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Everything posted by Zag_Stratos

  1. Man this is star wars... Pod Racing Prazzaakk (no idea how to type it) That chest game etc etc etc So many potential... Just making the cantina a central hub for social interaction would not only make this game one of a kind, it would out blast anything on the market.
  2. The concept of Open World PVP is great and I think many will agree that it has some potential. So why did Ilum ended up like it is today? Well, the very first problem is that BW tried to make something like BF3 instead of Team Fortress 2. Ok, I am not talking about the style and character design, I'm talking about Map development. BW made a very big map and believed that people would jump at it. However, Key problems existed from the very start... - ILUM PVP section is way too big - Armaments only spawn in the middle. Aside from a quick blow up the enemy walkers run, there's no reason to fight there. So everyone focuses on the middle. - Big bases with turrets, a vendor and some cool little controllable turrets but when did you ever fight in front of them? - Control points could be taken in random order... So there was no real focus here. As long as you have middle, the rest is whatever... Make the map 3 to 4 times smaller. Add Armaments in a more spread out fashion, do not allow controls points to be random. People can either go A, B, C, D or D,C,B,A... Walkers should be moving (slowly) towards each points... This would ensure that players can fight to defend it. If they successfully defend it from one point to another, they instantly win it or something. Allow power-ups to be unleashed when a small team completes a certain task. Allow players to gather resources from various points on the map. When they bring it to their base, this boosts their walker's strength or after 500, an extra walker is made and starts marching from one base to another. I could on for hours about what could make Ilum a crazy battlezone. We're in 2012, everything I just named are basically standard game mechanics. I'm not even being creative here, I'm just randomly typing what comes in mind. Get a team together and brain storm a bit... get Ilum running as you dearly promised on your Box.
  3. Great game and I believe 1.2 will work out nicely. However, there's one trend that BW seems to roll on and I hope they realize that some people do notice these details. BW has a lot of "After Thought" in their development and while it's always a little detail here and there, it quickly adds up. Take the Imperial Station versus the republic one. At first glance, it's a copy paste of each other and then you start looking at the details and realize, the imperial station was created first and a lot of time and effort was put into it. The republic one was really an after thought. The crew skill vendors have no decoration, empty tables and such while on the imp, they have a bunch of random gear lying around and such. They even have Npc walking around and little droids beeping. A few easter eggs and some cool little details. The Cantina part on the Republic is a tone down version of the Empire one. They simply removed some of the artwork and slapped a Republic Logo. Now where you really start noticing the last minute rush aspect of the game is on the reflections... Every reflections on the Republic Side actually mirrors what you would see on the imperial station. Best place to notice that is on the head of the little astrodroids. If you look carefully, you'll see the ceiling and corridors of the Imperial station. The design decision in this game are mind boggling at times. No one in their right mind would want to wear the Jedi Knight PVP armor set. BW never reviewed the design, they simply blindly accepted what was thrown at them and incorporated it in their game. Ok, that's a personal opinion as some might like it. Now, Ilum... a planet that wasn't planned in the game. (end results were unfortunate) - Still, you look at the sky and know that future planets have a huge potential. BW wanted to have to have a BF3 type of open world PVP theme. The design was rushed and placed as an after thought... I see what they wanted to do and the ideas behind were simply not well fleshed out. Server merging... I can't believe they didn't think about it during development. Ok, so everyone is cool and patient about it because "it's complicated to implement" - So no one thought about it during all those years in development? You actually have people working on this right now? So back in the conceptual phase, no one raised a hand about that possibility? I want this game to do good and I believe it has what it takes. I just hope that things are better planned out in the future.
  4. I like how they never thought about that beforehand. They are "now" working on a solution for server merge. After all these years in the making, no one even thought about that aspect? Aside EVE-online (only 1 server) - every MMOs in history had server merges! (or at least most of them) This is what I really dislike about BW. There's a whole lot of "after thought" in this game.
  5. My doc is in full columni/Champion gear and I must say... he rocks lol
  6. Right on money on this one. - To bad that the cookie cutter bad sentinels didn't learn WHEN to use it before. I'll be laughing at that for a while until everyone starts learning when to kick this golden attack on.
  7. Any current Sentinels not using Master Strike as is, fall into the cookie cutter bad Sentinel. The upcoming buff will turn this skill into a bigger monster.
  8. I can’t comment on Guardian since I don’t play one but as a Sentinel. - You are a master at creating chaos. You leap in, quickly burst people down and the worse of it, the longer the fight, the stronger you get as Zen, Inspiration and Transcendence quickly changes the odds. - Sentinels are by definition squishy but thanks to Rebuke, Saber Ward, Force Camouflage, Guarded by the force… In the hands of a pro, we are good at surviving the odds. I am becoming a pro at jumping in the middle of 8 people fighting, burning down a healer in a few seconds and vanishing away before getting noticed and focused on. - The better we play, the more our team benefits from it. Using Inspiration at the right moment can quickly overpower a stalemate and change the entire battle sequence in your favor. Using Transcendence will ensure a proper map domination (assuming you have a good team) and in dire situation, that extra 20% defense buff to your group will greatly help. 20% defense can sometime win you just enough seconds for backup to arrive. Properly using Zen will not only boost your damage output, it will heal the rest of your team. It might not look like much but that 300 tick heal might be just enough to keep someone from going in the 30% (finish moves) - DPS wise… if equally equipped with your rival, none can survive you in a one on one. I duel a whole lot with my friends and if I’m on top of my game, I usually destroy them before reach 50% of my health. (we’re full Champion/BM gear) – Healer specs like commando and scoundrel can be a pain but the odds are still in our favor. - DPS with a minimum of heals. We don’t need someone to babysit us (if defensive abilities are properly used) – However, if we do get a bit of healing, we’re pretty much the monster of the field. We have tons of weakness and one of them is that we rely on gear, positioning, skills and above all a lot of practice. While many Sentinels opted for the DPS path, I went for the tactical version. My average DPS on a normal day is between 250K to 350K and I will spike to 500K to 700K+ in a stupid stalemate Voidstar/Civil War.
  9. Go Watchman for leveling. Combat and Focus are not as strong but still viable at L50. Watchman will make your life easier thanks to all the utilities in the spec.
  10. You're doing better than in the first video. This is a fairly good educational video for new sentinels. again with your twitchy fingers pressing your binds 3 to 4 seconds before the cooldown is even off. ;P Tsk, tsk!
  11. Ti the very least, get yourself in Centurion gear and at least some L50 greens to the very minimum. Being in some L40 gear is really bad and if I saw you in a match, I would give you tons of crap. I am very nice and helpful with people that at least do an effort. How can you be L50 without the minimum gear? It's not like it never drops while questing.
  12. My server is high pop and balanced 45/55 imp favor. about 5 minute waiting time for WZ in pre-made and 1 to 2 minutes solo queue. Good server and nice people. We lack good Sentinels. We have tons of high damage sentinels but none that I consider efficient and team worthy.
  13. Not sure I understand "where to make it"
  14. I think it would be pretty neat to have a Sentinel Gathering on Tython (on a select server) where Elder Sentinels and New Sentinels can spend a few hours at sharing knowledge and helping each other out on various aspect of the class. I've run these shows/Gathering back in SWG and the results were surprisingly good and a lot of fun. Creating a character on X server and hosting it on Tython would be easy access to everyone. Roleplayers, this is a chance for you as well to shine as a true master or padawan in training! If you're interested, leave a comment here and if we get enough people interested, the event will be announced and organized. Server: Date: Time:
  15. Zen - This should be your main tool of destructive and minor support healing. You should be using that one pretty much anytime it's available and you're overload is ready to kick in. If you're already engaged into a battle, use it. Transcendence - Gives your party 10% defense and 50% speed. That skill extremely useful if you need to move from one location to another. You're party has just successfully defended the Left Turret and now you need to get back to the middle, Transcendence will allow your team to keep a good pace around the map. MAP control is extremely important in PVP and Transcendence will help your team keeping that firm control. While 10% seem trivial, that extra defense can make a huge difference in an opening fight where everyone is burning their big cooldowns on each other. Use it wisely but keep in mind that this helps your team and sometimes, it's only that extra drop that makes the entire difference. Inspiration - This one requires some communication but in a PVP situation where your team is going head on against the opposing force. Let your team know that you're boosting their damage and watch the fireworks. In pre-made, I tell my guys that I'm about to pop Inspiration... the moment I do, they all kick in their relic/stimps and for the next 15 seconds, we are ravaging the other team. Not to forget that healers are suddenly mini gods. I've tested it countless of times and in a stalemate battle, if you pop Inspiration, you'll suddenly see the enemy falling. Inspiration + Relic of power + Merc Slash = You don't want to be the one getting hit by that. A good Sentinel thinks above his own self. You are a DPS machine and a solid support character. We have abilities that can change an entire fight sequence. Not using our abilities to the fullest is a huge mistake. I use Inspiration as often as I can and I must admit, the results are often better than my 6 dot crit Zen.
  16. Yeah, jumping to your death seems to be something Marauders and Sentinels do... On Voidstar I sometime Force Leap on someone that is beeing knocked off the edge. So I end up Force Leaping to my death.
  17. Born in 82 and grew up watching these movies on a daily basis lol
  18. That was one of the funniest scene lol...
  19. I've been doing my best in supporting and helping Sentinels on the forums and on my server. For some dumb reason, I turned out to be quite good with the class and figured I would help others. I should start an Academy
  20. Exploits are already being used in WZ. They will be around until BW fixes them.
  21. Brilliant story haha! Force Leap is quite a surprise at times.
  22. Without being mean to you. When Ranked PVP matches comes out, you won't be part of it. You'll be in a corner speculating about the gaming industry and how "elitism" really works.
  23. If you haven't selected the class. Sentinel is quite a complex class to use. It's fun and easy to get into but very hard to master. Guardian is somewhat a bit more straight forward and you can still unleash a fair amount of DPS. Strangely enough, Sentinel is made to survive some of the craziest thing the game can throw at it. Guardian require a bit more caution if you're not tank spec. However, you have some amazing abilities to use
  24. Do listen to the advice people give you, they are worth it.
  25. haha! that's 5 star kill Got to love Kira :0
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