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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. It might be Bioware, or some other company that has the Star Wars franchise in an MMO. Will the graphics be almost as good as a feature film at your local theater? I usually purchase a new PC about every 18 months, and give my old one to my wife. With this PC I might stretch that buying habit to 24, or 30 months. But, we can only imagine how great the graphics will be. In fact, I would say that gaming companies will be hard pressed into artistically rendering graphics that will do the engine justice.
  2. If he had guard and heals, then it was actually 3v3, not 3v1. If you are going up 3v3 against full pvp geared 50's I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be destroyed.


    What i don't understand is that if somebody had guard on him they had to be within a 15 meter range. There was no one visible within 30 meters of this guy. Either there stealth was really good, or there wasn't a guard. At any rate it was like he had the god mode switched on.

  3. Amen!


    It is BEYOND me why they just didn't prepare the 50 bracket, and then implemented it the Second they saw more than a few 50's per side in each warzone.

    IMHO a 50 bracket should have been implemented about 2 weeks ago... That's about how far back I stopped playing PvP due to getting butt-***** by Operatives and whatnot :)


    Somehow I think that the devs at Bioware are taking a perverse pleasure of how lowbies are being steam rolled by lvl 50 premades. It's a sign to me of a generation without a guiding compass.

  4. If you only did 20% against a merc spec then he either had guard and heals or the 3 players were completely awful. Pvp gear doesnt reduce damage by THAT much.


    I'm sure he had guard and heals. In the match prior to that I saw a Sith Sorcerer out heal is way when he was set upon by 3 republic players. Either way you slice it, this is no way to construct pvp in a game. We are long past due for brackets.

  5. We just fought against an Imp team with ungodly buffs. Even 3 against 1 - a mercenary - we could only ding his health by about 20%. If your group tried to engage 3 or more players at once in 2 seconds you were dead. So basically, the last 45 seconds everyone just sat down. The only victory you could rest from the Imperials was to deny them another kill count.


    Is this the only protest players can make against a corporate mentality that says we don't care?

  6. Really? Have you played Skyrim or BF3 or Batman AA? This game to me looks about as good as a middle range Xbox 360 title, especially with no AA yet.


    I admit that those 2 titles have better graphics, but we all knew way back in beta exactly how good the graphics were. Corporate made a decision to not use a top of the line graphics engine in order to be more inclusive. In other words, there are a lot of PC's out there that are just marginal. They dumbed down the graphics so as to incorporate those PC's into the game. Do I like it? No. Are we stuck with it? Yes.

  7. In the dark days of SWG, I was one of those who prodded and pushed SOE to make the game better. They did what they could on a shoestring budget. Now the game is no more, and I'd pay through the nose to have it back.


    Similarly, with SWTOR, there is a lot that is wrong. I can only hope that after fixing bugs, hacks, and exploits, that they fix pvp, and perhaps make a new and improved warzone.


    I like 2 things in SWTOR. The graphics are very decent on my decked out computer. There are no latency issues for me that are game breaking. The music is great.


    I do feel that the writing could've been better, and is sub par, but that is behind us now. PVP needs a major revamp. The auction house, and the crafting system needs to be looked at also.


    So here is hoping that the patches over the coming months are potent enough to turn the tide.

  8. Your complaining about bugs. But, what if by some magical wand all the bugs were fixed? What's left is an empty vessel. I start with the writing. Voice over actors are fine, they just read what's given to them, but the writing is worse than a B movie. With all the Star Wars literature out there, you would think they could find someone passable.


    Then there is pvp. It's a complete joke.

  9. I wouldn't design a Warzone, I'd build on the Ilum design and opt for more planet wide pvp.


    How would this be achieved?


    Look back to DaoC, Look back to the Frontiers, how well they were designed and how Mythic....


    Made sure it was so important to your faction it couldn't be ignored!


    How to achieve this?


    -Disable WZ's at Valor Rank 40+ (this is what killed WAR's RvR, battleground grinding)


    -Add meaningful side based objectives that benefit your whole faction for capturing them


    -Make it so you need raid squads to complete these objectives


    -Tie a raid with some of the top endgame gear to it to encourage the PvE'ers to lend a hand


    -Make the entire planet PvP, your only safe zones are your faction bases where you land on the planet, this means quest mob areas are even dangerous to venture to, but you get bonus xp, creds and loot drop chances.


    -Add a world boss to the area, right near where the thick of combat would usually happen.


    -Add an underdog faction bonus on servers with side imbalance (but do it better than WAR's)



    All that stuff I listed was part and parcel of DaoC's Frontiers and why they were such a huge success and something I'd love to see done instead of the PvP just remaining another "Warzone em' up"


    This sounds good.

  10. MMOs are the cradle of nerdrage.


    :wea_03: Lightsaber!


    That is a classic statement. That's why I never tire of watching youtube videos of nerds prepping for the big day of dungeons with their guild.

  11. You have nothing better to do than try and compare the number of players in one game versus another game ?


    Is this for a thesis or some kind of company projection ? If so - knock yourself out and good luck in that research, I hope it is of positive benefit.


    If it is to simply to try and fuel yet another ill perceived argument on these forums... just don't.


    Comparing status of servers from one week ago until today. Not with any other MMO. By the way WoW is a junk game. I despise it. Don't try to read too much into posts.

  12. This game feels just like a repeat of Star Trek Online. I was there too. I was sold on the franchise instead of the actual gaming elements. It makes me feel bad all over that Lucas Arts probably has a 7 year contract with Bioware. I wish there was a loop hole whereby they could get out, and give the franchise to someone who actually knows how to make an MMO.
  13. It wouldn't be a good story-driven game. SWG was all about COMMUNITY. Story lacked and sucked not to mention that it's not even close to be considered canon.


    Yes there was something special but SWTOR is KOTOR. It's dumb to think they would go for a sandbox style.


    Sandbox style rocked. This game with it's emphasis on Sith instead of empire is twisted and demented. The kind of stuff the Sith makes you do to attain dark side points should be show cased in the TV show Criminal Minds. That whole not canon argument is crazy. And, what's up with the creepy English accents for everyone that is Sith. That's reason enough to be forced to play republic.

  14. I don't know how much of the player base you think you speak for....But I can tell you right now that I paid for a two month card when I bought the game, and I'm sure plenty of other people did too. It's not like that week is going to be some "magical" week that all of a sudden Heavily populated servers are going to drop to light...... More people are going to pick up the game.


    Keep in mind the dates you mention....coincide PERFECTLY with the beginning of tax returns, so with people having more disposable income, I wouldn't be surprised to see plenty of New and Resubbed players too.....


    Have fun going back to WoW though, enjoy. :D


    That sure is a hollow argument. 95% of players don't consider the $59 cost of the game, nor the $15 dollar a month sub a financial hurtle. But, I wouldn't even pay one penny for something that bores me as much as this game.

  15. You should've gotten a jedi shadow, sith assassin, an imperial operative, or a scroundrel for cloaking purposes. You can bypass all those mobs with stealth. Soundls like your level is too low for your questing areas too. Maybe try pvp for a while to level up, if you can stand being steam rolled by level 50's.
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