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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. Price of them has dropped significantly lately with even the better models coming down to 50p per GB, dunno if they'll drop further until the next gen of them release though which might be a while. They might seem expensive but on a good PC they are the upgrade that gives the biggest general performance boost.

    I personally am planning on just getting two fast 7200 or 10k hard drives and putting them in raid 0 configuration. I was hoping that this would help my load times.


    That's not going to help you, the difference between an SSD a single HDD, HHD's in RAID or any other configuration is minimal at best when it comes to this game. A single SSD is faster than even the most expensive HDD's in raid and even that doesn't shave off more than a couple of seconds for TOR. The game does have excessive load times regardless of setup but the people taking multiple minutes have to have something wrong on their end.


    For your comment on SSD's slowing down, i think the word you were looking for was TRIM. Windows enables it automatically when installed on an SSD but can be checked by opening CMD and typing "fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify" if it comes back with =1 then it's not enabled, if it comes back with =0 then it is.

  3. Who would buy an SSD for this game. One game does not justify a $100+ purchase. Let's get serious here.

    If we had to have one it should have been inserted in the "Minimum System Spec Requirements" page somewhere on the website. (Which it won't be because that's ridiculous). What's next? Sli 680's to get 60+ fps consistent in Warzones at 1080p lololol. Trash engine is trash end of story. Don't defend Bioware, just point out the problem and wait for an update.


    SSD doesn't make much difference to the load times in TOR anyway, I picked one up about a month ago as prices have came way down and would say it's only shaved a couple of seconds off from when i was using an old seagate HDD.


    Apart from that it's the single most effective upgrade i've ever done. Windows boots up in seconds, programs start instantly, large files rar and unrar in seconds and games (other than TOR) load much much faster.

  4. War hero doesn't really mean that much, the difference between recruit and that.. well yeah, but battlemaster especially when modded to suit you? Not much. I've rolled quite a few toons up through the ranks and i'm sure the OP was shocked when he hit an assassin for 7.7 but i'm sure he would have been more shocked for that assassin to hit him back for 15k in one burst.
  5. They could revert them to pre-1.2 but the complaints would still be here on the forum and the gear expertise change would also still be here. They've always been an awesome class, the change to Ravage was just icing.
  6. I'd say a marauder/sentinal. There have been a few War Hero ones when i've been on my tank Shadow who i've only been able to kill by the skin of my teeth. Not really sure why people are suggesting pyro powertech/vanguards, they rely heavily on burst damage and resilience really messes with them if timed correctly.
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