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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. On a somewhat brighter note, I think I've figured out the bug for these successive queues. If the roll has you up for huttball, and you log out, the next time you queue huttball goes right back to the top of the list. I don't care, cause I'm still going to log out when I queue for a huttball match. Maybe my contribution to the metrics they look at will have them change the formula for queues.


    Does anyone else hate to be force fed a diet of huttball, only to regurgitate it?

  2. Some heavy hitter at Bioware must've come up with the idea for huttball. On both sides, republic and imperial, I get queued for huttball about 60% of the time. The other two, are about 20% each. And guess what? As soon as you load into a match you start to see player's names disappearing. I too go ahead and log out rather than getting force fed a game that is offered up as Bioware's best alternative warzone.
  3. I think my Sith Sorcerer is a level 15. These nerf threads are causing me to rethink my casual attitude towards this class.


    On another note, it would help out pvp, if Bioware would allow some imperial players to retain their class and switch factions. Even if it is just for warzones. It's no fun playing an opponent who cannot field a team.

  4. You're bored before end game? You should quit, there's nothing to do at 50.


    The voice of reason. You are right. I was bored on all my characters right around level 10. I haven't logged in in over 36 hours. Only reason I'm on the forum now, is because WoW is doing rolling restarts.

  5. It has a certain logic. I grinded over 1 year to get sith/jedi holos for my robe in SWG. The hardest one to get I bought at a ridiculously low price at the bazaar at 3 AM. Guy selling it didn't know its worth.


    I've got free game time until the 18th. Cancelled my sub 1 week ago. Haven't even logged in over 24 hours. I've been leveling a new dwarven shamen in WoW. Might try Guild Wars 2 when it's released in 3 months.

  6. Although the game is pretty good in term of pve/leveling, I did it. PvP is my end-game, and well:




    If it can make them move.

    We'll see. But no way I'm gonna pay for that warzone experience, it's simply terrible.

    A pity.


    And yes, sadly, I'll have fun with pandas. No other choices.


    Me too. Last night I started to roll a Shaman. I heard frost mages were going to get the nerf. Also, waiting for guild wars 2 to release. I think the 18th is the last day in this game.

  7. One big reason. The Sith (not the Imperial) are a bunch of a## holes. My 4 Imperial characters, always insult the Sith at every opportunity. If given the option I would even slay the (Darth, Lords). I don't hate the empire. I hate the twisted, devious, perverse, and evil Sith. All this can be chalked up to Bioware's choice of writers. The writing is really piss poor. One of the several reasons I cancelled my sub over 1 week ago.
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