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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. I'll have a level 50 by the end of the week. 80% of players will also have a 50 by then. I plan to pvp with my lvl 50 most of the time. My 2nd alt will pvp about 20% of the time. I'm sensing though you will miss ganking level 10's. I'm already reading threads about expertise geared lvl 50's making nerf threads. It is just a fact that premade teams in vent, with expertise gear, stims, etc. can roll over lvl 50 PUG groups.


    Actually, I would support having volunteer premade warzone that awarded a lot more commendations and valor points.

  2. If memory serves way back when KMart had them for sale, and I was salivating to buy one. I didn't. My first PC was a Radio Shack (Tandy) XT clone. From there to an AT&T AT clone, and on and on from there. It's still hard to believe AT&T was once in the computer business. I once knew how to use DOS, but now it's long forgotten. I think the hard disk space for the AT clone was 20 megabyte.
  3. I hate it too, but I'm not for removing it. Too many players do like it. I think we should be able to pick the warzone we like, and if we want to, continue to queue for random.
  4. Personally I like the vehicles, but people abuse it. They pull their vehicle right up to the mail box whereby you can't check your mail.


    To me it's the same generation doing this that's calling for nerfing classes, nerfing buffs, etc. There is no pleasing them. I call them the lost generation of latch key children. Absolutely no moral compass either.

  5. You can really tell how many people are or have already rerolled to play op/scound with all the posts attempting to defend them. not to mention everyday you see more and more in the WZes even low level ones..




    Well guys, you attemped, and failed.


    But I will give the devs the benefit of the doubt, even thought they should have hotfixed a lot of this stuff, they are prob playing each class over and over in diff pvp scenerios just to see how badly they f'ed up, and I can guarantee because of how obvious OP/scounds Overpowere'ness is in addition to some others, it will get nerfed. In light of such no real in depth post or video is needed to show how overpowered they are, because everyone knows it and everyone knows they will get nerfed for a fact.


    I rolled an operative too, and my jedi shadow can out perform him all day long. As far as the ranged blaster class, the mercenary is my favorite. Operatives are pretty good. At least they have stealth.

  6. I've played all the classes. They are all just fine. Animations may be different, but the mirror classes are mirrors. If Bioware succumbs to the nerf calls it will hurt the game. They need to add brackets. Add one humdinger of a new warzone. Make it so you can choose the warzone you want to queue for, instead of this random business. I hate hutt ball. Also, fix all the reported hacks and exploits, especially the so called speed hack.
  7. We play against Empire of INsomnia guild on Warriors of the Shadow server and they hack through our champ geared level 50's like butter. You attack them and you hardly dent them and we think they have been abusing Expertise. Lets face it, these devs pushed this game with problems to meet a deadline and its time they added a patch which gives an expertise cap.


    This is from someone who has pvp'd for 20 years now(yea im old) in MMOs and can say im 100% certain they are abusing something(s) major. Yes, I know about Relics and abilities which give you boosts, but this is sustained and nonstop to the degree where none of them ever die even when Focus Fired through an entire warzone and I have fought them now 4 times with the scoreboard showing the same results.


    Please look into this as players are going to get fed up.


    If they are hacking, or exploiting, it will probably be investigated. More likely though, they are running through the stims like a junky on Christmas Eve.

  8. Hi I play a dps vangaurd first I was tactics now am assualt spec. I havent read a single post in all this chaos about vangaurd dps spec being overpowered. Somebody say me class is op and i will feel better! jking


    If you are a healer, you guys are awesome. I just left a match where s mando healed me pretty much the whole time. Felt like I had god mode switched on.

  9. The cap on those commendations baffles me, frankly. If they were harder to get it wouldn't be such a big deal, but I've maxed them out multiple times now, even after wasting a ton of tokens on lower level PvP gear before I understood that I should be saving them for 50.


    Ditto here. They need to raise the cap. I am level 21 and I already have 1000 mercenary comms. After I buy level 40 gear, I'll be right back to a cap again.

  10. Nope, nope, notta. You are wrong. In fact I think the crits should be bigger. About 65% of the health of a level 50. That's what SWG had. I'm all for brackets. But, I'm really getting sick of all the nerf calls. If your class can't perform the big crits, maybe you should roll a new class. If you have a healer, you can just heal your way out of a fight. I've seen healers so outlast 3 other players attacking them, that the 3 just move on to someone else.
  11. I think I'm seeing not just more healers of other players, but just about all lvl 50's are spamming their own heals. Not only is there armor hard to penetrate, but they can often out heal the incoming damage, which I think is kind of neat. I still want brackets though. Oh, I am dead set against the nerfing of any class.


    And, yes healers probably need to be looked at in terms of receiving more experience, valor, and medals.

  12. Questing is still by far the fastest way to level. I typically do 2/3 of a level questing which is lightning fast, then 1/3 is pvp. If you are behind the 8 ball in terms of attempting quests at too low a level, then pvp is a great way to get a leg up. Either that, or retrenching your steps and do the quests on the previous planet. I don't ever do that though. I'm like George S. Patton, I don't like to pay for the same real estate twice.
  13. For every so called over powered class there is a defense, or another class to counter it. I think players are extrapolating a defeat by a well buffed lvl 50 player into a defeat by a specific class. Once the brackets come into being this whole nerf class thing will be diminished.
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