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Everything posted by SoulstitchMMO

  1. Is it even worth it? Does anyone have any success with Shield Specialist at all? While leveling I love being Shield Specialist, but am wondering about it's success at 50.
  2. How often while leveling do you come across other people? I was noticing a severe lack of people when I am leveling on a new server (re-rolled republic for pvp) and I rarely see any other republic other than my guild. Until I got to Balmorra I was actually seeing more empire while leveling than republic (which was good for world pvp actually). But I am not noticing any... places of gathering outside of The space station.
  3. Obviously Bioware isn't known for their polish. Bioware pretty much lost all of their credibility for game making with SWTOR.
  4. Please consider making every single voice over you ever make from this point on in english. I hate having to listen to gibberish, I just space bar through it and get to the end to find out what I have to do. I would love to know what the percentage of voice work is not even in english.
  5. Actually good healers can dps as well. soo... While I agree that healers should get kill credit for healing people that are killing (gabe amatagelo fail) There is nothing stopping good healers from doing the same thing, tagging things being killed.
  6. Tanks get 3 medals for being tanks, Healers get 3 medals for being healers, then the rest is dps/kill/objective medals. All dps can get either healing or tanking medals. Perhaps the 300k medal needs to be dropped down to 100k, then healers will feel better about dps'ing and healing. Also Healing is the easiest of all the medals to exploit. So you aren't getting sympathy from me.
  7. Wait I actually watched the video. Are you kidding me? A bunch of Warzones = pvp to you? Pre-mades beating up pugs is fraps worthy? And showing off how well Smugglers can gimp people from stealth, something which they are getting nerfed for and you are passing this off as skill? (not that I have problems with stealthers trying to gank me) Well I guess if this is what you try to pass off as skill... Also if anyone watches the video and notices how few WarriorPoets are actually ever on the screen compared to non-wp it's no wonder this guy thinks he's good. Most of the time it looks like he's getting carried by pugs. One fight is against someone displaying the Gladiator tag (rank 30 valor title) and he barely gets him to half before someone else comes along and finishes him for him. Well this will be good for more laughs.
  8. it feels like there are too many ways to shut down a player without the resolve bar filling up.
  9. Wait all of you guys are on Terentatek?
  10. Stuff like this that makes me wonder where the hell that $200million went.
  11. Wait, bubble = protection medals?
  12. This is why when you need gear you run with your guild. When you don't need gear, you run with pugs. Otherwise you are gambling regardless. Bioware is ignorant of today's gamers. The last time your reputation mattered, was in Everquest. That's it. Nowadays you can still see all the content, you can still get all the loot you want, and it doesn't matter how you roll in pug groups, because there are so many players you won't ever see that person again or run in the same circles. This is why I always laugh at the intention to keep out the LFD because of "community".
  13. I would think so as well, but official TOS word would be better than just "assuming".
  14. Not rez probe. Tired of Xv1 fights where I kill one then by the time I've killed the other the first spawns back up then I am fighting both again and then one goes down and then gets back up while I'm fighting the other. If you die from pvp you should have to use the waypoint. Not just pop back up. That's silly.
  15. Are Naga Macro's (or any other hardware macros) against the TOS?
  16. Yeah so maybe you should huttball more. There is a tactic that is called 'goaltending' If you pull the ball carrier up to the spawn they die instantly the moment they hit the ledge. If the enemy passes the ball to someone on the ledge... that person dies. You can't sit in your spawn with the ball, you die.
  17. 10 all around. Former US Marine, and I feel bad *** when in that thing. The exterior is guns everywhere, even the damn wings have guns. The interior is very well setup as well. Just feels military.
  18. if the person is stunned or rooted then it won't work.
  19. If I got Jaxo as a companion, I'd never leave my ship. So ...
  20. There is no branch of military in the United States to which female officers are ever called Sir. Period. Also NCO's don't get saluted. Former 2D Tank Battalion, 2D Mar Div, USMC.
  21. It's not cause it's hardware based. If they didn't allow for this they could not allow for multi-boxing.
  22. my naga mouse handles all the macros I need it to. Get a g15 keyboard and you're set.
  23. This is the worst auction house implementation ever. Honestly Bioware should hire people that have played MMO's in their life other than some budget f2p games. (honestly one of the developers puts swtor in league with f2p games) I tried using the GTN but it's ridiculous in it's implementation. Bioware needs to hire an actual UI team to get that sorted out, not give it to an intern.
  24. Sure sounds good. I used the numbers as an example but they can be worked around.
  25. swtor doesn't even have 1million active subscribers, that being said yeah this is ridiculous. The Community Manager needs to be replaced as he doesn't know how to manage a community.
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