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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. I hate to be the one to say it and I certainly hate to be the one advocating for a nerf but seriously. Sith Sorcerers are OP as heck! I may be the first one to come out and say it but seriously Bio-ware swing the bat before the whole game population rolls one.


    The first person who says learn to play the game is more than likely a sith sorcerer laughing their behinds off at how simple it is to push the "I win" button.


    If you don't think im tell the truth then look for yourself. Tells the population what the character class breakdowns are. I would guess its overwhelmingly Sith Sorceres for the empire. I can't go into a warzone game without having to fight 4 of them on a good day and on the worst days it's 6. Its all just purple lightning from every direction.


    I know there is a huge fear of swing that bat so early after release but seriously bite the bullit and fix it.


    Possible Solutions


    1. raise the force cost to a point they can't use it as often.

    2. decrease the range to 10

    3. decrease the damage of it.

    4. take the root out of it.


    Do something to even the playing field!


    I made the same nerf call about 4 days ago, but if you look at jedi sage, it is indeed a mirror. Therefore if you nerf jedi sorcerer, then you must also nerf jedi sage.

  2. Is there any truth to that? I know most people are hoping for being able to change their advanced class (at least once - twice in 24 hours would be preferable, damage meters or a target dummy to find the best damage rotation, macros, and addons.


    Some I would agree with, others I wouldn't. Also, having bracketed pvp (but that would require cross server queues), and queueing for the warzone you would like.

  3. Both trees, telekinetics and balance both have really good damage. I am looking for the best one at level 50. PM me a link from torhead, or whatever calculator you use. I pvp almost all the time. The only questing I do is the main quest line on each planet. I am currently level 31.
  4. From my viewpoint it's too late to close the barn door once the horse has gone. I was hoping before launch that Bioware would abandon the game style whereby you must kill X number of npc's in a mob. Now, being told to kill members of a mob to loot an access code is different.


    I was also hoping for skills like speech, science, lockpick, energy weapons, guns, etc. Something that adds another whole dimension to the game other than just a talent tree, although a talent tree is important. I at least got to see that they added a true sandbox type planet. I'm talking about Alderaan. What a wonderfully large planet it is. I hope future planets are on the same scale.

  5. I'm not talking about whereby some classes already have 4.5k damage. Even that's not enough. Each class needs an active combat command (maybe with a command to add a pre-buff) to achieve a damage of 65% on the normal health of a level 50. Where did I come up with this amount? From SWG. A bounty hunter, or a melee spy could generate a 13k crit on a standard player with 20K health.


    If you nerf the classes, then this game will fade into obscurity. Go back and figure out how to supplement each classes damage potential. Also, make the healers have uninterruptible heals, and at least one of the heals needs to be an AOE heal. A properly skilled healer should be able to heal their way out of an all out attack by two other players with no problem.

  6. It's all based on psychology. A large area to play in means also a large area to hide in. It is also basic human nature to somehow equate getting ganked by 16 players when your in a 4 man group, somehow being better than being ganked by 4 when you are solo. That's why WoW has so many pvpers. The choice battleground being Alteraac valley. Plus the pvp is scaled to levels, and it's cross server to cut down on queue times.
  7. These warzone players do the bare minimum to prevent being kicked from the game. They are content to run around in circles, stand a little bit, anything not to be involved in the game. At first glance, I'd called them a little shy about being ganked. Their fear of being set upon by 2 or more enemy players has got the best of them. They do this in 2 ways. Number one is to find an obscure area of the map where there are few enemy faction players. The second is to always stay in a large group near the back, to prevent becoming the lead target.


    It's all about obtaining experience points and warzone commedations by doing the least possible work.

  8. A simple solution would be to make a healer have uninteruptible heals. Also, for the healers to have an AOE heal with 30 meters. Also, grant each class an anti-stun debuff.


    I remember in SWG dark jedi had not only force lightning that stunned, but also force choke. And, just about every other class had a snare, notable of which was the smuggler with a dire snare fired from a pistol that had a 100% snare rate, and couldn't be shaken by any means. Common crits were for 13000 damage out of 20000 health. Medics had god like mega heals. I've seen a medic in a santa suit heal his way out of an attack by 4 of the opposite faction.

  9. They were in WoW, even in the 40 man battlegrounds. Most were not truly AFK. They just picked an area to defend with one or two access points, and chilled. They still got the experience points.
  10. Honestly, it's not even fun.


    I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


    It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


    It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.


    You are right. Healing needs to be uninteruptible, and the heals need to be AOE. In fact, one of the 3 heals for each class needs to be tweeked to make it larger.

  11. In fact, there is probably not enough. I remember in SWG, which I loved, that a bounty hunter, or a melee spy, could put you down in less than 3 seconds. A medic could be set upon by 4 opposite faction players, and could not be killed because of mega heals. A smuggler had a 100% chance to apply a dire snare. A 13000 damage crit was common when most people only had about 20,000 total health. Oh yeah, almost forgot, 4 lines of buffs per player were very common.
  12. I'm not going to trash hutt ball, even though I don't like it. I figure there are at least 1/3 of the players out there who like it. Therefore, let us queue for the warzone we like. Even WoW let's you queue for alterac valley if you want.


    When will these forums have a search function?


    Is it too late to introduce some sandbox elements into the game?


    A sandbox MMO rests upon 4 pillars. The are:


    •Free exploration

    •Non-linear gameplay/progression

    •Player-driven content

    •World influence and consequences

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