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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. There is a grind in SWTOR. There is one in WoW. There was one to grind holos to get the uber jedi armor in SWG, although to grind a regular combat character took less than 2 days.


    Developers are under the impression there is an unwritten rule to grind levels. If they had interesting quests like some single player games then the grind would disappear. For example in Fallout New Vegas it took about 50 hours (including side quests) to reach max level 20.


    Having to kill Benny's body guards to get to Benny is one thing, but having to kill 20 rakghouls just to gain X amount of experience because some developer doesn't want to use his brain is another.

  2. Take away stealth from rogues while you're at it. They have an unfair advantage. Also, take away the cloak ability from spies in SWG. I know it's been cancelled, but get in your time machine and take it away. Those players suffered way to long with that unfair advantage in their game.
  3. You're playing Empire. 80% of the players on your server are playing empire.


    If you opt out of it you'll get to go to a warzone once very hour.


    There's a way to fix this... can you think of what it could be?


    Wrong. Wait 2 mins and queue again, and you are in. Really, everyone knows people are just logging out when they see hutt ball. It's a game for some, but the rest shouldn't be force fed a diet of really bad pvp.

  4. instead they think quests like tattle telling on two padawans kissing in the woods is "heroic"


    You are right. That was the stupidest bit of writing ever in an MMO. The real shame is that there is a ton of other real bad lines throughout this game. Maybe the writer was the an executive, sister's, brother's, cousin's, uncle.

  5. I have to agree that BioWare is extremely quiet, and that their Customer Support is inadequate


    Ditto. Their silence is deafening. Especially about the rage fest over in the pvp forum. I bet someone over at Bioware is trying to save their job from the big shots at EA. They are like the empire, and don't tolerate incompetence.

  6. You put into writing what I kind of feel. This game just makes me feel bad all over. WoW is no picnic, but I can at least tolerate it. The game doesn't feel alive. Maybe it's the way the npc's move, or dont' move. Maybe it's because there are no bugs or birds flying around. The landscape just feels dead and abandoned. All this compounded by no sense of community. Bioware is in it for the fast buck. They will recoup their expenses. Then comes the budget axe.
  7. I know addressing bugs is important, but what about pvp? A lot of players are going to cancel right about the time the free game time expires. I've already canceled. I'm just waiting for a statement of intent. Especially regarding fixing pvp. If not I'll play WoW just a little, and might buy Skyrim.
  8. Did you do it solo, or in a group with your guild mates? How much questing, flashpoints, warzones each day? How many hours each day?


    On my primary character I paused him at level 24, and started rolling new characters. I now have 6 characters between level 11 and 16. The one I paused is now level 34. The questing got old, so I'm kind of in a pause mode again. Is it possible to get post traumatic stress syndrome from killing mobs? It's no different in WoW. I can only do battlegrounds in that game too. I hate quests. I guess I'm a single player RPG fan at heart. Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas was fantastic. If only Skyrim could manage to transition to an MMO.

  9. Yesterday I was looking at my level 83 hunter abilities, and I think I only saw 2 that had like a 1 point something activation. All the rest were instant, and there were a lot of them. Are there a lot more abilities in SWTOR that are channeled or have a 1.8 second activation? I know it's apples and oranges, because it's hard to find equivalent classes, but it seems to me that the abilites that take a long while to activate detracts from the enjoyability in pvp.
  10. Would the pvp feel any better? I have 7 characters, the highest being a level 34. I seem to winning on both factions consistently, so that whole empire always wins thing doesn't hold water. But, if I had a level 50 my pvp performance might be marginally better. Better though doesn't translate into having more fun.


    The only thing that would open up the end game in my mind, is better coordination of the the pvp zones (the outlaws den & Illum). Right now there is not a server specific community for events. The other thing is a server specific buy, sell & trade forum.

  11. When I use the guard action on another player, does that figure into the calculation of medal awards? Even though I only had 57k damage, no self healing except for meditation, and what others healed me for, I got 7 medals. Even though others players had more damage than me. I did successfully guard 2 objectives, so maybe this was it too, and I had 7 kills, and only 1 death. I stayed in stealth whenever possible, and only used telekinetic throw, project, and mind crush. The back stabbing ability I've given up on, because it takes too long to set up.
  12. You must be new to SWTOR. Because Sorc/Sages were so ridiculously OP in every facet of this game in the beta. I was soloing 4+ heroic quests.


    Got the nerf bat three patches in a row.


    This is no different from the WoW forums. Excuse the reference. Everyone over there is trying to pick apart the mind of devs, and figure out which class will be #1 after the nerf bat in the next patch.

  13. Jokes on them. It will be nerfed.


    People say that about all the classes. I remember spies in SWG. They were nerfed just a little, like all other classes, but the hatred of that class meant that few ever were invited to pickup groups for instances (flashpoints). Oh, and the vulgar rage tells spies use to get would make your ears burn.

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