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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. It's not so much the level 40 - 49. It's the 50's with their uber gear. I'm starting to see about 3 out of 8 players on each side that are level 50. There is plenty enough to start their own exclusive warzones. It's getting ridiculous when 2 cloaked level 50 Jedi Shadows just wait for opposing players to jump off a balcony and kill them in 2 seconds, if not less.
  2. In WoW and other games when I want a major break from questing, or PVP - which I hardly ever tire of - I pursue my gathering and crafting interests. I can spend a whole day on this and enjoy it. This is another reason why the Bioware devs have a major disconnect from players. They just don't have a clue.


    In a few days I'll cancel SWTOR, and resub my WOW.

  3. I'm on the imperial side. For the 1st round I only counted 3 purple icons on the map. I couldn't figure out where everyone went. Then the warning about shutting down the warzone unless more players joined. It was so bad, that the 3 lvl 50's, and some 40's were waiting at the bottom of the balcony as soon as you jump off. When you jump off it was like they had a net. You couldn't even take one step. I didn't see the new players until right before the 1st round ended.
  4. I've played both, and my low level Sith Inquisitor consistently has the highest damage scores. I think it's probably because the electrocute has the animation that is frightening to the recipient when compared to just plain stun. In fact my Sith Inquisitor consistently gets higher damage in PVP when compared to not only Jedi Sage, but Smuggler, and Jedi Shadow. He has the fewest deaths also. My Jedi Shadow comes in second in stats.
  5. Today I've had the good fortune of working with well organized players. In the last 12 hours, the republic side has won over 50% easily. Another reason, is that I'm loving and learning my new character, a jedi shadow. That lightsaber to the back can be devastating. I'm also breasing through quests much quicker, because I don't have to fight every mob on the way to objectives due to stealth.
  6. I just want to add that a LOT of people in my guild are doing this (Warzone leveling). A shocking amount, actually.


    I personally don't "get it". There's only three warzones and we're Imperial, which means 80% Huttball. I fear dozens of people are going to burn out on the game because they are ignoring the game itself, hundreds of hours of content, for the sake of "PvP" in a contrived environment (read: not open world)


    For me it was pointless to repeat the voice over content, because it's all the same. But, I hear what you're saying. Some just skip the new content all together.


    I will just add, that the hardcore players of MMO's love pvp. That's why I think Bioware needs to put forth a huge effort to make it better. I wouldn't mind seeing a 40 man raid group on a huge map. Maybe a snowy landscape like Alteracc Valley from WoW.

  7. Go ahead and roll a new character. I wanted to change from Jedi Sage to Jedi Shadow. I rolled a new character, and am well pleased. Doesn't take long to get to level 10. At level 10 you can pvp, and you get a huge boost in experience points at this level. I don't even have a doublebladed lightsaber yet, because I don't have enough light side points. The only abilities I'm able to use at level 11 are double strike, telekinetic throw, and force project, force stun, and force wave. Those 5 are enough because of the stat boost you get in pvp.


    The stealth ability I have has increased my survivability by at least 100%. I'm having loads of fun. I plan on doing just the main quest line, and pvp until I catch back up to the level of my Jedi Sage.

  8. I thought the same thing. Then I rolled a Sith Sorcerer, and guess what? The republic was winning every match. Maybe it's just me, or maybe the server queue places all scrub players in the same group. Maybe it's a conspiracy.
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