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Everything posted by Zag_Stratos

  1. Bioware suffers from the last minute syndrome. From the get go, they should have planned a full 3D space combat experience. It doesn't have to be a full fledge simulator, it can be something like Battlegrounds 2. The game needs that kind of edge over other mmos. Someone mentioned EVE. EVE is a completely different game but the evolution it's going through is a prime example of a well planned game. Dust 514 interacting with EVE... EVE eventually allowing players to walk in stations, play social games and interact with each other. 3D twitch based space combat... Planning is everything!
  2. I think it has to do with when these stories were created. From what I've learned by fans here, Luke is the most powerful of all... yet, when you see Garen Malek in action, bringing down a star destroyer from the sky, fighting with two lightsabers that simply flies around him... you wonder. Palpatine appears to be the strongest of all if you look at his description on wookie.
  3. My main is a Sentinel and as one, SS spec seems to be one that I need to be careful with. My fights with them become a strategic one where I need to use my defensive skills at the right time. One mistake and I'm 15 meters away from him, slowed and getting blasted away... It's not that easy to stay near them, especially if my Force Camo is on CD... I usually don't even fight them if 2 or 3 of my defensive skills are on cooldown. Unless they suddenly spam all their knockbacks and CC in one single burst... I'm usually going to have to be very careful. Any average Sentinels/Marauders will get die against a good SS.
  4. If you focus crit and surge, I'm scared that you'll lack Strenght and Power in the end. Sentinel must rely on consistency. At least, that's my opinion
  5. Not everyone is a forum pro surfer. There is no need to nerd rage on the guy. Perhaps the posts he found were outdated or giving out the undesired information. The information I've found on Gunslinger is at best mediocre and confusing for a new gunslinger like me... (lucky, I'm good with forums!) So stop acting like big forum pros and help the guy if you can or direct him to the right so called posts. people these days...
  6. I tried twice to make an event and people don't seem all interested in general. My first event was a Jedi Gathering on Tython. The goal was to have a few Masters giving out a master class. Anyone from any server was invited to make a Jedi and meet us at the Academy, not a single person showed any interest... yet, there's about 200 post a day with questions about our specs, rotations and such... even roleplayers ignored the idea of creating an event. The second event was a Dueling PVP night on Nar Shadaa. Prizes and such would have been made available. The goal was to just have some solid fun and allow people from both faction to see some good match up. Only a handful were interested but it never picked up. Ok, they were not super RP event with big sponsors and all but they got people together for a night... People on this game see content to just do their own stuff alone in their own corner.
  7. It doesn't stack but people that are unaware of the buff are likely not going to peak during that time. When I simply kick in Inspiration without letting anyone know, damage is slightly higher... When I clearly state that I will be activating inspiration at a specific time, people are usually ready with their big attacks. The same applies in PVP. The moment, I tell my guys on vent that Inspiration is coming up, they all pop their relics, buffs and start using their heavy attacks on focused targets. Pretty scary stuff!
  8. It really depends on what you're aiming for. If you're trying to attain a certain burst, use Zen after stacking all your burns... timing is key but you'll suddenly see a bunch of crit ticks going off in very very short period of time. Simply put: Overload Saber, hit the target 3 times with whatever hits you want and Zen him... This is mostly important in PVP. In PVE, whatever... Pop Zen, stack some burns here and there, they will crit.
  9. I use it in very unique situation. E.G: You're fighting someone and you do not want to give him a chance to healer or whatever... Someone jumps at you with like 10% HP. Force Sweep to kill him off while you're still focused on your target. That situation happens a lot... people with low health will often come at you when you're already fighting someone. I basically use force sweep to kill anyone low enough around me.
  10. As a few said here, the big problem was that many "casual" and "hardcore" players were L50 a long time ago. Now I'm sorry if you weren't L50 any sooner but seriously, when that was announced, you had more than enough time to get L50. Even if you have 3 kids, 3 wifes, 6 jobs... BW stated a minimum requirement and you didn't attain it. End of Story. Now if you want to go in the details well... You weren't L50 and therefor, you were fully experiencing the game as intended. For those that arrived at L50 a while back, they were in what some might call, limbo. Nothing interesting happening, PVP was broken for many servers, end game content was either broken or missing and vice versa. Basically, the folks that got L50 in a reasonable amount of time, ended up with nothing to do. BW decided to compensate them and to be honest, that was quite a fair compensation. In your situation, you're a very casual player and are playing at a very slow pace. You're enjoying the game as BW entended. Why should they give you anything? The game before L50 is complete and has TONS of things to do. There's not much one could complain about.
  11. I have to disagree with the multiple alt slots... The games that really allow the community to grow and become dependent on each other are the ones where alts are not easy to attain. I could be wrong but here's why I am against multiple alts. Star Wars: Galaxy Yes, you could have multiple chars and yes you can buy 2 or 3 accounts if you want but generally speaking, most people had one char and that's it. Now if you look at it from a community perspective, that single char had a limit. It couldn't do everything by itself. For example, as a Master Doctor/Master Rifleman, well your role was pretty clear. If that character wishes to get a house, get some furniture, he had to see an Architect. If that person needed a special mind buff, the entertainers would provide one, however, in exchange they needed his Doctor buff. Armorsmith would need some special components only crafted by doctors... In the end, it was all connected and everyone had an important dependency on each other. This over a short period of time allowed people to quickly grow as a community. Eve-Online Amazing community, extremely connected to one an other. At the point I am in this game, I can fly and use anything I desire... I've been there since early beta so my char is old. However, that's not the case for over 50% of the community and if you're a combat pilot, well, you're a combat pilot, not a crafter. Again, people are good at different roles and such and in order to perform as a guild, everyone has to work together. My corp wanted to manufacture Tech 3 ships so they asked me to lead expeditions into wormholes. It took us weeks to get all the needed materials but we did it and our crafters would have never managed to do it without us. Now, I had alts (extra paid accounts) but even so... it was very hard for my alts and I to actually do everything. Even at my age, my character is dependent on others. This example can be copied in many MMOs... Darkfall, Mabinogi, EQ1, EQ2, Vanguard to some extent... SWTOR All my alts have a different crafting skills and they are specialized in something. Eventually, when I'll need something, I'll just have to log on an alt and do it. There will be no reason for me to even ask anyone for some help or work with someone. I can do everything myself, alone without a problem. Sure, Flashpoints and Operations require some people... ok, fine. Aside from that, everything else is completely soloable. I do not need to interact with anyone. I can just make alts and spend the time to be self sufficient. Results? - A weak community that doesn't really need each other for it's own survival. I know and understand that most will be against what I am saying and I can understand that. I too like playing alts but when I think about the future of this game...
  12. Our damage was not buffed all that much. However, Expertise cap got raised and that makes quite a huge difference. Still, our class is essentially the same with a bunch of bug fixes.
  13. Sentinel set bonus are mediocre at best.
  14. Combat is good if you understand the phrase "Choose your Target Wisely" Watchman is forgiving thanks to all the utilities but if you're using it to survive longer, your DPS will drop. Focus is easier to use but again, brain will help. The good Sentinels are not the 700K damage ones. It's the ones that enables their team to win. Knowing when to pop Inspiration, Transcendence or Zen. Keeping your force leap up ready to save someone's butt, ball carrying, generating an incredible amount of chaos on the battlefield. One of the major strenght of a Sentinel is MAP CONTROL. Sure a Sage can run fast here and there but a Sentinel can enable an entire team to run fast...
  15. All specs are good. Focus is a face melter and I got to say, I'm often tempted to change to focus. It's fun to drop someone to nothing with only a few moves... My only problem with it is pretty much experience. I've been watchman from L10 to L50 Rank 60+ so changing spec is pretty bad for me. I get into situations where I don't have enough focus and such lol... Combat Spec is my favorit in terms of "fun" but it is not the most efficient one to use... at least in my situation. Watchman is by far the better spec. It has utility, damage and survivability.
  16. Guardian is different. They are made to take a beating. They can do a lot of Damage but against me (Sentinel) only the tanking spec can really fight me one on one and hope to live. DPS guardians are strong but compared the amount of utilities we have, we will out live them and outdamage them.
  17. Sentinel will feel like a drag until L40. Hang in there and you will not regret it.
  18. Fellow Sentinels, I've said it and repeated it several times. Do not neglect Master Strike, learn how and when to use it. It is not as situation as one may think. Master Strike 1.1 was already an important damage dealer and with 1.2 buffs, it shouldn't be neglected. My third hit lands at least 95% of the time. Just be smart about when you're using it. Anything that is slowed and that is not actively running away from you will get hit by the third strike. Just make sure that your enemy doesn't have a pushback ready to be used.
  19. Zag_Stratos


    The talk of the week. Mara/Sent are OP! Last week, everyone was crying about Sorc/Sage. Strangely enough, Sorc/Sage can still rip someone in two in a flash but nope, this week it's Mara/Sent... Don't worry, BW will probably listen to the 1% screaming like morons and nerf us to no extent. Then, you'll be all happy that a "fixed" class is now useless. Maybe if you didn't spend your entire time knocking us back, you've would have figured out a way to defeat us. My buds have been dueling me quite a lot and after a while, they understoodd how my class worked. Now, in a duel, they can defeat me. It's not easy but than again, we are the ultimate 1 on 1 class. Still, by UNDERSTANDING how we work, they know how to handle us.
  20. Dude I play maybe 4 hours a week (which is really not a lot in MMO standards) I have a Level 50 (battlemaster) and other chars near L50... come on... make an effort. Don't expect BW to give you a free month, especially after taking a 2 months break? An MMO is like a Marathon, go at it at your own pace but if you decided to sit out, you're out!
  21. 1.2 proved it. Bioware needs to seriously fire that artist. I'm sorry but since Beta people have been saying that whoever is designing the stuff for JK is not doing a proper job...
  22. Was heading to a festival to perform with my band and some dude took that picture lol... http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/8559/69901465.jpg In that one, i"m the asian dude on the far right... http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/110/me2wh.jpg Everyone looks awesome, loved each picture i've seen.
  23. Kenachi winz my vote as one of the nicest, patient and trusting person ever. Poor him for dying so often LOL Make more vids plz, this was refreshingly great, couldn't stop laughing. "oh the tree moved right"
  24. Better Actors would have helped. I find that the Prequels, the actors lacked direction, feel and overall attachment. They felt disconnected from the world and that's probably because of the directing and green walls.
  25. There's a few spots in the game where it's simply amazing. I take Balmorra for example. At one point, you enter a zone where NPCs are shooting each other, fighting, hiding, throwing grenades and such. It's really cool and feels like a big battle. It's a little static since not a single NPC dies unless you actively jump in but overall, you feel that something is going on. However, in most cases, it's just a big zone with a few randomly placed NPCs and nothing really moves or patrols. Tattoine, Nar Shadaa and Coruscant are a good example of how static everything feels. You arrive at the Republic starport and see an NPC running away from some cops. They eventually bring him down. That very moment was amazing but that's the only place where something scripted but nice happens, everything else is static. If at least, there was some action or something going around in the Cantinas... but nope, npcs either dancing non stop or staring at nothing. It's a nice game, the graphics are nice but the feel... Of course, we've been spoiled by WOW, AION and other beautiful games... I can understand that but still... can it be excused?
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