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Everything posted by _DaGreat

  1. "Because devs will tweak and balance classes" When? How? Some classes will always have an advantage in MMOs that is the nature of the beast. So why shouldn't I be able to respec into that class. A 'true pvper' should have no problem with that as this is a better test of SKILL then fighting an inferior opponent class... right? I am applying the no gear progression logic to come to this conclusion. BTW how does the 'true pvper' feel about datacrons because they give stat advantages but you have to work to get them (and they can be a real pain). Is it fair that some PVPers have a datacron advantage over other PVPers? Should datacron stats only be used in PVE?
  2. "I can name 10 merc BH's by name who changed their specs because of me" Really? Name them. Sounds like complete utter BS epeen to me...
  3. Gnark .... He is asking about Merc pyro not PT pyro. There is a significant difference in play style and capabilities in these two classes. Merc pyro is not a melee class.
  4. It was hypothetical question for another poster... Oh I forgot. "DEAL WITH IT"
  5. My goodness ... where do I start. Oh how about your above supposition (previous post) that the game is balanced because you 'ruin' operatives. Sorry my man if you said I get them 50% of the time then that might help support what you are saying but I am not sure how saying you basically dominate a class helps support your argument for class balance. Oh, and did you get a chance to read any PVP posts since your last post. I hope you realize that your comment that 'no one' is claiming the classes aren't balanced flies in the face of all logic. "thats not what respec means" ...Why cann't respecs mean CLASS respecs. It has in other games. Where is the MMORPG rule book that says they can not mean CLASS respecs? Or do you think 'casuals' should need to level grind to play the class they want or feel they need to play to be competitive. And then there is this 'Bioware has stayed on top of the classes and the nerff/buffs have made the game more balanced than its ever been. This further disproves your "Its all unbalanced" argument' ... so BW changing things to make things more balanced (or less unbalanced depending on your perspective) is proof that classes are/have been balanced? Maybe in bizarro universe.
  6. There was open world pvp? I must have missed it unless we are talking about the south 1/3 of the west side of Ilum
  7. ROFL... "The classes are balanced, no one is saying they are not"... WOW. You must not read the PVP boards very often. Also if all classes were perfectly balanced BW would never have to 'nerf'/boost anything now would they and it seems they have already 'nerfed'/boosted and will continue to 'nerf'/boost into the foreseeable future. But OK, if you are OK with CLASS (BH to SW for example) respecs then I will give you a check mark on consistency of argument although I think what you are asking for fits better with a FPS then an MMO "RPG".
  8. "Equal abilities"... You honestly believe that ALL classses are perfectly balanced. With the massive complexity of balancing 300+ abilities and 12 classes the ONLY way all players will have 'EQUAL abilities' is if the have availability to the same abilities. I would argue that overall class imbalance is greater than the 4%ish difference between Champ and BM gear and it takes a lot less time to gear up to Champ gear then it does to level a toon to 50. How about free class respecs then? That would be consistent with the argument for equal gear.
  9. Thanks for the insightful analysis lol.... So why is it a bad argument?
  10. Just like a 'true PVPer' (given the definition offered earlier) would want everyone to have the same gear, a 'true PVPer' should want everyone to have availability to the same skills. After all, are you really testing your PVP 'skills' against someone who picked the wrong profession to level to 50? If you are lined up against a 'gimped' (disadvantaged) profession how is that different then having a gear advantage? I am just looking for some consistency in what you are asking for.
  11. You sold me at 'have to be drunk' ... you starting the petition drive or am I?
  12. I am not understanding the concept of "true PVPer" either. At the end of the day this is a 'RPG' which implies gear/character progression. IF we are to carry out the 'true PVPer' concept further then why not allow everyone the same skills then everyone is truly equal and the 'true PVPer' will be happy... that sound about right?
  13. Your opinion but people who write about MMOs for a living disagree. http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm/loadFeature/4947
  14. LOL, this post should be stickied because it sums up the attitude of so many that come to the forums and post. Great post... I agree 100%
  15. _DaGreat

    1.000.000 Damage

    LOL, dude if you want to post some self aggrandizing post you are better off having a friend do it otherwise it just comes across as big time epeen stroking. Congrads of your accomplishment. You should add that to your resume next time you are looking for a job.
  16. Yeah I get it now that I read the other post... You know I do not read every post on the page and then post to make sure I am not understanding that some sarcastic post is in response to another post so 'whoooosh' not really applicable now is it.
  17. This is great news as far as I am concerned. Huttball 80% of the time gets old. Yeah I would rather be killing reps but if I am forced to kill Imps give me some variety.
  18. Since we are talking about Voidstar. I played in a game the other night where a Rep toon capped a door on the other side of the gap before the bridges had appeared. How is this possible? Hack? Fortunately we won the match but it was a *** moment.
  19. Huttball just because of the percentage of the time I am forced to play it. I mean I like it the first and second time I play it on a given day but when I land in Huttball 6 or 7 times in a row it becomes irritating. Also, from an immersion point of view it feels a little gimmicky.
  20. Game needs an appearance tab and some way to chose/change your color combinations. Tired of rolling in an op with 3 BHs who look exactly the same as me.
  21. Who are you arguing with? I think this is more about "understanding" what I am asking. I am not debating the issue of whether DOTs should or should not prevent capping. I am asking what utility does the merc pyro bring to a WZ now that they do not because (rightly or wrongly) DOTs certainly were of value in WZs in preventing capping and this is not debatable.
  22. Get caught 3 on 1 trying to defend and your rapid shot doesn't help when you are dead now does it. If you don't see the value of DOTS in these WZs I won't say "L2P" but you are really missing something. Our single target burst DPS is "meh" at best. So again what utility do we bring to WZs beside general DPS? Lots of classes can DPS as well as do other things.
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