys and as you play, keep binding them. Now, although I am the first to say that you can click everything and still do well, you will be a superior Sentinel player if you use binds. - Learn how to effectively build focus and how to spend it. There's tons of guides on it but things you want to keep in mind... Don't use Zealous Strike when you're nearly full on Focus. Strike should never be your main attack... Don't use strike if you have 2 or more focus, use slash or a skill instead. While it looks stupid on paper, learn these rules early on so that when you're in a hectic situation, you won't resolve on just smashing keys. - Read and read the forums... talk with people and share or gather knowledge. The key of becoming a good Sentinel is to understand the class. People on this particular forums are usually very good and will give their tips. - All I just said was true for me but it's not the bible.
  9. Why can't we just have something simple like that? http://images.wikia.com/deadliestfiction/images/4/4d/Starkiller.jpg
  10. What's up with that new Helmet... man, can't we just have a baseball cap or something NOT AS EXOTIC O_o
  11. I’ve been playing a Sentinel for the last few months. I’m pretty good at it and I am well equipped and all. I’ve started a Scoundrel and do enjoy how it’s currently playing out but when I surf the forums, all I find are how we suck at PVP, PVE, Healing and etc. I did notice that a Sage L17 like me can out-heal me. So I wanted to know… is there any positive about this class? If I play healer, is it good enough to be viable for a raid group or PVP? Is the DPS spec better? I would like to hear the positive stories please. I’ve seen more than enough negative and it’s almost convincing me to drop the class. For those that didn't know, leveling a Sentinel and mastering a Sentinel is pretty much Hell. You get good at it but it's pretty hard at times. I do not feel like reliving that experience again. Not that I don't want a challenge but I do not want to play another gimp class as well.
  12. I find it funny when I read you're a Noob pvper! First, who is this so called PVPer group you talk about? Are we in some sort of a league? I don't know, last time I competed was at Quakecon 200X and Cal-I leagues where I was sponsored and got my plane ticket, hotel and other expense paid... not to mention interview, press coverage and such. This is an MMO and many here have proved it hundreds of time. If you're good at the way you play, you'll do fine. You might not be the best 1v1 of all but PVP is not all about button mashing. In fact, in a game like this, it's alot more on positioning and priorities than anything else. How many times have I seen my team fighting in the middle of the hutt ball arena like big pros only to let someone sneak in a ball. I combine mouse clickling and key binds like a champ. Anything that requires instant reflex is binded, anything that doesn't is clickable. In fact, I know some top JK mostly using the mouse. If you use a bit of physics and logic (pre-school type), you can with ease keep your target in front of you. Dictating the position of your enemy is not a new concept here. People need to stop generating that non-sense elitism about how you play the game. What I want in my team is someone that understands team dynamic, not some sort of button mashing robot. I want someone that understands that guarding the freaking left Turret Sucks but it needs to be done. I need someone that understands that quickly killing someone in huttball means that they will be in your face when you're carrying the ball. I like people that understand that all you need to do is not letting them plant. Killing is a bonus but you just need to break their planting. I want a Sentinel that understand that knows how to pick his fights, not just some professional button masher retard force leaping into a group of 5 BM. Not saying that Keybinds are bad. In fact, they are probably more efficient in the long run but are they crucial? In a nerd's mind maybe?
  13. Blade Storm as a watchman crits more often than not. It's worth using but I wouldn't build my combos around it
  14. Master Strike is good on any spec and it should be used. First, it hits and connect to pretty much any targets that is not ACTIVELY running away from you. If he's just backing up while your final hit unleashes, you will land that hit. Against a cloth wearer or even med armor, Master Strike + (Riposte) + Merc Slash will drop pretty much anyone to 15% hp, especially if it crits. Blade Storm is really fun to use but you always get a bang for your buck. Still, I crit more often than not so if you have the focus and your target is running away and everything else is on cooldown, use it. It hurtz! If your target is slowed, Master Strike is a good alternative. It is indeed a lower priority move but neglecting it is a mistake.
  15. My first concern on your 4 Focus bombers setup is that you're basically a one trick pony that can be countered with ease. Sure, in ideal situation, with ideal conditions and positioning, you'll do massive damage but what is the ratio of that? - Sentinel can spec to get reduced AOE damage which renders your Sweep quite irrevelant. - Focus is not really good against a group. Survivability is not it's shining point. - So ok, double healers and double focus. Just there, you're team is lacking variety and whenever you'll go against a more well structured and balanced team, you'll have a hard time to adapt. Variety to some extent really shines in this game. The more you focus on a medieval like tactic, the less you'll perform. I've proven that point countless of times in open world PVP and Warzones. End point, it's a good idea but don't just rely on that because it will only work against tactically retarded teams.
  16. So what the op is saying is that the SS army was more evil than Hitler because let's face it, Hitler himself didn't do all those things to the world, it was his soldiers that obeyed him. So if I want to kill children but not be marked as the evil guy, I should just hire an evil guy. That logic scares me and for good reasons. To me, it seems the OP is trying to wash off an evil act by telling himself, hey, I didn't actually do it. I simply ordered someone to do it.
  17. The post above me is pretty spot on but I wouldn't ignore Blade Storm. However, do not use it in Melee range, use it when you're out of Melee range and have no other way to hit the guy.
  18. The biggest tool a Jedi has is his tactical mind and awarness. You don't actually need million of binds to do good You don't actually need the best of the best gear You don't need a pocket healer and all those luxury What you need is a brain and know how to choose your fights. Best example I can give... I'm on Ilum and see a Bounty Hunter in full BM (I'm in champion) - I run towards him and start fighting. I gave him a good 5 seconds to mentally prepare for the fight. Results? I died... I get a bit frustrated of my performance but figured, meh, I really just didn't think that one out. I rez, get a high ground and try to find that BH again. This time, I don't even have all my cooldowns. I managed to find him without getting spot... I ran towards him, vanished just for the sake of getting even closer. When I opened and unleashed on him, the BH immediately pushed me back but he was already snared and I I had my leap ready for a full blown retaliation. He died and I lived with more than 90% of my HP... during the fight, he used his Shield to no effect and his 20 min cooldown to virtually no effect. Most of the battle, he was backing up and trying to just get that extra space between me and him but that never worked. I was focused and on the ball while he was desperately trying to figure out what to do. His Tracer Missiles were not going off and I was making sure to interrupt them at the very last moment, allowing me to pull in an extra hit... When his final cooldown was out, Master Strike -> Merc Slash -> Riposte -> Saber Throw, his health dropped like a rock to the bare minimum to survive another hit... he tried to knock me back again but one lucky crit from blade storm was just the enough to end him. From that point on, I've done my very best to carefully pick my fights and while I do not always get the highest WZ DPS and etc, I rarely die and I always kill my preys. Pick your fights carefully and yes, be vigilant on your approach.
  19. They should make something (probably OP) but still... Anything that shoots you between 25 meter or 30, your character can deflect it like in the movies On a more serious note, I have no idea why the Sentinel and Marauder do not have a Push or something to keep people off their back for a second. At least something like Force Choke or Stasis that eventually allows us to throw the person around
  20. haha, that's all we talk about in the Sentinel forums. Truth is... Watchman is really the best solution for overall efficiency. Combat is the most fun to play and I guess we don't really care about Focus Tree - We rarely talk about it anyway. All trees are actually good but Watchman sorta outshines everything else. It's just silly that our damage is actually DOT based...
  21. The truth is, the difference in damage and efficiency between both forms do not come in play until L20. You'll notice that each spec tree is centered around one particular form, go with that as a good hint.
  22. I think this is turning more into an emotional debate than what is what exactly. I've gave Combat a spin again this weekend. After careful consideration, to play Combat you need Quake and Unreal like reflexes and awareness. Of course, that's based on if your trying to be the very best of the best. In that sense, quick reaction rewards the Combat tree. Watchmen is a lot more MMO'ish where you stick dots and keep track of them. Hence the reason I find Watchmen harder. I do not usually play MMOs nor do I deal with the stupidity of damage over time. I am use to aim, shot and boom: headshot, rinse and repeat elsewhere. Basically, Watchmen is rewarded by a keen sense of tactics. It's not a scientific analysis and god knows I'll never waste my time over analyzing a game but as a above average FPS player, when I started to make the connections, it was a bit easier to properly define what is what. At least, that worked for me.
  23. Fleet is convenient but so boring. Tatooine should be filled with people! Even in the Star wars books, movies and such, people didn't really hang out on a ship (unless they have too) but most of the movies were on planets... actually everything was on planet, even KOTOR 1 and 2.
  24. Short response: YES! Comprehensive response: It's a well crafted game and I believe, adding additional content, features and such will only make it better. The game is responsive, fun and while simple to learn, it's actually hard to master. The content from L1 to L50 is good and while some may argue that one can level up too fast, I disagree. I'm a musician (40 to 50 shows a year), a Project Manager at a technology company and I have close friends, a girlfriend and even a cat. Keeping a balance between gaming and life is actually quite complicated. I usually avoid MMOs due to the simple fact that by the time I reach level 10, my guild is usually 25 levels ahead. While on SWTOR, thanks to the WZ, I get to group with my higher level friends and I get to be efficient. Not only that, I get XP, credits and so on. It's fun to feel that you're advancing into a game even when you only put 1 or 2 hours here and there. The game is not perfect and I can't stop thinking that Bioware had a very dedicated team and a team composed of lazy devs and artists. Some areas are so well done! They have NPC shooting other npcs, random villagers walking around, ships flying in the sky and a cool little lake in the background. You jump on another planet with a similar setup and you'll see one npc clipping through a wall, one getting shot at without responding and a completely empty city. The entire area feels rushed and botch for the most part.
  25. My main is a Jedi Knight Sentinel... Scoundrel has been a blast and a breeze to play. In PVP, I get medals for just being average while my Sentinel, I had to learn rotations with 20 binds+, learn how to survive without heals, know when to rush in... you name it. Seriously, I wouldn't complain. I get to kill elite mobs without a single problem O_O Ok, 1 v 1 is much harder than on a sentinel but that's about it. Everything else is pretty easy and quite fun if I might add!
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