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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. Dont bother... there's like maybe 20 Empire and about 10 republic. And ...guess what? There's no PvP. You only go there to trade objectives.


    What? Why isn't there a place where they can mix it up? I assume that after your daily is completed you should be given the opportunity to just slug it out in a massively multiplayer online role playing game.

  2. As a brand new level 90 jedi in SWG I went to Rori for a little bit of pvp. A Bothan medic who was also a big time guild leader challenged me to a duel. I didn't know the courtesies between incapping and outright killing. I just kept spamming the combat keys and lo and behold, he was dead. Man, he was pissed. He told me in game tells that I was on his ignore list. I had to apologize, and in 2 minutes he took me off ignore. Years later, I always talked to him, maybe as a little dog faced Bothan, he just looked funny.
  3. As a stopgap measure block lvl50's from joining warzones until the patch introduce brackets.


    There are much more below >lvl50 than lvl50 players.

    By allowing lvl50 to join and play with low level players you screw the majority to please the few.

    Sure you buff the damage of low level players, but the problem is not the lack of damage it's the lack of talents.

    Even worse low level players joining a pvp match experiencing this imbalance leave frustrated, rightly I may add. Destined to never return, but certainly not forgetting the bad experience and maybe even spreading the word.

    In worst case this will cost you subscription. Was this not foreseeable during the design phase or even beta testing.


    Lvl50 can still have pvp on Ilum. Of course I say this sarcastically since there is no rewards for defending only attacking. Which leads to the ridicules situation that your own side insults you if put up a defense. Since you are ruining the item farming for everyone.

    Seriously had your PVP director any prior experience in mmo or even multiplayers. These "oversights" seem pretty amateur to me and easily avoidable during pre production brainstorming.


    That patch is on the testing server already. Don't you think you're being a little premature? Even I want brackets, but I can wait another week.

  4. If what you said is true, then that kind of makes me mad too. Does elemental in fact ignore armor? I thought that a Jedi Sage and Sith Inquisitor were supposed to be a mirror of each other. I'm sure that the lightning spam exploit will probably be addressed, but I wonder about the elemental versus the kinetic.


    OK, nevermind. I read later that sith sorcerer is energy, not elemental. Energy does not ignore armor.

  5. SWG, but it was hard to get anything added to that game on its shoestring budget. Still, I miss it a lot. WoW for me never came close to SWG.


    Bethesda won it's lawsuit against Interplay, so we should be seeing a Fallout MMO in about 4 years.

  6. you can't use real world tactics in a game. its counter intuitive.

    when thinking of strategies in a game you must keep pure exploitation in mind.

    the whole point of defense in civil war isn't to kill or delay the enemy, its to tap them when they try to take control of a point.


    Guerrilla Warfare


    The Apache have been called the greatest guerilla fighters the world has ever seen. Of these, Geronimo is the most famous. He defied the US government for over 25 years, and while he surrendered twice, he was never defeated. To understand the significance of this, it's helpful to consider that at his final surrender in 1886 his band consisted of only 16 warriors, 14 women, and six children. The army had been pursuing them with 5,000 troops, a fifth of its entire regular army, and had spent over a million dollars a year to fight them. Yet, he and his small band were never defeated, but voluntarily surrendered. And in spite of what was a huge expenditure of money and troops for that time, it could be argued that the 100 renegade Apache scouts used by the army were the most important element in the limited success that they had in running Geronimo down. His surrender brought to an end to the Indian wars and the violence and uncertainty that had accompanied them.

  7. So you would support the notion that when defending a turret it is tactically sound to rush off of the objective to attack anything you see? Then, when noticing that you are losing and noone followed you, that it is tactically sound to continue engaging an enemy who has you outmatched? What was possibly accomplished by doing that?


    It is like a new police officer coming back to the office and bragging about how he slept with a ****** who stole all his money and his weapon, then knocked him out and left him for dead.


    At such a low level, if I didn't engage any enemy that had me out matched, then if there was a vote to kick, I'm sure that I would be kicked, because 80% of my opponents have me out matched. Timidity is a cause for dismissal in most law enforcement agencies.

  8. So... instead of engaging a solo opponent on the objective where your interrupts and CC could have benefited the people actually defending the objective, you rushed them like a mouthbreathing backpedler and gave them a medal for killing someone in a 1v1 while accomplishing nothing?


    ...then came to the forums to discuss how good it made you feel? WOW!


    We kept the turret. We were winning. We mucked up their plans. I denied them a gun placement. I did manage to tie her up for a good long while. I think she was mad at being interrupted from her main goal. The point being, the group benefited, even though I lost. I see to many threads in this forum that seem to have the focus on me, me, me, instead of the group as a whole. This is not the first. There have been many instances where I defended a healer from an onslaught for the greater good. Knowing that the time the healer was not in the match would be detrimental to everyone else.

  9. I have a level 48 sentinel with decent gear and mods. I also have a level 17 gunslinger. When I look at my character sheet for my sentinel, my primary weapon does 400-505 damage and the secondary does 138-207.


    Looking at my gunslinger, her primary weapon damage does 1199-1699 and her secondary does 141-258.


    Comparing these two toons at grossly different experience levels, can anyone explain to me why these stats look completely unbalanced??? What am I missing here? If this has been explained or discussed, forgive me for my ignorance but I'm appalled at the stats Im seeing here. It would appear there is no obvious reason to play melee... for any reason.


    My jedi shadow is melee, and my operative ranged, but I like the shadow more, even though the operative can get more damage. It's all about tactics. The shadow does contribute to the overall teams success. I mainly use him to attack those with 50% health or less. I can use stealth to remain in the game longer. Of course, the operative has stealth too, but it's a trade off. I just enjoy the shadow more than the operative. I admit I might be sacrificing end of match awards. But a warzone is never just about me.

  10. In a warzone, isn't it sometimes gratifying to muck up the opposite factions plans, even if it means your sacrifce. I was defending a turret on Alderaan when in the distance I saw a Sith running to our turret. I used force speed to close the gap. No one else joined me. Even though I was only a lvl 24 jedi shadow, and she a lvl 50 Sith, I hit her with every stun and interrupt I had. Then I used telekinetic throw to slow her down again. Of course she killed me, but ultimately the crew protecting the turret prevailed. The match ended early for some reason even though we had a full crew. I only got 1200 XP. I imagine the others got reduced rewards also.
  11. I've noticed quite a major flaw in the way the mechanics work in PvP warzones. (Huttball in particular) This may have been mentioned before but as there isn't a search feature (other than Google), please do forgive!


    Today we won a round of Huttball. (6/0) I scored 50% of the goals (3). I was expecting to be rewarded for all the effort but at the end of the game, I noticed that I was nearly at the bottom of the scoreboard!


    Meanwhile, those who decided to go round and do as much damage as possible (instead of defending the ball handlers) ended up at the top of the scoreboard!


    How is this right? It's basically the same as awarding points to football/soccer players based on how many tackles they've done instead of how many goals they've scored. That's would just be ridiculous!


    Not quite true. As a jedi shadow, when I guard the ball handler, my medals are sky high. Now the ball carrier might get shafted, but I've never scored a touchdown, cause I always get nuked right after I magically get the ball.

  12. WOW! A single Operative manage to build/stim/adrenal himself to hit 10k and EVERY OPERATIVE MUST BE NERFED!!1111


    Some are calling for a nerf on the stims and adrenals instead of nerfing classes, and expertise. Isn't it expensive to buy all that stuff just to try and win a warzone?

  13. Warzone dailies and Ilum Dailies, along with Warzone Weeklies and Ilum Weeklies.


    Congratulations, you're one the path to the best PvP gear.


    What about the Blue expertise gear they pulled. Aren't they bringing that back to a new vendor? That gear is pretty easy to obtain. I think it's like 450 warzone commendations each or something.

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