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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. If it had the elements of a good single player game I'd still be around. It doesn't even have that. It's already minus everything a good MMO should have. Therefore it is hamstrung from the get go.


    This whole we look at metrics stuff from Bioware is a bunch of hooey. They don't have the inclination to read these forums, nor to pay attention to customer service issues. The only metric that they will eventually care about is when the sub numbers go in the toilet.

  2. I've got 7 characters of which 2 I'm trying to level. I was bored a week ago. Can't see paying a sub for something that is boring, therefore I canceled my sub 6 days ago.


    The music is cool. The graphics are decent. The voice over acting is OK.


    Everything else is bad. The writing, which means the quests, and the pvp is terrible.

  3. What kind of metrics will make them take notice? I don't know about you, but I absolutely refuse to play hutt ball, because I detest it so. In the other two warzones, about 70% of the time the Imp level 50's steam roll us. But, I just hang in there.


    I think that if the server ratios were 50/50 imp and republic, there wouldn't be a problem with giving level 50's there own warzone. Maybe at the present time it is not sustainable, because of the disparity between factions.

  4. I've been spending 80% of my time developing crew skills. Besides the gathering skills I have artifice and cybertech. Trying to get to 400 on both of them, even though it's not much of a challenge. I kind of wish it was a little more of a challenge. 15% of my time is devoted to pvp, and the rest to completing core quests, although it's very slow. I'm going to pick one more crafting skill for my republic alt.


    I just found out last night that my 4 Imperial alts can't transfer items or credits to my republic alts. Why is that? It seems really stupid. I know in SWG their was no problem doing that. If I could keep their class I would make them neutral if I had the option. I never have liked the Sith, or their code.

  5. Psssh ... never. I'll just take your Sith money and say I did the job when I really just gave you fake plans or a spleen from a Bantha instead of from the kitten you wanted me to kill.


    Darth Chooch will be all like ... thank you for your service here are your credits.


    Yeah, my bounty hunter gives them the head off an old corpse all the time. Sith are really stupid. I just take their money. Have you noticed you can insult the Lord Sith to their face and they don't try to kill you? I want to level to 50 and come back with a gang of bounty hunters and level the Sith Academy. Sell the dark council into slavery on Tatooine or Hutta.

  6. This game already feels so much like Star Trek Online. I left that game for good after 4 weeks, and never went back. Why oh why, didn't they pay money to a group of hard core gamers to figure out what to do, and what not to do when designing an MMO?
  7. In higher levels they are worthless. I'm saying they are worthless in combat. They are already useless in crew skills, that so called system Bioware likes to call crafting.


    Beta would've been much better if they had given about 1/2 of us enough time to get to 50 so we could've seen the glaring defiencies in the game. Even I would have said delay it another 6 months. At this point it's too late to close the barn door after the horse has bolted.

  8. AFK is bad, but what is worse is under performing. What I mean is that one side who is outclassed, by 50's, expertise gear, a guild, or just better players. They then have the mentality of "Oh well, since we are going to lose anyway, might as well do it with some class." So they all cluster around one zone, and try to defend it, forfeiting everything else in the game. In this way they cut down on the number of deaths on their losing side.


    If this is the **** we republic must deal with the entire game, im about done.

    my friend playing a warzone, screenshotted the game stats.


    How do you expect the republic to compete with the empire when they out gear everyone already.


    The 50 brackets are worse because the new lvl 50s coming into the game are going to que against...Those sweet imperials with their gear..



    Have seen that already. I counted 4 republic level 50 on my side, and the imperial level 50's steam rolled right over them. Check this out. It got so bad that all 8 players defended just one turret, and they were still losing. They did this because the assassins and operatives were cloaked just waiting for republic players to jump off the balcony into waiting death.

  9. The really good stuff in WoW, and especially in SWG was great. Crafting was so good in SWG, my first character was a trader. Most of the really good pvp players were top notch crafters who could make a capped weapon, or capped armor.


    So is this thrown together hodge podge that is called companion crafting going to ever succeed. Please throw me a tid bit of hope. PVP has already marooned me high and dry.

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