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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. I've opened close to 40 pvp bags now and here is what I've gotten:


    1 chest token

    1 implant token





    What the hell is this? Who's idea was it to make loot random and having you able to get tokens you already have? I'd rather get nothing then get the same *********** token I got before not to mention it being the most *********** useless token, the relic token since you people can't seem to balance your relics. **** you. I should get what I deserve. I've been 50 for two weeks why the **** are people who hit 50 three days ago already in 5/5?


    Fix your *********** system right now. NO duplicate tokens, up the drop rate from the bags. DO *********** SOMETHING THIS IS RIDICULOUS I FEEL LIKE I LOG ON TO DO DAILIES JUST SO I CAN GET TROLLED BY YOU *******


    Read the sticky about the 1.1 update in the Testing forum. I think they've resolved this, but I don't have a level 50 yet.

  2. Very nice - the pieces will all fall into place in time, Bioware can do it - I just hope that they do not swing the nerf bat, on anyone.


    I agree with your statement about the nerf bat. They need to crunch numbers before even attempting any nerf. I've played all the classes except mando, and my favorite to play is the one most think will not be nerfed. It's all about your play style. For example I've never been use to popping cover, and shooting as a smuggler.

  3. From the 1.1 update in the Test Forum





    The shuttle room in Dorn Base Command Center on Hoth is no longer considered contested territory.

    Ka on Voss is now a PvP Sanctuary.



    Level 50 players now participate in their own Warzone bracket and will not be matched with lower-level players.


    Kudos to Bioware for finally fixing the bracket issue. I now hope they will take a long, and reasoned approach before attempting to nerf any classes.

  4. You have just made the case that my favorite class I love to play should not be nerfed - a Jedi Shadow (mirror of Sith Assassin). I want to thank you. I have rolled every class except commando, and the Jedi Shadow is a joy to play. With the guard up, damage, stealth when I want, I consistently get a lot of medals in warzones.
  5. I want everything and I want it now!


    Call JG wentworth! 877-rightnow!


    They are working on it, sorry you are leaving (why should I care?) but I will be staying.


    How is wanting a bare bones brackets for pvp everything? Level 50's and everyone else. I said brackets at the very least. I'd like more sure, but I'd settle for just this. I'm not asking for the world you know.

  6. I've got enough game time through the 18th I think. I canceled my sub about 1 week ago. I'm hoping for the addition of at least brackets for pvp. I'd like to see bug, hack, and exploit fixes also. And, maybe fix the pvp in Illum and Outlaw's Den that the high level pvpers have been complaining about.


    I'm really not prepared to commit long term to this game if it doesn't fix the deficiencies. I'm sure there are some OP classes, but I'd like Bioware to defer making any nerfs until the number crunching is complete.

  7. On the walkway in Voidstar are used it while stealthed to toss 3 enemy player off as kills. When you fall from there it's instant death. But no to nerfing knock backs, and to stealth. Don't nerf anything. Give us brackets that is all. Dont's nerf expertise, or adreanls either.
  8. When I last left Tharan Cedrex he was slicing a computer. I don't have him on the map. No companions are availabe either. The 2 open quests are to defeat Ako Domi and his aprrentices - can't do it without a companion. The other is Duras Fain's hideout, and it says I must have Tharan Cedrax to complete in bold red letters. But, where is Tharan Cedrex? Is this a bug? On my character profile the companion tab is gone.
  9. The sith inq has a 2 second accelerated speed buff called force sprint or somthing.its normal with SI's and the mirror of SI's on the republic side.


    I thought of that. But, it only lasts about 2 seconds, and with the talent tree reduction, the cooldown is reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds. What I'm referring to is constant. Not 2 seconds on, then with a 20 second reduction.

  10. Case in point: the warzone Alderaan. For some reason, what is going on seems more in your face in an open area. In this case I notice a female Sith Assassin character move around at fantastic speeds. Not as fast as the speed hacking videos, but unaturally fast. I play a jedi shadow with sprint always turned on, but I don't feel like I'm moving fast. When accosted by an enemy faction I feel that I have trouble disengaging, turning, finding a new target, trying to keep up. As a reference on the same enemy faction team, there is a female sniper, or operative (with rifle) who seems to move naturally. In fact she often gets stuck when pausing to line up a shot.


    What I'm asking is, can the person who is manipulating their speed through a hack tone down the speed, say from 100% to 50%?

  11. Man this sounds like an attempted nerf on spy stealth in SWG. Jedi had a force cloak too, but it lasted only about 15 seconds. Melee spies could take down a fully buffed level 90 in 3 seconds, or less. Also, melee, and sometimes ranged spies, would group and cherry pick players in groups to take out. They were dropping like flies. This was in the old city. It got so bad that spies were outcasts. Hardly anyone wanted them for instance groups. The hatred of the spy class was also palpable on the forums. If a spy ganked someone, many times he would be the recipient of hate tells with inflammatory language. That part was kind of fun.
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